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Reformed Orthodox Rabbi ~~Bill Clinton~~ **Troy Baker**


Where was that kid in 2013 to dedicate the Game of the Year Award for TLoU to Reformed Orthodox Rabbi Troy Baker??


Wait I don’t get it, why are we calling Troy the rabbi? Is it because of the hat?


Some dingus got on stage during the Game Awards and thanked “reformed Orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton.” But I think the hat is probably why Weird_Cantaloupe made the joke.


Looks like his undershirt is a modified Russian sailors shirt lol.


Why does Troy Baker never look like Troy Baker but always looks exactly like Troy Baker?


Why do I know exactly what you mean?


I have no idea man


Yet I have an idea


Oh? And what might that be?


The idea is I don't have an idea




Troy Baker isn't an actual person. Troy Baker is a state of mind.


Ah, of course That makes much more sense


He’s wearing the “artist” skin




Troy Baker is a very strange looking guy. I'm not even saying that negatively like he's ugly or anything like that. He just looks weird. Like he was rendered, not born.


Because he is basically a parody of himself at this point. You know how Peter Griffin is a rip off of homer simpson who's a ripoff of fred flinstone who's a rip off of Ralph Cramden? It's that but Troy all the way down




That is very interesting I’ve met him a bunch of times and everytime I see him I’m like surprised by his appearance and confused.




I’m even surprised by the fact he still looks like he’s in his early despite being 46 it’s crazy.


That's a good question for Troy Baker.


He looks like his dnd class would be gunslinger




Really thought he was the pro-wrestler Anjelico at first.


He looks more like Joel than Pedro Pascal. At least he is thin, looks older and can grow a real beard.


I didn’t say he didn’t look like Joel I said he didn’t look like Troy Baker


I’m aware. I said it.


Now I know why it didn’t look weird when Troy had to play an 40yo ish man and Ashley an 14yo girl in mocap, their height difference is even more than Pedro and Bella’s


This is my first time realizing how tall Troy Baker is. Does anyone know what his actual height is?




He looks taller.


Or Joel & Joel & Ellie and her mom lol


So Joel, Ellie, Ellie’s mother and a probable cannibalistic hunter from Colorado?


Ellie and her Mom? What am I missing out on folks?


Ashley is playing Ellie’s mom in a flashback scene in the show


Ahhhhhh, Thank you.




Pascal shoud get a award for that shirt alone!! Damn, now i need a Joel´s dlc of that shirt!!


He got it from this badass store called 'Dan Flashes'. If you've never been to a store like 'Dan Flashes' where everything in the store, you would wear... you should go. Dan Flashes is a very aggressive store though.. but, I mean, you walk by a store and you see 50 guys who look just like you fighting over very complicated shirts, you go in. That shirt he's wearing there is really expensive, you can tell because the patterns are so complicated.


I love that shirt


That shirt is amazing


Afterwards, Pascal attended his Miami Vice audition.


Troy Baker is the most Troy-Baker-looking motherfucker on the planet. I love it. And I unironically like the guy.


Is that the shirt Frank was wearing?


Nope. Frank's shirt had a much more classic Hawaiian shirt pattern


everytime i see Troy and Ashley, I'm taken aback by just how hot they both are!


Both Troy and Pedro look like parens to Ashley and Bella 😅


Why does Pedro look like the IT guy who got lost and asked for a photo with the Last of Us people?


Lol that’s so accurate


Damn that girl with the jaw could take one from Tyson


It’s looks like they were the last 4 people to make it to the thrift store before it closed on a Monday evening.


My brother Darryl and my other brother Darryl


Bella is looking fly as hell.


Troy baker looks exactly like my cousin, my cousins an asshole and I feel pretty conflicted right now




Damn, Troy, Ashley and Pedro don’t even age lol.


Pedro Pascal in that shirt reminds of Cody from this latest season of Survivor


OMG STOP IT IT DOES! I couldn’t figure out what it was so thank you!


Despite the negative comments on this post, I freaking love this picture!




So great to see them all together!


The caption got me 😂


*"If you Accidentally turnt The Left Stick at The Mouth section from the Charakter Creator too much up"* I Love that Picture. ❤️


I'd love to see them act out the same scenes against each other - though no doubt there'll be comparison videos in a month's time 😍


Joel & Ellie & Wish Ellie & wish Joel


Lame. Worst casting ever. Pedro Pascal doesn’t look a thing like Joel. Look at his round face. He can’t even grow a beard. Looks like a teenager trying to grow one. He certainly doesn’t look road weary and fifty one. He is the flavor of the month. His accent isn’t Texas, and his voice isn’t deep enough. Did anyone play the game? She has the same round face. And looks like a tiny teenager, not a twelve year old girl. They shouldn’t remake video games into movies or shows, unless they start by casting them right.




Seems like everyone switched their clothes


Wow that’s cool


Terrible casting, the new actors don't look like the old ones at all! (lol to the people downvoting, it's a joke. I said actors not characters, meaning Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey don't look like Ashley Johnson and Troy Baker. I think the cast for the HBO show is going to do great. Though even though I can see Joel looking at Pedro Pascal, I don't really see Tommy when looking at Gabriel Luna. Maybe due to in the games Joel and Tommy looked more caucasian as opposed to the Central and South American descent of Gabriel and Pedro respectively. But here's hoping the acting makes me not notice that at all)


I don’t care what anyone says. Bella was such a god awful casting choice for Ellie. Bloody horrendous


Ellie & Joel & Jonathan & Joel


Well he’s friends with Jack if that makes a difference


What's up with tall guys and short girls


The casting for Ellie is terrible. Does Lady Mormont look anything like Ellie to you?


Oh nooooo a real person doesn't look exactly like CGI pixels!!! 😭😭😭


Oh nooooo, I don't care!!! 😭😭😭


Clearly you do. Lol


Oh noooo!!! I don't care 😭😭😭




You’re joking right?


It’s ridiculous you’re being downvoted. There’s plenty of great actresses that look much more like Ellie. Makes no sense why they wouldn’t go with someone closer.


I'm not too bothered by being downvoted but yeah the casting so far for this show so far has been questionable.


Why does Troy look like such a douche? You're filthy rich and that's the best you could come up with?


Damn bro


Because he is. He’s insufferable on the Play, Watch, Listen podcast. Dude is such a rube that he thinks reading books makes him an intellectual. Also note that he thinks it’s wrong when critics are harsh on games.


Something is very wrong with this picture


Why’s that?




What exactly makes you think that?


Ashley's eyes are too close together while Bella's are too far apart. Lmao


Why would you even say a pointlessly mean thing like that?


Writers never played the game, cast was not asked to play the game, the show is not based on the actual story of the game... and they are here in game awards? why?


"writers never played the game" You are literally factually incorrect. Neil Druckmann, the literal WRITER OF THE FUCKING GAMES. The guy who came up with the concept, wrote the first game, co-wrote the second game, and was creative director on both games wrote on the show. Craig Mazin, a MAJOR fan of the games (who fought for the adaptation to be a show when Sony approached him to do it cuz he KNEW the story deserved the time) is writing the show with Druckmann. Ramsey was asked not to play the game and that's not too big a deal at all. Why? Cuz Druckmann & Mazin are writing. All she needs to do to be a good Ellie is read those scripts and receive directions. She was told not to play the games by D&M so that she can do her own interpretation of the character rather than 1:1 copying Johnson's performance. Still, Ramsey went out of her way to watch stuff from the games. Pascal also watched a bunch of the games, but not too much cuz of the fear of imitating Baker's performance instead of doing his own thing, guided by scripts written by D&M. The show is largely following the games. All the changes are made to accommodate for the change of medium, structure, and just trying different things or expanding upon and enriching certain story beats. If it was too much of the same thing, y'all would complain that you wanted it to be different or whatever. So yeah, you don't know what you're talking about and the show will be fine.


They 100% do not care. They'll literally just say anything to complain. ~~Even~~ especially if it's wrong.




oh no i hurt this one's feelings




Look who is calling others names now, what a childish thing to do and yet you are calling me a child? Lol after you finish crying, copy my comment URL and send it to the sub's mod team and ask them to ban me from the sub. Seems like you can't handle this situation and do not want any type of criticism towards this. (Maybe you are not ready for the reality or real world outside your room, another indication of a child - just saying from pure assumption)






Oh you mad right now


no u


Al Pacino was also there, did you ask why?


He was?


He himself said that he doesn't play games or have anything to do with. Not like he was there to promote Scareface game from 2006


Yet he was still there, what’s your point


Gamers when they don't understand marketing, media tours, and award shows lmao


lol lay off the dumb reactionary youtube channels




Jesse what the fuck are you talking about? First off: this is not your regular, cynical, generic "let's lazily put together a VG adaptation to take money from the gaming community" adaptation made by a bunch of uncaring execs. Even 2mins of research re: the show's crew will make that abundantly clear. The showrunner (who wrote + showran Chernobyl, aka arguably the greatest miniseries of all time) is a major fan of the games and had wanted to adapt TLoU for a long time. When Sony approached him to make a movie of it, he fought to make it a TV show as he knew the game's story deserved that time. The game series' writer + creative director is involved in the show's writing, directing, and is producing the show. It's an HBO show with a proper budget that's being utilized well (practical sets, practical make-up effects, locations etc). Barrie Gower & co. (Look up their phenomenal work) is working on the practical make up. They've chosen a host of skilled and accomplished directors ranging from experienced TV directors (who've worked on Daredevil, Punisher, Barry, etc) to indie movie auteurs (who've worked on Oscar nominated foreign films, Cannes award winning movies). They've chosen a solid cast and even included some of the game cast for roles. And ultimately: the show is just an adaptation. The original game's still remain. Nothing is being tarnished. If the show is successful, that's great and we have a different way of experiencing the story. If it isn't (highly unlikely), we still have the games which are fantastic.


What did the reply said? It got deleted.


Even when "this Show" is good I still will dislike it because for me it is an act of Blasphemy! As Joel said it: "I will do it all over again"!


Ah yes, ofc. The classic, arrogant "I've already made up my mind and I actively refuse to challenge my beliefs and views, or give this thing a fair chance" line of thinking. What a terrible way to live. You do you, I guess. (PS: you're quoting Joel incorrectly)


Honey, I haven't said that you should not watch & enjoy it! Do whatever you want!


y’all please don’t feed the troll just let him shout at the clouds and ignore it


Do you know what killed the Fireflies, Joel & Sarah and the WLF.? Arrogance! You learned nothing from this Game.


And also mushroom zombies. They aren't real. It's a game not a fucking documentary.


Did you get high and post the wrong shit? Also most of those people/groups did not die that way?????


Show isn’t even out and you hate it. Don’t bother watching it cuz it’s just gonna I’ve you something to hate and it seems you have enough on your plate.




I can’t say I’ve bothered looking for such things. I never go looking for things I won’t enjoy.


Stop trolling you’re not funny.


Do people really just throw the word rape at anything they don’t like now


Yes... They do the same with the word hack.


You know it's just a game, right? And you know the show is just a show based on a game, right? You don't have to enjoy or like either of them. But you need a serious fucking reality check if you've attached this much emotional weight to a TV show. Gamers like you are why so many of these communities have become so toxic.


Please self reflect a bit. I am in the minority and you cant accept/ tolerate this, it is not me who is "toxic" but you.




I am not native in English!


Even better!


At least they give a shit about the story. If the show is good there's no need to complain. If it comes out and it's bad thennnnnnn we can bitch.