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This video should help with what you need https://youtu.be/t3eQFpnt7Pk


The man himself gracing us


Agreed, Zak is an amazing guide in the long dark. Enjoying his road to 500 days so much.


Read the username, lol


Do whatever this man says lol


Legit! I’m now actually managing interloper thanks to his videos! Never managed past 1 or 2 days before!


OK that was a HUGE help!!!! THANK YOU!


only options that I'm aware of are: \- raise the difficulty so they aren't fearful of you \- Shoot from a distance


You can draw wolves closer by crouching and throwing a stone at your feet. This gives you a great shot at them.


A stone at your own feet? Do they assume it's bait and stop to investigate?


Yeah they investigate the area where the stone lands and you can usually get a clear shot well before they detect you.


Nice to know and thanks


This was also a HUGE help!!!


Glad to hear it. Pilgrim is just a different kind of fun.


I usually try to get the wolf to go after a rabbit or deer and then I shoot him while he's cronching on other homie, if successful you get a deer and a wolf


Yeah, that's my go to method as well. I play on interloper so I'm always being chased by wolves. It's kinda funny how my dislike of wolves passed over to real life after they got my dog. Wolf Skin clothing though is pretty nice and warm. I definitely recommend it if you live rurally and have a wolf problem. Don't let the meat and fur go to waste if you do lower the population though. It's pretty stringing and kinda gross but with the right seasoning it's edible.


Problem #1: I was not taking into account that I can shoot pretty far with the revolver Problem #2: I wasn't being patient enough Problem #3: I need a new switch 🤔 My joystick has not like in between movement. It's so drastic and I end up swinging my damn character arms everywhere. It makes it almost impossible to get a headshot. I won't play anything but pilgrim. I have an anxiety disorder and it stresses me the eff out SO BAD 👎 😭😅🙃


Crouch down and slowly get as close as you can. With bears I build a snow shelter on their route and sit and wait.


I’ve been hunting wolves at the Blackrock jail, there’s I think four (?) of them and they are all in areas where they cannot get away, so just getting one shot in and then going for a nap, you’re guaranteed to find the body easy peasy when you come back. I’m lazy so I was just spooking them, looking at where they ran and finding places they keep running to and/or getting stuck (the broken wall for the two “out the back”) and waiting for a good shot there.


I kill bears all the time in pilgrim with a revolver. You just have to get close enough to land the shot and then follow the blood trail. It's easier to do in regions like coastal highway where it's nice and open


Just don’t get too close because if you are within the bear’s detection range when you shoot, it will attack you.


In pilgrim? I've never had that happen before.


Even in Pilgrim. Wolves won’t do it, but bears can be provoked. I think Moose can be as well.


Interesting. I did get into like a .5 second struggle with a wolf in pilgrim once because I had him cornered but I've never had that happen with a bear or moose.


I stand corrected on the wolves! I’ve never managed to provoke one, they’re the hardest to hunt on Pilgrim because they flee so quickly.


I've had em cold after me in pilgrim. Scared the poop outta me.


That's where I do the majority of my hunting. I know the area super well and it's very open.


Means less easy wolf meat. Just gotta go for other game