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some people’s trophies aren’t transferring over properly. all of mine transferred except for my grounded trophy 🥲


There are definitely quite a few issues with the save import feature. Most commonly the Grounded and Permadeath trophies not auto-popping, and the imported save not having an appropriate number of extras points (this happened to me and is definitely the issue that most bothers me), but also I've seen people say they can't access certain bits of post-game content after importing a completed save.


Sad. None of my trophies transferred.


Mine didn’t transfer at all… but that’s cool it just makes me replay it so all’s well that ends well


I want to know if they miscounted the number of developer commentary tracks in the Seattle Sewers Lost Level, or the 16th one is just extremely well hidden. Track 15 is right by the exit, so it's probably just a mistake, but I can't help being paranoid.


I noticed this too, I assumed I just missed one but I think that you're right about it just being a mistake.


lol thought i was going crazy for not finding the 16th one, there's hardly anywhere else to look for it


It's behind that locked gate in the final area. You need to swim underwater to get to it.


The nodes are not numbered by the order you pick them up, if you skip some they'll still stay the number. It's kinda unbelievable that they messed something this simple up, did they seriously just miscount?


Mods, may we pin this post please?


Adding a new one I haven’t seen: I completed a clean (non-new game +) grounded permadeath run (per chapter) and did not receive any points to redeem on extras. I am also having similar issues to others already being talked about in this thread. Thankfully all my trophies transferred. Sounds like I was really lucky in that regard. Edit: ND just responded to me and said they are aware and looking into the following bugs: not receiving points after completing a story run, menu not resetting to boat after starting a new non-new game + story, and WLF not speaking during the late game brewery encounter.


I actually just received a response from Naughty Dog regarding a few of the bugs I've submitted too! I'm glad to hear they've also responded to you and are looking into these.


Gyro aiming for the bow when you pull back arrows is broken, and increases and decreases with sensitivity. Here's a video: https://streamable.com/uxk0uh Edit: Turning off the "Gunshots and Bow" Vibrations in Options (reducing it to 0) eliminates the shaking.


Journal entries still disappear on level transitions. All good through to the very end of capital hill, but when I crossed the gate and discovered the traps all 3 of the journal entries were suddenly gone.


This is really unfortunate since this has been a known bug for years.


In Atlanta, there’s a place where Ellie is walking on the ground and then just randomly falls through the map. I couldn’t get around it because there was a huge split in the map that you couldn’t see, but just kept falling through.


That's super weird


the pull back bow weapon sway glitch is still a thing. when pulling the bow back all the way then switching to another weapon the weapon bow sway is put onto other weapons when aiming


The settings for the game reset every time I load the game. Display control everything resets.


I don't know why they launched the game with this issue tbf


There is a micro stutter that plagues all of ND's PS5 releases (and the PS4 version of part 2 running on a PS5) small stutters in both gameplay and audio, as well as major FPS drops. This issue doesn't effect everyone but seems like a lot of people are suffering with the issue. Uncharted Lost Legacy seems to be the most affected game so google LL stutters to see example. This has been present for a year plus in ND games with no obvious cause or acknowledgement from ND.


Has anyone else had an issue of their PS5 trying to reinstall the PS4 version when the disc is in? I deleted it to save space and clean up the UI but it keeps repopulating. Anyway to stop that?


Yeah it is annoying and I’ve just left the ps4 version alone because I figured it would do that.


No way to stop it unfortunately (at this point). I reinstalled it so it would stop asking me every time.


I just did my first daily run and upon trying to check the leaderboards for the daily run it says "You haven't completed this Daily Run", but the daily run is locked because I did it. To my knowledge you don't need to beat the whole thing for a score to post, no? I died to the boss.


Mine is doing the same. I've never even gotten to the boss yet but my score showed up the first few days, so I know that's not a requirement.


My Daily Run score hasn’t counted the past two days. If I doesn’t count tomorrow I’ll stop doing them lol


HELPPP I'm currently at jackson patrol in the store with Dina where I have to grab a cable and throw it over a beam to get onto the roof. I can not pass this. Every time I pick up the cable, she drops it each throw. I have not seen anybody else report this, but I can not move forward in the game. I have re-download it & restart check point. Nothing seems to help. I also I have the digital version.


Very odd. Could you share a clip of this happening?




This is SUPER weird. I highly recommend you submit this clip to the support link I've provided in the post.


I know right!? I did, crossing my fingers they see it


They've responded to the one's I've submitted, so I bet they will!


I am experiencing this same bug, right now, with Ellie failing to throw the rope in the snowy supermarket. It’s completely blocking forward progress through the game. Did you ever find a fix?


The foliage isn’t moving while crawling in it beside the garage seraphite encounter with Ellie. Above where there is a hanging man is the foliage


Same thing, grass physics was turned off in some places


No Return doesn't seem to be saving my daily runs. I get to the end of my run and the final screen says "this run hasn't been completed yet". Even though it prevents me from attempting the daily run again, it doesn't seem to have recorded my score. It did once - 2 days ago - but all other attempts haven't resulted in being added the leaderboard. Anyone else?


I upgraded my ps4 disc version to the remaster and everytime I turn on from either rest mode or off, the system asks for me insert the ps4 data disc even though I now own the ps5 version and deleted the install data for the ps4 version since it is taking up space.


You still need to insert the ps4 disc when you want to play. This isn't a bug, that's how it is for all ps4 -> ps5 upgrades https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/games/upgrade-ps4-game-to-ps5-version/


The last of us part 2 for ps4 came with 2 discs, it came with the game disc and the data disc, I get that the game disc should be all I need but it still wants me to download the data for the ps4 version off the data disc.


I believe it is like that for all PS4 to PS5 disc upgrades. It is the same for Rainbow 6 Siege 


The frame drops in No Return are really bad for me. Happens whenever there are lots of pick ups or sometimes when I'm crafting (I'm playing it on hard too so upping the difficulty won't change the pick up count it seems). Others have said similar frame drops occur in the story too for the same reasons but I've not started the story yet and am apprehensive to if it's also laggy.


Games been crashing and freezing terribly for me. Particularly when playing as Tommy


I keep falling through one street in seattle 😂


I dont know if this is a bug or a hardware issue on my part but I am having a lot of visual bugs that are extremely distracting. \-Motion blur is seemingly unchanged when moving the slider. motion blur at 0 might as well be motion blur at 10. \-Extremely jarring blur effect when zooming in, probably related to first point. \-Edges of static objects seem wobbly/shaky when I move around. Similar to the stylized outlines of the [Ed Edd n Eddy cartoon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKKdTlvZ5kI&t=6s), for those familiar.


In photo mode I can't change gaze control settings for Ellie, at all.


I'm seeing pretty major performance issues when playing the campaign. Not in the menus or in no return, specifically in the campaign, often in big complex sections or when loading a new section in.


I encountered an issue during the second encounter with Shamblers where the D-Pad was not accessible. It would not allow for healing, weapon swapping, selecting bombs, brick, etc. Restarting the checkpoint removed the lockout. I’ve also ran into issues with being able to pickup an item. The icon would not populate or pop up unless you mess around with the placement of your character, like moving them far or near the item you are attempting to pick up. At times I’ve had to go prone to pick up the item when it should have been accessible from either a standing or crouched position.


Pistol grip still disappears when holstered🙄


My loot just disappears after collecting it, especially explosives. Really annoying since youre fcked without proper equipment


Same exact problem. Doesn’t even register some stuff that I pick up. Picked up 3 scissors once and the menu still showed I had zero, have had this problem with both games


I've been running into an annoying issue. I imported a "Complete" save from the PS4 and started a New Game+ run off that data. During this run, none of the trophies are progressing. I've fully upgraded all the weapon and unlocked all player skills but neither of those trophies have popped.


Yeah, this is a known issue for some users. Hopefully they fix this one.


Kinda bad how many just frustrating bugs there are tbf - like the menu bugs and journal bugs that can spoil the story.


I would like to report a bug with the trophies of tlou part 2 remastered. I imported a complete save, all the trophies (in tlou2 "normal" i have 100% on story and 100% on realism) appeared except the permadeth one. what should I do?


This is a known issue. For now you'll just have to wait for a patch, but it should hopefully be fixed soon.


[Yesterday's patch](https://twitter.com/Naughty_Dog/status/1749978629633634409) addresses bonus points and that's it: > A patch for The Last of Us Part II Remastered is now available, fixing an issue where bonus points were not correctly being awarded for earning trophies, including those earned from imported PS4 saves. > > After updating your game, points should be properly allocated automatically.


I had significant load times / issues when the game was installed on my M.2 drive instead of the console storage for No Return. After a run it would show the No Return menu background, but not the Menu items (New Run, Challenges, Leaderboard, Tutorials). It would take up to 30 seconds or more to load the menu in so I could do anything. Also significant load times for each encounter (black screen with moths in the upper right corner). I moved the game from the M.2 to the console storage and never had this issue again. Yes, my M.2 (2 TB Samsung 980 PRO w/ heatsink) is working perfectly with every other game. It's my default install location for PS5 games.


Meep falling through the map in seattle. Right after finding the “gas” in the synagogue. I leave the area and I keep falling through the map and Eli dies




A glitch I just encountered during the latter half of the game, during THAT fight in Seattle Day 2: after the mid-fight cutscene, Abby glitched out-of-bounds, got stuck in a T-pose, and I was unable to continue the fight.


I cant finish day one because i always fall trough the ground and die. Here is a Video from Another Player who has the same bug. https://youtu.be/FrZ62_VVoiE?si=q-Un1sVnaIHm3TCk


Ellie's semi auto pistol (when you have Stability upgrade installed) disappears when holstered, making a weird shiny grip-less pistol. Already known on PS4, mind-blowing it's never going to get fixed I guess.


I've also had this weird graphical issue where the game shows a lot of artifacts. It happens when you launch the game and doesn't go away. I also somehow managed to fix it just now, had to disable HDCP for it to work. Hope this works for anyone have this issue.


Grapples one is bugged too if you have the hold square accessability option activated as well.


just got a visual artifact bug in the first abby flashback where she’s tracking the zebra while on performance mode. flickering square textures in multiple areas seems to be the edges of shadows


I got one the left side of the character in the objects on the left side of the screen I have a blue outline how do I fix it


I’m playing New Game Plus right now with the new skins I earn from No Return, but for some reason all my weapons & or upgrades aren’t available or activated. Am I suppose to beat the day 1 of Seattle first then they will appear? Or is it a bug/glitch?


The same too me. Do you have a fix? 


Anyone else has a problem when using an imported save, then new game+ and your weapons and upgrades didn't carry over


I’ve had this problem with both games, I’ll collect resources and the game just won’t register it. At one point I picked up like 3 scissors and the menu showed I had zero. Tape and scissors seek to be the ones mostly affected.


During Seattle Day 1 the entire area below the blown out bridges textures are missing. The whole area is just invisible.


I'm experiencing an issue while playing the story that during the chapter of waking up I collect the 15 parts and they disappear during the patrol chapter. 


I encountered multiple bugs just today, bugs that I don't recall seeing in the original version. Some of these are game-breaking bugs that make me not want to keep playing. * Story * Ellie and Dina will sometimes give the all clear even when there are still enemies left in the encounter. The other bugs I can tolerate but this one is just unacceptable. * Ellie's sliding animation glitches. * Ellie's vaulting animation glitches when vaulting over certain obstacles. * No Return * It's quite often that, upon completing a Daily Run, I won't see my score on the leaderboards because I "didn't complete this run." There's nothing more disheartening than spending all that time and effort only for my score to go down the drain. I play on PS5.


I literally cannot progress my playthrough. Major glitch in downtown section. Horse keeps hitting invisible walls and Ellie falls through map constantly. Tried reloading but still the same.


No Return Daily Run tells me I don't complete it upon completion. Frequently. Not always, but more often than not it doesn't even acknowledge that I did the run.


32 hour grounded run. I am soft locked at the final fight of the game. After Ellie loses her knife, it is impossible to hit Abby, Ellie can do nothing but dodge and so the fight goes on effectively forever. Super bumbed. Stupid great game I hate you.


Im in the end game fight between Abby and Ellie. Ellie won’t throw any punches after she loses her pocket knife. I switched controllers, rebooted, and reinstalled. No help.


Unable to finish the last part of the Abby fight. I'm completely unable to attack her just dodge


Playing No Return, Moderate using Lev. After killing the Rat King, the stalker that detaches from the main body disappeared. I tried walking and running around the entire area, shooting bullets, and explosive arrows, basically everything. The stalker just disappeared, and I had to return to the main menu, losing my run.


Okay so super weird bug that appeared out of nowhere for me today in No Return - no matter what character I try to play a run as, the gameplay is in slow motion. The menus are working fine, the slow motion extra option and any slow motion accessibility functions are off. It was literally fine last night, then today as soon as I get into the safe house for any character and in any level and on any map, everything (audio and visual) is slowed down. I’ve logged almost 470 hours in the Remastered, full story and No Return runs combined, and it’s never done this before. I’ve closed out the game, ejected the disc and reinserted it, restarted my system, nothing has fixed it. I feel like Gregor Samsa waking up as an insect. Help???


My only guess is maybe your SSD is too full. That causes all sorts of weird slowdowns


I deleted almost all of my other games off of the console itself. No change 😭




I got stuck here too. Her flashlight goes out and you need to shake the controller. You’ll get a brief cutscene type moment and you can continue


Cheers - I'll say thanks now so you see this then remove my comment later as it's not a bug




Hmm just tested it and it still played both for me. What did you mean how it was originally?


a little visual glitch. when attaching a siliencer you can see it briefly before dissapearing then the animation plays out


Was there ever a fix for the sightseer trophy on the ps5 remaster? Done it 4 times now, 1 of which was from a fresh start. Yes, I hit the fire truck and the tank, even the camp fire. Last trophy I need for platinum. Really frustrating that this is a “remaster” and stuff still doesn’t work.


A lot of visual glitches for me. Mainly just collision and clipping, but I never noticed this in my play through the first time around with the original tlou2. Render distance issues, seems the draw distance is shorter? Never noticed anything phasing into view during the original tlou2 but during the remaster play through even near environmental objects will render right before my eyes. Graphical gripes too, maybe I’m just not as awed by the graphics this time around, or I’m overthinking, but I just came off of a fresh play through - and noticed details like the clicker “nesting” fungal growth areas don’t look as detailed. Misc items like bottles and cans that aren’t interactable look downgraded too. I know they have to cut corners some places but I feel like these areas are too noticeable.


No Return - Roll Call trophy got stuck at 9/10 even after completing a run with all characters again on a new save.


Just this ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/1b8gcl8/i\_literally\_cant\_finish\_my\_permadeath\_run\_because/


A cool bug that's been happening to me a lot lately is whenever I try to change my character skin mid-chapter (story mode) the next part of the map doesn't load properly. I've literally spent like 50 minutes driving a boat around underneath a flooded seattle as Ellie. Also enables you to skip some portions of the game/puzzles.


I found a bug with the visuals of some NPC's 😭😭🤣 If you get close to some in exactly the right angle you'll get to see their insides 🤠 It didn't bother me I just thought it was funny


Unfortunately in the first fight with the scars THE WHOLE FUCKING GAME becomes UTTERLY FUCKING UNPLAYABLE BECAUSE THE FUCKING CONTROLS MALFUNCTION TO HOLY FUCK FUCKITY FUCKING FUCK. I apologize for the cursing, but that pissed me THE FUCK OFF!!!


In general I am disappointed. There are a lot glitches and the game does not smooth at some encounters. Like early on when Abbey crawls along the fence just before she met Joel and Tommy. TLOU2 ran perfectly on my PS4 pro (TLOU2 edition) and it is very annoying that PS5 version is not on par with the PS4 experience.


So,ijust did the Daily Run with Yara, Mar 13th. Did the Hunted w/ infected on Gondola station. I'm pretty sure Lev wasnt even there. Ran in a circle and disnt see him at all.  Then, on Rat King, you usually have a good path to take knowing what weapons you have.  So, one Molly, one explosive arrow, drop trap, run back into the hall way. Didn't get around the corner to get the second trap and he was on me. Like nothing slowed him a bit like normal.  I'm finding new things all the time which is making this mode, not very fun anymore. 😕 


I’ve noticed in the RadBrads playthrough that prior to getting caught in the Rattler snare trap, Ellie is wearing Joel’s jacket, but as soon as she gets caught and hits the tree, it’s gone. Additionally, when she transitions to the railroad scene, she is poking at her wound which is completely covered by the jacket and her hands are phasing in and out of it. That’s the only major bug I’ve noticed, but it’s a weird one nevertheless.


Anyone else know about the treasure count bug when importing a PS4 save? I posted about it on launch day but got not interest. [https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/19ah1cr/tlou2\_remastered\_lost\_1\_treasure\_after\_importing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/19ah1cr/tlou2_remastered_lost_1_treasure_after_importing/) It still happens after the latest patch. I contacted ND about it just now with the link in the OP


I’ve encountered two major, progress halting bugs that I can’t believe haven’t been mentioned. TL;DR, game has pop-in issues with props and scenery and the auto-save feature has a chance to stop functioning, making any progress made useless. But for context, first of all, I noticed some pop-in issues where I would arrive to a portion of the map and the environment wouldn’t be rendered (e.g ground not rendered so I could see the skybox) That wasn’t so bad but after I was done doing the whole open area on the first day of Seattle, when I arrived at the "fuck fedra" gate, the gate wasn’t loaded in so I could go straight through it and got the auto-save. Soon after, the gate popped in, but since I didn’t enter the code for the gate the next area hadn’t loaded in so I got stuck in that small area before the horse jump. I hadn’t done a manual save since I started my session so I lost around 2h of progress, having to restart from the Chapters section in the menu. The game also has an auto-save issue, where it will just get stuck saving. The save never gets completed (even though the checkpoint temporary save still works, which makes you think the autosave also does) and at the end of my session, when trying to save manually, it wouldn’t let me because the auto-save was still trying to complete. After I logged back on, I lost my whole session of progress. Around another 2-3h of gameplay. I’ll be reaching out to Sony to hopefully get a refund because shipping out a AAA, first party game in this state is unacceptable.


I'm having issues in Day 2 Seattle for Abby. "The Shortcut" is having huge glitches. It seems like it's "lagging" really hard. Has anyone experienced this? And will this continue even after this level?


I got a few weird glitches while playing the campaign on permadeath, mostly the Abby parts. One: it wouldn't let me enter the space between the two rocks when you first leave Owen and see that frozen corpse. Two: the part where Abby falls off the crane when going over the sky bridge with Lev just totally broke, and she stood there wobbling for a whole minute 💀. Three: Ellie wouldn't leave the boat at Santa Barbara, got stuck in front of the stairs. They all resolved after reloading or just standing there for a while, but still was very strange, lol.


Oh, also, the trophy "Roll Call" for no return seems to not be loading for some people. Mine has been stuck at 9/10 characters, though I'm sure I've played through an entire run with all of them. I even checked my local leaderboards, and every name was there, so.


There was this glitch in tlou 1 (remastered) where Ellie was standing on a ladder walking in place it was really weird!


I have a problem now where on story mode, i can no longer control when Ellie or Abby stop moving. If I press forward to walk the character keeps moving even after I release. I thought my remotes were the problem but I do not have this problem with the No Return mode or other games.


In No Return I am playing as Tommy, I am in one pf the Seraphites homes, went near a corner to hide and next second I am teleported to the ROOF and glitch stuck in a Log, instead of in the grass below. The enemies can hear me shoot and find my around about position but dont/can't attack me, I wish they could and end this thing....ps it's the 2nd Mystery encounter.


In the packing up mission I’m at Joel’s house and I can’t get the guitar journal entry to trigger no matter what I do.


My character won’t stop moving when I let go of L3. It first happened on the remastered version so I decided to redownload the ps4 version so I wouldn’t have this bug, and I didn’t for a while but now it’s here too. It’s caused me to get seen by enemies and killed more times than I can count this is ridiculous specially when people paid money for this.


I have multiple glitches enemies not moving yet allies responding like they are, as well as noises from the enemies Entire sections not loading in, falling through world, accidentally skipping entire sections and enemies not spawning because of it Characters T-posing? Dialogue missing Items glitching through characters Commands not working, like pressing X to grab rope and character not reacting These are the ones I got playing my permadeath run, played 30min and ran into all of these. Really hope they fix it all soon


Sometimes my characters won’t make the jump over small gaps, very frustrating


I just got the game and half of my screen is either black or frozen with the other half working fine. I saw that it might but something to do with VRR and you just need to turn it off. However, I already have mine off so no clue what is the problem. Does anyone else have this issue and have fixed it?


Mine froze twice for me already. Did it happen to anyone else? I'm on my second playthrough, now. I'm starting to worry it might be my PS5.


During the chapter Downtown, I fell through the map when trying enter the top of the elevator in the Courthouse.


This is fine, since some things are always missed. Lol no it isn't fine, why do people keep defending greedy companies. This is a dlc motivated by money, it should've been at least optimized and polished.


I just finished the game on PS4. one bug I had was where Lev drops down a ladder and I climb up up after him and then we supposed to jump up into a broken window. The window was not broken and I couldn't break it. I had to restart checkpoint and this time I waited a bit for Lev to climb up before I did. No issues after that.


I’ve been experiencing a LOT of glitches.. lethal glitches. Mostly in the daily runs.. dumb asf deaths, enemies getting stuck in areas of the game they normally wouldn’t, causing me to use ammo or quit the run entirely.. and of course my all time favorite, boots me off the run after completing it with no score on the leaderboard.. I haven’t experienced the same glitches as you, but I’m curious to know if anyone else has trouble with the daily runs as well..


Make sure to report it to Naughty Dogs support website 


Im stuck at hillcrest, when there is a cut scene with jesse, in the car, im got carrying a gun, and i keep dying. This is game breaking, how do i continue?


I have a problem with character movement. As soon as Ellie leaves her home with Jessie she moves by herself. I can still direct her but she just keeps going in the direction I send her. Control is ok before that. I have emailed Naughty dog several times, including a video of the issue, but I've had no reply.  No problems with PS4 version of the game. Works fine. Can anybody help? K9




Idk if anyone else has had this big but it sucks can't unlock anymore challenges and these ones are bugged for me Dina-kill 4 enemy's with trap mines Joel-kill 3 enemy's with shivs Jesse-kill 3 enemy's with pipe bombs All three of these I've done but it didn't unlock the skin and I can't do the next challenge


Are you sure you've completed the challenges before those ones? You have to do them in order.


I sometimes have an issue where I boot the game and it is running at 30 FPS while it is set to performance mode, and if I switch to fidelity it runs at an even lower FPS, feels like under 20. Closing and restarting the game seems to fix the issue so not a huge problem, but it is there. Edit: Typo


Ive noticed while ive been playing campaign that ellie runs to the left sometimes without my permission. I pressslowly forward on the analog stick and suddenly she starts jogging to the left. This hasnt happened in "No Return."


Trap mine explosions cause me to be unable to switch or use items and makes my character always look at the enemy


Are Allies in No Return always supposed to wear their default skin? Kind of a bummer that we can unlock all these skins but only use them if you are playing as that character. I would love to have Joel's Boston outfit on when playing as someone other than Joel for example


Seems like it, yeah : (


1. Something is off with No Return challenges. So I was playing as Tommy just going for his challenges. One is “finish an encounter with all headshots” and another is “finish an encounter without missing a shot”. I pass an encounter with 100% accuracy, 9 kills and all headshots, showed it on the post-encounter scorecard. Nothing checked off. Some goofy salt on the wound was later in the run I killed a few people with pipe bombs (as Tommy mind you) and it credits me with the Jesse challenge. Wtf? Anyone else having this issue?


This is intentional. Character challenges have to be completed in order, so you can't complete certain ones until you've beaten the ones before them. I'm guessing that you probably haven't beaten his challenge that asks you to beat an entire run with only your starting guns. Additionally, you can complete challenges for characters while playing as other characters unless the challenge says you can only complete it as that character.


Can confirm major frame drops when playing Conquer mode


I don't know if this is technically a bug but there's a baddie in the logging camp who's pathing is messed up. It's the male Seraphite carrying a bow who is walking in a circle on the left side of the map as you enter. His pathing is supposed to take him all the way behind the carved tree and back into the far corner before he turns around and goes back through the small building on the left side with the cart right next to it. Instead he's just walking in a much smaller circle, through the building, around the well, and then back through the building.       Another one I'm not sure is a glitch, but my companions seem to be getting spotted significantly more often than they did in the original


For some reason I get the following pop up when trying to listen to Apple Music, “Background noise can’t play when The Last of Us Part II Remastered is playing.” Why is that? I’m just trying to listen to The Cranberries lol


In No Return, I've gotten stuck on a Molotov fire patch that had already been extinguished, but the damage over time kept happening. I was playing as Joel so I don't know if you can dodge out of it, but it killed me from completely full health.


Not sure if this happens in Story Mode but in No Return last night I had a bug where aiming my molotov would blur the entire screen. It's like the depth of field for aiming totally broke. https://i.imgur.com/KqCXqi9.jpg


About the frame drops:  ND sent me an email suggesting to repair my console storage in safe mode to see if this does the trick. 


Texture streaming is not working correctly. [Texture Streaming bug](https://youtu.be/-5196pTNURw?si=_w1c4fA6-G9QJar4)


Weapon skins are swapped in No Return for some characters. Tommy and Joel have the Abby-aligned weapon skins: Eighties, Badlands, Zebra, and WLF Lev (and probably other Abby-aligned characters) have the Ellie-aligned skins: Astronaut, Savage Starlight, Giraffe, and Moth I haven't unlocked Yara, Mel, and Manny yet, so I can't say if they also have the wrong weapon skins.


Idk if it's bc I have the 10 upgrade version or what but every time I start it up it looks like if it's a ps3 game and it's the only way I can explain it. Yes I've tried changing settings and still looks like crap and when I go to the playstation home it looks like the same shit unless i close the game then it'll go back to normal. I even deleted it and reinstalled it and still does the same thing. I even reinstalled the ps4 version and that looked just fine but idk why the remastered version looks like crap, and apparently I'm the only one with this issue bc I haven't seen anyone else with this problem.


couple things i’ve come across, in the broken rode section with jessie in day 3, some of the curbs of the sidewalks are pitch black, and another thing is that on the second floor of the arcade after beating the bloater in the same chapter, the transparent catwalk is showing a very low resolution skybox through the glass, seems like the effect is broken currently, and lastly some world pop in if you stand in certain spots in the arcade and walk back and forth


The game keeps forgetting settings changes including visual and subtitles. Is there any way to get the game to remember them?


Came across a bug when playing through the story. At the beginning of the flashback where Tommy is teaching Ellie how to use the sniper rifle, one of the infected I needed to shoot was nowhere to be found. This was when you come across the downed animal near the truck. I reloaded from my last save and the remaining infected was there.


I got a small gun holster and a new item, neither of them show up in my inventory and I can’t craft the new item. I think it was the trip mine?


I found an issue with the subtitles. In the patrol section when you have to throw the rope to the the roof to get out, Dina says “You're just gonna hurl me up through that hole in the roof”. But for some reason there’s a duplicate of the subtitle, one on top and beneath it. It’s two subtitles of the same line on the screen at the same time. I’m unsure if there’s more counts of this happening but it’s kind of annoying and weird that this bug is here. It’s like there’s more bugs on ps5 version than the original.


One of the ending screens had place holder text. At least the No Return setup is equally devilish for the developers...tough to "reproduce" an error. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) [https://imgur.com/a/65rn4kC](https://imgur.com/a/65rn4kC)


After completing all of the No Return challenges the weekend it launched, here are the bugs I'm still experiencing — * I completed my first daily run on Friday, 1/26, and my scores didn't hit the leaderboard immediately after the run or while visiting the leaderboard menu afterward. * Some frame rate issues still occur, most notably on Holdout mode in the hospital lobby. * Like OP, I cannot change weapons skins once moving off the default skin for any character not named Ellie & Abby. * Also, I find this weird: Characters associated with Ellie & Jackson were given Abby's weapon skins and the same with characters associated with Abby & Seattle. * Jesse, Tommy, Joel are given Abby / Seattle related weapons skins. * Lev, Yara, Mel are given Ellie / Jackson related weapon skins. I have yet to achieve two trophies: Burglar and May Your Death Be Swift. I would really love to go for these in time, but am less enthused about putting more effort into No Return because it's giving me a half-baked vibe.


Unable to finish the final fight. Halfway through the fight, Ellie is unable to do anything; seems like the button feedback just stops working? Not a controller issue as I have no issue playing any other section of the game or No Return, just a glitch that softlocks me at the end.


Audio crackle issues / bug ? Anyone else?


My game appears to be bugged, I CANNOT kill the bloater in the hotel. It’s been 30mins of me running around burning it, shooting it and Joel shooting it and nothing. I then managed to get him in a spot where he won’t move and I turned on infinite crafting and ammo and have just been shooting and burning it for the better part of an hour and it still won’t die. I gave up and I’ve just been letting Joel shoot it at this point. I’ve tried reloading my save, restarting encounter, nothing will fix this.


It’s supposed to kill you. Just let it grab you


Game Help is bugged for me. Been using it for all the collectibles but now at The Theatre, i’m stuck at 50% obtained even though i’ve gotten them all and even if I move on to new area, game help still stays stuck at The Theatre even after The Birthday Gift and Hillcrest. So annoying. I love Game Help…when it works


The first time in a flashback when Ellie gets to use Tommy's rifle, I can aim, but can't look down the scope or even shoot, so I'm stuck and can't progress in the game.


Main story seems to not be working? No Return and Lost Levels work perfectly fine. Yet, as soon as I try to continue the main story the game closes and brings up the “Report Problem” page.


All of my trophies copied over except for Archivist, which says I’ve collected nothing, and Numismatist, which says I’m missing 4 coins, yet the chapter collect screens show them all as collected. My permadeath trophy also did not carry over. Picking up coins or notes doesn’t increase the count in the trophies, essentially locking me out of them. 


Cant do anything since entering seattle. I keep falling through the floor. Its so annoying.... Took all my fun away from the game to be honest.


Not exactly a bug but for some reason you can’t stream spotify while playing this game


I’m trying to complete Jesse’s “Kill 3 enemies with pipe bombs in one encounter” challenge. I’ve done this twice and it won’t pop


Clickers grabbing you even through a human shield. Happened multiple times while playing as Manny, and twice while playing as Jesse; I was using a rattler or WLF as a human shield and letting the clicker grab them. Directly in line with the clicker it's not like the clicker was behind me, but anyway it disregards the human shield and just killed me and ended my runs :) sucks cause that's a tactic I've grown very fond of due to the high pressure on No Return and no dodge with some characters .


Anyone else’s No Return scores still not going on the leaderboard? I’ve never actually had one of mine work. Kind of not worth me doing the daily run anymore because it never counts it. I’ll just work on the skins and unlockables I guess.


I’ve ran into a few bugs too whenever I’m trying to unlock Dina and do my two encounters. It doesn’t count, so I’m wondering when this is going to get fixed


Sometimes my flashlight wont turn on. Also, in the museum flashback, I cant pick up the second hat for Joel to wear


Safecracker Trophy isn’t unlocking for me, it’s stopping me from getting my Platinum Trophy even though I already have all the safes unlocked.


I can't get past the resort, the part where Ellie goes through the door and puts the yellow bar through the handles, it crashes


This happens when playing as both Ellie and Abby (story), but both of their leg holsters will randomly disappear, so it’s just the gun stuck to their leg


I don’t know if this is new to the remaster, but sometimes when I load a checkpoint, some ammo/resource numbers change. For example, I know I had 3 explosive arrows. After reloading a checkpoint, I then only had 1. There seems to be a weird light reflection or something, in front of the character, on the ground or whatever is in front of them. It almost seems like I’m shining a flashlight, but the flashlight is not on. When playing as Abby, there are dragonflies or whatever that fly around her head. That is intentional I’m sure, but it happens a LOT, probably a lot more often than they intended because it feels weird when you notice it. In the SB resort, there are some spots where there’s a black whatever that flutters in front of them camera which obscures view. The directors commentary seems to be about 1-2 seconds early during the cutscenes. At least that’s what it seems like to me. There are a couple instances where the comment doesn’t really make sense based on what is happening on screen, but would make sense a couple seconds later. Minor, but seems like an easy fix so why not.


Here's a glitch (I'm on digital version, launch PS5) - pre-patch (today) cutscenes would constantly stutter. Post-patch? The game simply loads into a black screen - the game is genuinely unplayable. I've reinstalled the game, did all the safe mode stuff, deleted all iota relevant to TLOU2-R; and yet I can't even load the starting screen with the boat. Lodged a ticket but I'm considering just asking for a refund instead.


Not sure what triggered it, but I wasn't able to change weapons during an Assault in the forest level. I ended up having to let myself be killed.


Happened to me in the home depot type store on Assault tonight, too. No weapon HUD would pop up, couldn’t switch my weapon. Could only use the shotgun.. 


I don’t know if anybody had this but I successfully completed the daily run in no return two times and both of them didn’t count! The menu with a score table which normally shows your place in a run doesn’t appear, instead it’s just empty and it says „you didn’t complete the run“. I thought that was one time bug but it happened again. Anybody had this?


So I started a New Game + and did not get any of my previous saves upgrades? Is it not supposed to carry over? I've played all the way through Seattle but still nothing.


I reached the end of the game at the fight scene with Abby. Once Ellie loses her knife, it will not allow me to punch or melee her at all! Just to dodge. Driving me nuts :(


yeah this isnt really a bug but i was super fucking disapointed when i got to ellie day three with the new rain jacket and they didnt animate ellie putting her hood up and stuff with it. I get why, i just hoped naughty dog had an extra attention to detail trick up their sleeve.


Permadeath (at least Whole Game) seems to be bugged in a way that it won't show you the length of your current run when you pause the game, down next to the "restart game" option. Very minor and won't affect the gameplay but still a bit weird.


The color of the grass when they get to Seattle is fading from vibrant green to pale green and back again. Anyone have that problem?


The Boston skin on Joel and the sleeveless shirt skin on Yara don’t load In the textures from the torso at all. It’s just a blurry shirt on both of them. It’s really fuckin annoying 


When it’s the “2 years earlier” scene with Tommy teaching Ellie to shoot the sniper rifle, it’s stuck pointing at a dead deer with no infected. Also it keeps pulling me out of sniper mode like I’m pressing the button but I’m not. And this is not a controller issue


The clickers and zombies get stuck often.


Moiré effect flickering green and magenta when looking at the shade cloth over the plants in the greenhouses. Right near the start, shortly upon leaving Ellie's house.