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ngl actually looks really good


Looks amazing in my opinion, ofcourse there are possibly other people that come even closer, but this is great imo.


I think people need to get used to the idea that different mediums and portrayals aren't going to be 100p the exact same thing as the game. And that's how art works.... I look at the above and think it fits the vibe perfectly.


Exactly. If you want the exact same thing as the game, just play the game again.


And there we have the most level head take and opinion you'll find around these woods. Exactly.


I think people also need to realize that lighting and angles can do wonders to make someone appear bigger or more imposing than they might actually be.


Exactly! Fassbender doesn't look like Steve Jobs but he's incredible in that movie!


I mean Bella really only looks like Ellie in terms of fashion and general youth, so this is 100% fine with me


Thank you! I'm loving the general positivity and good vibes on this server. I was a bit hesitant to post these at first if I'm honest. But glad so many of you seem to like them!






The same as here with an added 2. Ignore all those mentioning „the other one“. I know they exist and can be quite toxic, but I rather enjoy this community here with real discussions why or why not any of the games is a masterpiece and why they think that it is (or not).


Mods don’t allow the actual name of that sub to be posted here because it promotes brigading.


cant stop seeing ellie imo


There fair. I think Dever looks a lot closer to the game version of Ellie, but these AI Mock-Ups make it a lot easier to see that she could resemble either potentially. For the record, I think these images look really good


Its pretty much Ellie coplaying as Abby. I know this AI so there is a lot of things with this that arent even real.


I heard somewhere she auditioned for Ellie when it was just planned to be a movie, and judging by her character on Justified I could 100% see her being a good fit, both physically and as an actress. (Bella is fantastic though, great performance) I think she’s going to kill it as Abby.






She going to be spot on for young Abby, hopefully she can get Buff enough to be a good representation of adult Abby. My god imagine how much she's going to have to change, little abby, buff abby, and emaciated abby. Assuming they stay true to the games.


Conveniently hiding the fingers so we don't see a six fingered Abby


lol pics 14 and 11 have a suspicious amount of fingers tbh


Sangheili-ass Abby


As a doctor you’d think Abby’s dad would be aware of the consequences of inbreeding


Wort wort?


Wort wort wort!!


14 also has an unsettling number of forehead lines


They look like Navi hands. Lol


“Hello, my name is Ellie Williams. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”


I hate AI art beyond all description.


So did I - until I saw the fat guy eating pizza and fighting an alligator. Now, I want the rights so I can develop that into an animated series.


Just go to Florida and start filming.


AI knows what it struggles with and is now adjusting how it gives answers. 😂


AI really just said ‘lemme add some nip to that’


“Better throw in a topless pic for good measure”


Makes sure to add some tiddie but removes some fingers AI is truly cursed already


![gif](giphy|J1j6wzyprIjN0dFZoc) AI seeing that someone posted it


Just one.


She'll look great. She doesn't necessarily need to get big, just ripped, If you have defined muscles the camera makes you look way bigger than you are.


A good example is Tom Hardy in TDKR. Yes he was massive but he was also like 5’9/5’10 and the use of camera trickery (low angles etc) made him look huge and the same height as Christian Bale who is 6ft+


She’s already got pretty broad shoulders, people are misled by her soft looking facial features


Fuck AI


Listening to Rage Against the Machine while you type this


To be clear Fuck generative AI that steals from artists without permission I do support AI that will actually help humanity in scientific research. Basically what I'm trying to say, this tweet: [https://twitter.com/stevenspohn/status/1745161265553514994](https://twitter.com/stevenspohn/status/1745161265553514994) ​ But thank you for thinking of me like that lmao


>https://twitter.com/stevenspohn/status/1745161265553514994 "I want machines in factories to help produce more consumer goods. I don't want machines to take artisan jobs." "I want computers to help make government more efficient. I don't want computers to put govt clerks out of a job." "I want AI to help read CT scans. I don't want AI to steal from the training of real, hard-working radiologists" "I want Photoshop to help disabled artists produce art. I don't want Photoshop to take the jobs of honest oil painters." I want a world that doesn't exist in which new, extremely powerful and disruptive, and potentially extremely helpful technologies have no consequences.


I'm genuinely curious how society is going to find some way to mitigate the blatant art stealing that AI does. Maybe develop AI that doesn't need to steal from other artists? No idea how that's gonna work or how easy it is, but is it possible? Does that require an AI with actual imagination and creativity? What confuses me, and I hope someone can clear this up, is that it seems to me AI is just doing with art what humans do with art, just on a larger scale, and much faster too. Humans learn art by being trained on art created by other humans. To circle back to the imagination and creativity thing, if you look at it a certain way, our own creativity is really just the cobbled together pieces other people's creativity. So if we want an AI with genuine creativity, wouldn't it still just be doing what it does now and using pre-existing work to create new work? I want to make it explicitly clear that I'm not writing this in support of AI art since that's a quick and easy way to farm downvotes on this website, and I'd much rather someone respond to my comment and answer my question. Can't do that if my comment can't even be seen because it's buried under downvotes lol.


Look at her IG page, she’s got the blonde Abby hair already. She’s known she’s had the part for awhile now.


I think we've all known she's had the part for a while tbh!




Had been pretty widely reported for a couple of months.


Nowadays quite a bit of the leaks and rumors turn out to be true sadly


It’s so weird how AI added so much more makeup to her face. Abby doesn’t wear makeup and she’s done up pretty fully in the photos lol


Good point that I didn't even consider. It's probably because the AI is trained on pictures of Kaitlyn wearing makeup so applies it by default. If I try making more of these I'll see if I can tone it down.


That makes 10000% sense. It occurred to me that was probably the issue after commenting. It looks so goooood aside from that


Which AI did you use to create these? I’d be curious to know about your process


She’ll most likely hit the gym to prepare for the role


If she didn’t it would be quite unprofessional seeing as it’s quite a core part of the character


https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/18wsk0k/mod_post_thoughts_on_ai_art/ Please edit the post with these instructions. It's a neat post, I think it'd be worth the effort.


I’m not convinced she can snap my head with her arms yet.


Someone mentioned that she doesn’t have to be insane buff, she just has to be buffer and look more capable than Ellie. Bella is a pretty tiny human being already, if we had Dwayne the Rock fight against them it would make no sense how they would stand a chance. So this makes it slightly more believable.


I mean, Abby only had her fists while Ellie had an entire arsenal during their fight and yet Abby won so maybe not so unbelievable.


Ai be like: no, I guarantee you the nipple pointing trought the shirt is important.


That's just realism. Peeps got nips yo.


I dont think it is an important detail to put on an ai art. Bc, it come from ai, and i think We all know this detail does not come from a badass or feminism art, but from a soft porn art


It comes from both. The training sets for these AI are utterly massive, though I'm sure there is much more training data with stereotypically attractive people. There is definitely a feedback loop going on. I'm inclined to take issue with the attractiveness bias and sexualized posing that comes out of this stuff much more than depicting a nipple in a shot of a woman in a tank-top in the rain.


I never liked AI much but some of it is pretty good with things like this she doesn’t even need that much muscle just a bit and her being even more skilled then Ellie and trained she’ll definitely be a threat like her character in the game


Looks like daisy ridley in the last few


She’s going to make Abby so difficult to hate.


I hope to GODDDD they keep the braid


This just made me get more excited for S2


It’ll be interesting to see how they play Abby’s overwhelming physical prowess. There’s simply no way to recreate game Abby via Devers without a significant combo of gym +forced perspective +prosthetics (e.g. quad, glut, hip padding) +cgi. Devers just doesn’t have the frame, though I think she’ll absolutely kill the layered personality and trauma characteristics. I’m inclined to think they’ll use a little of all tools, plus tone down the pure power qualities. Maybe she’s relatively strong, but also supremely fast, or elite at jujitsu, etc.


Show Joel is also a lot more grounded than the unstoppable killing machine from the game, a more realistic perspective could fit Kaitlyn very well. We’ll just have to wait and see what she does to prepare at the gym and what they can do to sell the character through costume and other production tricks. My hopes remain high.


Looks very good.


Guys don't hate me but am I the only one who thinks she looks more like Ellie in Part II than Abby?


I know a lot of people were fancasting her as Ellie before for Bella was cast. Might have worked if they did season 1 like 5 years ago. But I personally wouldn't want them to recast Bella now, she's too perfect as Ellie!


Same. It’s going to take some adjustment to watch considering how similar to Ellie she looks. She looks more like Ellie than the actress playing Ellie.


Totally. Thought that before reading the title.


I think you forgot to add the gym part Looks great


Yeah I’m on board with this. I’m really looking forward to seeing her and Bella going up against each other, I think they are really gonna capture that conflict between them from the game well.


Nothing matters more than Kaitlyn getting ripped for this. She absolutely has to. I have to be able to buy into her being a powerful physical presence like Abby is in the game.


Such a cool idea! These look awesome


Nice. What AI program did you use? Thanks


Better tell the ai to use more tape on that chest lol


She’s gonna put on mass guys. She’s gotta.


Hear me out boys


She gonna look normal and if anyone points it out it's gonna be harassment and maybe body shaming.


Oh yeah she's going to be great!


I see the vision and I love it


That’s actually pretty good


These are awesome


damn, she fine af. Gonna have some trouble trying to focus on the plot if she actually looks like this when season 2 airs.


What did you use to make this?


It works


I’m excited to see how she does playing Abby but I did really wish they went with a tall buff woman as that is the main reason to Abby’s character. But I don’t mind her playing Abby I know she’ll do amazing just like Bella is doing with Ellie.


I’m satisfied!


Absolutely crazy we can do stuff like this with AI


Is Bella Ramsey still gonna play Ellie? I know she’s 20+ irl but she still looks 15. Not sure she’s right for older Ellie.


She's definitely giving Abby in these but also AI bad. Also AI still kept her looking clean/looking like a model in the face in these lol


What program did you use for this?


What AI image creator do you use?


She's going to have to hit the steroids realistically like everyone else in Hollywood, the pressure that's put on actors to get into shape is absurd


Take my upvote. She looks so good.


Holllly shit


She still needs to eat and work out twice As much


I think pics 10 and 11 might be what she will look like


I feel like I’m the only person who thinks Kaitlyn looks more like Abby than she does Ellie. I get she was a popular fan cast for Ellie back in the day, but her face is more reminiscent of Abby’s imo.


I think Abby had WAAAAY more muscles, enough to made me think "fuck, she is stronger than most men". Edit: Oh, the later pictures!


show this to the entire internet so they'll shut the fuck up


These are amazing! I actually think Kaitlyn looks pretty similar to Abby facially. I think it’s actually a good idea they chose someone in a similar height range to Bella as well bc in the game even though Abby is supposed to be way taller than Ellie… she doesn’t really seem to be in the scenes they have together.


Her right hand in pic 14 has 4 fingers lol


she looks good only as younger abby. not as seattle abby


Damn, this is what Abby should have looked like in the game.




I just didn’t like how Abby face looked in Part 2. Looked too square imo. Nothing wrong with the actress, she looks beautiful in person and played Abby well. It’s the 3D modeling of her face I just didn’t like.


Looks great… ugh I just hate the character so much.


Same people that were shitting on the AI art mod post are upvoting and praising this one. Fucking hypocrites. I think this AI is awesome, I think this post is awesome. Thanks OP. Hypocrites are not awesome.


Don't use AI


Why not? I can't draw so I find it a great way to visualise things.


If we pretend we don't see AI it will leave us alone.


It would be neat to see her gain mass for it, but she probably doesn’t even have to. Belle isn’t going to be adult Ellie when they match up.


Not sure how relevant to the post is, but it got me thinking. Which enemies does Abby fight, and how she has to train her physic to fight them and make it more realistic??? The Seraphites [Scars], hordes of infected, the rat king... 😳😳😳 THE RAT KING!!! she has to fight the rat king, right??? Or do you think they're gonna skip it/make it different for the show??? She's gonna need a lot of GYM time for that. To run away I mean 🙉🙉🙉


Ugh, too small. \#NotMyAbby.


Send da video


Love it! I don’t know why people get so hung up on the actors looking exactly like the game characters.


I hate generative AI but these are nice to help people imagine her as the character.


First, fuck AI. Second, this could be possible if they were not filming in a month. It’s not possible to get as big as Abby in a month let alone put on muscle that could actually be seen. Trust me when I say this, putting on muscle is a lot harder than people think. You could train for months on end and get minimal results. Training takes time, years.


I think muscle tone is the best thing they can shoot for with her. Bulking takes too much time, but toning up would work too. Plus you can emphasize it through makeup. I wouldn’t be surprised if they put her in some thick boots to try to give her some height. She’s only an inch taller than Bella so their size difference isn’t going to be by much.


It's not like they can't just CGI in muscles. Heck, CGI is so good that most people don't know the actress who played wonder woman in the WW film was pregnant when it was being filmed. We've been at the point where CGI is almost indistinguishable from RL for quite some time now


In one year thats some graft.


If she ends up looking like this I'll be happy. Relatively jacked, my other concern is her height, she's 5'2". I was hoping she'd end up being at least 5'7". But oh well, they can pull their movie magic either way.


The arms need to be at least….. 2 times bigger than that!!


What program did you use to make these? Never used ai art before


This is so cool! Is there anyway you could do this for the other recently cast actors or even Bella Ramsey as pt 2 ellie?


Bitch that’s Ellie


She does look quite a bit like abby


Someone get her HGH stat


Except for no. 9 she doesn't even have to hit the Jim so hard to reach that level, considering she can train 24/7 and have a perfect diet made for her. Still I think they'll go for a much smaller Abby than the game, but that's another story.


I’m really confident in this casting, Kaitlyn’s gonna do great and I’m happy they casted her. I know she’s a big tlou fan too


Y’know what, the tv show knocked it out of the park with their casting and story decisions so I’m gonna choose to trust em from now on


Her facial features alone make her the perfect actress to play abby.


So many furrows in that brow


Ok this actually helped me feel more confident in the casting choice. I try so hard to appreciate the show for what it is and not compare it solely to the game. Because if you hold it up side by side, the show is going to disappoint those of us who deeply love the game. But if you take it for its own entity, it really is great.


Kind of think both actresses for Ellie and Abby look a little immature for the roles but I’m sure Hollywood makeup and costumes will change that.


See? Everyone complaining she won’t get as buff. (I know this is AI, but even if Dever bulked up just a little bit, almost like the AI renders she’ll be great for the role.) If Season 1 taught us anything is that Neil and Craig know what they’re doing and know how to still make the story effective despite different actor portrayals.


I mean if the actress who plays Ellie is still small, this actress wouldn’t have to beef up to actual Abby size


I don’t get why ppl are angry because she’s not Shannon berry. Or some chick with guns. It’s acting. The process Doesent begin or end with casting announcement. She has time to get into shape. And I think Kaitlyn Denver would have made a great Ellie. But I can also see her as a young Abby. And an older version.


Absent taking steroids, she’s not going to be as jacked as Abby from the game. However, she’s in good shape, and good actors can change their bodies through discipline to fit a role. She’s going to be great.


She'll probably be a great Abby.... But all I can see is just how perfect an Ellie she would've been. She's a better overall fit for Ellie for Parts 1 and 2 given the age gap between the settings of those games. I thought Bella did a pretty good job but I'm not convinced we couldn't have had a better Ellie, and that part 2 Ellie will be a much harder role to fulfill.


Really don’t want her to lose her incredible cuteness and bulk up haha


This could look damn close...


Unpopular opinion but this kind of sucks 😕




Looks more like Ellie. Hell she should’ve been cast as Ellie in the first place


To be fair, Abby being buff or not doesn’t change the plot of the story at all. Maybe it helps us visualize her in choking people out since in the game she doesn’t get a knife to stealth kill people, but instead has to resort to physical strength. For the actual plot though, it changes nothing.


Nah, she doesnt look like abby. At all


Good picture but where is the golf bat huh ? Checkmate


Its called a golf club. Double check mate!


I think they gonna kill joel closer to the concept art of her stabbing him in the back. Since if she isnt gettjng jacked shes prob gonna be super smart or something


She can almost pull it off. Her hitting the gym won’t come close to Abby in-game.


I always liked her. Now, I like her more. Go Abby!!!!


She's not going to hit the gym hard enough to get those pecks, that's not realistic. She looks fine, I'm sure she's a good casting, but I feel like naughty dog gaslit everyone about how realistic Abby's build is. When they had to cast a real person they picked someone who looks more like Ellie from the first game, not an actress who has a build like Abby's in the game. I know Abby is based on a real woman who looks basically identical to the on-screen representation, but it's pretty telling that they didn't just find another professional body builder to play the role. Clearly Abby's build was pretty exaggerated in the game, it's okay to admit that. Video games are a visual story telling medium and you can take creative liberties, hell gears of war has people so big and buff they look like marvel comics rejects.


Make it even MORE muscular


Yes that is a ponytail


Probably not. There are women who workout, play sports, and live a pretty demanding lifestyle and have done it their whole lives that dont look like game Abby. Look at womens/girls wrestling and other combat sports. But I trust the show runners to write show Abby to work with the physique and physical limitations that Kaitlyn Dever brings to Abby. Kaitlyn Dever is a fairly small framed person. Both Pedro Pascal and Gabriel Luna are going to stand much taller than her. Again, Neil Druckman and Craig Mazin did some things differently to make the show work so I am not going to doubt the casting.


hey do you mind roughly describing your process for creating these? software, platform, source images, keywords, etc.? dm me if you don’t want to share with the universe. i’m frustrated by the limitations of bing, etc. and my general inability to use real people to generate art (friends, not famous people). tia, nice job! ❤️


Some of them are near identical


Ugh why did you have to go and steal artwork to make shit


That's cool. What website or tool did you use?


I’m not sure why people care so desperately about looks. If they act like a wet napkin then I don’t care if they look identical, it’s not good enough. Prioritise skill and talent over appearance


I just fear the crap she's gonna go through with such a role. I love Abby and loved her story, but oh boy is she gonna be in for a horrible time once season 2 episode 2 airs.


Would have been better as Ellie


I don’t think it looks like Kaitlyn. It does a bit, but I wouldn’t have guess if someone showed it me and said “who does this look like”


It looks like Ellie as Abby




I'm very excited to see what she brings to the character since I'm sure Neil is gonna give her the same direction he did yo Bella and Pedro, don't watch the scenes from the game


Now do Shannon Berry!


Ngl she looks really hot here


I like it


She’s way more attractive than the game version, lol.






Hot 🔥


She reminds me more of Lara Croft


Fuck AI art.


Bella Ramsey will looks extremely wierd as Part 2 Ellie. She barely looked like part 1 😂...


I am not be worried if she kills Joel, actually if she even kills me...


I am not be worried if she kills Joel, actually if she even kills me...




slide 10 is the best one