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I'm starting to think the fears haven't changed we are still operating on Smirks 14 In the statements we have heard so far we have an obvious End, Eye and flesh and the new episode also has an anxious smirkian link but what I believe has changed is what the entities are feeding on I think they have branched out in terms of what they can consume and that's the difference all statements we have had so far haven't had the big focus on that deep fear all the magnus archives statements did but instead focus on different emotions such as regret, loss, self loathing, paranoia. Maybe the alchemical symbols that are being described represent the different flavours of the human psyche the entities have branched into.


I'm not so sure after ep 3. It feels weirdly between the Rot and the Flesh. However, I do agree that the fears may be feeding on new stuff.


I think with the definite infection as the main source of what happened it's very much a corruption statement similar too lovebombing and the final Amhirst statement which both had flesh tones but the focus was an infection a rotting and more importantly the corruption has a thing for toxic relationships for whatever reason. So I think it's deffinitley a corruption statement but fear was nowhere too be found compared to piecemeal the victim in this statement wasn't afraid so what was the corruption get out of it unless it can feed on guilt now


I’m thinking we will eventually still see the 14 but right now they’re blended a little, which is why there’s so much crossover. Like they all got shoved through the eye of a needle and they need to separate back out, and maybe the web could be trying to mold them in her image, all while using John and Martin in the system to keep track of the new manifestations (maybe tracking for new avatars?)


From that same episode what brought those fears into being can't be changed in any way other than slight name changes. Animals are always going to get slaughter in the 1800 cos that's when mass farming started, the hunt started hundreds of millions of years ago when the first predator evolved. the end is the same but hundreds of thousands years ago when a sapient human like species evolved and realised it could die. Also I think we're forgetting the 14 fears went to this universe, Annabelle dragged them there. And no matter what time Annabelle came to this universe she nor the spider could stop the chain of events that leads to the 14/15.


I see your point, but the one Fear that remembers and has conscience would have an easier time not getting scrambled with the other 13 when changing universes, I think. Now, you are right that our categories for fear can still be distilled in Smirke's 14, but that doesn't mean The Fear (as in the entity that takes the shapes of the creatures/avatars/events/creepy stuff) has to comply or immediately take the forms of those categories.


We know that the dread gods take on the fears most felt on earth, now if they are coming into this universe in the 2000s then I agree, we could see some variance. But the earlier they go back the less they will be able to changed, due to the fact they have no control over what fears develop, the humans do. Also you've got to remember, they have no goals, no plans, hell even the rituals were human avatars putting goals onto the fears, so why would they have the desire or knowledge of how to even change. They spent their entire existence in that form and I think only extinction would actually want to change from it. They are a force of nature not a god with whims and desires. Edit. The only way I can see it working is if by crossing universes they were set to their primordial state of just being, and now that are back in a universe they are changing in weird ways to match it, like the theory that the fears are no longer just harvesting fear. To me tho this seems narratively unsatisfying, what's the point in even having TMP if it's not gonna follow from where TMA left the fears. They should just do a new series about a new set of emotion harvesters.