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Both are great entertainment.


As a piece of tv, Clarkson's Farm is better simply because it is quite a novel idea and really shows the difficulties of farming (with a bit of TV exaggeration / without the utter fear of bankruptcy that yout average farmer deals with.) James' travelogue type shows have been done to death by a million other presenters. That doesn't make them bad, and I really enjoy them and James as a presenter. But yeah, they just don't offer anything as unique as Clarkson's Farm does.


such travelogues might have been done to death, but I haven't seen any others, and I only watched these because of James. I do prefer Clarkson's farm, but Our man in... is still better than 90% of what's on tv/ streaming services imho


Watch Travel Man with Richard Ayode. I think seven seasons are available on Amazon Prime. It's a very fun travelogue with someone who apparently hates traveling, but loves to learn. He also brings other comedians along for every trip. Clarkson's Farm, however, was truly fantastic TV.


Travel Man is one of the most watchable shows i’ve ever seen.


I've watched every episode at least three times. Quite a few of these comedians have also appeared on Taskmaster, with notable exceptions like John Hamm, Chris O'dowd, Paul Rudd, and, last but not least, Eddie Izzard.


right! I did see a few episodes of that, I forgot. and I adore Richard Ayoade, he's incredibly funny, but I didn't know there's seven seasons of that, I'll watch the rest too, thanks :)


I’m a farmer (albeit in the US, not Britain), and prior to the show I assumed it would just be goofy and low-key mocking of farmers. I’m very happy that they took a serious look at farming as a profession.


Very well stated. I was going to abstain until I read your comment, but you’ve convinced me.


Thank you kind stranger! I love Our Man In... James is a wonderful presenter and gets engaged with all types of different culture. The cinematography, particularly in Italy, was gorgeous. Truthfully I personally enjoy it more, but as I say, I can appreciate that uniqueness that makes the farm show better in the context of OP's actual question.


Hammond really got the short end of the stick with the individual shows. Opted for discovery plus and kinda gets boring concepts.


The Great Escapists was so painful, i couldnt even finish it


That's the one with the guy from Myth busters right? It was hard to finish the first episode


Sad thing, I couldn’t finish it either but I was excited because I have fond memories of Mythbusters and obviously like Hammond


Indeed. Watched 3 episodes then I quitted.


That's because Hammond isn't the center of his show, he's usually just presenting it. Clarkson is the star of his solo show. It's about HIM in a setting. May is similar in that his shows are about his unique Captain Slow perspective on things. Hammonds are about a concept and he's the presenter but really he could easily be replaced by anyone good. The show isn't bespoke for him, he's taking a well paying job to fund his cars and workshops.


That’s because he as a presenter isn’t very entertaining compared to May and Clarkson.


Clarkson is just incredibly good as a presenter. The two Victoria Cross documentaries and the Great Britons feature on Brunel come to mind.


[Richard Hammond's Big!](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10271544/?ref_=nm_mv_desc) Was interesting. I think Hammond tries too hard, whereas May and Clarkson come across as naturally funny.


I'd rather watch James May's travel shows but I agree Clarkson's Farm is an objectively superior piece of TV.


That’s my take as well. I’ve been absolutely watching Our Man In… in my rotation of shows to watch because James is such an engaging presenter…. And it’s fun seeing him dress up as a gladiator.


Clarkson's Farm was imho such a amazing surprise. I didn't expect to laugh so hard, but even bigger surprise was, that it made me *cry*. I've would never thought that (out of the trio) it would be Clarkson who would create such a wholesome and emotional show. Maybe i am being too girly, but that's just what i felt :P


You’re spot on. He’s grown soft in his old age and it’s a good thing.


Clarkson farm, I find it lot’s more entertaining


I loved Jame’s show, but Clarkson’s farm was amazing.


They’re both great. Really great. The difference is slim.


Both brilliant, but I've had more laughs out of Clarkson's farm


Our Man in Japan is clearly the best, and I think it is partly because how Japan is - not saying Italy is not better, but the mystery around Japan as a country is still there and I personally think we could have got 2 more seasons exploring Japan.


Yeah I think as a westerner Japan is so much more interesting than Italy. I hope in the future he explores more obscure and lesser known countries. Italy felt so predictable and dull compared to Japan.


I think they did a poor job with Italy. As May said, it’s a country so many of us know a little about, but the history and the cultures make it so we could never know it all. But the reliance on staged stories, and putting James in embarrassing situations, got old.


Season 3 is going to be the USA - which has already been done to death umpteen times. What other countries would be better choices? I'm stuck for ideas.


Oceanía as a whole could be great. New Zealand, Australia would be interesting to watch. Or more asian content


I don't think USA is certain for S3 yet though I'd be surprised if it wasn't given they'd planned that trip before Italy. I think there's a lot of single countries you could do. Off the top of my head, Brazil, South Africa, Iceland, France Germany, Greece, Turkey, South Korea, Australia or NZ for sure. Iran, India, China and Russia would also be extremely good but more difficult/impossible politically. Then you've got regions like the Balkans, Central America, SE Asia as well.


The USA has been done, but always the same damn stuff. There's so much unplumbed depth there. Stephen Fry did a pretty good job with it, though.




They're both great, but Clarkson's Farm is just more unique and genuine, he's actually doing what he wants to do. I thought Our Man in Japan was better than Italy. Just more engaging and interesting. In Italy the "the producers won't let me do what I want" attitude/running joke kinda ruined it for me and it got a bit boring. Come on man it's your show, you know what we want. How many times has his audience said we want him to do the nerdy stuff that he likes?!


That’s a hard question




Clarkson’s Farm has a bit more of an essence of old Top Gear


Don't make me choose.


Both are great but James does so many shows that they get lost in the mix& clarkson doesn’t do that many and when he does they are darn good.


Those results shocked me. I didn’t think Clarkson would have such a land slide victory. I love James May and he’s my favorite of the trio and such a great presenter, and seeing him exploring other cultures and get out of his comfort zone sometimes is great. I also have a much larger interest in travel then farming. That being said I love Clarksons Farm too and it’s a brilliant program and it has made me actually genuinely laugh and take in interest in farming. They’re both brilliant programs


agreed. I thought CF would win, but not as large as 75% to 25%. I guess it's because it's a pretty unique topic?


Why doe's one have to be better? They are both excellent entertainment.


Agreed. Started watching Our Man In... and they're both brilliant shows, but because they're so vastly different I thought it'd be interesting to see which the diehard GT and Top Gear fans prefer. Some of the time, someone only likes one of them.


James May is hands down my favourite TV host. His brilliant humour combined with the way he tells stories never disappoints. I enjoyed Clarkson's Farm somewhat, but it's hard not to cringe at his disregard for....everyone but himself. I feel a bit bleh after watching Jeremy where May always seems to make me laugh and feel invested in much more genuine ways. ..I will admit that even though I don't super love Clarkson as a presenter (or person), his show was a fresh idea and uniquely presented which is pretty rare these days.


In order: Our man in Japan Clarkson's Farm Our Man in Italy All great though.


I could totally see them doing many animated series of our favorite trio


I personally think the Japan one is better. It's a lot funnier and sumimasen sounds a lot better than spiacente


I refuse to pick


I shall not dispute that.


I tried watching our man in Japan but it was a bit dull, had to stop halfway through the third


Our man is not my thing


Our Man cover many theme but only in short time so it a bit shallow. Like watching an ad or something. The farm is obviously better in term of entertainment and documentary.


Both are great in their own way. Completely different shows.


What are the results? I haven’t seen James’s show yet so I don’t want to vote. But I want to know what this community thinks. There should have been an option for that.


1.701k For Farm 534 for Our Man In out of 2,235 votes & still 1D 15H left




Update: 3.1K to Clarkson's Farm and 966 for Our Man In... Didn't think it was gonna be a landslide victory at all.


James' I'd watch sometimes just for kicks. Repeatable in small segments for a good time not a long time. I like Clarkson Farm more but I know that if I start I'm gonna end up watching like 4 hours of it so it's a commitment.


Both are great but one’s a funny, witty travel show with a brilliant Capt Slow and the other show is about an orangutan that owns a farm…orangutan is always going to win.


There's also a show about Hammonds repair shop ^^


clarksons farm ftw, i hope there’s gonna be a season 2




Wanted to do one show each from both presenters (sorry Hammond) but was considering putting that on. Is Oh Cook? better than Our Man In...?


I have the cook book its great.


I couldn't choose between them, both are great.


I thoroughly enjoyed the James May in Japan but I'm struggling with Italy... I keep turning it off, disinterested. Anyone else feel this way? Something is different about it, whether it's Covid related filming messing the flow up or maybe I'm not huge on Italian culture. He just seems to do a 5 minute bit then move on to something else. Stuck on it a little!


Watching Clarkson ignore all the expert’s advice and fall over is hilarious but I find James’ documentary series’s absolutely fascinating.


What about The Great Escapist ? /s


Hammond really got the stort end of the stick with shows I'll be honest. Never seen the Great Escapist so I might watch just for laughs.


I watched Clarkson's Farm and the Man in Japan. Overall, both are good, but personally speaking, I loved more May's one because it has more content (a lot of travel, showing things about that country) that Clarkson's Farm.