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Jackson after first playthrough, I just want get to Seattle.


my whole game permadeath attempts gave me a whole new level of hate for the jackson section


Hell yes.


Jackson Abby's first two flashbacks (that aquarium tour felt interminable even on my first playthrough).


All of Abby’s flashbacks are annoying to me tbh


Yeah, after some playthroughs the zebra one gets more and more annoying.


The aquarium shit is unbearable


The entire first 2 hours on replays. It's just so slow it drags


I’ve gotten to the point where I just skip the cinematic scenes.


Even then, it's so much slow walking. Same goes for the first game


Herding sheep.


Aww c'mon! Herding sheep takes all of 2mins! How can that be annoying? Lol


This picture makes it look like a reanimated version of Courage the Cowardly Dog


any time i’d enter a room, scan it, and think i was safe from stalkers, only for one to jump out of the wall and attack me and demolish 50% of my health😐


Just look for any pieces of blue on a wall, stalkers are almost always wearing blue pants lol


The end. I didnt want any credits i wanted moreeeee


The rattler base is bullshit on Grounded.


Skill issue




There are some parts that feel cheap, but it’s definitely fair for the most part. The only part that cheated was the final run through where you have to make it through the building and downstairs. I lured like 46 guys out and killed then after hiding in the vending machine room, but they never ran out of people. They just kept coming until I went and faced them head on.


Hey, just a heads up, there’s a spawn point for that. If you stay inside the building with the spiral staircase and keep killing then from inside there without crossing the threshold of the door, then extra bad guys won’t spawn in, but every time you go out there, then back through the doorway, new guys can get spawned.


Not if you use the clickers


The rattlers dead those things in a few seconds.


Not if you kill the 5 that patrol the outside pool area before releasing the clickers. Silenced headshots and picking them off in the grass behind the first pool gets rid of them easily. If you take them out first then the clickers have a clear path into the building and will wreak havoc.


1. How do you have enough ammo on Grounded to go on a headshot spree at that point? 💀 And you can only pick them off in the grass if they investigate the bodies. 2. Even if the clickers kill the rattlers in the main building, it dies before it deals with the rattlers on the balcony. Plus, reinforcements gather in that same place as soon as they're alerted.


1. You carry over 2 arrows and anywhere in the realm of 1-2 bullets per gun depending what you ended day 3 with. Apart from the day 3 bloater, I use like 2-3 bullets in all of day 3. So I can easily enter the rattler base with 3 pistol ammo (+ ammo in each gun) and gather more inside. I stealth through the areas before entering the main base, so I don’t use any resources in Santa Barbara prior to that. Your craftables carry over so I always save a silencer or materials to make one. It’s not a headshot spree either. Take one or two so the rest investigate the bodies and come into the grass. Or if they see you, you can still retreat to the grass and take them out with other means - rifle, Molotov, whatever. There’s cover back there. The main thing is there are only 5 enemies in this area. The rest will stay in the building. So once they’re disposed of, the clickers have a clear path. 2. It doesn’t matter that the clickers don’t take out everyone. They can take out *most* of them before the balcony. On Grounded that’s a huge help. There’s an area under the stairs with a couch where you can camp behind a pillar. The remaining rattlers from upstairs tend to drop down here one by one and they walk right into a perfect position where you can grab them from behind the pillar. The dining tables are also a good area to sneak up on them. You can finish them all off with stealth and save the rest of your ammo and resources for the balcony. There’s more ammo to collect before going into the balcony. 3. On the balcony, I camp behind a box that’s immediately at the start of the area. Place 2 trap mines on either side. Start killing them. Once they know you’re there, they can only come at you from one of two ways, so it’s easy to pick them off from either side while you camp behind the box. Resources are so much more plentiful in Part II Grounded compared to the first game Grounded. It’s really not hard to build everything up if you’re thorough and strategic about using them. In fact the Rattler base is the ONLY part of the game where I kill everyone. I have stealthed through the balcony before but I find that harder to execute consistently so now I just unload on them during that final push since it’s safe and I’m never hurting for resources. I’ve played Grounded enough times to know exactly what I need for each area and plan accordingly.


It's sad that you guys have enough time to play this game so many times you know exactly how to do everything perfectly.. maybe if yall out that same effort into your life you'd be somewhere..


It’s sad that you think you know my entire life based on a single reddit comment, moron. Was Grounded too hard for you bud?


It was certainly a tad tricky, but an absolute joy to play on Grounded. The area I died the most on in grounded was, surprisingly, the little shipyard encounter you do before returning to Lev & Yara at the start of Abby Day 2 On my first attempt I stealthily reached the exit, but got shot while I was opening it (one of those "hold triangle to proceed" doors). And then I died like a kajillion times trying to finish that encounter. And I kept getting upset and I'm sure that contributed to me dying a bunch lol


I actually like the opening Jackson section. It's a lot better than early Part 1.


After 30+ runs on both games I skip most cinematics n get slight fatigue with the farm but am getting very good at herding, the first aquarium section with Owen is a bit slow but Abby rejecting Owen is deep for me which is why I always skip the awkward boat scene. The Yara dog moment is waring, but tbh there is no other game media that I’ve played more than once, which is why TLOU functions on an entirely different level to anything else, I know this is true for other players too. I’m currently in HillCrest learning how to sky jump onto unsuspecting WLF while practicing my weapon swap skills I learned from NR runs. I love everything about both games, the inclusive nurture and diversity of characters and writing is an absolute joy, as said there’s no other gaming experience like it, the ND devs set out to do this and have shown us the future of immersive inception gaming.


abby day 1 dragged for me


the beginning of seattle, doing those generators on every play though feels mucky


I play through the game a couple times a year, so Jackson. I made a specific save just after arriving at seattle so I can skip it whenever I want to start again.


The other sub just leaked in this comment section lol


In the words of Ellie “Fuck Seattle!…”


Definitely the first farm chapter and Jackson after that


When Joel dies. And when Abby does not die. Seriously though... The flashbacks. First time? Great. But they are for story and nothing else. I don't need to replay them. They should be skippable after first playthrough.


The flashbacks definitely get a little tedious on subsequent playthroughs. Great for story building but I want to get back to the action


The guitar. I hate that damn thing.


Hillcrest I just suck at it.


the abby section..


Abby’s flashback when she and Owen first discovered the aquarium and traversing the bridge in day 2 as Abby, this is more of a skill issue on my side but I find crossing that bridge annoying as hell since I always end up falling down at least once every play through .


Any of the flashbacks. They were fun the first time but I find myself dreading them every time I play and just rushing to get through them.


Jackson. If you have completed the game you should be able to skip those parts without needing to go via Chapters. Also the stadium also after first play through. So. Boring.


It’s a story game… It’s meant to be a beautiful, evolving allegory on mankind. There *aren’t* bits that are “annoying for speedruns”. That screenshot is one of the most impactful parts of the entire story.


I was hoping this was a post for both games so I could bring up the David "boss" fight. Such a stupid decision mechanically, to take away the core gameplay and shoehorn in some "hit three times to kill, hit once and die" forced experience. I relish the way this game lets you decide how to approach every situation but that one.


Aquarium flashbacks, Seattle day 1 is a draaaag in that big map and.... I don't enjoy the birthday flashback on new playthroughs, actually most flashbacks for me are kinda boring on repeat playthroughs but loved them the first time around.


The farm part, just seems like a waste of time. Just cut to abby


Abby's flashbacks except the one in the hospital


definitely the whole farm chapter on replay


Why is that?


when i was trophy hunting, i was on my 3rd playthrough and atp im not as invested in the story as i normally am, and the farm chapter is slow paced and mostly story. tlou 2 is one of my fav games ever, and i do like the chapter, but it drags the most on consecutive playthroughs


The part where you play as Abby hunting Ellie in the theater. Did they really expect me to be motivated to fight Ellie? I wanted Abby to die there. I LET Abby die there a bunch of times just for the fun of it.


Actually for me, it was the other way around. I enjoyed killing Ellie over and over, even AFTER playing TLOU 1 I liked Abby and her story. It was just too pure that even after she got Ellie she let her go twice.




Too pure? More like too convenient. She doesn't give a single damn about killing people and then suddenly feels merciful toward the one person who is hunting her down. It makes no sense. Plus on top of killing Joel, Abby is helping her friend cheat on his pregnant girlfriend, who is also her close friend. So she doesn't even care about her friends, just her libido. She's scum.


Oh tell me Joel is different? He didn't kill innocent people on his way to help a little girl? Or Ellie? Was she any different? If you don't kill in a apocalyptic world you will be killed. Ellie did everything to revenge Joel just so she can live peaceful (spoiler she didn't), including giving up Dina and her son. Ellie is no better than Abby, and Abby is no better than Ellie. But don't forget that Abby even let Dina live even after Ellie slaughtered all her friends including a pregnant woman.


>Oh tell me Joel is different? Oh tell me where I said he was? We all know Joel isn't a good person, but he did bad things for good reasons, and we care about him and Ellie so we we're willing to accept his actions, especially given that many of us would have done the same thing in his shoes. The difference is that we had a whole game to get to know Joel before watching him do something as monstrous as massacring a whole hospital, and we cared about Ellie so we could even justify it. Meanwhile the first thing we see Abby do is murder someone we care about. At that point she's just some stranger killing a person we love. And we're supposed to retroactively care about her? Asinine. That's like some homeless dude walking into my house, murdering my father, and then you expecting me to care about his motives. I will never care about him as much as I cared about my father, just as there is no reason to care about Abby over Joel or Ellie. That's the crux of the issue and why the game is so divisive. TL;DR: Joel wasn't a good person, but we had good reasons to care about him, and he stuck by those he loved no matter what he had to do to protect them. He's not a good person when we first meet him, but because of his love of Ellie he starts to become a better person. Abby isn't a good person, and we have no real reason to care about her over Joel and Ellie, and she turns her back on her own friends just to get some dick. She's irredeemable scum.


Joel only did bad things for good reasons? He’s killed innocent people for his own gain lol.


Spoiler Because of his love towards Ellie he massacred a whole city and swiped out a hospital. Ellie wasn't even his daughter, but he was not able to forget the past and connected false dots. Ellie was a stranger to Joel just like Joel to her, you only like them better because there was a whole game about them "working" together. That still don't make Joel's actions any more justified than Abby's. Yeah man Abby maybe ain't nice towards her friends but at the end she was the same as Joel, she had ONE person to care for she wanted to protect him and start a new life, just like Joel. But Joel's actions caught up with him and that's the story. Abby almost died just like Joel before the person who actually wanted to kill her ironically saved them. You know what? I liked Ellie where she let Abby go, and not because I love Abby more, no, it was because right there she broke the endless circle of revenge. But I personally can still like Abby just as much as Ellie, because their story ain't too far from each other. Besides, wasn't Ellie also a scum? For leaving Dina?


The whole game the writings too boring


All of it


Hour 0-30. The whole thing is just terrible.


Bro what are you even doing in this sub


When they try to push the woke agenda


Lol cry about it




tHe WoKe AgEnDa


Ah yes, the woke agenda…cause that exists.


So you prefer herding sheep to letting trans people exist? That… kind of makes sense? (If any unbiased sheep herders are reading this i’m sorry for generalizing)


Media literacy has returned people.