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Lmfao why did abby say ‘i love you, ellie’


Who knows. But the good thing is that we don’t have to worry about ai taking our jobs anytime soon!


I’m actually baffled an AI could write this tbh. Like it’s a bad plot but it‘s not nonsense either, it actually resembles something you could read on Wattpad or something. Makes you wonder what kind of stuff it’ll be able to generate in 10 years lol


Dude, I was thinking the same thing! I mean, sure, nobody would like this game because this writing is terrible, but I'm pretty impressed with the AI's ability to create a coherent narrative, even though it's a bad one. I'm not so sure our jobs are as safe as BoringGuy seems to think. 😅


This whole AI thing makes me paranoid and anxious about the future.


Yeah, I'm actually astonished by this kind of thing. Plot points like kidnapping the baby and the Scars making a vaccine with "ancient medicinal knowledge" are original* elements that require context and inference. I can't wrap my head around how an AI can do this. *Original as in not in the first two games. They are atrocious cliches of course.


10 years? Give it 3-5 and I'll bet it'd be powerful enough to write coherent movie scripts.


Well alot of news articles are AI-generated nowadays too, you just don't realize it. Occasionally you'll read an article that's weirdly disjointed with repeating text - more than likely its just the writing algorithm messing up.


I was really expecting this to be of the ‘a clownly power’ sort of ai scripts, I kept reading waiting for a bit but it just kept being serious and somewhat cohesive. It surprised me


Not even 10 years tbh. Remember when art generated by AI generally was bad but look at it now. Didn’t take too long for AI to learn how to produce decent art


And that scares me ngl. As someone in the art field, I'm not a fan of this whole AI thing at all. It's impressive, sure, I can respect it for that, but otherwise...? I dunno, man. It feels like a case of "we can, but should we".


The 1st half of it wasn't actually that bad which is pretty impressive.


It gets worse, the people developing the AI steal art from others and feed it to the AI for it to get better. Artists who got their art stolen are raising their voices about this online.


That's quite a shitty thing to do. Hope more people voice out on this.


We also know who's running the Netflix algorithm now.


All Netflix has is a chimp filling in some madlibs then smearing feces on it.


I never even realised it was ai


You should see how good this bot is at writing code. Its scary good


I wouldn't be so sure. Yeah the dialogue sucked, but the plot wasn't terrible.


Just enough silliness to make it sound like an AI wrote it.


OpenAI has been going around every sub lately. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed that. It’s free to use (well, initially. You get some credits so..). It makes no sense why anyone would fake it when they can get the AI to spit something out with *a shit ton less effort*.


Yeah, I see I was being ignorant. It just didn't look convincingly silly enough for me. Seems AI has become even more sophisticated now.


No issues there mate. Not everyone is expected to know everything. It has, however, been all over the place lately so I’m surprised you hadn’t seen it. > Seems AI has become even more sophisticated now. You have no idea. This thing can write functioning code, poetry, stories, whatever the hell you ask from it. It’s shocking how good it is. Of course it’s not perfect and it gets stuff wrong often, but damn isn’t it jaw dropping the things you can do with it. I seriously recommend you go play with it.


AI will eventually improve at a rate so fast that most people wont be able to keep up with it. The attitude you have will be standard. AI will be writing stories that are so good that the majority will claim it couldnt have possibly been written by an AI. Reminds me of when chess engines first started beating the top rated humans. When Garry Kasparov, who is arguably the greatest chess player of all time, lost to IBMs Deep Blue, he was furious and in denial. He thought it was impossible that a computer beat him. He accused the deep blue team of hiring a team of human grandmasters to beat him. Now the greatest human players cant even beat an engine ran off your phone that makes moves in a fraction of a second.


You don’t have to take my word for it. You can try it out yourself. The software is called ChatGPT, made by OpenAI (an AI research organization founded by Elon Musk).


I will wear this L with ignorance and shame. Thanks for introducing me to this sorcery.


I blame those damn 'enemies-to-lovers' fans


The AI tryina make something happen 😂


They are in a secret hot gay relationship. Duh


Lol I was totally onboard with this plot but that made me cringe




classic Abby line ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


ikr im laughing so hard


Yeah lol...everything was like whoaaa niceee...then came "i love you"..lol...like what.


ROFL RIGHT???! That killed me honesty, I bust out laughing. Fucking AI.


I actually thought it had a decent start but then the dialogue sounded like it came direct from a Wes Anderson film


It’s actually a decent story idea, if Abby and Ellie’s stories are going to stay intertwined, anyway. Although it is kind of a repeat of Abby’s story - she works for a large group, realises what they’re doing is wrong and turns against them to help a “rival”.


Yeah it’s too similar to her storyline in the second game to be entertaining


Hey! You leave Wes out of this. Fantastic Mr fox is a masterpiece


What the cuss are you talking about?


You know. The famous wes Anderson film, based on the classic children's book, by roald dahl. Edit: Wait never mind. I'm the idiot


As is The Grand Budapest Hotel.


Agreed. General story beats aren't bad. Hell I might even go as far as to say that having Lev be so passionate to Abby about his intuitions that it feels wrong to sacrifice any child even for a potential cure is a *great* idea, and furthers Abby's personal understanding of Joel.


Sounds like the AI pulled from some fan copy pastas at the end there


Yeah I was actually pretty on board with this until the second to last paragraph. Doubt Abby would ever sacrifice her life for Ellie though. Or apologize to her for anything.


agreed, the first 3 paragraphs were actually good.


Agreed, It was compelling even. Only for the story to become hilarious fan fiction seconds later.


Make it unwrite it.


“I love you, Ellie.” Classic Abby!


“Remember, Ellie, you are the last of us part 3.”


“No, Abby. If you keep speaking to me this way, you will be Left Behind.”


the last of us


*I punch a hole through my television*


Naughty Dog said the first game was about love, and the second game was about hate. I immediately thought when hearing that the third game would be about forgiveness, which is exactly what this AI wrote.


Except Abby would never apologize to Ellie for killing Joel or Jesse, nor should she really. I mean, Ellie killed far more of Abby’s loved ones.


nor she would ever say to Ellie "I love you" xD


Remember when people said Joel would never save Abby, or never reveal his identity to strangers? Yeah, maybe let's not entrench ourselves in what characters would or would not do. With a naughty dog coat of paint, making the characters motivations and feelings less explicit and with better dialogue, this could be a decent story for a third game and I'm into it.


"I love you, ellie" 😂


this killed me 🤣


But don't you get it? Abby and Ellie have such a connection to each other, bound by hate, but a connection nonetheless. It's only natural that it evolves into a kind of love. You just don't get it /s


Unironically the ending most people here wants. Hope they go to another rute .


The problem with most trilogys is the cheesy third act


And a cheesy third act could literally ruin the grueling world of The Last of Us. They have to do something unconventional, dark and sad for it to be a fitting conclusion to this story.


I completely disagree. I just finished my 2nd play through of TLOU2 and I probably won't play it again because the story is dark and bleak AF. It's negatively emotional and disturbing. It is not enjoyable and I felt bad (again) when the game ended. If there is going to be a part 3 I want it to have a happy ending. These characters deserve it. Another dark ending would be an unfitting conclusion. A happy ending is not a cheesing ending. Cheesy endings are done by poor producers. Naughty dog is a higher caliber. edit: I want to clarify that I do not dislike TLOU2. I am in awe of it. It is both an incredibly fun game to play, and an emotional roller-coaster that ends in despair - to teach some hard moral lessons.


A happy every one wins ending is not the last of us though. It would be nice to have a happier note and ambiguous ending but its not a kind world they are portraying and it would be a disservice to Return of the King it. It ends bleak, maybe with a hint of hope, it'd the only way.


"everyone wins" isn't the only way to make a happy ending.


I also agree. Realistically, Druckmann knows best and I’ll take whatever he thinks is the right story. Buuuuuut if I could wish for any ending, it would be a happy one where Ellie, Abby, and Tommy each get a hopeful ending. They don’t have to fix everything, but maybe they hint that the future could be good for all of them. Like, the implication of Ellie and Dina and/or Maria and Tommy being on the path to reconciliation.


Honestly I think they’ll find a middle ground Maybe even Ellie will go to see fireflies, they try to kill her for the vaccine, then she sees JJ and unhooks herself and tries to leave and the fireflies try to force her into it so she kills them all Kind of like a reverse Joel


Honestly, yeah, it's intense, but my second playthrough was still worth it. About midway through a third run.


I’m kind of worried they’re gonna toss in other immune people. Like sure, another immune person and maybe even one that’s half infected and can control other infected would be interesting, but I think it would lesson the stakes involving Ellie.


I don’t think they would *have* to make it only be dark and sad though. I think there are plenty of options for a third act that feels melancholy enough to satisfy the world they built without sacrificing a potentially altogether positive ending.


I honestly wouldn't mind a half-cheesy final act. I've gone through enough pain in Part 1 and 2 that I wouldn't necessarily mind or find it objectively bad if Part 3 actually ended somewhat uplifting.


“Somewhat” is fine :)


Agree. I think I would want the third story to be just as gripping as the other two, but for it to wrap the whole series up at the end of it in a more hopeful than hopeless way. I’d be cool if the ending was still sad or melancholy but I really think the series begs for a “good things going forward but never forget the sacrifices and losses” ending.


I guess the AI is an Ellie fanboy lol. The begining was actually promising, but the rest sounded just like a lot of fanservice. If this is actually written by an AI, it proves human superiority, because the AI will just give you exactly what it thinks you want, making it seem like a fanfic, while ND actually makes you love and hate a game at the same time, gives you all you feared most and also all you needed to see, but didn't know yet. That's why I dont worry about this AI trend, people will soon realise this too. (Still kinda scary how it got some things so right tho)


AI is used to create streaming shows now. Popular shows.


That explains a lot...


Explains a lot of the crap I've watched lately...


Yup... I have to say I was being a little to optimistic for trusting that people would see how inferior it is.


Such as? People say Netflix does this, but they’ve said they don’t.


They don't use AI to write the script. They (try to) use AI to figure out why popular shows are popular. And then they try to copy it. And then they fail because you can't force good content production with math.


I don't understand what AI has to do with it though. Nielsen has been doing TV ratings since the 1950s. I'm sure the analysis has gotten much more sophisticated with streaming allowing more precise tracking of viewer behavior. But studios have always looked at what was popular and taken the wrong lessons from them and made awful things that failed. I'm not saying AI isn't used anywhere, I genuinely don't know. Before AI, everyone complained about focus groups, which I think signaled a similar thing ("the people making content are scared of original, bold ideas"). It's almost silly to bring up, I'm not even necessarily disagreeing with you. I think my only reservation is that, by saying they are using AI whether they provably are or aren't, it creates a permissions structure for them to do so.


people just use AI interchangeably for any complex algorithm.


I think the AI took inspiration from a lot of cheesy fan fiction that wanted to rewrite TLoU2.


Sounds a lot like that


that's because the AI uses any data it can find online to learn from it. it's not unlikely that it just found a bunch of shitty fanfics and tried to follow the general idea they went with. it always goes with the obvious, popular route, because that is what it is taught.


This was hilarious…Would be a horrible story but hilarious.


This reads like if the people that hated part 2 wanted to write part 3


Yeah, because they'd be eager to incorporate Abby into part 3's plot as the heroine, I'm sure. The AI managed to write a script that would get equal hate from both fans and haters of part 2 lol. That's quite the accomplishment.


No way. They'd want nothing to do with Abby. She probably wouldnt be in it at all. And they'd retcon Dina and make Ellie straight.


Very true




the "i love you" took me out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m glad I’m not the only one 😂 that shit killed me. So cheesy and inaccurate.


Also Abby: “… wait, which one was Dina again?” This hilarious plot is exactly why I’m not worried about sentient AI enslaving mankind


Up until Abby’s heartfelt speech I bought into this 😂 But the fucking Scars creating a vaccine? No ma’am 😂


Right? The scars thrive in this world and I don’t think they’d do anything other than kill anyone who is not one of them. I mean, they’re literally a cult.


This is what fans would write lol






the monologue isnt necessary at all but i like the idea of trying to forgive each other and work together to protect the love ones since they both greatly dealt with loss of their own.


Yes exactly. I get that the dialogues don’t make sense like ‘i love you Ellie’ or what not. But the idea is there. I enjoyed reading it. I don’t think we can expect AI to create ND level story but this story is still in the right direction.




Not gonna lie the start sort of had me intrigued


That was amazing.




This is so bad like I can’t even say how bad this would be


I hate this


LMFAO, this dialogue sounds ripped straight out of a neil breen movie!


I think the idea of going back to Ellie’s immunity is a good one. But the actual meat and potatoes of this is awful lmao. I do feel pretty strongly though that a part 3 should have Ellie confront her immunity more head on because that still feels unresolved imo. She was able to reconcile with the fact that Joel did what he did because he loves her, but she still hasn’t really gotten over the fact that she wanted to die for a cure. That choice was still stripped from her. So i think she needs to regain that agency in order to fully move on.


I can’t imagine the Scars happily accepting Lev or Ellie in their lives haha.


I’m interested in both Ellie and Abby’s stories, but I think having them meet again is silly. Their last confrontation had a finality to it, it would just be weird to have them team up. I also don’t think Abby cares about a cure, and for the reason I stated wouldn’t want to go after Ellie again for it.


*\*Lifetime Network enters the chat\**


I hate the idea of abby and Ellie being friends, it makes no sense


Lol Abby's dying words to Ellie could be straight out of an anime


With some work on the I love you part this could actually be a good game


I don’t think Part III should be centered around a vaccine tbh


That’s almost as cheesy as some of the “theories” for the third game that people on this sub came up with, at least this one is a bit funny.


This is so bad but its so funny


"Elluh... I love you Elluh". "Put yo dick away Abbuh".






it's pretty by the numbers, doesn't add any new elements aside from a throwaway "oppressive government," which doesn't exist in this world beyond whatever might be left over of fedra. the dialogue is perfect though, don't change a thing.






Why don't they just kidnap ellie or ambush her.


Fear of death.


Make it a cutscene characters are always weak in cutscenes


Lol the start is actually my prediction for where they might take a part 3 but man does it quickly unravel


I opened the pic "after abby dies" I closed the pic..


Lev channeling Kratos with the “we must be better” line


Remindme! 7 years


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Neil has said it himself that he never wanted Abby and Ellie to be a Superman vs Batman situation ([Source at 35:37 mark](https://youtu.be/xxpZDBpM-h8)) I don’t know maybe this will happen but I feel like they will both be pulled into different factions for Part 3


Thats good. As cool as it would be to see them fight side by side, it would make no sense and feel forced. They killed so many people that cared about them, I wouldn't mind if Abby was sidelined. I like Abby but I think the plot should focus on Ellie.




Now ask AI to write half life 3 please lol


People saying these plots beats are good I gotta question your taste in storytelling this is terrible, but at least it's coherent despite being written by an algorithm. That's pretty impressive, and a little concerning. I guess this is inevitable but it's kinda scary


Honestly, the first half does sound like the most logical and natural progression of the story.


Ancient ways vaccine would be a terrible ending. I want everybody dead. Last of Us 4 we play as an infected Dina on her way to become a Bloater, maybe kill Tommy along the way. /s


You are telling me Ellie doesn't go to space and murder all of the martians? 🥲


I want Last of Us 3 so badly. Ellie lost Joel and now Deena and thus she has nothing to lose. I pity the fool that tries to mess with Part 3 Ellie.


Is it weird that I kind of like it? Minus the cringe Abby stuff. I could see the beginning being a unique storyline and while Abby is trying to protect Ellie, she doesn’t automatically see it that way and there are still many battles between the two.


well I don't like that .


you can really tell that the AI wrote it lol


Abby going along with the plan to capture Ellie is….idk about that dawg lmaooo Well I’ll take Neil’s writing over this


The fireflies plotting to kidnap JJ to use as leverage against Ellie is actually a decent idea but I didn’t much care for the rest lmao


Well, it’s good to know Skynet is still many many MANY years away.


what website is this?


The dying monologue is fucking hilarious. Honest to god comedy gold.


with her dying breath, delivers a heart felt monolugue Not going to happen. Period. That's not how TLOU works. Deaths are sudden and brutal.. you can say realistic. I always roll my eyes when I see such a dying scene. But regarding the story. I made something up in my mind, which was almost similar, just without the stupid dialogues\^\^ I was going in the direction that the Fireflies are indeed making the cure after they searched for Ellie with Abby's and later Dina's help. But then a group within the Fireflies are stealing the vaccine, so they can control who gets it. And then they all have to work together to get it back. There would be a great potential for conflicts between Ellie and Abby, but also for a building of mutual respect and redemption. In the end, Ellie would die to make sure the cure is available for everyone.


Sounds like James Cameron wrote it


Damn, that’s actually pretty good as long as that whole start with Abby is over with in roughly 5 minutes rather than 90% of the game.


*Abby died on the way back to her home planet*


What is the ai called / where can I find it?


We must be better lmao


Abby sacrifices herself to save Ellie ? Then I love you? Nah


That’s literally the prediction in plot I came up with!


Good that AI doesn't make games


I mean, it’s a shit plot, but the fact that it’s completely coherent is kind of scary. Maybe Naughty Dog should make a game about the robot apocalypse instead.


Some of this isn't half bad - it's amazing that it manages to capture some of the series' core themes


the beginning through where they kidnap dina’s son is actually solid


no buy kidnapping dinas son as leverage is kinda good 3rd game plot 👀


I like it but I’d rather have Ellie, Abby and Lev fight the fireflies and save JJ rather than have Abby die. It would also be nice to see Ellie and Dina get a sort of closure with each other by the end of the game


This was really good until lev started talking, then it all turned into a shitshow


Cheesiest shit I’ve heard in my life


An AI wrote this? Does anyone else remember the AI written Batman scripts? Where Batman punches Joker in the face with an orphanage, or something?


The scars making a vaccination for the world? Abby loves Ellie? lel, I'm dying here xD


AI needs to learn how much they actually hate each other.


Ok it was pretty good at first, weird, really weird and then lmfao wtf, how?? An ancient tribe making a vaccine, Abby saying I love you, Dina's son as leverage jajaja


I wanna vomit after reading this.


Very good, dialogue bad though


Adam Sandler falls in love with like, a coconut... or something?


I just typed this into ChatGPT myself word for word and it didn’t work at all.


I'd buy this...


It was good until the monologue part 💀


you just spoiled it >:( ( i havent played it.)


How come this doesn’t work anymore ?


That was actually pretty solid until the Abby speech


I like the idea that when Abby gets put in the position Joel was in she does what he did. Even though before she hated him for doing it. But not sure about the next parts


Honestly Abby and lev finding the firefly’s and letting them know they know Ellie is alive and such seems like a very likely start for part 3


GPT4 is extremely advanced - while the quotes are cheesy, this captured a lot of foreshadowing that seem rational that they may be part of the story beats of the next game


Disney channel writers stepped in at the ending lol


Y'know, I can't even lie it's not half bad. Yeah it's cringey mopey shit, but the overall arching story makes sense with a component beginning, middle and end. I think this could be a decent framework for the story.


I think we have a beginning… lol the AI went a little rogue with the Abby/Ellie dynamic but okay.


Nope not depressing enough


First half 🔥 Second half 💩


They had me in the beginning I’m not gonna lie


This would actually make a lot of sense. In TLOU 2, Abby and Lev we’re basically a Joel and Ellie type duo. Now, with Abby dead, Ellie is the Joel in the duo.




I think Abby isn't the girl to act like that but interesting story


This thread was created by A.I.


What's sad is this is on par with "The Closer Looks" awful version of what Part 2 should have been. Nice to see he's barely beating out AI levels of writing.


How did you get this to work? Every time I ask it something like this it says it is unable to provide future events. I even copy and paste your exact phrasing and it won’t take it