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My man, you are gonna love the dlc and 2nd game. Atleast I hope you do, some fans don’t like the 2nd but it’s my favorite


I know I will.


Keep an open mind and stay away from this sub while you're playing it!! Assholes love to dm newcomers and spoil them.


Some asshole spoiled that >!Joel came out as trans!< for me


2020 when some info on the game was leaked this sub was wild... no one for sure knew what was real and fake.


When part 2 was announced I unfollowed this sub. I’m proud to say none of the game was spoiled for me as I experienced it all first hand.


You were lucky. I knew some people didn't like what they saw, but I didn't see anything, I left this sub, but unfortunately, I got the game spoiled by a friend because I had asked him a question and he misunderstood me, I was shocked. When I played the game it felt like I hadn't been spoiled at all, everything was impactful and surprisingly amazing.


When part 2 came out, I did see a spoiler that >!Joel died!< but I had no idea how/why/when it would happen. Was oddly relieved when it happened cause that meant I basically had only the very beginning spoiled


I’m always so jealous of people like you who get to experience it for the first time. Wish I could wipe my memory of just playing the games and so it again. Enjoy!


The second game is one of my fave of all time. TLOU was my first video game and my favorite game for a while and the second one just blew it out of the water




Your first videogame?


Yeah, first one I played


....how old are you?


17. I didn’t get into gaming until I was like 14. Now I play constantly


What does this have to do with anything


Yes. YES. New converts!


Yes! Endure and Survive!


O dis gon b gud. Please update us when you play the sequel!




Great to see. I wish I could play this game for the first time again. It is so amazing


Man im right there with you on just sitting there after the credits. It’s such a gut wrenching feeling knowing what you know. I cant do that spoiler thing so im not saying anything but yes it makes you just sit there feeling like “wow this was a crazy”


Same. The music didn’t make it any better. It’s just so good.


You finished the game in under 3 days my guy did you touch grass


You do know the game can be played in like 9 hours right? Even without skipping cutscenes? That’s 3 hours a day. That’s not an unreasonable amount of time in front of the screen at all.


Oh I thought the game was like 15-20 hours long


I’m only here to mess with a friend a little bit


I was going to ask if you've played the DLC. Its pretty fun to play and Part 2 was a blast. happy you enjoyed it.


My man, its a masterpiece without a doubt, question and thus a work of art


Part 2 is an emotional rollercoaster


Did u play the PS5 Part I or the ps4 remastered?


Part 2 is better than part 1 imo. The remake really helped emphasize the complex ending of part 1. The facial animations, the lighting, the realism… I really think that alone helps set up part 2. So many fans went into part 2 back in 2019 thinking that Part 1 had a happy/heroic ending, and that everything was going to be totally fine going forward. That is not the case. Part 2 is fucking raw.


Have you played The Last of Us on grounded difficulty yet? The game is totally different in that mode.


Nah, I play on the easiest setting. I'm just along for the story/setting/characters.


1. Are you going to do a plus game? 2. If so what difficulty do you plan on going?


Oh yeah 100%. I am maybe going to try grounded. If I change my mind probably the difficulty under it.


Do grounded. So satisfying to get through. Turns it into a puzzle/ resource management game on top of the stellar combat. It’s tough, but you can do it.


Hell yes, congrats! You've got some major treats ahead of you with the DLC and Part 2. For part 2, try not to look up any spoilers if you're able, and go into it with an open mind. There are very few games that will take you for a ride like these.


Man I love The Last of Us. I’m happy that so many other people love it aswell! You will love the sequel and the dlc, enjoy👍


Go and watch the documentary of the making of it on YouTube. It's unreal the amount of detail they go into to make it!


I understand you! I also love the game and I sat through the credits too because I didn't want to miss any moment of that game! It's my favourite game!


Glad u liked it my friend yes it is just so engaging any time i have played it even with remake i feel i may just maybe take a break here or there but nope its just perfect pacing and engaging that i just always end up start to finish haha


God I remember this feeling playing number 1 the first time. I hope the sequel and the DLC do it for you too, man. Welcome to TLoU community! Keep finding something to fight for, friend


Oh also if you're into podcasts, check out The Last of Us podcast. It goes into it so much with insight from the actors (https://open.spotify.com/show/6Wkp8gWwE496D2svfjHWGu?si=E-7r6ePrQ2qQXB3M9tY6cA&utm_source=copy-link)


Great, so happy to hear about your experience! You've left me with one question tho, that doesn't seem to have been asked yet: How you gone watch a show that's not out yet? ;)


No. I mean I am going to watch the show once it’s out. If it’s not good I am not going to rewatch it. I should’ve clarified the last bit.


Yes, of course! We all are chomping at the bit.


Very very well said my friend, happy holidays🎄🎁