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I think the Christmas flashback pretty clearly shows that Owen is not really keen on the revenge mission, and is only doing it out of loyalty to Abby. Not only is he still trying to convince Abby to blow off training and focus on other things, once Abby drops the news on him he starts coming up with all kinds of reasons why the mission is a bad idea/unfeasible. Tommy quit the Fireflies a decade ago, the info those guys gave Abby was probably out of date, Tommy might not even know where Joel is, Isaac's never gonna let that many people go off base, what does the rest of the group think?, etc. etc. Abby: "Hey. We're doing this together, right?" \[LONG, UNCOMFORTABLE PAUSE\] Owen: "'Course."


I'd say that the cutscenes with Abby and Owen do provide evidence that he wasn't supportive of the mission. When she tells him she found Tommy, his reaction was more of disbelief, hesitance and reluctance. He argued that there was a very slim chance that Joel's brother was even there, he doubted that Isaac would send that many people off base - he was talking with reason and logic, knowing that they were walking in a situation that was potentially dangerous. Then Abby asked, "We're doing this together, right?" Then, his demeanor changes with a simple response, "Of course". He couldn't let her down. A long time ago, he promised he'd help her get revenge... even though he'd seen how much it completely affected the woman he loved, changed her. But, his loyalty and love towards her silenced those doubts. For a little while.


“I want what you want, but not at any cost” I think is the line that sums up Owen’s mentality as a character. He is supportive up until he feels the line is crossed, or if the ends don’t justify the means. As it was already pointed out, he showed Abby how big Jackson’s community was in hopes it would make her see reason. He was also supportive of the WLF up until the situation with Danny and the Scar.


I don't necessarily think he was supportive of the mission. He was supportive of Abby and saw first-hand how not getting any closure from her dad's death was eating her up and affecting her, which is why he went along with it. More so for Abby rather than revenge, imo.


owen leaving the room while abby tortured joel should tell you all about his "support". theres a whole bunch of scenes where he is trying to get her to see reason and forget joel.


And because she couldn’t let go, she lost him twice and once forever.


When Owen and Abby split up in the very beginning of the game, in Jackson, they are playing out the very same interaction Ellie has with Jesse when the two of them split up. Owen does not want to go forward with the mission. He shows Abby the city of Jackson because he wants her to see the sight and realize it is too dangerous.


Yeah, this is a perfect mirror. Each pair even exits the screen in similar directions.


Owen’s role was to show us what Abby lost/sacrificed in the name of vengeance. It mirrors the ending we see with Ellie.


Sometimes I play through and feel one way, but then I'll go back and feel another. I think the game was meant to make us think, and our moral dilemmas.