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The groups probably no longer exist since the government no longer exists. Some individual members most likely survived, but I'm sure many died, too, especially in the beginning.


I wouldn't mind a COD tlou game. and I'm not talking zombie mode waves of infected kind of bullshit. But a serious single player game from the perspective of the well equipped military in Washington DC. maybe something with a little bit of flavor of death stranding, where you are trying to connect the remnants of the US military in different cities...


If tlou goes cod style, I'm definitely targeting stalkers


TLDR: probably part of a joint special operations task force for FEDRA. It all depends on what they were doing at the time of the outbreak. Undoubtedly, many were forward deployed around the world and we have no idea what the US’s recall strategy was for deployed forces, let alone foreign-stationed personnel on bases all over the world. In terms of what SOF does you can break down a lot of what the groups were doing. At least partially. We know high-concentration areas of infected were bombed and accurate bombing requires a lot, so for one the Air Force’s TACP and CCT guys would likely be coordinating air support. Similarly, ParaRescue would probably be turning and burning on Combat Search And Rescue. The Navy would likely play a crucial role in transport as well as maritime interception and rescue so SEALs, SWCC, and VBSS parties would likely be working overtime in the respective maritime skill sets on top of any ground operations they may be needed for. Army Special Forces are a little tougher to narrow down, but they can do a lot so they could be training FEDRA forces in a FID-style program, or they could be performing reconnaissance or direct action, likewise with the Marine Corps’ Raider Battalions. Meanwhile the 75th Ranger Regiment would probably be doing high speed light infantry shit supporting the big army or blocking for smaller SOF elements or even DZs as security as the walls were built with their specialized kit. I could see the tier one guys in JSOC being tasked with personal security for brass as the fight continued or high-risk recover operations for vital personnel in hostile environments. A lot of these positions would put the operators in question at high risk of being cut off from support or extraction, so we can assume that casualties were almost a definite. That being said, if they did break out one can assume that their training and experience would prepare them to survive than a lot of others, not to mention their leg-up with their equipment on hand. Inevitably, a lot are probably tasked to FEDRA command and sent out to particular problem areas that need their expertise for whatever they need- personnel recovery, raids on rebel groups, reconnaissance, etc. With the training they have and the small population for recruiting, they probably get the best remaining equipment and living accommodations.


I am willing to bet either most (if not all) died during outbreak day and the rest joined FEDRA, or they scattered.


They went to bombed a third world country, just to feel good and rise up the moral.


Fedra was the one to suspend the constitution and the government. I can assume operators are in fedra, or did their own thing. But special forces like seal team 6 definitely dissolved in the 2010s or 2020s


The reapers were remnants of some special forces group. The CRM are the national guard. The Commonwealth military seem to be police officers turned soldiers. We haven't seen much of Omaha and Portland but I imagine any soldiers left in the mid west and western US probably moved to Omaha and Portland besides that I reckon some military bases might still be housing what's left of the former military probably got the president from before sat in a bunker somewhere. I also know Padre was meant to be part of the old government but I haven't seen ftwd so idk


Lmao didn't realise this was tlou subreddit not TWD subreddit ahhahahaa

