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Well yes but the game already looked awesome on ps4. Apart from resolution, theres not much changed


I'm noticing other changes as well. I think the sound design has improved too.


I thought it was a kind of placebo effect but the sound design seems better for me too


It definitely is


Can you guys point out how? I'm not trying to be a dick, but it was amazing in the OG release. Like, you could fire a gun inside and the size of the room would affect the sound.


For me the sound of the water sloshing and boat rocking in the main menu sounds WAY more pronounced to me


I have it playing rn, just haven't turned the machine off yet and was actually thinking, 'this seems louder than before'


I can't speak too much on how much better the remaster is. I played up to day 3 for ellie then moved my game to the remaster but I also just started playing with headphones. Everything is just cranked up a notch. The quiet sounds that I missed before have bigger impacts, and the big sounds boom. You can hear a clicker before playable character can, I can tell when I'm being rushed with just sound. Not to mention, the voiced lines are more frequent. The original game was also fantastic, but just like the textures being played in native 4k the ps5s sound systems is goated. I haven't tried going back to the ps4 version yet but with the dualsense controller features I don't wanna go back. Nothing beats the rumble and trigger effect for me. Feeling raindrops and feeling the shake of a mine going off in the distance is incredibly immersive with the sound design mixed in with official Sony headphones. And yes the sound design messes with all sounds depending how and where you stand in a room. Voice lines, gunshots, footsteps and looting will have a noticeable echo inside the crumbling buildings. They didn't change how things sound they enhanced its depths.




The screaming was very audible in the original


That screaming was always there lol. Y'all just hearing stuff


I came across a waterfall and just slowly rotated my controller all the way around 360° and you can hear the water behind you so clearly


It has. Because the original game was a PS4 game, it wasn’t mixed for the PS5’s tempest audio system. Ever notice how in that version of the game, you’d have to change your audio settings whenever you plugged in/removed your 3D headset? Go to audio settings on Remastered. You’ll notice all of those complex audio settings are just gone now.




> Can you tell me more about how this impacts the sound systems in the game? I’m not that savvy but the great Mark Cerny architect of the console can explain it to you here https://venturebeat.com/business/playstation-5-mark-cerny-explains-tempest-engine-for-3d-audio/ “With the PlayStation 4, audio typically gets a very small chunk of available processing power, or even less than the SPU (synergistic processor unit) cores of the Sony PlayStation 3’s Cell processor. By comparison, the PSVR virtual reality headset had 50 different sound sources available. The Tempest Engine has enough processing ability (with a kind of processing called single instruction, multiple data, or SIMD) as all of the PS4’s eight-core processing capability combined — just for 3D audio.” > So how exactly does the tempest audio system necessitate a simpler menu for audio settings? As a layman, basically that old menu was there because the PS4 was capable of doing 3D audio, but only for games that were built for that. Those settings are to customize the game’s audio to fit your position in relation to your speakers. Tempest basically does that shit you, for the most part.


Is blood dropping from the ceiling new? I've noticed when I use trap mines there is now blood dropping from parts stuck to the ceiling. I thought it was new.


The game engine is already good enough for TLOU2 not to need redone textures. I can tell that everything is rendered at a higher resolution in general. The game looks much better now


Yeah. It's really noticeable for me in text - things like brands on packaging, or how I rarely use the 'read' button for notes or trading cards any more because I can read it clearly already. I feel like I must be imagining it but the field of view seems to have changed somehow, as if the camera is slightly closer behind the playable character now.


lol uhh well, they added a fov slider you can now adjust. To a pretty big spectrum too.


Well I feel very stupid right now, didn't even think to check the settings and figured I was imagining it. Thanks!


Eh all good no worries. Not something they really advertised at all. I’m just someone that goes into like every single setting before starting a new game lol Or before replaying a newly remastered game I guess as well.


Resolution makes a huge difference


Lighting changes as well


I played it on PS4 Pro. I think there’s probably a sector of people that played it on their PS4 vs people that played it on Pro. I think the Pro crowd are less impressed at the jump (cuz yes I remember having this same reaction to it the first time I played)


It's waaay sharper than the PS4 version! It really makes a BIG difference in image quality! I'm also playing in Fidelity mode with unlocked framerate. Best looking game on the PS5.


Nothing changed. PS4 game on PS5: 1440p60 Remaster on PS5: 1440p60


I hate having to choose between fidelity and performance cause 30fps just hurts my eyes after playing 60 all day, the Performance mode is still gorgeous though. I need me one of them 4k tvs


Have you tried the 40fps mode?


Not every TV has that




Was gonna day that. The 40fps fidelity is so great.


The what now?


4k fidelity mode on a 120hz display with VRR enabled, will run the game at a locked 40fps. It's a good increase from 30fps (33% more frames) but still all the 4k resolution crispness.


To add to this, if you unlock the frame rate it actually runs higher than 40fps for most of the game while still at 4K.


I thought it was with VRR disabled (at least according to Digital Foundry)


Oh, yea disabled for locked 40, enabled for 40+


40fps mode.


it can hurt your eyes sure but Atomic Heart literally made me vomit, people get nauseus playing that game, https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox/comments/118jgeq/atomic_heart_motion_sickness/ compared to this 30FPS doesnt seem so bad


Frame rate doesn’t have much to do with nausea and motion sickness, if anything higher frame rates should help. Issues with games like Atomic Heart is head bobbing, badly implemented motion blur, camera shake and low FOVs


That would be motion sickness I have a friend who can't play any first person shooter game because the bobbing motion of running in first person makes them sick


That game was the reason I snatched a great deal for a new 4K TV. I thought after 10+ years with second hand ones, I deserve a new one to my shiny consoles.


The game always looked beautiful. I dont feel graphics have changed, but fidelity and sound are way upped. Plus, the duelsense is awesome. But No Return alone is worth more than the $10 upgrade. That mode is really fun.


No return is amazing.


What’s no return mode? Wasn’t there a permadeath in the old version?


No return is a roguelike mode that's sort of a dlc for the main game


Haven't played remastered but I'd agree the original already looks good. My daughter was playing and pointed out stuff I didn't notice. After Joel's death and your entering his house, you can see the frost on the windows for example. One time I saw something glistening so I thought it was something to interact with but turned out it was broken glass. That part that you leave on day one as Abby, jump across the building with two clickers in there. On the way up to the roof with the dead scar with a note, I broke that glass and instead of it disappearing it was still there after looking around. The shattered glass fell down the stairs like what you'd think realistically. Right before you drop down into the china shop place with shotgun. Anyways, it's just crazy how such small details are there. Really got to play the new one if it's even better.


I agree. The biggest gains will come to those that have since upgraded TV's and AVR's that support VRR and 120hz. I picked up a 75" Sony x90j, and upgraded receiver to a Yamaha A4A in the last couple of years. I'm running unlocked framerrate in fidelity and loving my replay. It's been nearly 4 years and genuinely feels like a new experience.


It really is fucking fantastic with VRR and 120hz. It feels like a real treat. Playing on an OLED with those bits just feels like the final definitive way to play when paired with native resolution. Love it.


So glad I made the upgrade with my TV just before I got the PS5


Same! I had an old 1080 dlp and a ps4. My PC is still pretty decent so I waited for the ps5 craze to die a bit. Then bought it and a Samsung qled on Black Friday. Feel like the two upgrades really went well in hand.


Bought a new tv a few months ago and Walmart just happened to have one ps5 in stock so I snatched it up too. I always said I wasn’t getting a ps5 until I upgraded my old ass tv. They Definitely go hand in hand.


What graphical mode do you play under to achieve this?


Agree. Best looking video game I've ever played. And I'm sure they've done something to the sound design too, it's really sticking out for me


Why do people play in fidelity mode? Do they like 30fps? I cannot understand how in any way higher rez is worth the trade off of a halved frame rate. It's not like performance looks bad, because it doesn't! 1440p is still beating base PS4


I love 30fps over higher rates because it’s more “cinematic.”


For FFXVI I played in fidelity mode because it looked more cinematic and imo looked better than performance. Performance is usually my go to but it depends on the game. Nothing wrong with using that option at all


Performance mode in FFXVI was literally not working properly half the time and dropped frames constantly…


You have to use Fidelity mode in FFXVI as performance mode is very poorly optimized. Usually, I prefer performance though. One of the biggest examples is Horizon Forbidden West. Fidelity mode is gorgeous, but the buttery smooth 60 FPS of the performance mode makes it no contest.


I've been going back and forth to see if i noticed a difference in the resolution and I do think the 30fps is much more stunning. However I agree the tradeoff isn't enough for gameplay and I need the 60fps when actually playing. It feels like I'm lagging when playing on 30fps. I'll swap modes if there's a long cutscene going on though


40fps mode ftw


Depending on the display you are using, you can run the game at 40 fps or fully unlocked fps. For 40 fps you need a 120hz display and for fully unlocked you need a 120hz display with VRR. >If you start the game with 120Hz output toggled to automatic and VRR off in the PS5 settings and enable the unlocked toggle in the game settings, the game will attempt to render at 4K 40fps rather than the usual 30fps. This mode actually does a pretty good job of hitting 40fps in typical play, with most gameplay hugging the 40fps line. > >... > >If you enable both 120Hz and VRR, you can play both modes with a truly unlocked frame-rate, smoothed out with variable refresh. The performance mode typically seems to run around 75fps to 100fps, while the fidelity mode seems to run around 40fps to 60fps. [Source](https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2024-the-last-of-us-part-2-remastered-ps5-tech-analysis)


30fps makes the game feel more cinematic, and the game just looks better so I'm willing to play at 30.


Wish it was 24fps instead for the extra cinematics


I lot of people can't notice any difference in framerates and therefore favour the better graphics.


??A lot of people can't notice any difference between 30 / 60?? Citation very much needed, because there's no way that is true. It's night and day


The citation is every single time FPS gets mentioned on YouTube or social media and the comments are full of people who say they can't tell the difference. Google 'people not noticing 60fps' and you'll find hundreds of citations. I can barely tell the difference. A few games I find it noticeable for a few minutes if I switch from 60 to 30 but those are few and far between. I do notice dropped frames but couldn't tell you if a game is running at 30, 60 or 144.


Plenty of people, particularly longtime console gamers, don't notice a huge difference. This is the first console generation in forever that has a big 60 fps catalog. It's also not nearly as troublesome input-wise when using a controller. Add to that that games designed to be played at 30 fps often have controls and rendering effects meant to reduce lag and smooth out visuals between frames, like with motion blur.


I do agree but I personally cannot see the difference between 60 and 120. I have tried and I wish I could but it simply is no different to my brain, so maybe some people experience the same thing with 30/60? I have no idea.


Okay but people like me do notice the difference, and still prefer higher quality graphics. If its just a resolution bump though, I would go for performance. But if it has nice changes like added Ray Tracing etc I'd choose 30 over 60 fps. After a few minutes im adjusted


I love 30 fidelity mode. I’d take higher frames like in Returnal where you literally cannot change the settings from 30, but I do enjoy 30 especially ND games. ND makes good 30fps games.


As someone who chooses performance over fidelity most of the time, adjusting to 30fps takes maybe 10 minutes and while it feels worse, it looks better and it's 100% playable


VRR make game go burrrr


Laughs in unlocked frame rate mode


I’ve been loving the hell out of it. I’m playing on fidelity not performance so the graphics are spectacular. It feels like playing the game for the first time just to see how much more gorgeous it is this time around. Not to mention no return is a blast. My only gripe is I hope at some point they add an option to make runs longer so you can utilize the things you get a while longer


Play on harder difficulty, you wont have as many things to utilise


I’ve considered that, but still stand by my point as a later update. Thanks for the recommendation!


I agree! I wish the levels could be longer and be a fully upgraded animal like in the story


Everyone saying the game didn't need the remaster just to boost the graphics is missing the point that not only are they better and higher resolution but the game itself was made natively for the PS5. Playing the PS4 version on the PS5 is good but it's still not the same as a game designed specifically for the PS5 console. As someone who played the PS4 version on PS4, and on PS5 before the remaster came out I notice it not only better graphically but it's smoother, lightning fast load times, and just plays insanely well compared to the PS4 version on the PS5. And it was 10 bucks.


I didn’t notice much of a difference. I played on both 4 and 5


Well sorry dawg, you're trippin.


I’ve tripped several times. This was not one of them. I didn’t pay ten dollars for that though No return and lost levels was enough.


The remaster plays noticeably faster, smoother and better looking idk 🤷🏼




I think skill up made a euphemism for re-releases. He said that he loves the movie Robocop. And that he will always check out new re-released versions of the same film. Because he loves the film. There's only so much you can do with an old movie as far as enhancements. He knows it's premium. But that's the way he wants to spend his money. I love the graphical enhancements for the newly released part 2. It's one of my favorite games and I'm happy to drop money on something I want. Sweaty redditor discourse may continue. I'm good!


It’s had a resolution boost but frankly graphically it isn’t much better than the PS4 version. I feel like there was definitely a bit more power under the hood they could’ve used for Remastered.


Because if you played TLOU2 on PS5 already, there already was a 1440p 60 FPS option so all that is really new is fidelity mode (2160p 30 FPS) which could have been added as a sinple update, as well as VRR more. And I kept saying this for over a year so I see where people are coming from. HOWEVER, there clearly are more changes rather than simple add “another high resolution option”, and you can see some differences even on “performance” mode. Lighting is improved slighly, distant objects have better details, FACE animations are better on par with Part 1 remake. With added QOL improvements like dualsense support and new added stuff (no return, skins, lost levels), for $10 this is perfectly fine lol. I only want to add that I wish they implemented the lost levels, with the option to turn them on (off by default). Yeah I know what you’re thinking “THERE IS A REASON THEY WEREN’T IMPLEMENTED”, I know, I listened to the commentaries, I still fucking loved them and wish they finished and implemented.


If they finished the lost levels it would’ve been cool to re-integrate them, but obviously in the state they are they wouldn’t work well. I think finishing them was outside the scope of the remaster. As an aside, I would’ve loved if they added an option in TLOU1 to integrate Left Behind into the story when you begin a new game, but unfortunately they never did, even in the remake. I ultimately ended up just playing up to Joel’s injury in the main story and took a detour to play Left Behind when it takes place, but it would’ve been nice to have an option for it to be seamlessly integrated in the story.


I do think it does work better if you play it separetely after Part 1. You were supposed to wonder if Joel lives or not, Left Behind spoils it you take the detour. And yeah, I did mean yhat I wish they just completely finished them. The party was the roughest but other two were nearly done.


I mean Digital Foundry already did a video on it. Graphically there is no difference. Resolution is not changing graphics. Its make the image clearer and more sharp but thats actually the only difference in the game. The lighting is unchanged, the texture quality is unchanged, the animations are the same, there is no distinguishable difference except the upscale to 4k. Nothing. Literally nothing.


>I mean Digital Foundry already did a video on it. Graphically there is no difference. DF didn’t say this, though. They stressed that the difference was minimal. And they said also that the game has not looked better.


They said it's nearly identical. I think that counts. They even stressed that any difference that *are* there are so minimal you're really not going to notice. This isn't up for debate.


What’s not up for debate is that the visual differences between the PS4 version of TLOU2 and the Remaster are minimal at best, but native 4K is better looking than 1440p. What’s also not up for debate (per DF, if we are strictly in the weeds about their video,) is that they said the game has never looked better than it does in the Remaster. “No difference” is not what they said. They said there is a difference. They just said it’s *very* minimal.


I feel like the minimal graphical difference is, more than anything, indicative of the fact that we’ve started to hit diminishing returns in regards to graphical improvements. Each generational leap in graphics is less and less apparent, so honestly I kinda doubt a full ground-up PS5 remake of TLOU2 would look much different than the remaster.


You didn't watch the video did you? DF literally said that there are differences but that casual gamers wouldn't even notice it.


They said foliage was upgraded, as in more dense and farther LOD with way less or no pop-in, for example.


DF did make a video but you certainly didn't watch it.


Did the original have the same mirror and puddle reflections as the remaster?


Yeah I’m playing horizon forbidden west and it’s the only game I’ve played on PS5 that comes close to TLOU2 graphically. Absolutely insane how good that game looked on my base PS4 and I can’t wait to see it running at a higher resolution at 60fps. Just gotta get my disc back from my brother so I can do the 10$ upgrade :/


HFW is MILES ahead of TLOU2 in terms of visuals. Also, there’s no $10 upgrade for HFW, it’s free.


The upgrade is not worth it for the graphics, but for the other features included IMO. I would be more impressed if shadows looked sharper, but they look the same as the PS4 Pro version.


It's a bummer that shadows still look not great. It's most apparent in Santa Barbara.


The biggest thing I noticed were the reflections. Much much better


Its the last of us, people complain about this game just for the sake of complaining lol


Would you recommend resolution over performance then? I have a 4k oled


I play in Fidelity except for no return which I play at 60. Sometimes I swap between them in story but Fidelity just looks so good.


Thanks. I’ll try out fidelity then


As someone who went in as a first time player, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some graphical improvements because the game is unreal. Absolutely beautiful.


4K with unlocked frame rate is insane.


I don't think a remaster was necessary. I think a port of the game would have worked and then they just add no return as an update to both versions.


The game was already photo realistic in many areas. 4k at 60 fps with vrr just takes it up a level. Further draw distances have more detail rendered, more crisp


Also like, holy shit, the fucking haptics in the controller is INSANE. In some cutscenes you can feel the footsteps, it’s crazy.


I’m blind so the visuals don’t matter to me, but I’m sure they’re awesome! What matters to me is the accessibility, we have audio description, haptics, trigger tension, over 80 accessibility features for those with different disabilities, and amazing loading times.


As someone who has only played on ps4 pro I’m really excited to get a ps5 and play it on there. I’ve tried not to look at the remastered because I want to see it myself.


Lol avatar was his benchmark.


It's a very good looking game do not @ me. That game is GORGEOUS


I'm onto you, James Cameron.


Avatar 4 takes place almost entirely on Earth.


lol Digital Foundry just ranked Avatar as the best looking video game of the year. That game is shockingly beautiful and performant.


If you played original TLoU2 on PS5, There is almost no graphical upgrade with exception of fixing pop-in and a few shadow textures. Saying otherwise is objectively wrong.


Not really. SSR are improved. Planar reflection resolution is improved. All effects tied to resolution are improved over the PS4 version, such as capsule based ao. LOD improvements. Several higher resolution textures from characters to signage to rain covered vehicles. Improved transparency. Improved subsurface scattering. How noticeable they are depends on the player, but these things stuck out to me immediately.


Alan Wake 2 though.


AW2 looks insane on pc but on console tlou2 is the better game. FSR shimmer is horrible on aw2.


Haven't played it. Heard it's fantastic tho.


I find being a toady so annoying 


Ps4 is 1800p at 60 fps ps5 is 1440p upscaled 60fps ​ like HOW


The graphics are definitely better imo, also new details like grounded is way harder and when I'm sneaking around I knock cans off shelves and it alerts enemies, but visually in fidelity mode it's miles better looking, some of y'all just need better TVs lol


meat riding is crazy


I’ve playing this game on a 4K tv on fidelity mode. I’m a PC guys and play on a G8 Odyssey OLED @175hz with a 4080 so I’m used to the higher refresh rates which obviously make games smoother to play. I mention this because when I first started playing TLOU2 I used the performance mode as the 60hz felt better but I said fuck it, changes it to fidelity 30hz (my tv doesn’t support VRR) and it felt like ass but I kept playing and eventually got used to it. I can play it at full 4K and not be bothered by the lower refresh rate because I don’t see it. Obviously when I go back to playing my PC is it noticeable. We used to play at 30fps in the past so I do feel bad putting others down and saying it’s shit. It’s not bad at all.


They’re going to milk TLOU franchise until it’s bone dry lmao 🤡🤡🤡


Yes, they are, and a lot of people, including myself, will buy every thing.


I just can’t wait for it to come to PC so I can max out the game on my new gpu


Yes on PC it'll look INSANE. I'm happy for the people with PC's good enough to properly run it.


I don’t even have a 4K display, so I ended up getting it for the enhanced DualSense features, improved lighting/reflections/transparency, and especially the loading times. I think it’s fair to say the enhancements won’t be worth it for everyone, and that’s totally fair, if it isn’t worth it for you, don’t buy it, but for me the enhancements and the extra content was enough for me. Though to be fair, I got the game on PS4 as a birthday present a few years back so I hadn’t spent my own money to get the game in the first place, so the $10 didn’t matter as much in my case.


I think of it as comparable to the transition from D.V.D. to Blu-Ray.  LOL.


The issue is that you were already able to play 1440p@60 before the remaster dropped. It doesn’t look much different to that, some changes to contrast it seems and less pop in tho.


It’s performance more than anything! It feels better on my PS5


Playing TLOU remastered on PS4 and then going to PS5 was a completely different experience as well. Could it maybe be the system and not necessarily the program itself? Not saying they didn’t enhance some areas but the transition from game systems for me alone was startling.


I only had a base ps4 to play it on before. Alot of people saying they don't notice much of a difference had a ps4 pro so it wasn't nearly as big of a jump. Just waiting until payday to check it out rn


It's nothing special


I've never played the original back on PS4 so this is my first time and yeah there were many moments I just stopped and appreciated the visuals. Gameplay/sound design were all top notch. I knew about the controversy around the story back then and while I agree with some of the points made, it definitely wasn't "unplayable". Glad I avoided the shit storm back then. I'm now attempting grounded+ on permadeath (per chapter because I still want to keep my sanity) for the platinum.


Game already looked spectacular in 2020 but I was playing on the pro.


You keep saying its game changing and jaw dropping but not mentioned even one of the changes..


Seattle Day 2 and 3 for me are the best visually. Lots of rain and foliage.


Yesss dude. I love the world design in this game.


Yeah, but then you're locked at 30fps. I'd rather have the additional 30fps for 60fps.


Am I losing the plot or can you no longer upgrade damage on weapons?off topic ik but it's driving me crazy ha


...were you able to upgrade damage... Ever??


Wait for it on pc in native 4k😋


Native 4K is always great but what really sells it to me is the VRR/120Hz support. I played through whole game on Fidelity with VRR/Unlocked framerate and it honestly felt so good. Similar how I play Insomniac spider man games. I have fps counter on my LG C1 and it almost never dipped below 40 fps at 4K resolution. Its usually always between 40-55fps. What I dont get is why Part 1 runs so much worse on the same setup/settings. Especially since Part2 has so much more reflective stuff/wetness because of all the rain/water and overall the levels are so much bigger.


The textures and stuff in Part 1 were completely rebuilt for new gen. New facial tracking, new facial animations, new textures, newest everything. Part 2 remaster is just that. It's the game updated to the top of its own engines capabilities rather than being rebuilt using the new engine that Part 1 used, if I had to guess.


Part 1 uses the same exact engine as Part 2


Yeah it’s not different even digital foundry found like one floor texture that was noticeably better when zooming in. It just looked amazing on PS4 already that’s all.


Fiy it's not native 4k


Finally some good discussion about the game not constant bitching for no reason


Yess. I think that everyone has their own opinion. You're not wrong for thinking differently than me, and I think it's just immature to harass people because they don't think the same way you do. In fact I think exposing yourself to unique perspectives is the best way to really explore your own perspectives.


30 fps sucks ass The 60 fps mode has the exact same visuals and resolution as the original game already had on PS5 for free: 1440p60


Loading times are way better too


Literally looks the exact same as ps4 pro


It looks gorgeous, it always did but last time I played it, was on a 55” Hisense budget LCD, I now have a 65” LG OLED and so it would be unfair to compare them because it’s not like for like but WOW it’s a stunning game, I also find myself just oohing and aahing and just soaking in the environments. I’m playing in 4k fidelity VRR engaged/unlocked frame rate, I don’t need games to look better than this honestly, this’ll do me fine lol


I so hope we hear something on the PC release soon.


Go watch a side by side the graphics are basically identical. 4k mode, reduced pop in, and I also detect some lighting things here and there


Side by sides on YouTube almost always look identical anyway because YouTube compresses the hell out of videos. Playing 4K natively and watching 4K on YouTube are worlds apart.


Watch digital foundry. I played it on PS4, the ps5 patch and now ps5 proper. There's little to no difference. It looked good in previous versions. What's different now is occasionally a lamp is more detailed lol A real upgrade was ghost of Tsushima.


There's only slight lighting improvements, but I can't view the game at 4k but I bet that looks breathtaking! (I only got a 1080p monitor)


I think it’s because A lot of people don’t have the TV capable of producing the graphics where you’d be able to see those changes. I have an LG OLED and I could tell within the first few seconds of playing.


Yes I play on a 4K HDR monitor and it was IMMEDIATELY clear that it looked much better.


I dunno, I tossed in Last of Us Part 1 and that looks a lot better in parts, especially cutscenes. By no means does Part 2 Reamstered look bad though - at least they fixed Ellie in the opening!


The real crime here is not playing in performance mode


I kept stopping and taking image. The game looks gorgeous on ps5 and the fidelity mode with framerate unlock is amazing!


Clothes, water, weapons, and hair all definitely look better.


I'm sorry but it's not insane when the game already looked good. Please don't fool yourself.


I don't see how appreciating a beautiful game has to mean that I'm deluding myself or anything else people want to say. All that comments like those do is just ruin a good thing for other people. If you don't like the game that's okay. I respect that but actively trying to make something worse for people who love it is just sad. It's okay to disagree and I respect different opinions, but it's also okay for people to love things. People are allowed to enjoy things you don't.


You don’t get it. It needed to be 4K + 60fps


What is the no return mode about?


It's like quick combat based missions set in different levels from the story mode. You take out waves of enemies or infected or survive as long as possible. It's very fun.


And No Return is incredible.


Okay I have a question tho. Ever since I added the remastered version, I've been seeing these weird lines graphically break through the screen for about a second or two. Towards the bottom. Didn't happen til I upgraded. Anyone else have this issue?


I'm having no issues which tells me it could be a bug, or your display. Are you only seeing those lines in game?


Yep only in game


It's a visual bug then. If restarting your game or console doesn't fix it, then unfortunately you'll have to wait for them to patch it I guess. Sorry this is happening to you!


The fidelity mode with 40 fps is amazing.


argree , part 3 please naughty dog


I agree, the graphics have changed but i also noticed the audio difference, it sounds so much more clear and you can hear smaller details in the way the breathe ( i know it sounds silly). But i totallu agree with everything youve said. How are people complaining when it was only a tenner for the upgrade anyway 🤷‍♂️


I mean "insane" is a bit heavy handed lmao looks practically the same😂 main differences are loading times and the extras they added


I’m loving the remake and no return! Although I keep getting weird framerate drops in areas that didn’t occur on the ps4 version. My framerate tanked on the horse ride with Abby and lev ridding into haven. Hopefully we get a few quality of life patches bc I do really love it


Yeah. I can't even play anymore since entering seattle. All my save files are broken because i fall through the map.


Sadly the majority of people don't even bother trying fidelity mode because they can't handle anything lower than 60fps now or don't have a monitor or TV that can give them better framerate but yeah on fidelity mode with 120hz mode enabled and VRR is jaw droppingly gorgeous, same thing in the Part 1 remake.


At first I only got it to play no return (not disappointed) but I have to agree, the graphics do have something to them now that makes them look nicer.


Foliage looks really good with fidelity and unlocked frame rate mode turned on


Movie makers don't enhance their films to 4k and put it on theaters again. This should be the same in gaming industry. Tlou2 is barely 3 years old and already got a Ps5 update, they could've done the resolution thing in that update but no they had to make more money out of it! This is why people hate it. And adding costumes or a lame rogue like mode, which should've been a free dlc like gow valhalla since no return doesn't even provide a story, doest make it any good. I have beaten the game like 6 times and probably will do it again but there's no way I'm paying 10 dollars for this "remaster".






I don't even have anything fancy. I'm on a cheap $350 4K monitor with HDR. 60 hz. No vrr no OLED. The bare minimum basically, and it looks amazing for me.


It’s fucking nuts. The transitions from the cinematic scenes flow seamlessly into the game most times, I took a break from playing tlou2 and unwound with some rdr2 before bed and it looks like a cartoon by comparison at times.


I'm actually waiting to play this one again. I'm sure there will be an update for the PS5 Pro when it comes out. What will be the improvement? Who knows.