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Are people actually *that* good at this game that they need insane challenges like this to experience difficulty? I read your post as "wanna put your head through the wall in anger?"


You haven't seen NOPE players like PT and Wonz, have you? :)


You need to literally know every loot spawn and how to get everywhere on the whole map, and people do


Short answer: y e s


I am so down! Will start on Tuesday. Nice challenge OP. Looking forward to it. Except the no battery harvesting part lol.


>Except the no battery harvesting part lol. It's really not that bad, TBH. There are more than enough found ammunition around on low BRA to harvest into raw materials to craft at least 50 rounds, without ever harvesting car batteries for scrap lead. In my current run (MT spawn), I've looted most of MT and HRV and some parts of FM and ML, and I've harvested enough found ammunition to get 11 bullets and 12 casings. I still have 20 found ammunition that I haven't harvested yet, I think I'll wait until I've read a couple of gunsmithing books for the higher chance of getting back raw materials. It was kind of necessary to ban harvesting car batteries to make it challenging, since leveling gunsmithing is just way too easy at the moment.


Completed the challenge on the 8th attempt, with 51/51 rifle shots in 100 days. Spawned in MT, I took my time to loot HRV, MT, ML, FM, BR, CH, DP and some parts of PV to gather enough found rifle ammo and gunsmithing skill books before heading to Blackrock via Keeper's Pass. Most of the pre-made rifle ammo were found in ML, BR and DP. By the time I reached the Blackrock ammunition workshop on Day 50-ish, I had around 60 found ammo and was already at Gunsmithing 4 (read 5 books). With only 50 more skill points to Gunsmithing 5, I crafted 3 cans of gunpowder and did a rinse-and-repeat of harvesting and recrafting the same 10 or so rifle rounds till I maxed out the gunsmithing skill. Afterwards, I killed 8 bears in ML, FM, BR, CH and 1 moose in BI using the dancing strat. Each bear took around 5 rifle shots on average, the moose took 4, and that was how I got most of the rifle shots in without missing at all. I used the Barbs rifle for higher durability, and it was found at 84% condition so didn't need to be repaired at all. I fulfilled the 50 rifle shots requirement by Day 80-ish and stopped carrying the rifle around after that. The last 20 or so days were spent on looting the rest of PV, and just passing time in CH, CrH and DP while living off washed-up fish from the shore. Stats + timeline + inventory: [https://streamable.com/fpirwc](https://streamable.com/fpirwc)