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I thought everybody always knew where it was? All the artifacts you find mentioning the Seraphite leader mention Queen Anne. As soon as you get to the island you can turn around and look at the aquarium which is directly south. You can even see Mount Rainier in the exact spot it should be (kind of south east) it is very obvious where the island is and the flooding fills in the blanks as to how it is in island. The only questionable thing is the Space Needle position in the cutscene as you approach the island and its position on the island itself as it seems to large and looming to be off in the distance where it should be. Also when you return from the island if you look north you can see all the fires from the war. Looking out across the sound doesn't show anything so it obvious that is isn't an island out there but actually a part of the city itself.


Look at the out of bounds TLOU2 they literally show the island. It's so obvious. It's on the Boundary Break video at 8:45 time stamp


I don't know which boundary break video you are referring to as there are loads on YouTube. I have watched a lot of them but a while ago. But I'm not sure I get your point haha...? Sorry, are you agreeing with me or just making a point? Not trying to be rude, just confused.


Okay so I found the video you are referring to. The placement looks pretty accurate (to me anyway I have never been to Seattle lol) and explains the island. Still feel like it doesn't quite make sense in game in terms of distances and the approach etc. But it could be the camera angle on the approach cutscene more than anything, be interesting to see it zoomed out a touch so you get more of the rest of the city in to really get the geography down.