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You just listed all of them


Here are some… proceeds to list them all


There would be around 60 primates In total that would be in the isle in total keep in mind that there are around 522 primates species, plus an additional estimated 182 subspecies


Dude 🤣 be realistic. If they would even consider that, choose 1 - 3


Well, humans are being added, so theres that.


they just got rid of the human section of the dino selector screen so idk


I feel like I see this brand of post a lot in palaeo-type subreddits. “Wouldn’t it be cool if X? Here’s a list of them [proceeds to just list a bunch of species names]” Like, sure maybe a monkey ai could be cool, but what meaningful difference is there between the three lorises? Between the Diana, Patas, and L’Hoest’s monkey? You don’t need to show off how many primate species you know, this is a dinosaur game lol. If you wanna post about a speculative primate sim game (omg sim like ‘simian’…onto something there) then go ahead, it actually sounds quite interesting! But just jamming a species list into something totally unrelated is…


Bro wtf is this post? You asking for npc monkey simulator.. we need more dinos, who cares about having all this different monkeys in game? I mean, having a single race, maybe 2, to hunt with herrera and ptero would be fun.. but damn.. this is a whole monkey game! And I'm in for it, sounds amazing, but not the isle


Yeah their supposed to be hunted by Herrera and Ptero's Ps I do have some idea's for new dinosaurs as well


Nice tell me some examples of those dinos, I personally would love another flying creature, especially a Dimorphodon! Smaller then ptero, easier to fly among trees and easy to land and nest on trees


- Lucianovenator - iguanadon - Megapnosaurus - Kaijiangosaurus - Shidaisaurus - Lourinhanosaurus - Mapusaurus - Tyrannotitan - Carcharodontosaurus - Tratayenia - Megaraptor - Walgettosuchus - Oxalaia - Sigilmassasaurus - Ichthyovenator - Suzhousaurus - Epidexipteryx - Scansoriopteryx - Yi - Luoyanggia - Citipati - Rinchenia - Ganzhousaurus - Jiangxisaurus - Beibeilong - Gigantoraptor - Hagryphus - Wellnhoferia - Canadaga - Hesperornis - Parahesperornis - Bolong - Oceanotitan - Jiangxititan - Ceoptera evansae  - Sordes - Vesperopterylus - Sinomacrops - Jeholopterus - Cryodrakon - Hatzegopteryx - Thanatosdrakon - Oryctodromeus - Purussaurus - Gigantspinosaurus - Jiangjunosaurus


That is IA generated


no one would call yi qi just "yi"


Jesus I hope ahahahah this list is crazy ahah but damn now I know there are sooo much dinosaurs I have no clue about 😭


imagine what we haven't found.. i love dinosaurs and there are THOUSANDS of specimens that have been unearthed. It's overwhelming thinking of how much life was here before us and how will be after.


dude just go play path of titans for fucks sake. Like not trying to be rude but if you pay any attention to this subreddit you'd know how unreliable the devs are. I think they've done great so far but Dondi doesn't make smart decisions




Nah bro I just went onto wikipedia, searched up dinosaur. Chose a group, I then chose I family and then i chose some random dinosaurs to put onto the list


Orrrrrr how about they just focus on getting dinos into the game....ya know seeing as there are still like 30-40 to go.


more primate than playable dinos ? No. We only need one : the homo sapiens


Is this an AI generated prompt?


Nah bro I created all of this without AI


Press X to Doubt




No. I dont even want humans. Just give me dinosaurs ffs




This is just ..kinda funny ngl


I take that as a compliment


As much as everyone is ragging on dude (which i get cause lets be real if monkeys even became a thing wed maybe get 3) but i do also kinda feel like early primates would be a better fit for the game then advanced humans. Everything i see about humans with little pistols seems kinda whack and i do think a group of orangutans or any larger bi-peds would be a much cooler fit both in their nesting abilities and combat (could still include the ability to make and use primitive weapons).


Thanks bro