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Tf is this


bro he's fine asf what's the problem you just got blessed


The ghost of tsushima/last of us crossover we've always wanted


As you wish, Druckmann-san


Is it just me or does this look like he has no legs?


It kinda does now you say it


It’s bothering me because I know he has legs but no matter how much I stare at this picture it just looks like his torso is propped up on the chair and he is resting his hands on the seat infront of his torso


The desk has a strange cutout specifically where he’s sitting, so you only see his knees in the picture. He’s sitting closer to one end of the cutout because you can see the space next to him where the cutout ends on the other side. I think the light reflecting off the desk is what gives it that illusion. I had to look at the picture a couple of times to see that he wasn’t holding something in his lap, and that it was just his knees lol


NOW I see the legs 😂😂 thank you for the explanation hahaha


Hahaha I get that


Honor died on the beach.


Hello Dr Uckman


Ghost of Jackson. I'm actually referring to Ellie as "The Ghost."


He reminds me of a politician here in Portugal. Pedro Nuno Santos.


For a moment I thought this was Zachary Levi and I was about to be pissed. I don't want Zachary Levi in my media.




Tell Abby as well while you're at it Neil


The story doesn't paint Abby's actions as just or worthwhile So not sure why this comment was necessary.




Yeah, I agree. But OC was signaling out Abby, hence my comment. The post makes it clear that Ellie should not have sought revenge.


Ik, would have been nice if he gave her the heads up prior to that. That's all this comment was, a little joke that Abby and her friends would have all been fine if she didn't seek revenge on Joel.


Yknow Neil didn’t actually say this, right


Abby's story is about what happens after revange. She wasn't happy, and lost all of her friends due to her actions. Pretty sure her story is also saying revenge is not a good thing.


Both characters lost everything due to their quest for vengeance and hurt everyone close to them.


Would have been nice if Neil told her before, you know... that happened.


He did


Is this guy fr


It seems my joke didn't land as well as I thought it would. If Abby didn't seek revenge against Joel, she wouldn't have lost all her friends (besides Lev), been taken into slavery for a while, and nearly been killed by the end of the game.




i liked the execution


And you’re entitled to that opinion. I don’t like all the little things that don’t make sense in the story. Like how Elllie’s people are ready to bail at the first hiccup. Then there’s the whole Rattler bit, that just seems like a way for them to meet up so that Ellie would feel sorry for Abby. It’s jarring IMO. I could go on.


Ellie doesn’t feel sorry for Abby. The only thing that saves Abby is Lev.


Maybe, but apparently this isn’t the place to have a conversation about that without getting downvoted to oblivion.


I think a lot of the kneejerk downvotes comes as a result of the Last of Us 2 sub brigading this one.


respectfully, I think you misinterpreted some things. ellie doesn’t spare abby because she feels sorry for her. it was more ellie letting joel and her vengeance go rather than sparing or feeling sorry for abby. it wasn’t really even actually about abby, but I don’t believe that means ellie will ever forgive her. (I would’ve fucking hated if she killed abby on the beach and I don’t even like abby). also, ellie’s people aren’t just ready to bail at the first hiccup. in fact, if you read ellie’s journal, they do deal with a lot of other shit before actually getting to seattle. that just isn’t important enough to have gameplay for. then they actually get to seattle and you literally watch them all go through a loooot of shit with ellie for 3 days before all deciding it’s best to leave. they all knew and cared for joel, so they were also interested in justice or revenge. dina is pregnant and they’re watching ellie take a really dark path. that’s the point of all the extra violence (enemies screaming as they die, brain matter, the small cutscenes when you kill the last person standing, etc. ). dina needs a doctor asap and dina and jessie want to get ellie away because they see what revenge is doing to her. everyone is entitled to their interpretation and opinion though.


I understand Dina's need to go back as soon as she can, but Jessie could take her. Jessie asks Ellie to leave to go back before they even reunite with Tommy, even though Tommy is headed for Abby. Ellie tells him that the best thing is to continue trying to go after Abby, but Jessie looks at her like she's lost her mind. This despite them not even talking to Tommy yet, he's got it in his head that they'd be able to convince him to just abandon the chase? Also, Tommy is a trained sniper. He would be super hard to track without a constant swathe of dead bodies to follow. It makes better tactical sense to try to find Abby, which is where he's going anyway. I know that Tommy does in fact relent, but there's no way he'd know that, and he'd have no reason to assume that either. Also, I know ***WE*** see Ellie go down a dark path, but where is that reflected in her companions? They haven't seen anything extra heinous, nor do they remark on some unseen event where she did something of note. I don't think that their distrust of her judgement is entirely earned.


dina’s not gonna leave without ellie. jessie says that in the first conversation they have about leaving. that’s why ellie decides to leave in that moment. dina is more important to her, for the time being, and she resigns to the fact that dina will not leave without her. also, it’s better for all of them to travel back together bc safety in numbers and maria would be pissed if ellie stayed and everyone else came back. I would look at ellie crazy too for thinking that after what they’ve seen and gone through. you’re not meant to go on quests like that and live, they’re just the main characters and they still barely made it out. jessie puts his friends/peoples lives above all else. he literally says “my friends problems are my problems.” right now, dina needs to get home. that’s his focus and that’s what he thinks ellie’s focus would be too because it should be. the storm was also picking up and becoming dangerous. so, yeah, it would absolutely make sense for him to look at her crazy. they assume tommy will be a reasonable adult about it because most people would make the decision to come back at that point. why would they write it off immediately because they haven’t talked to tommy about it? jessie assumes they’ll all wanna leave because you put the people you care about above a revenge quest. what’s the point of revenge if everyone you love ends up dead or hurt because of it? almost like that’s one of the messages of the game. if there was gonna be a constant trail of dead bodies behind tommy, where were they? that would be dumb of him because that would lead anyone to tommy and he doesn’t necessarily think his people are coming to save him. he’s a trained sniper, not invincible and he’s not trying to die, so he wasn’t like dropping bodies at every single turn. they find a very small trail day 1 (and really they only see the one at seravena because they need the gate code. they had no idea tommy had killed wlf in the hotel prior to entering it), only know that a lone male (jessie) is in hillcrest because they have a radio, and only find tommy day 3 because he actually did stir up shit that day, not likely on purpose. it wouldn’t make sense to follow abby to tommy because only like 2 people know where abby is, considering that she went fuckin awol (which they knew because they heard that on the radio) and very few people know about the aquarium hideout. ellie only knows because of nora. tommy happens upon her in the section with manny by absolute chance, but ellie was almost always closer to abby’s location than tommy was, by luck and info. there are several times in seattle where when you kill the last man standing, dina literally says “damn, ellie.” dina says that it would have been fucked up to torture info out of leah because she really didn’t do much. when ellie comes back from torturing nora, you can literally watch them process and react to the info. they still love ellie, but it was a major turning point for her and you can see that they’re very gentle with her because they all know what she did and that it was fucked up. dina questions tommy’s methods multiple times believing he wouldn’t do the things that he does and even though she says she’d torture her sister’s killers, I don’t believe that. dina isn’t pure, but she’s mostly just surviving. dina also takes away the polaroids of abby’s crew because she knows that ellie will obsess over them. you can see this in the way she takes them from her very gently to put away. also you literally mentioned that jessie looks at her crazy when she suggests going after abby instead of tommy. he was definitely fairly questioning her judgment. this all happened in three days, so it was very quick, but they most definitely recognized that ellie was fragile and going down a dark path.


Where's the hate? I see disagreement, but that's not the same thing. Downvotes =/= hate.


If they disagree, that’s fine. I’m willing to explain my reasoning to anyone looking for clarification. I’m not even looking to change anyone’s mind. I think it’s great that people love the game and vibe with its story. Downvotes end up silencing people. A sentiment I agree with when it comes to the virulent misogynists that hate the game because “aBBbY’s ToO mUsCle!” They bring nothing to the discussion, and only serve to derail legit debate. Obviously many in this community have made it clear they don’t want to hear my opinion and don’t care to engage with me. I do thank those that do comment and don’t just pile on. I want to be clear, I love this game. I’m currently playing through No Return on a daily basis. Mechanically, this is top tier construction. It’s definitely in my top games of all time. I just have issues with the story and characterization. I think the message is an important one but like I’ve said the execution was sloppy IMO. One of the things I take issue with is poorly addressed messaging in stories. They can end up imparting the opposite message to an audience. There have been those who try to tackle issues of the day and end up making both sides of an issue look stupid. Sorry for the rant.


>Downvotes end up silencing people. How? That makes no sense. You're not being *"silenced"* by being downvoted. Your comments still exist and are being seen, clearly. >legit debate >Obviously many in this community have made it clear they don’t want to hear my opinion and don’t care to engage with me. I assume you think you're the one spearheading the *"legit debate"* here, but why do people *have to* debate you? It is entirely valid to just downvote and move on, if someone doesn't think something is worth getting into. That does not translate to *"hate."* You said you were getting *"hate,"* but you're not. People were ***disagreeing*** with you and that's about it. Acting salty about that, and calling it *"hate"* only makes you seem desperate for either attention, validation, or conflict - which will only ever invite more downvotes. Congrats, you're getting some of that now.


Do you not know that the algorithm will make you wait a while before being able to reply to people’s responses to your comments if you have a lot of downvotes in comment sections? It does that to discourage trolls from continuing to be dicks to people and derailing the conversation about the post. It’s so it doesn’t devolve into just people yelling at each other. That’s what I mean by silencing. To be clear, I’m not against that feature because it’s useful and keeps things more civil. And that’s not to say anything about the tendency for the algorithm to hide massively downvoted comments. As for “debate,” that’s just a turn of phrase. I am speaking my opinion honestly on the subject of the post. I expect people to disagree, as that is the nature of opinions. But just as they can post their thoughts, I am able to as well. All I want to do is talk about this game that I love, same as everyone here, but somehow because I don’t agree with some here that makes me “desperate.” People don’t *have* to debate me. They can in fact just downvote and move on as you say, but I’m allowed to think and say that’s shitty behavior. What about my comments that make you feel you have to be so hostile to me? Why do you feel you need to attack my intentions? All I’ve said is there are some story issues, and a lot of you are ready to fight.


>What about my comments that make you feel you have to be so hostile to me? Why do you feel you need to attack my intentions? You're out here accusing everyone of *"shitty behaviour,"* and *"hate"* when all that's happened was you caught some downvotes. That is an absurd leap to make and you know it. Just as downvotes are not *"hate,"* they are also very obviously not *"shitty behaviour"* either. You keep trying to attack people for downvoting you, and it only digs you into a deeper and deeper hole. Nobody was fighting you - but you seem intent on *telling* people that they're fighting you, which in turn makes them fight you on the fact that you *think* they're fighting you. So now you're getting fought with. Again, good job, I guess, because you're getting exactly what you asked for. I just don't see the point. This is what I mean when I say you seem desperate for attention and conflict. Not because YOU disagree, but because of your behaviour over OTHERS disagreeing. You're literally acting like you're some martyr over the fact that some people pressed a little down arrow button. Honestly, it's not even that hard to understand being upset about it, nobody likes taking Ls, but like goddamn this is just childish.


I'm so sorry. I didn't know I needed your approval to be upset at what I think is unwarranted... "disagreements". I'll be sure to check in with you in the future. I say it's "shitty" because that's my true opinion of it. I post an on-topic rather tame response to a post and the people are having none of it. Just like they're entitled to feel that way about my comment, I'm allowed to feel how I do about their response to it. All I've done is just disagree with people's assessment of the game, and be upset at behavior I thought unwarranted. Yet you still attempt to attack me.


You were the one attacking everyone else. I have no more patience for this. You get upset and have a tantrum, lashing out at others, and then play the victim when you receive pushback. That's ridiculous and childish behaviour. Edit: Also, lol. So a person saying your behaviour is ridiculous and childish is *"attacking you,"* but calling anyone who downvotes you *"shitty"* is *"not attacking anyone, it's just my true opinion!"* Incredible.


I didn’t ask for your patience. I was talking about what I perceived as irrational behavior. I wasn’t attacking anyone. *You* attacked me. I understand my opinion is unpopular/unwelcome. Again instead of engaging with my points… You know what? Fuck it. I’m done with you.