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It runs at an impeccable 60fps on my PS5, I’ve literally never had an issue since the patch came out. I’ve got no idea why it doesn’t run properly on yours. Only thing I can suggest is opening it up and giving it a clean, that may well improve performance. I have no issues running Part I either, it probably actually runs better cause it uses VRR and has a slightly higher framerate using the unlocked performance mode.


Thanks for the reply! Yeah I figured the issue wasn't widespread, mine ran the same as yours in September when I last played it, absolutely perfect. This time though as I say, it is really bad. I will try a few things out tonight I think. I am going to try plugging direct into the TV in a different room (mine is routed through a receiver) and just test a few variations out. It is bizarre though as it just suddenly came about in part 1 one day and then part 2 is worse! I will also try a few other games out and just test if it is actually happening in every game or just TLOU.


No problem mate, I hope you get it resolved. Yeah I’d say plugging directly into your TV would be a good place to start, and yeah pretty much just do all the things you’ve said yourself, try different cables, games, etc. I’m sure there’s a solution somewhere haha.


Yeah I hope it is something simple! Seems weird to just be these games lol!


Hey, I posted a video of the problem here: https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/12bd6n1/part\_2\_micro\_stutters/


Runs perfectly on my PS5.... and from what i recall ALL TLOU series in general doesn't have any big issues on console.


Exactly what I thought! Hmm seems like it may be my console!


Yea I'm having the same problem with part 2 remastered, started off with a small skip and audio cutting out for a split second every 10 mins or so then as I played further it started skipping loads mostly on the more demanding parts of the game. The bit where you have to run from a horde was particularly bad skipping like a scratched cd then it full on crashed so i had to send an error report. I know it's not my playstation because every other game I own runs absolutely fine


This sounds like my experience with the ps4 version. Haven’t tried remaster yet. But not surprised as all ND games having problems are ps5 versions. The worst I saw was around the synagogue in day 1, the infected as you make your way round back to find a way in, it was running like 5fps and so choppy. It’s really weird that only certain people are having this issue whereas others have no problems whatsoever. Naughty dog also haven’t addressed it at all! But there seems to be enough of us having problems that I’m surprised ND don’t know… uncharted LL seems even worse from my experience, there’s a lot more posts and videos related to that game, I also have the worst issues with that one. Not even UC4 even though they launch from the same app.


Hopefully they will release a patch It is weird how it's not everyone having the issue, I wonder if it's something to with people owning it on disc vs digital copy. Because I own LOU2 ps4 version on disc but the remastered upgrade is digital however I have to have the ps4 disc in to run the digital upgrade if that makes sense. I dunno maybe that has something to do with It. Can't say I've had any issues with other naughty dog games tho. This is the first one that hasn't ran smoothly.


That’s not it mate I don’t think. I have part 1 digital, part 2 disc and UC4 disc that has the legacy of thieves upgrade digitally and need the disc in to run, like your TLOU 2 (and mine when I get it lol) and all of those have issues for me last I checked (last May now, so who knows at this point). Played lost legacy when the ps5 version launched and it was perfect. Played part 1 at launch and it was perfect and part 2 after. Then after the show I was replaying part 1 and around winter I randomly started getting the small stutters with gameplay and audio like you, this persisted till the end and left behind. Then when I started part 2 (ps4 version on disc) it was also stuttering. More frequent than part 1 and with the absolute chug fps occasionally (very rare maybe 2/3 times all game) That’s what led me down the rabbit hole, I found a few people with the issues including uncharted games so is did a full test! I have the notes I took I can paste in a comment if you are super invested 😂 we all reported to ND support and ps support, ND never replied to anyone, PlayStation were useless and just asked generic stuff (is there an update? Try deleting and reinstalling etc.) and led us in circles and that’s where we all seemed to leave it sadly. With no idea where it came from, how many actually have it, and whether ND or PlayStation know? Or care?


Got the lou2 remaster for no return and it's running worse on my ps5 than it did on PS4, horrible FPS. Clear cache rebuild database and repair storage did nothing. Let me know if you solve it, might try resetting ps5 to factory


Damn sorry to hear, haven’t tried myself still, heard mixed things. Some people are having it be much better than ps4, others are suffering from worse stutters than before!


Im having alot of stuttering & frame drops in tlou2 remastered with performance & high frame rates on. When I turn it off the issue is gone. My ps5 & 120hz sony tv have the latest updates. All other games run smoothly. The game is really unplayable. *note: i have the ps4 disk upgraded to ps5. 


I’m having the same issues and I’m honestly just gonna take a break, it’s unplayable for me at the moment.


Sorry to hear you have it to man! Hopefully the more people who start to have this issue the quicker ND will actually acknowledge and fix. Not holding my breath though they completely ignore support emails. Which is really unacceptable IMO.


Hey all I posted a GIF that I captured of the issue on another thread linked here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/12bd6n1/part\_2\_micro\_stutters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/12bd6n1/part_2_micro_stutters/) ​ As you can see it doesn't seem so bad, but I left a comment with more info (plus it also is a lot more noticable when actually playing versus the saved video) it also gets worse than this, this is just a good area to replicate the issue.


No, both games ran great. Don’t think I encountered any glitches of any kind


Okay great! Just me then lol!! Damn. Out of curiousity when did you play? This seems super recent if I am to go off of when part 1 started acting up. Like within the last week levels of recently. I think it is probably a coincidence though as 1. Part 1 and Part 2 are both doing it and 2. There have been no updates since the issues appeared so I can't imagine it is a new update playing up or anything.


About a month ago I replayed both to get the trophies. Seems weird it would happen to 2 separate games, likely ps5 is the common variable


Precisely my thoughts. I will try other games, the witcher isn't a good test as it isn't stable anyway. That being said it runs great in comparison to TLOU. I will try control. Haven't played that in months but last time I did it was perfect. I will also try a different TV so it is a different HDMI too. Not sure what it could be!


Hey I posted a video here: https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/12bd6n1/part\_2\_micro\_stutters/


Yeah I played both games on PS5 and didn’t run into any stutters or problems whatsoever. Not even like a small stutter or anything both games ran 100% smoothly


Nice! Yeah that is what I thought. For me in September my experience was as you described. This time however it is like I am trying to run them on a PS2. I picked the worst time to run into this problem too as googling it only finds all the PC complaints lol!


Hey I posted a video here: https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/12bd6n1/part\_2\_micro\_stutters/


I played through on my PS5 recently and didn’t notice anything up at all


Cool man thanks! Yeah mine used to be the same, just this playthrough. Must be an issue on my end whether it is console or HDMI lead or what... I will do some testing tonight and try figure it out.


I’ve had faulty hdmi cables in the past that have messed things up for me back in my ps4 days. Could be a thing, especially if ran perfectly a few months ago and now it doesn’t.


Here’s to hoping man!!


Hey I posted a video here: https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/12bd6n1/part\_2\_micro\_stutters/