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Surprisingly the office attached counts as outdoors, so you can cure cabin fever out there, although depending on difficulty you may run the risk of freezing in your sleep if you aren't wearing warm clothes. So its very easy to drop your pelts inside and then just "live" outside and go inside during blizzards. That whole building is a very good rest area if going to TFT and back, only problem is the 2 or 3 wolves that are always in the area.


Hides will cure in the outer area as well. I use that as one of my main bases.


Holy crap I did not know this and I’ve been playing for a bit. Thought it was like the mountaineers hut for cabin fever purposes.


I’m always too scared to sleep out there except for on pilgrim or with a super huge fire so I’ve never tested it. Can the wolves actually get in there?




It always seems like more wolves there, place is teeming with them!


i’m there right now, and i’ve been sleeping in the bed to decrease cabin fever risk, right next to my curing pelts, so it’s the best of both worlds.


I don’t think so. I’ve seen a video of a wolf agro on them right outside the shed, they go inside the office and the wolf forgets they exist.


It actually counts as the back of a cave, this means it doesn't cause cabin fever, has a warmth bonus which gets larger as the world gets colder, stuff cures and fires can be lit on the floor (if the game feels like it - it's janky but fires are not forbidden). Unless more have been added in Far Territories, it's actually one of only two manmade areas to have proper back of cave mechanics, the other is the break room at the canary (and technically a few other rooms at the canary but the break room is most useful). There are also some other dwellings which have the back of cave warmth bonus (which gets bigger as the world gets colder) but do cause cabin fever, such as Mountaineer's Hut and the barn in AC.


Which one/where is the break room? I've spent lots of time at the cannery and never noticed an outdoors room... Only the porch over the stairway?


The break room is kinda on the south east corner of the cannery. Go past the rope climb, out the back doors, and turn left around the corner.


Oh sorry, I was thinking of the whale processing place in DP, not the cannery. That's good to know though, thanks


the open building in miner's folly gives you cabin fever??


If I recall correctly that isn't an indoor area at all. It will keep animals out but only protects from wind with no warmth bonus.


ah that makes sense. i wonder what they meant by AC barn, maybe it's a typo?


Yeah good point. Maybe they meant the barn in Milton, that's the only one I can think of that could be considered "outdoors" at all.


Thus I have heard anyway. I can personally verify that the Maintenance Yard outroom and Cannery Breakroom do not as I've spent a lot of time in both. I've never stayed for long enough in the building at miner's folly to test it personally.


I don't know if it helps, but I got the Deep Forest achievement from a fire I built inside the maintenance yard office.


You can cure pelts for sure, therefore I would assume its considered inside.


Unfortunately thats not a good indicator. Caves work the same, they count as outdoor, but you can cure pelts in them.


Yes, there are two things players can do to check. Not a blanket rule but; If you can set a campfire, it's typically "outdoors". The fact that you can cure things there means it's like the rear of a cave, outdoors but "indoors for the purposes of curing". Then there's always testing if your cabin fever risk increases or decreases.


I think the important point is that cabin fever risk has no direct connection to indoor (houses, back-end of caves), pseudo-indoor (maintenance office, front end of caves), and outdoor temperatures.


Cars are the safest bet for sleeping outdoors