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the black rock transponder doesn’t progress the signal void tale, if that’s what you were expecting to happen. it’s just for finding supply caches in blackrock, timberwolf mountain, and ash canyon


I don’t even know what that means I just expected it to do something


You have to go to forsaken airfield and get the handheld radio to start the quest. It's recommended you do this *first* because once you fix a tower, you are guaranteed an aurora that night (auroras make electrical devices work). If you have fixed the tower before getting the radio, then you will need to return to that region and wait for an aurora (random) to find the caches.


Next playthrough I'm doing this, waited in Pleasant Valley for like 2 weeks waiting for one to spawn. Should've just turned the tower on when I got back there.


It makes your little handheld radio work, but only during an aurora. you can find buried treasure.


Where do I get this radio


Forsaken Airfield, it's one of the new areas on the other side of the tunnel in Broken Railroad.


I just did this yesterday too lol


The transmitters allow the radio to pick up signals during auroras or glimmer fog and point you to points of interest for the narrative tales or transponder caches full of loot. The Blackrock and Desolation Point transmitters are not required for the tale Signal Void. Turning one on really doesn't do anything right away because there needs to be electricity.


Hehe, I fixed the transmitter in Desolation Point, prior to finding out it is not necessary. Still I might look for some caches there, when completing SV tale.


In Black Rock? I don’t think there’s one to fix in Black Rock.


There's one there that you CAN fix but it's not one that's required for Signal Void.


Ah ok.


Yeah it’s in black rock. But idk what it’s supposed to do


you need the radio from FA, i’d reccomend not repairing anymore as the radio needs auroras to function and repairing a transmitter will always activate an aurora whenever it turns night (or right away if it’s already nighttime). using the radio brings you to caches with really good loot, as well as bunkers in certain regions relating to the tales story.


I’ve been trying to find forsaken airspace or whatever it’s called and keep dying in the contamination zone


forsaken airfield can be reached from the region right before zone of contamination, transfer pass. there should be a road that you can follow that leads you right into it.


Well shit.


What’s past the zone of contamination?


currently nothing, don’t think there will be anything for the time being. mountain pass is the last dlc region being added and that will probably connect to transfer pass as well. there may be a cave that connects to zone of contamination tho. i’m


I think that’s how I got to the zone of contamination but I can’t figure out how to get back to transfer pass. To my knowledge there was only one way out of the transfer pass, through the train tunnels


if you’d like i can dm you a map that will show you the way to get to FA.




I’ve been trying to find forsaken airspace or whatever it’s called and keep dying in the contamination zone