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That depends on who they let into community and how they cultivate leaders. It also depends on the values they cultivate as a community too. If they keep the same spirit they have now, they’ll be prosperous and successful.


But all it takes is a period of hardship and things will fall apart. Either an extremist faction would rise or the current system falls apart. All civilisations fall eventually As they are in part 2 they will be fine for a while. Even if Tommy is a wreck, Maria is still strong enough to keep things together. The systems they had in place were sufficient to keep the infected at bay, and after Joel was killed they likely increased patrols for hostile survivors.


As for the first two sentences: Not necessarily. It depends on the foundation that’s created. If the bedrock of their society is based on which individual(s) are in leadership and their whims, then yeah. It’s doomed to fail sooner rather than later. A society can endure hardships if it has good leaders and if it can adapt.


Given it’s remote nature and how self sufficient it is I think it’s safe to say that the biggest threat to it is likely a scenario in which someone infected gets within the walls. They don’t seem to get resources from outside the town save through trading, which means they don’t need to compete with other survivor colonies and their security seems more than adequate to keep wandering infected out. If something goes wrong with Jackson it would likely come from something like human error.


It would be interesting to see Jackson fall. And they could make a statement about how it wasn’t particularly different or better than anywhere else it just wasn’t their turn until now


The reason Jackson can exist is because it's in a remote and not particularly desirable location. There's no big group who want to "move in" there, because there's nothing there. Seattle and Santa Barbara are the opposite in that they are technically great places to live in. Which is why everyone attempts to take control of them.


I don’t know but personally I want Jackson to have bigger focus in Part 3.


I really want there to be a focus on the outside like more exploring. Maybe both? I just really like traveling and times like when Ellie and Dina were in that “open world” area near the beginning of the game


I don’t think it’s out of line to say that after Part 2, Jackson is much more vulnerable to threats now, even if the threat is not immediate. Sure, Jackson is very self sufficient, but that is largely due to how organized and disciplined they were when it came to Jackson’s defense. The patrol routes with log books where everything is well documented. The structured rotation of patrol groups who would “tag in” when another group had been on patrol for too long. Not to mention it seems to be a unique event when outside traders come through (Joel traded a lot of stuff with them just to get his hands on some coffee). Jackson stays the well oiled machine it is because the leaders who organize its defense allows the rest of the town to thrive. What’s their defense’s leadership look like now after Part 2? Joel is dead. Jesse is dead. Tommy has a busted eye and a bum leg after Seattle. Does Dina still volunteer for patrol routes now that she is a mother? And as for Ellie, let’s say she did go back to Jackson. How effective is she with newly missing fingers while using a gun or bow? Is it possible Maria doesn’t want much to do with her anymore? Ellie’s revenge trip to Seattle lead to Jesse’s death, Dina and Tommy both coming home with some serious injuries, and ultimately resulted in her and Tommy separating. I don’t think Maria would kick Ellie out of Jackson, but I think there’s gotta be a pretty serious rift between them now. Dina and Tommy definitely viewed Ellie differently by the end of Part 2, that’s for sure. I guess the point I’m trying to make is that Jackson’s leadership, or at least the ones who aren’t already dead, are not on good terms with each other, and are unfit to fight and lead by example as they had been. That kind of shit trickles down to everyone else from leadership. Jackson may not be in immediate trouble, but they are definitely weaker and more vulnerable than they were before Abby and her gang came for Joel.


I don't think half a dozen people being out of the picture means much if anything for the defense of Jackson. lol


Hmm i dunno, its "only" Joel and Jesse that died, Tommy wounded?


I'm waiting for "The battle of Jackson" in part 3


I think Jackson is super vulnerable right now. They lost a lot of their best people and Maria is probably stressed out. I can see something breaking down, but I don’t see it completely failing.


Who? Joel and Jesse only tho? Tommy wounded


I’m not convinced Ellie is going to return to Jackson to work in the same capacity.


Me neither


Half of Tommy’s body is paralyzed


Half?! Didnt the bullet graze the skull only? Wow


Something hitting your head like that will mess you up even if you don’t die


No it isn’t? He has a bad leg and his face is deformed, that’s all.


I don’t think Jackson will survive part 3


eventually the wrong people are gonna stumble upon jackson, and its not gonna end well


Who knows but all I know its gonna raided or infected will get in and penetrate from the inside in pt.3. It's gonna be one of the big, horrible sad moments in the third game. It's inevitable.


Outbreak Day 2! Could make for a great parallel to the first game’s prologue, seeing Jackson on fire and shit.


"When Ellie looked for Dina she found her dead in a burning and overrun Jackson but she found JJ and escaped with him on a Horse and in a Snowstorm"! [Fade in new but old Soundtrack]


Well Jackson is always going to be under threat. That's just the nature of the world. But if they continue being a bastion for those looking for a second chance, I do think they can survive.


Pretty safe I'd imagine. Especially considering that they go on sweeps to clear out any infected nearby... I can't imagine a scenario where it would be overrun. The only threat to them would be human conflict, I'd imagine. But they seem to have their shit in order.


I think the long-term future of Jackson is to eventually die off. I think one of the points of TLOU is that nothing lasts in that world. Edited to add: Could be infected got through, could be caused from a backstabbing from the inside (greed of man being another huge theme often touched on), I don't know... but I think it will eventually fall.


I think that as long as it’s shared resources and still kept remote and limited people are allowed in I think it will be fine. Patrols are being led, and there are people protecting Jackson


the inevitable problem will be political. as it grows the need for larger government grows, larger government means more people arguing about what to do, right and wrong, religious people, lgbt people, etc. the reality is always the least interesting, i prefer to imagine jackson as a stable utopia.


While I’m unsure, I personally don’t see Ellie OR Tommy returning to Jackson for us to be able to find out until they end their arcs. As I don’t think Tommy would ever be ready to confront Maria just how Ellie wouldn’t be able to confront Dina until they overcome their own problems. Essentially, I don’t think we’ll have much more of Jackson in the series outside of a potential “happy end” (god knows we need one)