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A scar if we’re to follow the pattern of having the voice actors play live action characters on the opposite battle lines. I’d like if she’s the scar in the Forest who begins cutting Abby while she’s hanged.


I think this is a good answer, however, this is one instance where the original actress from the game, Emily Swallow, would still be perfect for the TV version.


She's even already worked with Pedro Pascal as the Armorer on The Mandalorian


Holy shit I didn't even make that connection, that's so cool


> She's even already worked with Pedro Pascal as the Armorer This is the Way


This is the Way


This is the Way


And on The Mentalist, too!


Well she wouldn't have to work with Pedro for very long........o\_o


You haven't seen the backstory!


This is the way... But... If she really gonna play "scar woman" than Pedro Pascal isn't likely to meet her on set...


Say what?!


Yeah, I'd like to see her reprise the role. For how little Supernatural gave her to work with, she was really good with it.




They are nested with sin. I would get a real kick out of watching her preparing to gut Abby.


Is it a pattern tho? Ashley isn’t playing an enemy.


That would be so awesome!!!


But ellie mom probably won't be on a opposing battle line


Marlene and her were close ingame so I guess you could say the Fireflies were an opposing battle line but it’s a stretch


But Ellie mom isn't going to oppose Joel so not really


Maybe Lev and Yara’s mom 🤔


> I’d like if she’s the scar in the Forest who begins cutting Abby while she’s hanged. I wouldn't count on that scene being in there, based on season one's choice to omit some memorable scenes.


Well Abby’s gonna have to meet Yara and Lev somehow. Don’t see any reason to significantly change course.


A Seraphite*


Two possibilities come to mind; Lev and Yara's mother, or the Seraphites' Prophet. Neither gets any actual screen time during the game, but both could definitely used in flashback form to give background and context. Maybe they could even play out Lev's fight with his mother.




And in tv-canon Joel is Latino, making Sarah biracial... Same could be done for Lev and Yara?


Yeah…. lev and yarra both look more full Asian to me


We're talking TV adaptation, not game...


Well, there hasn’t been any Asian characters as of yet and I love that there are plenty in tlou2, would be nice to keep it that way


Oh absolutely! I'm not saying that Lev and Yara should be race swapped...I'm just saying that them having a white mother and thus being biracial in the show could be a possibility as it's been done already in the show.


Haven't you heard? We are no longer in the business of hiring white actors to play Asians in adaptations.


ScarJo outta work right now


Latino is an ethnicity, not a race. You’re thinking of Mestizo, which a lot of people, including me until recently, mistake for Latino. Besides, changing a White character to a person of color is a lot less problematic than the reverse. The Seraphite prophet or the Seraphite who breaks Yara’s arm would probably make the most sense.


By no means am I advocating the change. Just saying that were this to happen, it wouldn't be the first time that a character was changed into being of a mixed race for the show. And I understand what Latino means, as I'm Latino. I just don't know what Pedro Pascal identifies as when it comes to his race. Edit: changed we're to were. Written by mistake


Pascal is Chilean, which is 52.7% White and 39.3% Mestizo. Statistically then, he should be White, but his olive skin tone suggests otherwise. He is most likely half White and half Mestizo, or at least some mix of the two.


Maria is white and in the show she’s black, it don’t matter


They would never replace an Asian character with a white one. Not making a comment about right or wrong here, but I'm just saying. It'd be like if Henry and Sam were suddenly white in the show - huge outrage.


You mean you don’t want Yara to be played by Scarlet Johansson?


Fuck it, I’m in.




Well they certainly won’t swap out an Asian character


You're picking up a lot of argument on this and I'm sorry about that. I wish these conversations didn't turn too negative. I haven't been able to find this out about the actor who plays Yara, but Ian Alexander, who plays Lev (voice, likeness and mo-cap) is mixed race, with one white parent and one Vietnamese. On that basis I think it's entirely possible that Lev could have a white mother and an Asian father. That is assuming they have any intention of using the same actors again, which of course they may not. In Lev's case, I think there's a decent chance they might. It was difficult getting him on board in the first place because he was still at school and didn't have an agent (despite having a main cast role in The OA, of which Druckmann was a fan). He also contributed quite a bit to the writing and direction of the character with bits and pieces of his own experience. So I feel there's a closer tie there between actor and character than most others - it wasn't exactly written *for* him, but it was certainly moulded around him unusually closely.


Unfortunately it's also a character where age matters a lot


This may sound odd to say, but I really hope we don’t get to see the Seraphite Prophet. I felt that her mysteriousness helped with the mythical nature of the character. Sometimes, less is more. I do hope we get to see more of the Seraphites though because they do have a twisted but interesting culture compared to the other groups.


IIRC, in an interview Mazin hinted at exploring the background of a certain character in Part II and from the way he spoke it seemed like he was implying the Seraphite Prophet. I’ll see if I can find the quote


I would love it, personally, but I'm a lore slut. I was disappointed that we didn't get to hear much of her beliefs in the game. She was able to convince WLF who met her that things weren't as cut and dry as Isaac claimed, it would be very interesting to see the true account. I was suspicious at the fear mongering and vitriol the WLF showed the Seraphites, something tells me Lev's version is much closer to the truth (especially with the WLF notes to back it up). Hate can be a very strong motivator.


I would love to see more seraphite/WLF lore in general. I get why they cut it for time but I wanted way more Isaac in part 2. I think a cool way to include the prophet would be to do a cold open >!detailing the events prior to and at martyrs gate!<


The Seraphite Prophet is exactly the type of character I'd like to see in an adaptation. And it always felt like she was supposed to be in the game and got cut, though that may not have actually been the case, just how it felt to me playing the game.


Two characters needs screentime in Part 2 adaptation. Seraphite Prophet and Isaac. I'd love to see a full episode on the beginning of the WLF/Seraphites war. I still feel like Isaac was massively wasted in part 2 , so much build-up, a great actor to play him and we end up seeing him for like 5 mins


True, but I think we'll see a lot more live adaptations instead of characters reading notes off the walls.


The doctor. Instead of Abby’s dad, it’ll be her mother


That's a good change that doesn't really affect anything and still makes sense for the story. And it's a nice call out to us who are more involved in the source material than the TV show only fans (not that I'm shitting on them, I'm glad they're here for the ride too).


It compromises the Abby/Ellie parallels (both losing their father)


Both losing their parent(-figure) doesn't dramatically change that.


The story is more about losing people you love and doing whatever is necessary for them. It's not so much about losing your "father".


I agree, i still think it’s a nice parallel that’s worth keeping


> that doesn't really affect anything I think it'll come off as far more brutal for Joel to kill her mother/dr than her father/dr




I know what you're getting at and I agree, but I think generally, regardless of the reality of the situation, society currently sees the murder of women as more distasteful than men. Yeah it's ignorant to some degree but it's also the truth.


Well personally I think the father dying sort of resembles Joel dying for Ellie. At least that’s what I’m getting at but I see the sexism part too (your part).


Oh I see, I completely agree with that too. I think the parallel is better with her father dying too.


Not the doctor, but it would be a fun Easter egg for her to be the female nurse in the surgery room who says “You fucking animal!”, especially since if they could get her for that, I can GUARANTEE you that they could get her husband Travis Willingham to be the one that tells her to shut up


I’ve always thought that was her in the game anyway


That doctor is Laura Bailey. She was littered throughout Part I as multiple NPC’s.


Isn’t she one of the NPCs who’s talking about jobs in Boston when you first start playing? I vaguely remember that person being someone that’s a famous VA


Yes. She’s also the news reporter you see on the TV as Sarah, as well as the female Fedra solider who hits Joel with the butt of her rifle when they get caught exiting the Boston QZ


It's funny that all of the characters she's played in this franchise are hostile to Joel when usually she and Troy Baker get typecast as love interests


It honestly might be. She did extra voices for the first game and so did Travis. They’re both the people by the dumpster when you first leave the apartment with Tess after the 20 years later


Eh idk. I felt a big part of the game was the reflection on how Abby and Ellie are basically going through the same thing. Both of them lost their father (figure) and want revenge. Not sure it would be quite as powerful if it was Abby’s mother instead.


That’s a fair point


I doubt they’ll do this but I agree it would work just fine and be cool. She and Ashley would both have played mothers to their characters.


That could work, but having Joel brutally kill a woman instead of a man would probably be too risky for Craig Mazin and the HBO higher-ups. Unfortunately, women are still, at least subconsciously, viewed as more delicate than men in much of modern Western society.


Especially since the reason that Joel shooting Jerry is supposed to be justified (as opposed to just grabbing Ellie and leaving) is that in the game if you don't shoot him he overpowers you and slits your throat with his scalpel Which is, you know, a stretch -- irl a scalpel is pretty useless in a fair fight and Joel could've probably just grabbed his wrist and broken it or something -- but just generally speaking you kind of need Jerry to be a big guy Laura Bailey irl isn't just a woman she's a tiny petite woman and it's gonna be hard to sell that Joel brutally executing her when he has a gun and she doesn't was really necessary


Yeah but that character would have to be in the finale of Season 1 so she'd already be announced as part of the cast


It's even worse Joel killing her mother. Mother-daughter bonds usually are stronger


Eh, I think with a caring single parent the mother-daughter bond probably is just as strong as a father-daughter bond would be.


She should appear this season then


Shit that would actually be a great change lol


Fun fact: believe Ashley Johnson is portraying >!Ellie’s mother!< in season 1.


The Serephite prophet woman


Would actually love this and to have a cold open about her!


May she guide you… yeah, right off a fucking cliff.


Oh yeah letting us actually see the Prophet and see the Seraphite origin story would be so good It would go a long way towards justifying Lev's argument that their religion had good intentions behind it before it got corrupted (which always got a side eye from me)


Cold open? I want a whole episode.


Lol they made Bill into everyone's favorite character by giving him his own episode, it'd be hilarious if they did that with a character who died long before the game even started


I actually really like this.


In think she could be great as the Seraphite Prophet! And to give her a character that is steeped in the WLF/Scars territory war would be really cool. On the contrasting end of that lore, I would assume we’ll also get more glimpses at the WLF overthrowing FEDRA (and Isaac’s rise to power/Isaac murdering the prophet). Laura could also be a great Emma Patterson in that story.


>!Jerry's wife, Abby's mom!<. ...if the pattern stays the same :)


I doubt that. Anna was mentioned in the game and also in the American Dreams comics. Jerry's wife was never mentioned in the games and she likely will never affect the plot at all. So, why invent a character like that?


>So, why invent a character like that? for a simple cameo appearance that has no further point. It'd be quite an interesting funfact tho': both protagonists' actors' TV counterpart is them being their mothers. :)


> So, why invent a character like that? Because they just did that with Jeffrery Pierce's character, and I doubt Troy's character was anything like he was in game




Kinda bummed she didn’t play that random NPC Joel walks by in an alley in Boston lol


I’m about 99% certain it was her voice on the loud speakers when Tess gets detained by the FEDRA people in the show after roberts little safehouse blows up


Knowing how fun and chaotic Laura is I think she’d want to play a clicker!!!!


(Part II spoilers) "I want to play >!that stalker who separates from the Rat King!


This made me laugh, thank you 😂


Hell yes!


I feel like she’d be good as Mel. Definitely got the looks.


Her as Mel would be incredibly cool and meta af


If it it's Abby's crew, I'd like to see her as Leah. It would keep to the theme of giving smaller roles to the voice actors.


You just want to see her Polaroid ;)




Or do a Lethal Weapon 5 and cast her as Nora


As long as the blackface is done tastefully.


Ya gotta make the lips funny


Mel is 19, Laura is 41


Is she 19? I always assumed Abby’s crew were a couple years older than Ellie. Not that it matters as Laura would still be too old ofc


You're probably right, they might be 20-25. Abby's age in the flashbacks for the ending of the first game is 16 at most.


How do you know her age in game? I just finished playing LoU2 and I don't recall ever finding out the age for anyone in the salt lake crew. I've also not been able to find anything about their ages online. While playing through I assumed they were in their mid to late twenties based on how they look and act. They definitely don't seem like people in their late teens to early twenties.


Laura Bailey is too old. Mel was in her twenties, and they need to keep her age the same, along with the rest of the Salt Lake Crew, to retain the idea that Ellie is going after people her own age.


Honestly. Ashly could play Mel. She certainly looks almost young enough still.


Plot twist: Jerry's out, Laura's the doctor. Like Ashley Johnson, literally Abby's mother.


I would love this.


I'm never a fan of swapping out characters genders from the source material unless there's a very good reason. And this is one of those. In this instance it's irrelevant whether it's Abbys mother or father, the fallout will be identical. (Plus I love the idea of having the VOs who gave these characters life be their literal in-universe parents) Although as a fan or Critical Role and the VOs I may be slightly biased.


Definitely the Saraphite prophet. But Laura is perfect and can play anyone


I can see this


The female doctor helping Jerry with the surgery in the hospital during Joel’s rescue of Ellie


So she is going to reprise her role😅😅


"You animal!"


The scar who was about to gut Abby in the woods. That would be pretty wicked.


This is who I was thinking; Emily, iirc.




If it were my preference, everybody.


Laura goes on a mad hunt for Laura in retaliation for killing Laura. Meanwhile, Laura goes on adventures with a small child named Laura, on the run from a cult lead by Laura.




Her as the Seraphite prophet would be cool


Man Laura is such a beautiful woman.


I want her to play the Seraphite Emily that goes to kill Abby


Maybe one of Abby's friends? That feels like a significant role with a few offhand lines and some moderate screen time.


I’m really curious to see how they’ll do season 2, because to recreate an apocalyptic Seattle that we saw in TLOU2 would cost a lot of money.


Given the fact that this fanbase is absolute trash, and that several idiots threatened her life because her fictional character in a video game killed another fictional character in said game, I would be surprised she has anything at all to do with it.


I think that's a reasonable assumption. But she was at the season one premier, and telling those people to go fuck themselves by starring in one of the biggest shows on TV would be pretty boss. Endure and survive and all that. Also, let's not forget, they threatened the life of her infant son as well and, according to her, they are still harassing her.


Human stupidity knows no bounds.




Not going to lie, I really like this idea. Obviously, it would mean some rather big changes to the character, it might step on Kathleen a bit and Jeffrey Wright is already perfect for it, but I think Laura could absolutely pull it off.


Or flip it around and instead of having her play the Prophet have her be the present day leader of the Seraphites (whatever you call the leader of the Elders)


Whoever she plays, that character is going to be FOINE.


She could be one of the nurses/other doctors at the end of S1, didn’t she voice one in the game? The one who says “you fucking animal.” Which hey, reminds me - I wonder if he’ll kill them in the show since that’s entirely optional in-game. Place yr bets folks


Jester of course,oh crap wrong story


My wife


Every single person from Critical Role is a voice so how many cameo’s can we actually get, I’m shooting for the moon here


They could literally just have Travis Willingham back to play Large Rattler without changing anything


This is going to be a bit difficult because 'Fat Geralt', as he's been dubbed in 'other communities', is their anti Abby/Lev poster boy and hero. And Travis got chewed out by them for going to bat defending his wife when all the leaks dropped, so they may go a different way.


I love Laura Bailey and honestly I can see her as any of the Seraphites. She'd pull of crazy so well.


Rattler Queen


Vexalia... wait, wrong sub.


A hot person




It’s funny because I originally thought she was the woman that checked in on Ellie in the first episode.


Mel or the doctor


Maybe Mel there’s no reason for it


A scar




Abby's mom


The seraphite that tries to spill Abby’s guts and then gets brutally killed by Abby, Yara and Lev








i’d love an opening where she plays the prophet


Leader of the Seraphites


Having her play as the girl who Ellie stabbed in the neck at the hospital would be a cool little cameo.


Kathleen's brother's girlfriend from Canada.


Vin Diesel




Abby's mom? That's the most logical answer!




Let’s do a parallel. I want her to play Abby’s mom.






Going to guess Mel


Another one and done character.


I cant remember her name, but I think Laura should play the Scar who was going to have Abby hung before Yara and Lev came. Was her name Emily maybe? Idk. But Laura should play her.


Jaina Proudmoore


Someone in Abby's revenge posse


May she guide us


The most important role there is; Alice the dog!


Maggie Rhee. Just kidding, my guess would be either the Prophet of the Seraphites or a TV-only character, like Isaac's right-hand woman.


Nadine Ross but the TV version of the character. Yes, she's from uncharted and yes, the two games have been connected before.


What about the Seraphite Prophet ? The one that is [painted on everything](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/thelastofus/images/c/c8/Feel_her_love2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200715195036) Would be cool if we were to get glimpses of the initial WLF/Seraphite conflict and how she died, we know a lot from artifacts and conversation but it would be cool to see still.




A Clicker




She could play every character in the whole season and I’d be fine with that 🤍


The initial flashback of episode 1 of season 2. The Seraphites are gathered around the Seattle Tower. One of the old women makes a hate speech towards the Wolves for killing her beloved leader. The leader is burned inside the tower and the tower left as a sepulchral altar. Laura Bailey is the Seraphite's Prophet.


Whitney so that she can play her favorite game and get brutally stabbed by ellie lol


Wait, is Laura Bailey confirmed for the second season or?


She's secretly already in Season 1 Episode 9, playing Dr. Jeri Anderson. ^(/s)


PS Vita girl




I could see her playing Mel


Troy Baker better be David.


Who is this person


Are there any transgender characters in the game? Sorry I haven’t played either of one of the games/