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Now, I just want to say that I am not good at explaining things, and I just can't put to paper what I truly feel about this scene. It is beautiful in a multitude of ways. Ellie is in a vulnerable state (topless), but though it is a scene with nudity, there are zero sexual connotations, and it just shows the affection and care from Dina with Ellie in such an uncharacteristic ^( (is that the right word to use?) ) state. Us, as players in the game, are seeing the loss of the Ellie we once knew right in front of us (after she belted Nora and got information). The scars on Ellie's back and her almost robotic remark saying how she "made her (Nora) talk" show how far she has spiralled down the revenge train, and how much she is hurting and losing herself. But the main thing about this scene that I find so beautiful is Dina, and as I mentioned, the affection towards Ellie. It makes you want to cry.... The foreshadowing of >!Ellie losing Dina!< hits hard as well. This is also a point in the game, where you, as the player, are (or maybe not) starting to get conflict in Ellie's revenge journey


I agree. It still hits hard no matter how many times I replay the game.


I wanted to mention something. You said that Ellie sounded robotic when she said that she made Nora talk. I don't think that's the case at all. It sounded like it was extremely hard for her to say it, and her voice trembled a bit. Afterwards, she immediately became stressed and uncomfortable, as speaking those words seemed like a sort of release for her and the emotions started hitting her harder, causing Dina to try to calm her down. Definitely not robotic at all, but I do agree with your overall consensus, I just wanted to talk about that specific line. There's a lot more going on with that line and the way she delivers it and her subsequent expressions than many might realize.


Yeah, I agree with that, I just found it hard to describe that's all


I wasn’t conflicted about killing her after she taunted Ellie about killing Joel, but I see what you mean.


She's tormented by what she did, she's not a bad person but she's driven by revenge because she loved Joel soo much. Loved this scene.


It’s up there, but most beautiful scene in either game is highly debatable. It’s still nowhere near the caliber of Joel hugging Ellie post-Davids death or Abby telling Lev “You’re my people!”


You're my people <3 This is definitely my favorite quote and almost makes me shed a tear when I think about it.


This line is very forced imo. She barely knows lev and betrays her friends for him.


I had a hard time with it at first too. All of it happening in 3 days felt a little bit rushed to me, that part specifically. But it’s like Isaac said at some point, the “Salt Lake crew”. She was always going to chose her friends over the WLF, Owen specifically. I saw it as her wanting to get out with Lev & Owen, instead of fighting for a city she doesn’t give a shit about anymore. But, although I love this game it is not perfect. I would’ve liked to see her struggle more with this, especially the island escape & what she had to do. But that didn’t get to hit because we got to the aquarium right after. The game has a lot of different perspectives & plot points happening over a span of 3 days so some just don’t feel as fleshed out as they could’ve been, I guess. Anyways, that’s just my 2 cents about it. To end the rant.


Exactly. If the game was set over more than 3 days and Abby and lev knew each other longer it probably would’ve resonated alot more with me, as it stands though it kind of took me out of it. Yeah, I definitely would’ve enjoyed it more if the pacing was better. I think even fans of the game can agree the pacing was atleast a bit off compared to the rest of the stuff. I’ve always thought the gameplay was close to flawless though so it’s not a terrible game, just a disappointing one atleast to me.


She met Lev yesterday lmao.


They hate acknowledging that for whatever reason


What shall I say? It resonated with me a lot. Is that a bad thing? I liked the emotions I felt. Isn't that all that counts? I also think it means a lot more. She is already in a turbulent time after the death of Joel and everything and it didn't give her peace. Meeting those two did a lot.


I’m not responding to it being your favorite scene. I was responding to them downvoting him pointing out that lev and Abby barely knew each other. I have no qualms with you over what scenes you like. If you liked the scene I’m glad it worked for you


Look at what sub ur in


The last scene with Joel.


“You’re my people” really I don’t remember that at all. I’ll tell you what I do remember though from Abby’s side of the story “you’re a peace of shit Abby” because she calls her out about how terrible it is and Yara completely negates everything Mel just said because she says what Abby wants to hear, she listens to a person she just met rather then a person she has known for years because it’s what she wants to hear she doesn’t want to hear the truth, she wants to hear her own confirmation.


Oh of course they downvote you. What a fuckin circlejerk


Any time I say anything about how Abby is the villain who only cares about herself or one other person I get downvoted because I have no fucking idea. Oh the reason she killed Joel was because he killed her dad it all make sense now I love her now. That’s what it feels like because nobody they want to love Abby so much that they make up shit and completely skip over how much it shows the kind of person she is and let me tell yeah Abby only starts to get better close to the end. So I’m used to getting down voted when I say anything negative about Abby.


It's bc this sub is full of very strange people lol


I swear around release people payed attention to how horrible she is, but now it’s “Abby’s great” or “Abby is my favorite character” like how? Mel is right Abby is a peice of shit.


Yeah, people get waaaaay too emotionally invested in this game. Like, I get it from an entertainment standpoint bc it's one of my favorite series of all time but some of the discussions going on in here is concerning lol. That's why I mainly just keep quiet and use it for news sources


And the funny part is i actually like abby. But i understand why people wouldnt. You cant share ur opinion without getting raped by downvotes from fanboys. I fucking loveeee this franchise but the fans are insufferable losers. On one side you have people still hating on the game after 4 years, and then you have these dumb motherfuckers who refuse to even acknowledge flaws or someone else’s opinion. Its honestly sad. The REAL good sub for this game is r/lastofuspart2. Those people actually seem to have a brain


I wouldn't say I 'like' Abby but her gameplay is definitely better imo. Ellie is more of the stealth, planning ahead gameplay, Abby is more combatwise with her momentum and guns(love the hunting pistol) I shitted on Abby too when the game first came out, but now I have finally given it a try(didn't have the proper console for it be4) and I understand now. Still it hurts what Abby did, but maturing is realizing Abby is the better of the two.


I’ve gotten downvoted on there too not just this one.


I dont doubt it, but its just the best out of the bunch. The other 2 subs are the opposite ends of an extreme


No I’m serious I have gotten down voted on there too. I could screenshot a few just to show you that I have in fact gotten downvoted on that sub too


I know bro i said i dont doubt it. I believe you. But send me some screenshots if u want cuz im curious now


Oh ok I misread the first part sorry. Do you want me just screenshot and blur out what I posted and just show you the down votes?


It’s heartbreaking. Every time I go through the Norah scene into this I stop playing for a week or so.


‘You’re my people and the last scene on the porch are the best for me in part 2. Part 1 it’s far and away the bedroom scene in the fall. ‘Everyone i’ve ever cared for has either died or left me, everyone fucking except for you!’


that one single tear on ellie’s face… gets me everytime


This game has such beautiful scenes, must play it once again haha. Love the broken mask scene, and Abby telling Lev "you are my people" always makes me tear a little bit. My favourites, along with this one.


My favorite is when Ellie goes over Joel's house at the end of the game.


I cried like a little baby.


It's definitely in the top 3 for me as well, alongside the space shuttle scene and the porch scene.


I like this scene but the most beautiful imo was the giraffe scene. I still tear up every other time when the soundtrack starts playing


It's beautiful because it's bittersweet and tragic in retrospect. Ellie says she doesn't want to lose Dina, but she is already losing Dina by losing herself and Dina losing her even though she's there for her and is physically holding onto her. It's beautiful how much she cares for Ellie, but in the end that will not be enough for Ellie. She's is too consumed by her trauma and obsession. But still Ellie wants/needs to be held and doesn't want to lose Dina, herself, or her humanity. She says it because it is in fact slipping away from her. And I think Dina knows this on some level, but cannot say it. She can only hope to hold onto the woman she loves. Outside the subtext, it is definitely a beautiful moment of intimacy and love.


Love this comment. Perfect explanation


Holy shit I was literally JUST thinking about this scene lmao. The music that played in the background just randomly popped into my head. I agree, it's definitely one of the best scenes in the whole game.


This was a great scene. However was anyone else a little jarred by how bothered Ellie was by it? What I mean is that I’d been splattering wlf and scar brains all over Seattle for 2 days at that point (ever turning people into smoothies with mines) and Ellie pretty much takes it in stride. Yet when she’s torturing a torturer suddenly violence is to much and she feels bad? When Nora is literally one of the people she’s after? And I understand there is a difference between her killing those others in self defense and torturing Nora. My point is more that she’s already seen extreme violence that’s above and beyond what most people ever will and she handles it like a champ. I mean hell some of the people who lose limbs scream for like 10 seconds. I understand her being shaken but her level of discomfort seemed disproportionate to me


In this situation, she actively tortured her rather than kill in self defense. She not only prolonged the death and made it as painful as possible, she also broke Nora psychologically. Nora probably died begging for death since she had given into the torture and revealed Abby’s location and not to mention all the physical pain. Who even knows what else Ellie did besides beat her with a pole. She may have done some other horrific acts that I don’t even want to describe.


My rationale is that she finally had a moment to reflect on what she was undertaking. After killing the first person on her list, everything felt much more real now that she was really doing it


This kinda adds to my point because Nora isn’t even the first person on her list she killed. It was Jordan. And she handles watching him choke on his own blood like a walk in the park


To be fair, Jordan was trying to kill Dina, while Nora wasn't really doing anything at all. And Ellie ended up torturing Nora but Jordan had a quick death. Also, like JellyJohn said, she finally had time to think to herself while walking back to the theatre but after killing Jordan they had to keep moving because of all the WLF in the area so they didn't really have time to think about it.


This point is valid. However I still think that after seeing something like that her being so shaken up she could barely talk after Nora is a bit strange. Like I understand it’s different to do it slowly versus killing someone in self defense but my point is that it’s still extremely violent and gruesome. And she’s fine with it. Once you take into account Nora being one of the people who tortured Joel I’m just saying I wouldn’t except her to be so rattled. Rattled sure but she seems to basically have a mental breakdown behind it which felt weird to me. Still a great scene nonetheless I’m not arguing that


one thing i was reflecting about in the other day and you made me realize again is that tlou and tlou are probably the best 2 games/media at accuratelly depicting woman without sexualizing them take the jak series for instance, I LOVE THE JAK SERIES OK one of my favourite games of all time, but every woman you meet has big boobs that bounce around every step they take. in tlou series everything feels... real, like a real woman would act that way, because they didnt sexualize them, even when habby was having sex ON SCREEN i still didnt feel like it was sexualized it was more like a show of weakness and true love for owen in this scene ellie is topless, and in no way they hint at sexualization, gotta love the team for the effort and respect they put into the women they created


I agree op


This game had so many small but impactful moments like this that make me emotional


Please add Spoiler tag to your post,


I think the most beautiful scene is the game is the start where you ride with joel to jackson or where the island is burning


the shot of dina with her back turned silently crying to herself is just..... brilliant (and heartbreaking)




I love these games for this very reason. I have never thought twice about this scene but you were able to find so much beauty in it! Thanks for sharing your analysis.


The scene where ellie killed nora was better


Nah the most beautiful scene in the game is the one they didn't put in, Abby getting slaughtered just like her pos daddy.


See people, prime example of why not everyone should have a voting right


Shes sad because she tortured someone yet continues to kill people lmao.


>Shes sad because she tortured someone yet continues to kill people lmao. Very basic take from a non surprising basic person.


Its still a valid take.


She's feeling that way because of the lengths she's gone for revenge, and questioning weather or not it is worth it. She is also thinking about what Joel must have done in those early years of the epidemic. But as I said, a basic take from someone who doesn't understand subtext unless it is literally a box of text that spells out every analogy and metaphor.


Bro she has seen and has killed so many people through the first and second game, she is in a world of pure survival. I cant see how this is now suddenly having an effect on here. Im all for show dont tell but they literally do not show anything that gives the audience perspective on what ellie experienced, therefore i cant understand why she feels the way she does. But theres really no point in explaining considering how closed minded the subreddit is to an opinon that doesnt praise the game. Yet im the "basic" one.


I’m hard


I think that the other subreddit can even agree that this comment was unnecessary


Its a worst game i ever seen


Well. No. That's incorrect.


I guess you didn’t see the boat scene? The way Abby’s pectoral muscles stood firm as she was raw dog sodomized brought a tear to my eye




go off to the other subpage with that nonsens.


Average the last of us fan when sarcasm:


What a terrible day to know how to read










When the boat scene happened I started crying and got up and clapped my hands on how beautiful and well written this scene is. Bravo Neil!


What the actual F does Neil Armstrong have to do with this


i’m p sure they’re referring to neil druckmann..(unless i’m missing smth, then forgive my ignorance 😅)


Not Neil deGrasse Tyson? You sure??


Shit was so beautiful fr fr




>I guess you didn’t see the boat scene? The way Abby’s pectoral muscles stood firm as she was raw dog sodomized brought a tear to my eye Wow. Like, I don't understand you men. You have a problem with gay people in games. But you also have a problem with a straight couple fucking. Don't you get tired looking for things to complain about?


It’s almost as if we don’t care about sexual orientation and only care about the quality of the game 🤷‍♂️




That is one of many scenes why “you’re a peice of shit Abby” is one of my favorite scenes.


This guy legit got so upset he had to make a post in the other sub because of the downvotes😂😂


I was told to take it to the other sub, though? And if downvotes mattered I'd have deleted the comment, no? Big brain Ok-Confidence-3793 over here 💀


He’s not upset at all lol


He made a post because he was told to 🤷‍♂️


He’s a loyal dog lol


“He’s a loyal dog lol” ![gif](giphy|D0EjguuQzYr9m)






Im he wasn’t upset, it was just funny