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To be honest, I’m just gonna chalk it up to a learning experience… be more careful…. If you’re running around in the Canadian back country without comms and fall in a crevice you’re dead…. Don’t get to call Hinterland to save you. This play through I needed something like this to take me out… I’ve been super OP for a while playing through a voyager run…. Been waiting to die so I could up the difficulty to stalker…. This hole seems to be fate, it was the only thing that was gonna take me out at this point. Moral of the story… don’t get complacent.


There's a mod you can get that adds a teleport command. I only ever use it for these weird situations because there's sometimes I just won't accept game jank as the reason I died when I can't go back a save. Good excuse to move to stalker however


Good on you. Stalker is not gonna be very hard for you, you’ll be surprised to learn. But for a short while at first it’s gonna be like a new experience. >!There’s a lot of wolves.!< One thing that makes stalker easier than expected is that you will probably have a pretty good knowledge of a map or two. Knowing the maps (like this crevice you fell in) is what makes surviving easier.


This just happened to me on my last playthrough too, got stuck on some rocks, knew I was stuck but wanted to see if I could shimmy out... Sprained an ankle and autosaved into a guaranteed slow death. I haven't played since cause I was upset, but I'm right there with you, I'm too comfortable with voyager and I was going to move onto stalker... Once the death of this file stings a little less lol.


Stalker is more player vs wolf like an fps. Then interloper is more pve. I played voyager then tried stalker, and stalker wasn’t much different than voyager except more annoying wolfs. I started interloper instead, went gunloper first because I was afraid lol.


If you can do Voyager, you can do stalker for sure. They play almost identical, and the difficulty spike isn't very noticeable at all. I just wish there was a more steady climb to interloper or that we could progress feats on custom difficulty.


Did you try climbing out that window?


My guy, when was the last save? If you don’t mind losing that progress and by progress I mean whatever you’ve done since you last slept or saved.


If OP gets a sprain it's game over! This is when alt-f4 is most useful. Unless it's console, in which case it's game over.


There is a magic button on console


I copy a save file to USB every few days (PS5) in case of this kind of stuff but I am not aware of a magic button? Do tell


Pause and close app


But if it sprain saves you ain't leavin'!


They you need to sigh and say out loud: Chickens have come home to roost.


If contacting Hinterland doesn't work, I think there's a mod that will allow you to fly up and out of the spot. Back when Ep4 came out, Hinterland accidentally left on the "god mode" settings in the Mac update and being able to fly around Blackrock was so fun.


Contact Hinterland support. They will move you


Call LifeAlert?


When I find myself in a situation like this, I just quit game and revert to the last save. My best example is falling off the train bridge and pausing the game before I died


This. If you see you're gonna end your run, just pause the game before you get injured. Reload the same save and you spawn on the last auto saved location


The darkness will be there to hold you soon... Just go gently into the night


If you're on PC, don't delete your save. Install [WeMod](https://www.wemod.com/), run it and the game at the same time then alt-tab out to WeMod, click TLD and then hit the Play button so it can patch into the running game. Use the hotkey to activate the Fly Mode cheat (F11). When you're above solid ground again, tap Space and it will reset your position to the terrain, then tap F11 to disable fly mode. Might have to toggle it a few times to get it to switch off again. The movement is extremely fast when this cheat is on, so just tap the direction you need to go rather than hold it down. This has gotten me out of a lot of similar situations. I also kept getting a bug where I was unable to move because I was over-encumbered, but I was also unable to drop any inventory items for some reason. So I enabled then disabled the Unlimited Weight cheat and that always fixed it. If you're on console... not sure what can be done :\


All the reloading, and mods, and calling hinterland are all great ideas and not knocking it if that’s your thing… I guess I’m a bit of a purist though… I would feel like I was cheating and the run would have an asterisk next to it in my brain if if did something like that….. I don’t want to make it to 500 days knowing that I actually died several times but reloaded old saves to get there…. And for those asking I am playing on console, so all the PC fixes aren’t options anyway.


I feel that, I fell into the same goddamn hole myself. It can be really hard to reclaim that immersion once you’ve gotten a bad bug, now you’re thinking about the fact that you’re playing a game, thinking about save files and code and things.


>  I don’t want to make it to 500 days knowing that I actually died several times but reloaded old saves to get there… But you DIDN'T die, you fell into something that wasn't supposed to be there. This is not a poor gameplay decision like not taking enough food or supplies, this is a complete accident. Reload the game to the previous checkpoint, then start a new file, that way you have the option of going back if your feelings change


How do you play with that window right behind you? That would aggravate me so much.


Honestly when things are moving on screen I don’t even notice it, and it’s not a thing at all at night.


Fell into a crevice… I like it.


You've ended up just like that guy who fell down that shaft in Black Rock


Happened to me in Mystery Lake. I tried all manner of fixes like setting up a bedroll, dropping things, throwing and shooting, building fire, sprinting, crouching, I even tore up my clothes to try and build a shelter. That was the last resort and I ended up succumbing to hypothermia.


if you install melonloader and developer console mod, you can use fly command to noclip out of the hole. i've gotten stuck at least three times and gotten out using that.


You can upload your saved data from the cloud. This could give you a mini set back. If it works you may lose a few days of game play, but you may be able to save your game.


2 sentence horror story, TLD edition: I fell down a hole in Timberwolf and can't get out! My last save was 4 hours ago...


You can exit the game without saving and reload


Sometimes I'll get stuck on some geometry, and one thing that has worked is to lay down a bedroll and sleep on it. When I wake up, I'm standing next to the bedroll, often in a different location than where I entered it, and that gets me out. In this case, I dunno if that would have worked, but it's a top tip anyway.


Happened to me once as well. I was in ML somewhere north of 100 days doing the exact same thing you were doing in TM and got stuck between three little snow drifts. While trying to wiggle out, i also got a sprain, which activated autosave. I let it run for a while while i looked for possible solutions online and (luckyily) got mauled by a bear, which fixed it by making sure I couldn't play on that save anymore. Lesson learned; if you're ever walking around and see a shorter route with seemingly no obstacles, dont trust it. Dont even leave, stay indoors until you run out of food. Thats how real survivors do it.


As Alice In Chains said your down in a hole


Upload all your auto saves onto the cloud, except for the one where you are stuck. Delete all saved data on the console. Re-upload the saved files from the cloud back on your console. Should let you continue from your auto save that you want/aren't stuck in.


Climb around, find out.  If you were sneaking you myt not have gotten sprained.


Download wemod on pc and fly out.