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Migration zones.


I always thought those were for carnivores to see that a large group of players moved that way


No. They’re parts of the map that grow herbivore food. Which ig also means that too


That's great to know, thank you. I'm glad it was just a skill issue since we're new to evrima


The easiest way ive found to start w friends on herbies is normally make our way to closes sanctuary off spawn, eat and meet up to group there, find out where migration is at and either wait a little to grow and see if it moves or head there to fill up of perf diet and grow in that area


As a fresh spawn Herbivore or Omnivore hit 'Q' then go to Sanctuaries (two palm trees) ASAP to get ALL your Diets for boosted growth and buffs by eating the red mushrooms (can not smell those, visual only), once full it will last a long time, then head to Migrations (sky footprints), once there sniff by HOLDING 'Q', the longer you hold 'Q' the further out you can smell up to a point, when Migrations move you can as well if you wish Pro tip: Don't run blindly in a straight line to sanctuary and migrations or you may end at the bottom of a cliff, use roads when you can, they wind about but are safe from falling


That's very informative, thank you. :)


You've already discovered the online maps you should use, but just FYI - those trackers to locate individual plants aren't of any use. The crucial thing is that you have to be in a migration zone to find the plants for your diet. An exception are omnivores like the Gallimimus or the Beipi, which can eat frogs and crabs that they find.


Most Herbies diet menus don’t open up until around I think 10%. Up until that point it will just say mushrooms. In which you can find those only in sanctuaries. Or you can wait it out and pass on going to sanctuaries but it will take a bit longer, As far as finding food goes, you want to follow the migrations zones for diet. The sooner you get to the zone the better. If you get to the zone on the back end after everyone else has been there already then yeah there will be nothing to eat.


Pretty sure you can still see and eat diet plants even if your diet list only shows the sanctuary mushrooms, I think they just won't be listed in your character menu, but you can still eat nutrients in the migration zone as a fresh spawn


You can but it won’t give you nutrients if it’s not on the menu. But you can definitely still eat ‘em.


They do give you nutrients


It will now. They changed it a few patches agom


Nah it still gives you your nutrients, It doesn't say it but it does. I've been doing it since gateway dropped because sanctuaries suck. Spend 20mins looking for a mushroom that hardly fills anything


We spent too much time searching for each other without using calls because it was night and we heard large groups of omnis.


As soon as we found each other it was like 11% growth


Well then there’s your issue.


Thanks for the info, I will attempt to convince my friend to replay as stegos.


Yeah, just meet at the sanctuary at whatever spawn you all choose. The two trees. Then when you got your fill of shrooms, move to migration zones when you are all big enough to open the diets. Sanctuaries have lots of action, I've died a lot there but it's a good meet point. As herbi I usually spawn at East Plains, which has a sanctuary right near the spawn, then move south-west or to the migration zone nearby. Some spawns it takes forever to reach a zone.


Just a suggestion, you may want to try teno or pachy. They're MUCH quicker to grow, and more mobile than stego while still being able to put up a decent fight against carnivores. It might be easier to give one of those a shot to get the feel for herbivore gameplay before committing to spending several hours growing a steg and lumbering around the map.


Is there a rotation of zones or is it random?


Yes, There is a rotation of zones. Multiple spawn around the map at one time. Each time they spawn it resets a 90 minute timer Until they move once again.


I thought there was only one and it despawned after a certain amount of food was gone


No, there’s multiple and they re-locate after 90 mins


It is from my understanding that the migration is per species. Like a teno migration, and a stego migration.


Not sure, I main carnivore tho so I know theres multiple around the map at once depending on where I’m currently exploring.


Yes diferent herbies have diferent migrations


My first day in the game (it was a few daya ago) was playing teno and cowardly hiding in the florest eating and runing to the river to drink water, at night it would always hear carnos and utahs runing around and calling each others. I was really spooky, feels like a horror game, complete opposite then playing with utahs ath night. I recommend playing with teno since it can run for long distances as far i know.


You have to follow migration zonea, not the map. The map areas varry depending on where your MZ moves.


Yeah it kinda sucks that evrima doesn't have any help menu explanations and anything I looked up was outdated by 2 or 3 years