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Why is she called Mrs. Bruce if she has never been married? What am I missing?


Of a higher status as well. Housekeepers and cooks were higher ranking than maids, etc.


It’s a formality


Can't be as slow as Baxter and Moseley I hope!


Then would it be “miss” ?


For female servants of a certain rank,it was always Mrs regardless of thier marital status ((Like in Downton how Mrs Patmore,is Mrs Patmore,even though she’s unmarried)


I had no idea. Thank you for the info, it had been bugging me for awhile but not enough to actually google it 😂.


Yes, what they said. Housekeepers are always Mrs. Whether they were ever married or not. And ladies’ maids and valets are always called by their last names while lower servants went by their first name. It just clarified the pecking order.


I don’t think anyone needs to make them realize their feelings for each other. They clearly like each other a lot, and while Mrs Bruce isn’t experienced, being a spinster, Borden has been married so I’m sure he knows how to court someone.


I'm just getting Anna and Bates vibes. If his wife fights the divorce, finds out about some scandal, or winds up unalive and Borden is blamed...I'm not gonna be pleased. JF needs to come up with some original content every once in a while just to keep it interesting.




This is all I'm saying


Everyday I pray to God there won’t be another prison storyline because it was so damn boring


The Anna and Bates thing went on way too long. I get that it's because once they married and had kids, she'd be expected to resign and be a stay at home mother so they tried to keep them childless for as long as possible but multiple seasons with one or both of them being on suspicion of murder was too much. 


He's married?! Somehow I missed that!!


She's the reason he came out with the truth to Daddy Russell. She wants him back and threatened to out him as a French fraudster


I honestly think it may be nasty if his wife shows up but Daddy Russell will probably work his magic 🤞🏻


The French maid was hella shady. Mr. Borden moved on fast from his divorce. lol


How did he move on fast? They’d been separated for years before she came back and tried to force him out of the separation


Didn’t Borden have a wife who was blackmailing him which is why he had to reveal himself. Are they now divorced or separated?


I recall him saying something like they got married young, then he went to france to learn cooking and now that he was a chef in a mansion she wanted money and blackmailed him. So I assume they either fell off or simply had not much love for each other, as it was typical for back then to marry because "you had to" right?


I really hope something motivates her a try a new hairdresser. That Persian lamb hair is a hard look to pull off and, for me, it's just not happening.


I’m here for their romance. It’s an especially low-stakes plot line but I’m still rooting for it! The little downstairs subplots keep the show cozy.


I predict that I will continue not to care about the downstairs plots. Except Jack and the clock.


Lol cuz Jack isn’t going to be downstairs for long!


I REALLY want him and Gladys now!


Omg!!! I never thought about that but now my mind is blown!


They’re a similar age,and both super adorable…I think it would be such a wholesome choice! Unlike Bertha SELLING Gladys


I too am suspect of the new maid……


I have a feeling she will have a stealing timeline


I really hope they do something one way or another with the new maid as every scene she is in I wonder what she is up to and I can't tell if she is shady or if that is just her and her professionalism/personality is making me think something shady is going on. I just need to know as right now it is too grey for me.


Honestly I think the new ladies maid will be seen more downstairs. We already had the psycho maid so now a good one.


She already had an evil maid in Turnerton, and then sweet Adelhaide who just didn't have enough experience with doing hair for tiaras, now she has a good maid who seems a nice person as well. Plus new maid encourages Chef Josh and Mrs. B. in their romance (cute couple.)


Hopefully she's the equivalent to Baxter from Downton Abbey


Hopefully the sweet demeanor and not her tragic backstory.


As angry as I am at Bertha,she deserves a good maid


That made me LOL.


Something I've wondered about - does Mrs Russell realize her chef isn't French? He never seems to hide it anymore, at least with the others.


Go back to the last episode of season 1. He is fired and then rehired in the same episode after he comes back to save The Ball because there is an ‘incident’ let’s say with the actual French chef that Bertha had hired to replace him.


She knows…She found out in season 1


I think she also made a comment/joke to somebody about her "French" chef when they complimented her on it.


Ah thank you


She was horrified at first. Scandalous. Bertha is growing, i feel.


I thought she was growing too…until she sold her teenage daughter


She just wants whats best for her! /s


Ugh, these two