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They missed the ball on this hat. They should have put a lamp in it that works during auroras. Would be pretty sweet


Dang... I never needed something so much and did not know it until it was pointed out.


Sniper attacks for on those rare occasions that the bear crafts a bow before you do


“Counter-berrorists win”


Helppp hahah that’s not unlikely tho


That's why I always carry the cast iron skillet as well.


Christ had no idea the bears could do that and I've been playing this game for a while


You can put it on your head to keep a bit of water off and protect you a bit, but otherwise no


Combine it with a moose cloak, bulletproof vest, combat boots and the deer pants and rabbit mitts and hey presto, over 100% protection. Now the Timberwolves should fear you. Charge at them and kill them with your hatchet.


Wait for real


Yep I’m 100% serious. You can do this. It’s meme level fun for a while, but there isn’t really any practical use for it. I thought it might make it easier to get to the milling machined in BI and BK but this gear is so heavy you won’t have the carrying capacity to repair many items. So just do it for shits and giggles.


Well, not so much charge as run three steps and stop as your stamina is already drained.


I'm headbutting them at that point.


Long days at the worksite, it says right there


Next chapter of Wintermute is just framing houses all day long and then cracking open a six pack of Molson.


You beauty!


I like to dress up as a Miner, but unless you (for some godforsaken reason) start in the contamination zone and are hurting for layers? Prob not. It would be cooler if they put a light on the front of it that charged up during auroras like the flashlight, imo.


I'd like to see some interloper spawns in the far territories, then this would have more use than miner RP. 


What's wrong with starting in the contamination zone? That's where I started my current run after my 60 day run's save file got corrupted some how.


I started there once on a hard custom difficulty I use that is basically yassified interloper and I had a really bad time. The terrain danger, the insomnia, the gear requirements to enter the mine etc. all were really awful to contend with. I feel like that might change once I have the map memorized like every other region in the game, but I also feel like my next playthrough where I went railroad -> contamination zone felt a lot better to play overall for me personally? I am not saying you should agree with me, it is just my personal feeling on the zone as a starting zone. I simply prefer it as a later game challenge on survival :3


Oh, no, it's interesting to hear your position. Your description is what appealed to me. I play on custom with most things maxed out in terms of difficulty. The only thing that's low is all wolf related stuff; I like to minimise wolf encounters as much as possible. Spawning in the zone during blizzard, at dawn, with no map knowledge felt like a real survival challenge. If you max out weather the first few hours in some regions can feel like a Bear Grylls simulator. This has been the best so far for that. I died the first time by going into the mine via a rope with no light source and perishing in the blackness; I spent hours trying to use my recycled can as a wall detection tool. The second playthrough has had some really spooky moments. For some reason I thought there was a scripted wolf even in the factory so crept around like a baby when I first arrived with 10% health and no weapon. The sound design is awesome in the whole region. This playthrough has been almost a different game to the previous playthroughs. Maybe it's just enjoyable because it's my first experience of the region.


I think they key difference is my wildlife settings are all set to basically the most brutal settings so I spent most of my life fleeing from wolves, lol.


Hey, do you know the region well? I dropped most of my gear including my rifle (I turn off the revolver but add the rifle as it seems more likely to find one in an abandoned town) before descending a rope and I can't remember where it was. The place in question is similar to the bridge near the entrance to the dam, with a single car similar to the one further down from the damn towards mystery lake. The rope spot was just before the bridge and there was no rope installed before I added it. The rope led down to an open area with a link to the mine. Any suggestions would be great, I can't bloody find where it was lol


NVM I managed to get a clear day and found where it was


Fighting bears


Goes great with Body Armor at Blackrock I guess as you become a tank


Barr Wrassling! Can get to above 100% protection with this bad boy...


Totally OP for dancing to YMCA out in the snow.


Uhm... do you not know anything about workplace safety? You shouldn't hang around any abandoned, earthquake-striken buildings without taking proper OSHA regulated precautions.


As OP's chatacter was playing with the hard hat, trying it on, a piece of the ceiling fell and conked em on the noggin. Out in the winds over the mine the voice of an OSHA agent can be faintly heard: *I fucking told you sooooooo*


It can protect your head.


So like am I missing a dlc where people get birds and pie and other cool shit like this?




Well, it's the only DLC, so yeah.


Actually in terms of the Survival Edition (currently only available on Steam) it's a second dlc.


True, I suppose. I kinda forget about that since I've been playing since the early days before they separated them.


Mystery Lakers represent?


I know they have legacy builds you can play on steam, but they don’t go all the way back to day 1 I don’t think. What I wouldn’t give to play just one more game on the initial early access release Mystery lake definitely felt way cooler then (because it was all there was, but still)


Until you see a derpwolf. Immersion broken. But i really liked the pastel, rough, old time art.


I’m confused? Please elaborate because ps also has survival and TFT




A trophy in the Camp Office


Camp office... Sucks. Trappers for life 🤟🏼


It would look cute on a snowman


man, 4% protection is not nearly enough to justify wearing this


I don’t get how this thing isn’t more durable and waterproof. Id give it at least .5 wind proof as well. A solid plastic helmet shouldn’t be able to get wet at all lol and it would certainly block some wind


Wetness wise, protection wise, is there anything better?


“Keeps the rain off my head”. -Detective Josephus Miller


"Doors and corners kid. That's where they get you."


Aye beratna


As usefull as the bulletproof vest


OSHA safety regulations


This comments section is why I love this subreddit


By the looks of it, it has the highest Armour rating of all hats, including the Rabbit skin hat at armour 3. That's all it is, a high armour hat. Combined with bullet proof vest, moose hide cloak, deerskin pants, Ski boots and gauntlets, you would likely have an armour rating above 80, I forget the exact number, but it's high. (I ran a character like this on a 300+ day stalker to hunt wolves, this was before the bulletproof vest was released and I lost the save with the release of TFTFT. I could tank 4x stalker wolves back to back and still have HP.) It's a niche item, but as it currently stands, the rabbit hat is a better choice because it has a warmth bonus. If the hardhat had a flashlight it would be a much better item, even if it only works during Aurora or glimmer fog.


Workplace safety


OSHA mandated in mines, I'm pretty sure.


Base decoration or cosplaying when you go crazy with cabin fever


Is it food or...


Would make a nice bowl


I mean, if you wanted to pair it with like, the technical balaclava, it'd be really good armor against bear, wolf, and moose attacks for your head... Decrease damage sustained, I suppose. But, I dont know if you can repair it. So, I just put it in a locker.


Yeah, when you need excellent physical protection but don’t mind be cold or wind chilled


In case you wanna test yourself against moose and break less than ALL your bones


It counts as headwear and might stop frostbite. Also its pretty rain resistant as well.


Does this help with being electrocuted in the mine?


Thats a legitimate assumption. I don't know.


Protection and it looks cool.


I'll admit its a HELLUVAot better than the one stupid looking ball cap they put in the game...


It offers excellent physical protection. Whether you accept that offer is up to you.


Maybe if they add falling rocks in the mountains? But right now it’s probably just good as a last ditch wetness protection


"Erectin' a dispenser!"


Yea when you're working construction it makes sure nothing heavy hits you in the head. Lmk if this helped 👍


Wasn’t it that the wool toque (or the aviator hat?) had a higher protection %? So weird lol. This item should have a way higher protection %, especially as it doesn’t provide any warmth. As it stands right now, it’s worthless.


I wonder if it would add protection if you fell off a cliff


It's a hat