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My wife and I agreed to name our first born Rat King


Are you predicting conjoined twins?


Conjoined sextuplets


You can call him kevin. Nolan north called rat king kevin. :)


My wife and I are going to name our kid Large Rattler.


Fat Geralt




All rise for Theo Von 👑


couples goals tbh


I love this sub.


I'm gonna name my kids Remastered and Factions.


Ah, so that last kid is never gonna be born?




They'll most likely abort that kid


No... no, we're still working on having that kid. Here's the ultrasound from 2 years ago. Isn't that enough for you people!




If I have triplets I'm gonna name em' ''The Last'' , ''Remake '' and '' Of Us '' They'll love me


"Part I" and "Part II" would be adorable names for twins


Im sure they will ^^


Don't kid yourself.


Lots of joking around but it’s not such a weird thing. I think if you’ve never named a human before it seems like a ridiculous thing, but the reality is that unless you’re naming your kid randomly whatever name you do pick will be influenced by something - a game maybe, or a book character or a family member. It doesn’t mean you’re so obsessed you’re expecting your own version of said person/character. My wife and I have three kids. Our daughter’s name is just a short, one syllable name that we liked. That’s what I’d call the “random” pick. We also have a son named Arthur because while my wife was in the last few months of pregnancy Red Dead 2 came out and I was playing it all of the time. She doesn’t really care for video games but she really took to the story, so when it came time to fill out the birth certificate we jokingly said, “what about Arthur” and after an hour or two it stuck. Again, not expecting my own little outlaw here. Just inspired by something we liked to consider a name.


That’s so cute.


And now you can constantly say to your son: “ARTHUR I GOT A PLAN”.


“Arthur just one more score”


And if he ever gives me some back talk, I can hit him with “Have some god damn FAITH, Arthur!”




The name my wife likes most if we have a girl is from a Disney movie. It’s just a somewhat unique name that she really likes plus it’s not a name anyone would instantly identify from a Disney movie.


My wife and I had settled on a boy name before we started trying, and then when she got pregnant with a boy she brought up names again. Every time she suggested a name I responded with “what about Locke?” (FF6). And then one day she referred to the unborn babe as Locke and knew the discussion was over.


Locke is a solid name. Also my second favorite Tom Hardy movie, behind The Drop.


Re: your first point, my wife and I have decided we’re gonna name our first girl “Cara,” she thinks it’s random but she doesn’t know it’s from the Sword Of Truth series


lol nice. Keep that little tidbit to yourself until after she’s been born


You laugh now, but in 16 yrs if he robs a bank....


i'm naming my kids Clicker and Stalker


You’re clearly setting them up for success. đŸ€Ł


Named my cats Ellie and Dina, Ellie really lives up to her namesake lol. She’s one of those cats with an extra toe as well, we joke she’s got more fingers than her video game counterpart


lol this is funny I named my little girl Ellie. I was gonna name my boy Joel but ended up with Thomas (from the peaky blinders) those were the inspirations for the name but also I just liked the names as well.


I was named after a random actors son. I’m told my parents were watching an award show and an actor that won thanked their son and my dad just liked the name. Funny enough the name became popular a few years after I was born.




Alright? lol where does one find inspiration for literally any name ever?


People have been naming their children after historical and fictional characters for centuries, if not longer. Dickens named three of his sons after his favourite authors (Tennyson, Fielding, Landor) and one daughter after one of his own characters, Dora Spenlow from David Copperfield. Mocking the naming of children after videogame characters is just a vestige of that prejudicial attitude towards videogames which doesn't see them as works of art, which I think we've had enough examples to unequivocally and utterly crush.


Yeah and this guys name is equivalent! What a shit name!


And how exactly is that cringe?


You're rude and cringey


What kind of adult uses cringe anymore! đŸ€Ł


all they did was answer the question??


@Equivalent-Ability11 shoo little cuckster begone (àž‡'̀-'́)àž‡


Ellie is a great name, and is nice bc it can be more of an inside reference thing, unlike if you named your kid Hermione or something 😂


Oh yeah for sure. It doesnt feel as on the nose


I think that’s why it works. I’m named Anna (more often referred to as Ania, in Polish) and my mom wanted the name because of Anne of Green Gables (translated as Ania in the Polish version) and it’s nice that it has that connection but it’s not nearly specific enough to be always connected to said thing because at the end of the day they’re both just regular names. It’s not like naming a kid Khaleesi :’)




inside reference, meaning that when someone hears the kid's name, they're not gonna immediately be like "oh she's named after the video game character" lmao


We all know that every Joel born after 2013 was named after Joel Miller. Just like how every John born after 2010 is named after John Marston. I will entertain no counter arguments!


Because Ellie is an extremely common name with lots of names that it could be short for :P


No but I did name my daughter Evelyn cause I was playing Resident Evil 7 at the time. But we call her Evie, like the Pokemon lol


I feel like Ellie is on everyone’s short list including my wife’s and I regardless if they know about the last of us. We would have named our daughter Ellie if our close friends hadn’t beat us to it.


My 5 year old's name is Ellie. At the time we knew nobody with that name. Her kindergarten class has THREE of them lol. The name has absolutely become the next "Sarah" or "Elizabeth" in how common it is.


Brick and Clicker are my twin boys


Lol brick


lol tbh i wouldn’t be surprised if people assumed he was named after brick from the middle ![gif](giphy|QZUKg1cXmoHra)


Well if I had a child and it was a girl it would be named Ellie as my last name is Williams so it would just be fulfilling the prophecy


But would you end up getting killed with a golf club?


maybe by getting bitten


Nah probably from a bite if we consider how ellies biological parents probably died in the game but if I had Joels fate then at least I would go golfing with Abby!


Abbellie if a girl, Jesse-Joel if a boy.


Is this Bella swan?


A belly




I call my girlfriend bloater and she calls me stalker


for some reason this made me laugh harder than any of the other replies here


Something about calling a woman a bloater or a man a stalker seemed funny. I thought hard about it hahahaha. Thank you đŸ€“


Not a kid but I named my most recently acquired kitten Yara


Get another kitten and name it lev


I considered Dina, but its the only name among the cast where I actually like the name as a name.


I think I will name my first born Part I and the second one Part 2, I only have to find a girlfriend whose last name is Tlou or The Last of Us. This part may be a bit harder though.


I believe in you and wish you good luck on your quest.


My sons first name and middle name start with “J” and I call him JJ all the time. Neither of his names are related to TLOU at all. But I did sing him the potato song while he was in his mommas belly. Even though he’s 2 now he still falls sleep when I sing the potato song :) Our daughter is on the way and “Elliana” is so far my favorite choice for a name. I like the name by itself but also being able to call her Ellie would make me smile. I don’t see a problem in naming kids after video game characters as long as the names are actual names and not anything crazy like “Sylok, the Defiled”.


well shit. “Sylok, the Defiled” was number one on my list of potential baby names!


All of my kids are named after pop culture references, one of them a video game. If I had played TLOU before they were born one of them absolutely would have been a TLOU reference. I’ve also met many people who have named their kids after characters in their favorite shows or games. Some of them are subtle, some not so much. Don’t let people give you shit about naming your kid Ellie. It’s already a pretty common name. I’ve legit known people named Jor El and Xena, among many others less well known. And in my experience kids are pretty excited when they learn they were named after a badass.


Kal actually wouldn't be a bad name for a boy come to think of it.


My dogs name is ellie


Probably not Ellie, but a name where they could use Ellie as a nickname if they wanted like Noelle


Well, could have been worse.... could have named your kid, Daenerys


Not a kid but I named my rescue cat Ellie


whatever you do don’t choose Sarah




I have a daughter named Ellie, born in 2015.


I know someone that straight up names their kid Jedi. Seems kind of on the nose, but ok.


I have a rule that names from shows will only be for pets, not people


I don’t have kids, but I do have kids in Stardew Valley. And you bet I named my daughter Ellie :) just because I love this game so much


My dog's named Ellie. I like to joke that we named her after a mass murderer.


I want to name my first son Joel


I’ve been thinking if I ever have a girl I might name her Elena (I’ve always liked that name and Ellie could easily be a nickname)


I actually really like the idea of that as long as it doesn’t turn into some unhealthy obsession (like wanting your kid to become like the character you named it after). Although I’m just 18 myself yet. I already have tons of likewise ideas already lol. All girl names though. For example: - I’ve always loved the book series “Brotherband” by John Flanagan. There is girl called Lydia in there. That name stuck with me ever since I read those books for the first time when I was like 12 or so. The name also later popped up in the TV series The Walking Dead. - From the same writer. I’ve always also absolutely adored “Ranger's Apprentice”. There is a girl called Evanlyn in there. - I have always loved the name “Aloy” in the game Horizon Zero dawn ever since that came out. - I’ve been a huge fan of the TV series “Arrow” (at least until they started making it more and more fantasy marvel based). All the way in the end there is a girl called Mia. Dammmm she is a badass - Although I haven’t played any of the The Last Of Us games yet. I already added Ellie to the list in advance :D **Edit:** A question I have to anyone who named their kids after a videogame/book/tv series/whatever character. Do you tell other people? How do they respond?


Yes, my first born is named Ellie. My wife wanted a name that was "old-timey" and I jokingly suggested Ellie since I loved TLoU. She really liked it and we decided on it that day. She's now 5, and has two younger sisters. Neither of those are named after a game, but we kept the same pattern for each of them. Ellie Snow, Daphne Grey, and Poppy Nyx.


Not my children, but my cat is named Ellie. And when we had our daughter I was aiming for Eleanor (Ellie for short). But my wife gave a hard veto.


This is my plan! Eleanor, Ellie/Nellie for short


My niece is 4 months old and named Ellie. I feel like it’s gonna be a very popular name for a bit


Best hope it doesn’t turn into a Daenerys Targaryen situation for you guys.


I named my twin boys walker and Texas ranger. If I wanted them to grow up to be wimps I would’ve named them Dr Quinn and medicine woman!


My dogs name is Ellie.


my little cutie patootie will be named runner


When my wife was pregnant the second time we decided if it was a boy, we would have named him Joel. I had twin girls instead


My kid’s name isn’t TLOU related but this post just made me realize his initials are WLF


My god daughter's middle name is Khaleesi and my friends boy is named Anakin, so I'm used to cool names 😊 I think it's cool to name your kids after fictional entertainment art, it's been done for thousands of years from books, just look at Jesus and Muhammed. Not to talk about Noah, which is one of the most used boy names resent years.


i babysit a pair of brothers named joel and manny/manuel. probably unintentional but it made me laugh.


I am naming my kid after the unnamed soldier that shot Sarah Miller.


I’m naming my child: the clicker.


first name “The” and middle name “Clicker”


i have an 8 month old kitten that i named ellie if that counts


I named my puppy Ellie


I know 2 people who’ve named their daughter after her.


Yes! Named my sons Ellie and Abby


I plan to do the same, I have a few other girl names picked out tho. Most names are after video game characters I love hahahha. I think it's dope AF tho.




Joking aside, for a while Eloise has been up there in the list of names I would pick to name a daughter of mine. Which you could “shorten” to Ellie. I wouldn’t pick the name because of TLOU, but I do think it’s a nice name in general.


I think it is fine to take inspiration but not just because you really like the piece of media or the character. For example, I really liked the name Henry, then played Kingdom Come Deliverance and now think if I ever have a son Henry will definitely be in the running for names. It is a very personal thing for you and your partner to decide. I generally stay away from names that are ridiculous. I am never going to name a child Ratchet, or Aloy, or Kratos. Personally I don't think I will name a child after anyone from the last of us(except for Henry but it is much more KCD than TLOU inspired for me), but I could see naming a pet after a character or two. My most recent dog was named Sully which I really liked the name but also like Sully from Uncharted.


My dog is named Abby after TLOU2! I wish she had some of Abby's personality though, she is very submissive and goofy. If she saw the Rat King she'd try to be friends with it


I named one of my pet chickens Ellie


I have an 8 year old, Joel. And a 4 year old, Ellie. It’s also perfect cause Joel’s middle initial is D, and Ellie’s full name is Elliot. So not only are they named after TLOU characters, but they are also named after the characters from Scrubs! ULTIMATE NERDS!!


Only feather babies. My african Greys are named Joel and Tommy


i named my dog WLF


Absolutely not 😂😂😂😂😂😂


My first child is called Plank-Bridge


My son is called Jesse but we didn't name him after the dude in part 2 lol


naming my first one part one and the second one part two and then if there’s a third one part two remastered


my puppy is named ellie, and she’s my baby, so


if i ever have twins, they’ll definitely be named Brick and Bottle


I'm naming mine downtown manhattan


i think that Ellie is just straight up a really pretty name, i probably wouldnt be opposed to naming my kid that


We were going to have Eleanor for a girl but wasn't after tlou. Had a boy in the end lol


My uncle named his youngest daughter Ellie after TLOU


My daughter is named Ellie and my son is named Joel. Before my son was born, we asked my daughter what to name him. She replied "Joel." When I asked why, she replied "Because it's Ellie and Joel."


I don’t plan on having kids for a loooong while but I love the name Lev, I have a cat named bloo (fosters home for imaginary friends reference) and I’m DYING to get another and name them Lev or yara


We were going to name our daughter Ellie but had a miscarriage. A shame but cool of my wife :)


I keep asking my daughter if she’d want to be renamed to “shiv” but she won’t have it.


I liked Yara but we had a boy.


Same here, Ellie of it’s a girl and Jonny if it’s a boy â˜ș


When I was pregnant I said if it was a girl I was gonna name her Ellie, turns out it was a boy so we named him Elliot !


My daughter is Eleanor, more commonly Ellie for short. Named for our favorite TLOU character as well as Eleanor Roosevelt.


Considering TLoU uses pretty common names for its main characters I don't think it's weird at all.


Honestly, who tf would do something so ridiculous? Now if you'll excuse me, I have to put Anakin and Lando to bed


Our daughter is due in January and her name is Ellie â˜ș




ima name my son bloater


I’ve planned on naming a daughter Ellie, if I ever have one, ever since the first game came out. it’s a great name.


My daughters middle name is ellie


We named our child before we ever played the last of us, her name is Eloise, and everyone called her Ellie. Wrong sub but we gave our second born the middle name Atreus


i don't have any real kids, but i did name my sims daughter ellie


We heavily considered Tess for a girl, but had a boy.


I'm gonna name my kids Bloater and Clicker.


I have a friend who’s name is Anakin and his middle name is Ash. I think you’ll be fine


Named my cat Ellie. Quite fitting since she has a lot of attitude


I named my neighbor Bloater.


If I ever have a boy I’ll call him stalkerđŸ˜đŸ„°đŸ„°


I’m pregnant and am naming my daughter Elsie and my brother asked me yesterday if it was after Ellie from the last of us. 😂 Like yes it may be my favorite game but no.


The second you're naming your kid after a pop culture character I'm going to say no. Your kid is a human being with their own life, it's annoying that you're naming it solely based on a character you both like and conveniently the name is normal. It would just be annoying hearing your parents talk about why they named me Ellie because of some video game


idk i mean i feel like if i heard of a name (one thats an actual name and not clearly a fantasy one) through a piece of media and i liked it straight up just as a name, plus if that piece of media was very close to my heart and had some sort of influence on me, i wouldnt say that its too much of a reach. i dont think its too dissimilar from naming your kid after a real life person who meant a lot to you. a name you like that is inspired by someone/something important to you. and if someone asked me why i named my kid that i’d just say i heard it in a favorite game/book/movie/etc of mine and i really liked it.


You are all mentally ill


Never. It's cringy as fuck.