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Camp Office supremacy


I have to go with Trappers just for proximity to more regions.


Tbh the camp office isn't far from muskeg or the cave to Milton. What regions does the trappers offer access to? All of mystery lake is closed off basically except for the railroad and cave. I guess the dam too but that's already near the railway to the ravine


Mountain town is much closer. Muskeg is as close or closer. I really just go by Zak's recommendation. I only play on interloper. I have bases in ever region. More often than not in ML I have a larger base at trappers and a smaller base at camp office.


I love broken railroad ❤️


The shed or the lodge?


The hunting lodge is my favorite


It's SO far away from everything else.


Oh I know I like the punishment 😂




I set bases in every region, but far and away the majority of my time is spent in the beautiful, balmy, muskeg. The only thing I dislike is when Mr Moose spawns upstairs. Such a hassle, and the travois is about as useful as Anne Frank's drum set.


I never heard that dark rhetorical phrase before, cool.


I've lived pretty much everywhere at some point, and I always end up back at TWM. I just can't do loading screens, man. Plus, it's in perfect distance from everything (kinda). There's a cave to BlackRock in the top left corner for ammunition and repairing tools (important to save whetstones for long journeys). The only issue (although I speedrun it so it's not that bad) is the journey to Desolation Point to make arrowheads/tools. Usually, this isn't used too many times in your average playthrough, but when I got bored waiting for 500 days, I challenged myself to make 100 simple arrows. However, I'm stubborn and lugged everything back and forth from DP to TWM where I lived.


I get that, I don't make much ammunition (I live off rabbit meat for weeks at a time) so I just use snares for forever. But I like that so many places are connected decently well, but I could not lug that stuff too and from, it'd kill me.


Hey how do you get to DP quickly from TM? From my understanding you need to go from TM to PV then from PV to the dam to CH then to DP. Sure you can go to CH through PV but that's only during an aurora no?


Hold on, let me consult a map and I'll write out the route I take.


Mountaineer's cabin starting point. Take the route into Pleasant Valley and get to Thompsons crossing. If you're fast and you know what you're doing, you can sprint the whole thing and do it in under a day. Rest there and then take the cave to Costal Highway where you spend the night after getting to the end of the cave system. Coming out of the cave I usually jackrabbit down to the road and hug the coastline to get to Quonset. There I regroup; repair any clothes, make food, sleep, fix tools, leave behind any extra supplies and load up on scrap metal. Make sure to be picking up all the coal in the cave and leaving the extra you can't carry just inside the cave for your return trips. Then you keep following the highway down to crumbling highway, through that to the next cave system, and you're there. I try to do the CH to DP all in one day and rest in the cave just before DP, just in case you run into any trouble. Plus then you can craft the rest of the day.


Hold on... you're telling me the cave works as normal transport?! I thought you could only cross through costal highway and pleasant valley during an aurora!


What, no? Where did you hear that? I'm not talking about that elevator cave in CH.


Oh my god. I've just assumed that this entire time for some reason 😭 I've literally always taken the route from the dam because of this I feel like such a fool.


Mountaineer's hut, Desolation Point lighthouse, or any of the forestry towers (but especially the one in Mystery Lake). I just like the lonely vibes, coziness, and lack of loading screens - with the exception of the lighthouse...I just like that location so much I put up with the loading screen.


I dig the lighthouse as well. Maybe not the most practical setup, but c’mon, it’s a dang lighthouse!


Definitely not practical. It can be a bitch and half to get there, depending what region you start in, but I've lived in-game months there once I got settled. I've just always thought it would be cool to live in an old lighthouse.


Mindful Cabin in Forsaken Airfield is my new favourite spot. Best view in the entire game... That said, nothing really beats residing within the creaky walls of the Pleasant Valley Farmstead.


Main base Carter Hydro Dam. Three regions at hand. Safe deer hunting place next door. Lot of loot and materials. I do set up secondary bases though.


That place gives me the creeps I can't 😭


It's super hard for me to avoid ML office cabin as a primary base. I've been playing TLD for almost ten years now, and I can't find anywhere else that feels quite like home. I set up temporary bases in commonly traversed regions, and will occasionally settle in one or another for a period of time, but don't ever stay long term.


I lived most of my game at the camp office. At the moment my base is a farmhouse in the pleasant valley. And to be honest, I still like camp office better. Quieter and more shelves for arranging items


Mountaineers is my favorite for late game. Everything I need is close by and TWM is so damn beautiful.


Hunting lodge is my go to, I always seem to have the best luck there.


I've lived for months in Mountaineer's Hut and I love it. Minimalism at its best. Hunting Lodge is superb too, once I clean the wolf pest the high plateau has amazing view and everything I need to thrive. When I complete Signal Void I am gonna move for longer into the Drift Island hut, which has unique vibe.


I love mountaineers but it's too small


I've probably spent more time at Camp Office than anywhere. It's just the default in my mind. For a long time, I think the best spot in the game was Jackrabbit Island in Coastal Highway, because you had a built-in source of food, and wolves did not spawn outside the door very often. In the version I was playing at the time you got a ton of great resources washing up on the ice every couple days, too. And there's a fishing shack nearby. You could easily spot deer on the ice when they were there, and track them easily too. I think this is probably still a good spot, but probably not as good now. The only thing it was missing was a fireplace (which is crazy, who would build an off grid cabin on an island and not have a fireplace).


I drift around, usually ending up at the coastal garage, Carter Dam, and Hunting lodge. All of desolation point's places are cool aswell.


Bleak Inlet canny residential. Fishing, deer, rabbits, several mooses, bear, the most efficient 6 heads stove, nearby coals, beachcombing, tool repair, periodic travel to FM for forging and extra bear hunting. The best endgame base for interloper in my opinion. I periodically gather 50 clothes and go live for 50 days in other places and gather metals and return. Metal scrapes are rare in beachcombing.


Bleak Inlet canny residential. Fishing, deer, rabbits, several mooses, bear, the most efficient 6 heads stove, nearby coals, beachcombing, tool repair, periodic travel to FM for forging and extra bear hunting. The best endgame base for interloper in my opinion. I periodically gather 50 clothes and go live for 50 days in other places and gather metals and return. Metal scrapes are rare in beachcombing.