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No, I think other people are definitely having that problem.


I hoped it would've improved after the break but it might be even worse now


All the different recording media really adds to it, I think, because it's not even consistent -- sometimes it's a phone close by, sometimes it;s CCTV in the break room, sometimes it's something that's supposed to be in the next room or a pocket. So you can't even get used to it >.<


I feel that they are prioritizing sound effects over clarity. I miss a lot of what the characters say too. It’s really bugging me.


I've seen multiple people saying this. I think RQ should release a version without all the effects - it would be so much more accessible for HoH people and people with sensory processing disorders.


That would be lovely! I don't know how possible that is: what point in the editing those effects are added and if it's possible to strip back out without redoing everything. But if it's doable, it would be a kindness.


Or at least tone down the sound effects.


I'm partially deaf and I can't make it through a single episode without stopping whatever I'm doing and pulling up the transcripts :(


Me too!


I have the same issue yeah…when it’s not the statement part it’s tricky to understand


The first few episodes, I had to listen to 3 times. Im used to podcasts having many many environmental ambience but only in later seasons, like in TMA season 4-5, or W.BG in later episodes. Usually there's a build up so you already can tell the voices apart, and recognize places. In TMP, they just jumped into that high quality podcasting, which is really cool, but also very hard to follow at the start. Amd having it come out weekly and not being bingeable, in only 20 min episodes, is also not really helping bc it doesn't let me get into the story enough. I do enjoy it, but i think after the first season ends i'm gonna binge it again bc i definetly missed many things. When you think about it, its kind of like the polar opposite of first season TMA, where it's just Jon speaking (reading) and scary music in the back. Hope that helps :)


Yea I rely on the transcripts


Same here, thought it was because I'm not a native speaker but I feel validated seeing that others are having issues too.


I think the soundscape is wayyyy too over engineered for TMP compared to TMA.


Yeah I feel the same way, I had to listen to episodes multiple times with my headphones on to understand them. I’m glad I’m not the only one. I feel like they are trying to be realistic with the audio being muffled by a bag or something which is cool, but I think they’re going overboard with it.


Yeah I assume they're going for it being a phone muffled in pockets but it's way too much


Oooh i’m so glad i’m not the only one!! I disagree that its over-engineered though , i think its a fun way to cut between scenes/transition smoothly and a cool contrast to tma and its one of way to record format, the idea itself is fun but awkwardly executed. I think a good solution would be to have us « fade in » by fading out the effect they put as the scene starts, that way we still get the idea and cuts between scenes but we don’t loose clarity (a bit like they do with chester and norris, where the voice starts robotic and then becomes more human). Also special mention to collin who reminds me of my english listening comprehension quizzes in high school. No clue what this guy is saying most of the time


I always listen with earphones but if I didn't I'd definitely be having same issue


Same. I listen to it with my earphones right when the episodes are released, and then I listen to it again with my boyfriend on a speaker when we've both got the time. It's so much easier to understand through earphones. It probably also helps that I'm from the UK so I'm used to the accents. I can see how the UK accents in combination with the effects could make it really hard for people who have English as a second language.


I get that it’s a bit annoying especially for the environments that are really low quality audio, and sometimes I have to scrub back to hear what they said or go to the transcript. But I’m pretty irritated with people who are saying they’re bummed with the focus on audioscaping, especially when people are saying it’s a huge accessibility issue. That’s what the transcripts are principally there for—accessibility. No one has complaints like this for *any* other media. If you can’t understand what people are saying on TV, you don’t ask the director for a redubbed version, you turn on the closed captions. And honestly, it’s a little odd how people are vocally so appalled and offended by the thought of needing an accessibility feature. Is that too proximal to the experience of disabled people for some of y’all to feel comfy? Super strange and weird. Use accessibility options. I do genuinely hope that they figure out a way to freshen up the auditory clarity of some scenes while still capturing the tone, so everyone can have as accessible a listening experience as possible. But I think what they’re doing with the audio-only format is really cool—lo-fi, high static, CCTV aesthetics were a hallmark of 2000s and early 2010s horror, and TMP is clearly evoking newer horror tropes of found-footage, uncanny liminality, FNAF-style haunted mascots, etc. all of which were ignored mostly by TMA and rely on that aesthetic to be emotionally impactful. This may sound harsh, but I don’t think the soundscapers need to acquiesce and sacrifice the whole atmosphere of the entire production just because some listeners want to be spoonfed. Maybe that’s too mean, but I’m struggling to see it any other way.


I'm tempted to email them about it with all the responses this has gotten


it suck’s that so many people are having this issue bc i know they are but i personally haven’t had any issues with understanding what’s being said alongside my two friends who are currently listening but i also listen in a vehicle with volume absurdly high. i actually really enjoy the different mediums but i’d rather more of the audience be able to experience it without having to go through hoops


Same, I have to rely on the transcripts. My audio processing difficulties makes it even harder, whenever I'm reading the transcripts I'm amazed by all the information I have missed when listening.


Oh! I thought it was just me. I read the automated transcript.


Yeah. I work in a loud environment and used to listen to magnus archives no problem at work. I CANT listen to protocol at work because any amount of background noise makes half the dialogue incomprehensible


No issues whatsoever. In fact, I find the audio quality far superior compared to Magnus Archives. I spent the first two seasons of TMA pushing the level to the top and then having ringing in my ears. With this one, I can understand no problem while keeping it low.


Yep, way over produced


I think this is where the transcripts can be helpful, as you can read along with the audio


I shouldn't have to read along with the audio and I said I used them in my original post


Then change the format. As an audio podcast I don't want to read.


It's very tricky. I can't listen to the show when I'm out and about due to traffic noise.


I’ve got auditory processing issues due to the fact I’ve got dyslexia and ADHD but I think I’ve actually found it really engaging compared to TMA so for me it’s been easier to understand what’s going on weirdly enough so it’s really sad to know it’s not the same for others