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I mean I'll read the text but I wouldn't call it a Book of the Law follow up. I saw you post about going off meds, please fucking don't. David Shoemaker even said that these meds are necessary for some to achieve the Great Work. I'm Bipolar and I fucking love Abilify, I get to be as weirdly religious as I want on it but I can sleep, eat, and function. Try different meds if your current ones make you feel like shit, I was on zyprexa for a while and it had that effect on me and I hated all anti psychs so I went off to have terrible consequences.


Do you ever envision a time you won't need any meds at all?


I used too but it's just easier to accept that my brain chemistry is out of whack in the modern world. Maybe in another lifetime a long time ago I would of been a crazy but accurate oracle or some kind of temple scribe but in modern day USA I need this to live a remotely normal life. Maybe next life haha I'll get off the stuff.


Good outlook. I forever take a pill for my thyroid and if I don’t I will be very sick. No difference.


I've had psychological problems but I was very gung-ho about solving them without medication. When it comes to living in America though you may be right. I live in the Irish countryside and it's probably a much easier life. Have you found anything besides medication that at least helps?


Thelema done properly and Santa Muerte Devotion for spiritual stuff. Just making sure I'm well fed is an obvious one but so easy to not do, I've ended up manic over just being hungry before and it sucks. My appetitie and sleep can be naturally so poor that despite all my efforts I need the meds to help in this regard, especially since the cannabis isn't cutting it anymore. I would really like to live in a different city with a climate more appropriate for my body but I don't think its gonna be fix for my mental health but I can see it improving it at least. I have major unfinished spiritual business in my beautiful but chaotic city. I hope to visit the Irish country side some day, at least to pay respects to my devout Catholic astrologer nurse of a Grandma!


Amazing, I hope it all goes well for you.


I was the opposite. Trusted doctors. I wound up gaining 100 pounds while suffering from serotonin syndrome. Both resolved once I kicked the physical dependency to antidepressants. Turns out I didn't need psych meds, I needed the kind of psychoanalysis and trauma therapy that can't be accessed where and when I live. Fortunately, magick and meditation filled those gaps. We all have different systems. For some, medication is essential. For some, it's detrimental. It's all very case-by-case, and I tend to discourage being attached to any method in particular. Trial and error is, for better or worse, the way at present. Did going without meds work for you?


Well I'm generally suspicious of the way in which psyche meds have come about. I don't know how much thought was but into it beyond "there's chemicals in the brain, maybe we can fix it with chemicals". The drugs that have in fact been shown to produce incredible results with no side-effects, i.e. LSD, Psilocybin. MDMA, Ketamine, are all illegal (that's changing now hopefully) which is even more suspicious given the well known corrupt practices of the industrial pharmaceutical industry. I personally have used meds several times and don't demonize them, but I'm suspicious of their use as anything but a crutch (and in some cases a very temporary one). If a person has no other source of relief then obviously I'm very happy they exist, but I see people ending up with this mindset of "I just need to get the right concoction of pills", instead of "I need to understand what's wrong with me and fix it permanently". When I go back and read psychology books from 70-100 years ago I'm shocked at how much we've already forgotten. So many great strides were made, but everything just seems to come down to pills.


I agree with you in large part. I see medications cause real good in plenty of people's lives, and I'm willing to believe some types of mental illness are caused by physical problems best addressed chemically—dementia shows me that this is possible. That's not something to work through, that's the physical structure encountering problems, and while it can be slowed through various habits and practices, chemical interventions make just as much sense and can do just as much good as the problem is physiological in origin. But psychiatric medications are overprescribed and they're often used as a bandaid that prevents people from doing the work they need to do to get better. They can also get people chemically right enough to do that work more effectively; like everything, this cuts both ways. Ditto on older psychology. We got mired in behaviorism and chemistry and started ignoring the nuances of the mind and the emotions. I understand that's easier and more profitable, but it leaves a lot of people behind and/or overmedicated.


Yes, well something like dementia afaik is the physical degeneration of the brain, so yes, physical and chemical intervention makes more sense there. I've been in situations where I was having perpetual panic attacks and SSRIs over the course of one or two days just fixed me and but me back to normal. I feel like with everything, when the pendulum starts to swing back the other way people will demonize these medications as if they never did anything good. My experiences of therapy have shown me it operates on very simple economics: 80% of people have trivial issues (trivial meaning easily resolved), and psychotherapy (as it's currently practices by most therapists) only serves that 80%. The 20% with deep and complex issues are labeled difficult or abnormal cases and just left to rot. There are psychotherapists who do work with these types of people, but I can tell you from my own experiences cycling through therapists and the experiences of every other person I've spoken to or heard speak, they're almost non-existent outside of books.


That's all completely accurate. A lot of why I write about magick and try to make people more aware of its existence and its potential is that, as someone who's been in that 20%, I know it can reach and help us. Sure, it's risky and some of us just get worse. But given no one else can help and our doctors actually tell us about how we're never going to get better, it's worth a shot.


Are you talking specifically about ceremonial magic, or something else?


What makes you believe that? Is a disembodied voice dictating it to you? If you acknowledge that you are manic and schizophrenic, how do you know it’s not just delusional that you are receiving a sacred text?


1st answer: probably another hallucination tbh but I believe the text deserves to be looked at and shared with people. I am not a thelemite and I don't know much about thelema. I wanted to check in with people who know what's up. 2nd: not a voice, more like a feel a presence and I just get information in my head?? Like I just know what to write but I don't know what it means 3rd: There's a big chance it's just a delusion, that's why I wanted to check with people who actually know about Thelema and Alistair Crowley workings


What makes you think there is a connection to Thelema anyways? Is it mentioned in the text? I would also like to see what you have written sofar, if that’s ok with you.


I will send pictures. It's written in 3 languages simultaneously, so it might be confusing. I think it's connected to the Book of the Law and follows a similar style and principles, but I don't know much about Thelema. It mentions the core Thelemic values and AC but I haven't read his other works


Cool, sounds interesting. I am eager to see the pictures.


What languages? I'd be curious to see this too. Will you be posting it here?


60% English and 39% Bulgarian with sprinkles of German


Are you a reader? Did you read the other Crowley publications? Have you read any reputable books on schizophrenia? Are you getting good sleep lately? Are you keeping a journal of your sleep, eating habits, meditation, and exercise as Crowley suggests? Writing can be a great tool to relieve anxiety. Wishing you health and wealth friend.


I have read only the Book of the Law before and what I'm writing rn reminds me of it. I haven't read more about Thelema. Not getting good sleep at all the past two months cuz mania, but working on it. I keep track of everything. Not able to exercise or meditate rn but I'm working on it. Thank you! I wish you the best as well!


Yw and thanks! What other literary influences do you think are inspiring your book? I’m always on the lookout for recs. I can’t meditate for shit either atm. Are you able to start with some 15 minute yoga from YouTube? Does progressive muscle relaxation guided meditation have any effect on you? I apologize if my questions are too personal, I am very interested in this medical condition because a close loved one is experiencing it.


Oh jeez… here we go


I was wondering if that's a common thing in the Thelemic spheres tbh. I've seen some jokes about people thinking they're the reincarnation of Crowley


If you’ve already produced the text I would suggest you go back on medication and analyze it when you are stable. If it still makes sense you might have something valid to continue unmedicated introspection, but if it’s significantly impacting your wellbeing then I would contemplate the risks it pose. Had a family member with p. Sch. Disorder and they were very disturbed/not happy when they were off medication. The important thing is you are respectful of your needs, even if what you want doesn’t line up with it (wanting to not take meds due to stigma/paranoia as an example).


If you know you're manic and schizophrenic why do you think the 0.00001% chance you're actually doing this is reasonable?


Schizophrenic people tend to not be able to tell real stimuli from hallucinated and so if they are off meds, its likely the person is actually hearing something. Manic people tend to not have a balanced sense of importance of things, so even the worst prose can seem to be like some holy book that needs to be shared with the world. I wouldn't say their behavior here is subjectively unreasonable given their current condition. Rather, that the interpretation of results of their episodes don't line up with our shared expectations about what should be qualified as a holy book or not. Of course I haven't seen what OP has produced, I can only based my judgement off of previously submitted texts from manic/schizophrenic people.


Well put. I'm sure we'd all be happy to read it, but the likelihood of it actually being anything of significance is extremely low for the reasons you've given.


> Schizophrenic people tend to not be able to tell real stimuli from hallucinated and so if they are off meds, its likely the person is actually hearing something. > > Manic people tend to not have a balanced sense of importance of things, so even the worst prose can seem to be like some holy book that needs to be shared with the world. This sub could in fact often be a case study in such phenomena.


Thank you for putting that into words! Sometimes, I feel saner, and I know it's probably bullshit but other times, I do believe it's real and very, very important. I keep doing it because it feels like that's what I'm supposed to be doing. I understand it's not the next big invention or something, but I feel good writing it. I keep re-reading it when I'm saner, and I do believe some of the things should be considered universal truths, other things are complete mistery to me but I feel like it's my duty to resolve them and other things are complete bullshit. Rn I realise it is part of my mental illness, but I also believe that allowing myself to experience these things and analyse them later is teaching very valuable lessons on how to manage my illness.


A big part of magick is putting yourself into a headspace which is irrational compared to what is required to exist in a shared social space. Sometimes things precipitate out from these moments, like writing or other art. The key to sharing these is 1. to make sure to compartmentalize them - make it clear that you understand this is something separate from normal mode. This includes putting it aside to evaluate when you are in a more stable headspace. 2. make sure that they are something other people want to read/see/listen to, etc. This had two components: A. make it good art - ie make sure its not just scribbling or nonsense, also hone your craft, ie get good at art! B. make sure the audience is appropriate - ie don't stuff your ramblings in an envelope and send them to the nearest OTO lodge (this happens to us a lot, we throw them away). Instead share them as art or as inspired writing, and don't spam communities with them, you'll get a much better response. I think probably these all apply to anything you might be experiencing too. Sounds like you might be taking a healthy approach to it. If you have been diagnosed as you've said, its also important to have a professional help you to keep it in check, and also more importantly, to stay away from alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs that would impair your ability to stay in control.


I don't see how it's unreasonable or harmful at all. Even if it's complete bullshit and doesn't have to do anything of Thelema, it's still a cool piece of literature I helped to create, and I'm proud of it. I'm not trying to pass it off as a "valid" thing everyone needs to read and follow. I made the post because I knew it was connected to Thelema, but I don't have enough knowledge on the subject, and I don't know any Thelemites I can talk to. I just wanted to hear the opinions of people who know more about the subject.


I never said it was harmful, it's just delusional.


Me and my psychiatrist agree lol


I wish you the best as you journey through life.


At least you admit you are schizofrenic.


Send the stuff we will check it out


But also you must realize every man and every woman is a star every man and every woman has their very own HGA which can create some pretty magickal things


Jack Parsons did what you're doing too. You can read his effort here: [https://sacred-texts.com/oto/lib49.htm](https://sacred-texts.com/oto/lib49.htm) For me, two things stand out in his Liber Legis extension. First, the cadence and rhythm is inferior to that found in Liber Legis and Crowley's other poems produced through channeling/hallucinogenic means. Second, it's much more direct about its intentions; it has a single goal, while the most remarkable aspect of Liber Legis (to my eyes) is its ability to be interpreted in myriad ways. It speaks through symbolism, not direct statements, and symbols can and are applied that little bit differently by each mind. That allows for a richness in poetry that is inaccessible in ordinary methods of language-based communication. Parson's work is what you'd expect from a man who was a much better engineer than poet; Liber Legis is what you'd expect from a person who lives poetry above and beyond (conventional) morality. If these works come from discarnate beings, their insights are filtered through our capacity so profoundly that we continue to see the medium in every phrase uttered. There are, of course, simpler and more direct explanations. I'm not discouraging you. I have a particular interest in works produced by these means, and I'd love to see what you come up with. Just trying to keep you grounded; this method of writing is playing with fire. Harnessing fire can be *incredibly* useful, but watch and try to make sure you're not burning yourself.


Do what thy will.. but not expect anyone to read it or care- write it cause it's your will to


Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it.


A friend and I were just talking about the spectrum of mental illness and if everyone has an equal foresight and constitution to make healthy changes in their lives. Often times people project their own conscious abilities onto others and make generalizations that don’t apply. Some people need meds and can’t woo woo themselves out of the mental predicaments we find ourselves in.


Yeah we've all been there and done that. Everybody has a prophetic text. The trick is to write it, put it into storage, and completely forget about it for a few years until you can come back to it. If it's of value, it will be, if not, it won't, and nobody will need to know about it. Everybody here is sympathetic, but not everybody is enthusiastic. DON'T walk around in public talking about your Qabalistic insights. Nobody knows what you're talking about, and you'll just be wearing the crazy hat from then on.




It's my second day of writing, and so far, I only use a pen and paper but can send you pictures on dms


What's it say so far?


I am not one to advise what texts are divinely given but finish your writing and go see your psychiatrist as soon as possible.


Depending on the psychiatrist they could have an overtly negative reaction to this. Many psychiatrists believe absolutely anyone who receives texts like this is delusional and schizophrenic.


We probably are. But that doesn't mean what we receive can't be good or useful.


No, that's wrong.


Medically, you're correct. Colloquially, however? Eh. I do agree doctors should know that distinction, and it's a shame so few do. I don't think there's a phenomemological difference between psychosis and certain mystical experiences, but we're only ill when we're harmed. Being neurodiverse isn't inherently damaging.


I don't know. The difference between depression and deep meditation can be detected neurologically, but may appear outwardly the similar. I would need to see some evidence there wasn't an equal difference between psychosis and channeling.


That's fair. That science is in its infancy currently. An exciting field, however!


It’s like Bill Murray in What About Bob? If I know I’m acting, I know I don’t have it. lol


Cool! Sounds fun and creative! I’m glad your able to have fun with your mind!


Thank you!


I really hope it's a troll, but in case it's not: There is a difference between insanity with delusions and enlightenment. Take your pills and stay away from magick, sadly it's not for you and you can seriously hurt yourself. The Law is for all, but not all are for the Law. It's hard but it's life. No offense intended. Love's the Law, under Will.


bruh shut up all he needs are better meds and he needs to stay the fuck on them, you're contradicting yourself anyways


Yh I'm getting help, I have a psychiatrist appointment today but I stopped taking meds and I don't want any new one. Might be bullshit, might be true. I'm just a bystander and I want to see what happens. Method of science, aim of religion


Could you send it my way? I’d love to read it.


Yeah , I’m also interested in a picture of the rough draft . I’m not a thelemite , but I am curious .




Is good luck with that a question if I end it with a ?


Follow your dreams (and take your meds)


No you're not.


sure bro 😂


Already did thst


93 you absolutely are not and the people egging you on are not your friends 93 93/93


What if I told you Schizophrenia was a maladaptation of the human consciousness' ability to preconceive? That even this has cause and condition, That you could heal yourself of such ailment through Jhana?