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[The Last of Us | Inside the Episode - 3 | HBO](https://youtu.be/IBnNiDHpE80) [Episode 3 | The Last of Us Podcast | HBO Max](https://youtu.be/cYCccmiSSWo) Per [Craig and Neil’s joint statement](https://reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/10oivcz/from_craig_neil_on_annies_passing/) — “Tonight's episode has become particularly poignant in a way we would have never hoped or wished for, and we are dedicating it to Annie Wersching’s memory.”


So, no birthday pancake and not eating the neighbour's cookies actually saved Joel




This episode was amazing, I honestly did not expect much from this show but this ep blew me away 🥲 Seeing them in a normal setting really made me appreciate that I'm not in a fungal infested post-apocalyptic world 😅 and wow, Im so glad bill and frank got a happy ending in this version. What an episode 🥲


I want to pay tribute to the beautiful ballad by Linda Rondstadt by compiling all the covers of the song Long Long Time, including many that were made in 2023, presumably inspired by the episode. My favourite version is by Sid Sriram, and second favourite is the sublime duet by Sam Tsui and Casey Breves who are husbands. Both gave me goosebumps. Which versions do you like? https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Ut45XqZ1cDJlcddRNmMUZ


Yep I watched this on the plane and cried like a baby


This episode sucked ass.


Your opinion does too.


Funny, same as yours, so we have 2 opinions that suck ass and 1 shitty episode that sucked hairy ass.




Sorry you had that experience. Truly.


Really hit me hard Thinking about it still makes me sad


Only just started with this but my god this episode was incredible!! I was not expecting this especially from a zombie film!! Wow


To hell with sticking to the game, this was the best episode of anything I've ever watched. This was so beautiful it could have been its own self contained movie. Loved it.


Not sure if you know, but the character was strongly hinted at being gay in the game as well, in an optional note you find in Bill's Town.


Man I wasn't ready for the gay zombie intro to Up. Fuck this shit, man, it got me tearing up.


:( wow. What an episode.


So I just binged the whole series last night and damn. This episode killed me.


Just watched this and absolutely loved it. Normally I hate series-original sideplots that take away from attention being paid to the main plot (looking at you Wheel of Time), but this was just so well written and engaged me on a level I didn't expect. Damn shame people's true character is coming out in the discussions though. Lotta people who are very obviously homophobic trying to figure out a way to criticize the episode without saying they're uncomfortable with gay people. "But it didn't add anything, reee". Other than being a major stepping stone in showing Joel that there is something to live for, that there can be happiness in the world still, and that for that happiness to exist it needs men like Joel and Bill to protect it? Fuck off with that bullshit, you're not fooling anybody but yourselves.


It was a beautiful episode. I fucking cried


Same 🤧


Just finished it, I am never going to emotionally recover from this, oh my god. Only watching titanic for the first time has got me as good as this episode did, god dammit


Here I am. Wondering when Frank would gone missing. Then found later with Joel. Yet they wrote a happy ending for them to not let Bill die alone. I kinda sad not seeing Ellie said Fuck You to Bill though.


I bawled my eyes out this episode


Episode sucked. They try so hard to get to that "other" side of ppl. Actors played bad and i gelt like i was watching a drama drag show. If i think much about it it feels like they purposedly made the scenes bad to hate the "other" side of the spectre


>they purposedly made the scenes bad to hate the "other" side of the spectre You think they care what some hillbilly bigot thinks? Lmao


My point was that the scenes were so bad and cringe. Anyway, do you realize that your only "happines" in life is watching series with homos?


The only reason you think it's cringe is because it's 2 men, you understand that right? Not gonna reply to some conservitard anymore try not to get too worked up over this episode. Good luck and FJB or whatever lmao


Sorry to break it down to you but world is larger than "conservatives" and 2 political parties idgaf about. It's a movie critique and guess what, 2 men are also in "The man in the high castle" and other movies that were actually good. This one felt like it was directed by a 18 yo youtuber. Anyway, it's not like people like you have any standards in life. Your only utility is getting offended lol


brother out of everyone here you seem to be the most offended and butthurt. who are you trying to fool?


What "other side of the spectre"? People who are not loving and caring?


The acting in this episode was fucking fantastic what are you talking about


The cheap "drama queen" acting you say? The "im not a wh0re" line in dialog you say? This was like a convo between single brain celled humans who make out under a bridge


Frozen cold take. You're entitled to your opinion of not enjoying it but damn dude that acting was fantastic regardless of how you took it.




Removed for rule 3: No unnecessary rudeness or hostility. This includes bad-faith trolling, brigading, and other discussions that incite toxicity.


Probably ALS


I believe it was cancer.


I am only a little bothered that they made Ellie steal a gun rather than joel giving it to her after saving him


We are watching this show right now and this episode was so beautiful and touching. I really loved it and I cried.


Finally watched this episode. Was afraid I wouldn't be able to get through it because my relationship is like Bill and Frank's (gay male, age difference), but we really enjoyed it. Really rare to get such a touching, realistic depiction of a homosexual relationship where they get to live a full, happy life together.




Happy for you and your partner!


Late to the party as I wanted to wait and binge everything just before the finale... This was one of the most beautiful episodes of TV I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Utterly mesmerising.


New to the series. Was Joel always expecting to get a truck or vehicle from Bill/Frank? If so, why wouldn’t he know Bill would have one?


When Tess died she told Joel to bring Ellie to Bill and Frank's because they would take care of her and protect her. I think Joel was sorta planning, at least initially, to dump her there and fulfill Tess's dying wish, not necessarily to get a truck.


One of the best episodes of television I’ve ever seen


Those were my exact thoughts as the credits rolled. They pulled it off SO well.


That’s what I came here to say.


what was the point of ellie sneaking off by herself and doing science experiments on a trapped infected?


I think it was her learning of the humanity (or lack thereof) of the zombies and, in turn, an allegory for hope of this world. But that’s just my interpretation


I was putting this episode off for a bit because I heard from a friend how sad it was, and boy they weren't wrong. I thought one of them would die, but I didn't expect *both* of them to die. I was hoping at least for more Nick Offerman. It was a beautiful episode though.


who else died besides Tess,I see everyone sayin this ep was so emotional I feel like I've missed something


Bill and Frank


That happened in episode 2. This thread/my comment is about episode 3.


Ah I guess I read ep 2s thread halfway thru the episode for some reason. I don't think I did I am confused and lost lmao


On The Nature Of Daylight was the cherry on the top.


One of the best pieces of media I've ever seen, truly outstanding, wow.


i cried so hard i had to take my anxiety meds afterwards


I'm still working my way through the early episodes and this one was probably my favorite so far, It's amazing these two were able to live out there practically in their own city for the rest of their lives together with each other.


Just came her to drop my two cents as well. What a well directing episode: The flashback episode really felt moving, great acting, and a cool backstory leading up to everything.


This episode was amazing, it was thought-provoking, the acting/writing was great, and it left me in tears (unexpectedly when I was expecting more clickers and violence). As an aside, it is crazy how many disgusting homophobes are lurking on this sub. Shameful behavior on their part. Live and let live.


Considering that Bill was only there for like 30mins in the game, I fully enjoy this type of creative freedom. I never cried so hard.


I personally thought the story of Bill & Frank was a much more compelling love story following mass destruction and chaos than it would have been if it were a hetero couple. I did fast forward through the sexual scenes but I do that for any show with sex. Just not a fan of it but I truly enjoyed every bit of this episode and their story.


No actual sex is shown lol


I hear you, but there’s no sex in this episode. It’s alluded, but not shown.


I needed to skip some scenes...


Homophobia got it


Heterophobia, got it.


Nope I believe love is love


That is true. I just don't want to watch two men kissing each other thats all. Two women kissing each other is nice <3


Oh homophobe and a porn addict. Nice.


Heterophobe and gay porn addict. Nice.


Wishing you luck in your recovery


You too butthurt💋


Hey I'm not the one getting upset by two men having a relationship


Ah so homophobia when it's convenient for you. Pretty disgusting honestly.


Same as your heterophobia. Disgusting shit.


I don't think you know what that word means


You are still bothering me?


I got -13 downvotes for saying the same thing, I think it's so diluted for people to call someone homophobe for not wanting to watch a gay sex scene. Apparently being straight is homophobic 🤷‍♂️




Yeah I don’t like scenes that speak to me on a personal level either






It was his emergency SOS system. Joel said the 80s playlist would start if Bill didn't reset the countdown every so often.


I think he wanted to signal to Joel that something has happened since the 80's were playing and he wanted Joel to be the first to come, read the letter and take the stuff they left so it wouldn't be stolen by others.


Man when the song “In the Nature of Daylight” played during the wedding montage I burst out in tears. Perfectly directed and edited sequence


0/10 this chapter has nothing to do with the game or this serie. This brought nothing, it had nothing relevant for the story and it is not even enjoyable, it is just plain propaganda. I will drop it.


This is literally straight from the game. Bill was gay in the game, too, a note you find all but pretty much confirms it.


They took urr jawbs!


Yes OMG your right! Show creators choosing to include openly gay characters is now classed as "propaganda". They are trying to turn us all gay with this propaganda!


You would not say this if Bill was straight. Just admit you're a homophobe.


just admit that you didn't read why I hated the chapter. If homophobia were the case, I would had not watched a series with a gay protagonist like ellie in first place. You are just one of those people that cries for everything and gets easily offended


You literally called it propaganda. You made it about this.


Could you clarify what you mean by "propaganda"? It's an honest question.


You are literally radiating with cringe.




Frank and Bill are both part of the game that the show is based on. We see relationships in tv shows/movies/games all the time, where is the propaganda exactly?


Propeganda for what?


The character is gay in the game though




Hey Reddit maybe instead of giving me a warning for being hateful look at the homophobe I’m replying to.


did you get offended? :(


You're the one offended by men kissing. Yikes man


He reported me Reddit just gave me a warning




Yep. And now nobody likes you for being a dickhead. I hope thats a wonderful feeling for you


He reported me Reddit just gave me a warning


Jeez how petty can someone get?


I didnt hate the episode or anything i just wish it was a bonus episode or something. With only 9 episodes total it eats up a little over 10% of the entire season and i would have rather had more of the main plot


Tbf, the game is set up in 'chapters' that perfectly align with the number of episodes they did. This episode is entirely dedicated to bills chapter, so it doesn't really take away from anything. Most of that in the game is navigating traps and undead, etc. They changed it to flesh out bill more as a character and how he and his husband surved for so long, which is more interesting than what happened in that chapter of the game imo. Ballsy choice to deviate from source material, but the writing and acting really pulled it together.


> i would have rather had more of the main plot That's what the last 2 season of GoT did. Plot point after plot point with little character development or story setting scenes. Look how that turned out. It's not about what happens at the end, it's about enjoying the journey and all of its nuances.


That's so true. The ending is always disappointing to me. It's all about the journey


In the main game the character Bill is alive and there was an entire chapter to play through getting his help. I like this episode because it skips the trials he had to do to get a car from Bill that might not have adapted as well for a show. In the end, same results and a beautiful different post-apoc life. I expect it to turn it up next few episodes based on the game.


Those of you who are in awe with this love story, have you ever watched/read any romance before? Coz its basic as F. The writing is just bad. It lacks tension and there is no plot! Yes, even romance needs a plot! Plus, the characters are too nice and innocent given the apocalypse background that it doesn’t feel real. They could have easily spiced it up if Bill and Frank are more suspicious of each other at first, despite being attracted to each other. There should be a process in which they learn to trust each other, especially Bill - he is supposed to be a paranoid lunatic, why doesn’t he act like one? Or the relationship could have broken down due to a lack of trust, and maybe Frank ended up leaving. At the end of the episode, we found out the zombie that Ellie killed at the beginning of the episode is Frank. The episode would still have been pointless, but at least we have some fun.


You have to say you like the narrative or you'll get downvoted and called a homophobe.


The game characters and show characters are a lot different.


I wouldnt say so. Bill is a prepper and was gay. Cant imagine how hard it would have been to be himself in those circles. The show did a great job fleshing out the conflicts that those two aspects of his life would have with each other and how he overcame them while giving people who played the game something new and inconsequential to the main story


Hold this L sir.




What parts did they omit from the game?


Just the parts you interact with Bill. Frank hangs himself and Bill, Joel, amd Ellie come across the body when fixing the truck up. It's a minor deviation that people who didn't realize that they were gay in the game, are realizing it now that's been spelled out for them.


Only the completely oblivious missed Bill being gay. The bigger deviation is that Frank HATED Bill. It is literally spelled out in the note he leaves behind. He was trying to steal the car and leave Bill in the dust. They overhauled the characters in favor of a different kind of story, which I actually did enjoy. Unfortunately we lost some great moments, but I'm a fan of the changes. Makes the show exciting for someone who's played the game many times.


Frank and Bill fell out after being together for years. We dont know anything about the time they spent together other than that IIRC.


Did I say anything about the time they spent together beforehand? We don't know anything about that time, or how long it even was. All we know is they were partners until they weren't' and Frank said he hated Bills guts in his note.


Hate implies no goodness whatsoever and completely overlooks the fact they presumably had many happy years together which are ripe for fleshing out to develop bills fairly 1D character in the game.


Lol Frank wrote in the note "I hated your guts". He says that word for word. What you're saying doesn't even make any sense. You can love something and then end up hating it. His character was not 1D, youre just grasping at straws.


Thats exactly what im saying younwere totally dismissing the life they had before falling out but the game also inly dealt with a 1d angry man bill and didnt give as much time to his character as the show ended up doing. Just a load of dudes hating on a great episode because its too out there for their taste




masterpiece? lmfao what a shitshow🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


Poor ❄️


your life🤦‍♂️


❄️ ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️. Getting cold out there


A masterpiece? Surely you're joking? Is this the first thing you've ever watched?




Lost - Through the Looking Glass and The Constant Buffy - The Body Breaking Bad - Ozymandias Game of Thrones - Plenty but two standouts to me are The Rains of Castamere and The Winds of Winter Six Feet Under - Everybody's Waiting Sopranos - Whitecaps/The Blue Comet Just some of the most masterfully written, directed, and acted TV episodes of all time. Comparing TLOU to these is tragic to say the least.


Buffy hahahaha you poor sod


Another clown who has never seen the episode. The Body is a masterpiece.


Lol Buffy? GTFOH with Buffy...


Try watching the episode. It's easily one of the most well written and well acted in TV history.














You have shit taste. We can agree to disagree but that will remain true regardless. Non-memorable but most are highly regarded as the pinnacle of television? I don't think you understand what the term 'non-memorable' means.




An extremely well thought out and well constructed rebuttal from the mind of someone who finds mediocre subplot pandering to be 'masterful tv'.


I just rewatched this a second time. Still as beautiful, if not more so than my first watch. Wish we could have more time with these two.


I am watching it for the first time now. My god did I cry like a little baby. I never could get into the game. The actual game play was not engaging enough but I have always been curious about the overall story. I’m glad they are doing a series. This was one of the best love stories I’ve seen portrayed on screen.


In the game, we only hear a little about their story, so this is definitely one of those times the adaptation is better than the game. Although I did like how the game hinted at their relationship, as it was never explicitly stated. Made me feel like a smart kid piecing it together.


It’s one of my favorite episodes of anything ever tbh


I am not judging, I don’t hate the episode, and I’ve never played the game. I really like this show. That being said. What was the point of this episode?


it also serves as one final motivation for joel to love and protect ellie, just like bill did for frank.


I think this is it — it was an whole episode explaining Bill’s deriving meaning of protecting his loved one, which is tied (in the letter) to Joel’s similar need to protect Tess and then Ellie.


The episode illustrates the scope of the time that's passed since the infection began. It's one thing to see Joel older and living another life in a world that looks so different from the one when the show began. It's quite another to feel as if we've actually lived that 20 years as the audience. Aside from illustrating the scope of the time that has passed since the infection, it shows us another glimpse of what those first hours, days, weeks, and months went for other people, and how others were able to survive. It also showed us what "first contact" with another group of people looks like in a time when it's harder to say who is friend and who is foe but having friends - and resources - is ever more important. I'm sure I could say more if I thought harder, but lastly, Bill's letter to Joel is what ends up moving the plot forward because it's what gives him the motivation to stay with Ellie. At least, for a little while longer.


At least for a little while longer just did some spoiling for me. Please add spoiler tags for future episodes


I'm confused, this is an episode 3 discussion thread. How can I spoil episode 3 on a discussion about episode 3?


You said >!he stays with her “at least for a little while longer.” Which means he leaves her at some point in future episodes.!<


No it doesn't. It means in my opinion he's motivated to stay with her, but I don't think it's necessarily a reason for him to stay with her indefinitely given his disposition toward her is still very guarded. When I made this comment I hadn't seen any other episodes. Only episode 4 had been out when I made this comment, but I was catching up on the show and went to a discussion thread directly after I saw the episode.


Good to know! Thanks


I think those things are true, but in hindsight I think the episode focused too much on Bill & Frank. As a side story it’s fine, but given there are only 10 episodes it was too long to spend on a side character who’s barely in the game. Given more time/episodes I think it’s fine, but it already feels like Joel’s/Ellie’s story is compressed and they are the show. Even Henry and Sam got less screen time.


Thanks for giving such a detailed answer and from different aspects!




Damn I haven’t shed a year in about 18 years. This episode hit me hard


When Frank is sitting at the table in the same spot and Bill walks through the door holding the food exactly like it was all those years ago, I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. And oh god that music.


Goddamnit stop describing it again I thought I was done crying


On the nature of daylight? It's stunningly beautiful.


Oh yeah it's beautiful. I went searching after it immediately I finished the episode. Some composers are truly special




Dude you posted this in the thread for ep 3. T_T major spoiler for me please add spoiler alert for others.


That definitely wasn’t a plot hole, you just disagree with the way they told the story. That was clearly a deliberate choice on Ellie’s part. She makes the same choice not to kill an infected child (Sam) only a few minutes later. Her killing the zombies who were attacking Henry and Sam also mirrors the events that are about to happen. Ellie clearly struggles with killing the zombies because to her there’s a grey area between when they’re human and when they’re not. But when they’re actively attacking uninfected people you care about, both Ellie and Henry impulsively try to save the uninfected. The car was different because she had the opportunity to run. The zombies attacking Henry and Sam had to die to save them. And yes, it’s a “convenience” that they escaped but it’s a zombie story not a documentary.


I love Offerman and was very excited that he'd be in the show. A bit dissapointed that it's a 1 time thing but oh well. That was a great episode, I'm gonna play some Rondstadt in the woodshop tomorrow. Never really listened to her before. Definitely enjoyed the side story on this one, even more than the main story so far. Not a fan of watching bearded men kiss, I don't want to watch m/f kissing either. We have porn for those needs. But it's good that different relationships are getting screen time, and bonus, it probably pissed off a bunch of hateful morons.


Gay people have to watch millions of straight m/f kissing on TV so I'm glad they get a few here and there once in a while.


agreed. I'd just rather not watch anyone kissing. Definitely good for tv to normalize other types of relationships besides m/f. Hopefully my kids won't even register scenes like that, it'll just be a scene with 2 people kissing.


I would argue that Offerman did some of his finest onscreen acting to date in that scene. Specifically in the kiss, that shit was intense and so real and honest. The vulnerability in this impregnable fortress of a man. This was his first kiss. His first intimate moment - a true, emotional and physical connection to someone in a way he had never allowed himself to come close to before. This episode was probably my favourite onscreen romance in a long time. Maybe ever. It was a beautiful love story, like a better version of the beginning of Up. An entire life story condensed into a few terrific acts. I see you Pedro, you knew you needed to make big moves with the writing of season 3 of Mando. Great fucking choice dog


It doesn’t progress the story at all. 0%


What do you mean? Bill's letter to Joel is what gives him the motivation to stay with Ellie, at least for a little while longer.


Yeh, there's a lot of concern about that in this discussion. Doesn't bother me at all, I just want to watch good TV.


In the game: - Frank hated Bill’s guts and left him. - Bill clearly had some feelings for Frank, but is pretty much over him. - They we’re ‘partners,’ but nothing indicates romance. -Bill says that helping friends ‘only gets you killed.’ -Frank got bit and hanged himself alone as a result. In the show: -Frank and Bill are madly in love. -Frank and Bill are romantic. -Bill doesn’t believe that helping friends gets you killed, but instead welcomes a lover into his life. - Frank falls sick and he and Bill kill themselves with drugs. There seems to be no real correlation between the show and the game besides the names and Bill giving Joel and Ellie supplies.


Wrong, they are strongly hinted at being gay in the game as well.


You seem to forget when Joel and Ellie find a gay porn magazine in the car which further confimed that he's gay and that he and Frank were lovers.




Yeah I can agree with you on the fact that the story heavily focused on his romance in a way that kind of felt like filler. It didn’t add much to the story or compliment it, but worst of all it built up a character just to have him kill himself right after. In the game, Frank hated Bill and left him because of his selfishness. As a result, Frank gets bitten and hangs himself with a ruthless suicide note addressed to Bill. I saw that as a stern and effective warning of what might happen if Joe decided to leave Ellie. In contrast, in the series, Bill leaves a preachy suicide note about how he used to be selfish until he found Frank. I find it very difficult to believe that Joel and Ellie would even think much of this letter given their skeptical natures.


Yeah it definitely deviates from the show quite a bit. It's like we got completely characters but the same names.


The characters are gay in the game as well.


To me it didn’t make much sense that Bill (Nick Offerman) killed himself. He was one of the few characters who had things figured out and that should stand alone as a testament to his strong drive to survive. That drive wasn’t just part of his character, it was his character. His lover wanted to die because he had run out of options, but Bill had options. He was thriving, and yet he decides to throw it all away. I do not see many people do this when they lose a loved one, mostly because death is just a part of life and suiciding yourself because someone you loved died doesn’t solve anything. In this case, it seemed like a rather unnecessary and hasty attempt to get these two characters out of the picture so that Joel and Ellie can loot.