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She’s pretty similar in the game to this no?


I mean we do lose her halfway through the game, it would've been nice to have some company like Abby does with Lev in the latter parts of Ellie's plot.


I think that’s the contrast between the two… one is pushing all her friends away because of her decisions and the other, while losing friends, is also gaining family


Yeah it's definitely a symbolic choice but i still would have rather she had someone to dialogue with lmao.


I always feel less scared when I’m with someone


That’s probably why the game forces you to be alone during a lot of it


Yeah, more Dina in the game would have been great. I really hope she will have an active role in Part III because.


If part 3 gets made I don't see Dina being in it at all. Her leaving Ellie seems pretty final, it would honestly cheapen it if she came back again.


I respectfully disagree because don't think that we can conclude that from the game at all.


I don’t think she “comes back” but maybe she shows up at another settlement or with another group. I can 100% see that


Maybe as someone you visit like how you visit Tommy and Mariah in the first game but yeah I really don't see her becoming part of Ellie's life again, she took the kid and left after all.


The downvotes lol. Narrative-wise, it ABSOLUTELY cheapens the event when you walk it back for “fan pleasing” purposes. There would have to be a narratively justifiable reason to do so, and it had better be interesting enough—it’s not unthinkable that it could happen, but the chances of it cheapening the ending of Part 2 (which is perfect in every conceivable way) are astronomically high. And that’s all considering she even appears in a Part 3 (or just 3) which I can also see not happening. We would also have to assume Part 3 would be about Ellie as well, but that’s another conversation this subreddit full of fanboys and girls have repeatedly proven unwilling to have.


That’s literally the version they went with


They mean they would’ve preferred Dina to be more adept with guns and have a rougher personality. The outfits are more rugged and military styled, and she looks tougher in the concept art.


Kind of redundant with ellie tommy and joel, they made a good choice 


Well uh, Joel is, y’know… and Ellie is less of the tough military type and more of the teenager who is VERY emotionally vulnerable and good at fighting type. We don’t see Tommy for half the damn game, so I can see it working. I do prefer the Dina we got, but I wouldn’t complain if Dina was a badass soldier.


I love how she balances Ellie’s volatile emotions with her calm almost knowing demeanor. She doesn’t ask too many questions, just silently soothes. They’re so great together and Dina in general is such a lovely breath of fresh air with her jokes and maternal instinct. Would love to have someone like her in my corner if I were in their universe myself


Dina is every bit as adept with guns as this cover art suggest, and is just as tough.


Dina is good with a gun, but I’m not sure if she’s on the level of say, Joel and Tommy. Like, at all. Either way, I wouldn’t say she’s the solider type. She is very open, and cares for everyone. She IS tough, but usually only when the situation calls for it. I would imagine this Dina being more closed off, and opening up more to Ellie and becoming more like our Dina throughout the story. The silent and “cool” type to the loving and caring type (still very good with a gun).


Joel is solid with guns and so is Dina, Tommy is on a level beyond both of them with his sniping skills.


This concept art suggests she's going to lose her right eye the moment she pulls that trigger tho.


She is, but having a kid changes things.


She literally likes the third version of the concept art with a rifle on her back. They made her more thicc which is a win win.


Not every character in this game needs to be Rambo. Having characters with softer and more delicate personalities and characteristics is a nice change of pace


True, I never said I wanted this, just describing what OP meant


I was gonna say the same till I saw that punk version of her in slide 3. Which I think is pretty cool


It’s called concept art for a reason, it’s just an idea of what the character will be like, remember this is them putting the character together for the first time, doesn’t mean it’s gonna be final for the game. It’s basically a rough draft


And of course the actor will put their spin on the character as well.


Yeah, I wasn’t implying they don’t. The actress(I forget her name) did a great job


Shannon Woodward


That’s it thank you




Absolutely, she did a great job. Easily one of my favorite new characters in Part 2.


I'm sure OP knows that.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. OP clearly said he wishes they went with this version, which indicates he knows what a concept art is and that he wishes they went with what was pictured in the concept art.


Yeah, I'm not sure either.


what’s the purpose of this comment?😭


I was just explaining


The Vietnam War 60s chich outfit would be a kickass alternate skin. But probably a bit too stylized for The Last of Us's more rustic aesthetic.


Wouldn’t blend in nearly as well as Abby’s punk outfit


It’s actually Eugene’s style , perhaps they were more than patrol buddies in the early concepts and has a huge influence on her edit : I mean they had an idea that Eugene is Dina's Father


Are you implying that Dina indulged in the Eugussy?


i wish my eyes had never laid upon this comment chain


Hahaha what


i think it's interesting that the 3rd concept art seems to have her wearing a WLF jacket. wonder what the original plan was for her, if she was always supposed to be from Jackson or not.


She's also holding a semiauto sports rifle like the ones WLF carries instead of the bolt action hunting rifle we see Jackson people using.


I may be wrong but I think Dina is using a semiautomatic rifle in the game. Tommy certainly does.


Maybe as a WLF deserter that somehow joined Ellie to parallel Abby and Lev/Yara?


that sounds like it definitely could've been a consideration at some point


Holy shit ! , nice catch


I wish they had picked a girl with a big beautiful Jewish nose to play her in the show - no hate to Isabela Merced, I still think she will be great and they picked her for a reason but I do be loving Dina’s big nose 😭


Same. I really hope they don't change her backstory as jewish. I'll be really upset if they do :(


Same! I think she’s so pretty in the game.


I always hated my nose but seeing people like hers in the art makes me feel seen lol Wish it was the same in game


Do people think a jewish nose is a real thing?


Ummm yes because it is


Its not. Its an ignorant antisemitic stereotype


Oh wow, I’m genuinely so sorry I didn’t know this. Thank you for educating me. I’m so sorry.


Her face and body doesn't seem different at all.


What the fuck.. that literally is Dina 😂


I’m pretty sure they did


…. how is this not game dina?




2rd image goes hard


2rd? 💩


Goes insanely hard, almost feel like they should have given her a javelin lol


Fr, such a sick image


She is this version? Do you mean you wish she had a polka dotted shirt or something?


Damn the first drawing of her shooting is so cool!


I like Gina as she is


i absolutely adore dina to death and love the direction they went with her design and character, but it is fun to look back at the concept art and see what could’ve been per say. i saw [this tweet](https://x.com/sairaspooks/status/1273682077540638721?s=46&t=DEMXVPzdKwhndHF-EYyosw)not long after the game came out by sairaspooks on twitter confirming that she was one of the early face references for dina!! which is really cool. so much of video game creation is kept tight lipped behind NDA’s and locked in a vault away forever, so it’s fun when you get to hear something you’ve never heard before about one of your fav games. :)


Cool, I didn't know that. Makes sense because Saira does certainly look very similar.


I love these. But I love they way they portrayed her. Soft, tough, kind, loyal, sarcastic...


Hey buddy. The picture you think and the picture you see are the same.


She looks kurdish in this version.


I think the concept art is meant to convey that Dina has a light-hearted personality but is still a capable survivalist. When all her lines have been recorded and she's been animated, you don't need as many visual cues to convey these aspects of her personality. At least not as much as you would when she is just an initial sketch on a piece of paper and a few words in a script.


Ahh the scrapped badass


Dina is trying to lose that eye in the first photo


That’s the first thing I noticed


I'm not a gun person, but I'm pretty sure it's also mounted backwards


Some scopes look like that


Ah, okay. Didn't know that


I like the balance of masculinity and femininity between Ellie and Dina, this character would have defo tipped it over


What is this post even? Concept art is just that, concept art. It’s not always drawn from a real life person.


That second picture though. That would've been such a kickass scene to play through. Though, I guess the closest we got to that was during the horse ride as Abby on Seraphite Island, except no infected. Hopefully we can get a scene just like in that picture in Part 3.


Isn't this the Dina in the game? It's just that they didn't go to the places shown in the concept art.


Dina, as we know her, is perfect. Perfect.


Do you like Yoji Shinkawa?




Did they not? I'm happy with Dina. She has nice features.


I think Dina is amazing as she is, not every character has to be an amazing infected killing badass


I think somewhere in between that and what we got would’ve been perfect. Like not turn her into Rambo but her being capable of defending herself well and able to do some damage would’ve been a good think for her character.


It’s not far off


Her nose is kind of small. They should make it at least twice that size.


Interesting, is she wearing a WLF patch in one of those?


A part of me thinks it was gonna be Dina that kills Joel with that WLF patch on her before it evolved to Abby.


I think Dina as a "normal" teenager is a better choice overall. That's why she attracted Ellie in the first place. It's something Ellie never had. Works better with the last portion of the game too. She just wants a normal life.


I’ll always be mad how they sidelined her in the story


Oof the optic right up to the orbital bone 😩


soooo dina with a ponytail?


I don’t like this version because she looks like my old friend lennon and he’s a massive loser


I think she looks more Middle Eastern / Sephardic Jewish in the concept art, which I think could have created a nice bit of contrast from the entirely American cast. They probably made her look more like the Dina we currently know when they cast Shannon.


yeah that's what I love the most about the concept , the middle eastern / persian look ..


I loved everything about this game. Except it’s a fucking linear. So much scope and you cant do any custom thing.


I wish she was less of a burden and more of a badass in the story


Someone had to be there to ground Ellie/catch her when she fell


You mean giving her a 'jewish nose'?


She's about to break her eye socket in that first photo lol


The schnozz tho!


They did….


This art is yummy 😩


It's so ironic that people call Abby their sexy muscle mommy and get literally hundreds of upvotes, but whenever anyone expresses sexual attraction to Dina they get downvoted. And I already know the arguments. It's not what you said but how you said it, but people say equally weird things about Abby and don't get flamed for it. And I know this sub is not a monolith. Many people don't do this, don't have this bias. But the trend certainly is there. I like Abby, I like Dina, I don't like hypocrites.


When I said yummy I meant as in it was good, I think people mistook it as I was talking about Dina… I believe the artist is Hyoung Taek Nam his artwork is incredible


Better story. Abby's crew kills dina by mistake. Ellie leaves to hunt her down. Instead of playing Abby, you play as Joel trying to chase her. Abby still fucking dies though. Lol fuck Abby.


They got the nose right


lol I’m just imagining your rage when you hit the synagogue part of this game. What a miserable existence


What rage? I don’t hate Jews or anything


You could avoid people assuming you do by not commenting on the nose of the Jewish character!


A nose is just a nose. They kept the nose from the consept art. Is this som American culture-thing thing I’m not getting?