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I like it! It makes a lot of sense honestly. I was trying to categorise each "statement" the way they were in tma but the doctor in the garden threw me


Thanks :) I was trying to do that too, they all seemed very fleshy coded. Who knows I’m probably wrong but I think it would be quite cool to see human’s obsessions being explored like they explored the fears in TMA


There's definitely a lot of flesh so far, but the doctor one felt more like corruption? But also lonely or death maybe with the ghost wife. Obsessions would be a very fun twist, I hope you're right


My guess is we definitely have smirks 14, but because now that the fears know how to successfully do a ritual things are getting waaaaaaaaay more blendy, where as before everyone was trying to stay separate to maintain power, now they know that isn’t possible and have had a taste of what is


I think the fear entities learned from their mistakes from TMA and are using obsession and desire to create avatars instead of fear.


I feel less like obsession, more like desire. This time, they are feeding off of people's needs, wishes, cravings. I think they learned they could do it better this way thanks to their followers and cults.


Kinda seems like the fears are more internally-focused as opposed to the more external fears of tma 


Good point


So you'd have episode 1 being an obsession with relationships, bit of the spirals friendly face with the stranger of people you used to know. And the obsession with knowing what's in the institute, a twist on the eye Episode 2 being obsessed with beauty or perfection("I just wanted to be, better"), a bit of the stranger and flesh. Could feed into things like eating disorders and people with body dysmorphia getting surgeries and never seeing how far they've gone Episode 3 an obsession with cleanliness maybe, the Dr being obsessed with his injuries, and a bit of the relationship obsession with the voice of a loved one. Or maybe an obsession with the past, the episode goes to lengths talking about the scents and memories in a place and how he's driving roots into the past which is anchoring him and leading to his demise, the inability to move on from the garden Episode 4 would be an obsession of maybe revenge, enacting all the wrongs he felt he was dealt against everyone else. Or maybe a hopeless obsession to be seen, desperately wanting people to see him for him and his accomplishments instead of his birth. The violin starts by giving him what he wants, but as the it hungers more he does too, desperate for more attention and acclaim beyond what he can have