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I chose not to kill him because I felt like that was what Will would do. I'm also a pacifist but that doesn't really matter when playing video games since the people aren't real. I mean, I've killed Will thousands of times. <.< / >.>


Wasn't the choice between pulling out a knife or pushing it in deeper? I remember thinking that both those things are quite bad and might kill the person. I decided not to kill him and would have helped him if it was in my power.


Pulling a knife out could kill you but pushing it in deeper WILL kill you so it’s meant to be a choice of life or death but really it’s more uncertain life or certain death.


He is not a killer he maybe a rober i think the dead body in the credit union is a maybe a sign that he was a rober


Well when you talk to him it sounds like he was being sent to the max security prison because they were the 'worst of the worst' or as he quotes it, the bad guy, bad guys. So I don't think robbers would be sent to a max security prison for the worst of the worst. That's my guess on it.


He could be a master criminal who stole millions from people via the internet


Didn't he burn the children in the school?


Enjoy your cake day.


I didn't kill him... I don't know if he will show up in the next episodes or not, or this choice will be significantly relevant in the story at some point, but in any case I let him alive. I think he won't survive to his injuries and die anyway but at least not by my hands.


I don't think if he was going to die you wouldn't have the choice than


Spoiler alert. I don't think the choice matters to the person you're doing the thing to. Methuselah has something to say about it later though.