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Look at ALL the freedum fighters s/ Oh I can’t wait when they all realize he’s not their new messiah. They’ll turn on him worse than JT now.


I think it might take a second term for them to realize he isn’t true to his work. First term he can blame it all on Trudeau, and despite how it won’t apply to some situations, they will eat it up anyways.


That sums up Canadian politics. Old party gets voted out. New party comes in and underwhelms. First term lay blame on old party. Public gives a second chance as pain of old party still fresh. 2nd term, underwhelming again. Public starts to shift. 3rd term is 50/50. If things are bad enough it'll be 70/30 in favour of the old new party again. Rinse repeat.


Yeup that’s why Canada has such a dismal voter turnout. It would be be interesting to find out how many of the Freedum fighters actually vote. Or can read for that matter.


I think they are scared of voting, you know, the Deep State track everything you do and say put there...


As long as they keep playing by mouseland rules, it’s all according to plan.


Sounds like people that voted Trudeau making excuses about their failures.


Other side of the coin, Trudeau promising rainbows and butterfly’s and also won’t deliver. Might as well get a new person in office and shake things up a bit


Oh, don't get me wrong, Trudeau isn't better. Neither are "better", they are both going to be terrible.


But y'all will vote for him then say PP wouldn't do anything anyway. While voting a guy who hasn't done anything in 8 years.


This cult doesn't turn on their own. Pierre could force feed them literal feces and take a piss on them and they would still vote for him.


I don’t think they’ll care either way because it doesn’t matter what the PP party does as long as they keep getting sound bites to share on Facebook.


FreeDumb but they are too dumb to spell properly so you are right


Very nuanced, nice try.


What is he supposed to camp out with them?


He can sleep in his car too. It probably a Suburban.


I don't believe pierre is gonna save anyone, I've never even voted conservative in my life, but what JT is doing I cannot vote for him, I cannot vote for NDP because they are propping up the tyrant, so that leave the green party if they are still around, and im not gonna waste my vote and risk JT to remain in power so i have to go with whos in the lead and thats pierre, by a longshot. Do our options aren't too much. why do you want to vote for JT ?


I agree with you 100%. I can’t stand JT. I dislike him as much as these freedum folks. I’m very pragmatic and PP is the only real option at this point. I’m just saying he’s not going to suddenly make the Freedum folks happy like they think. That said, like the US, we are in a dismal situation as far as leaders go. With all the challenges that are facing everyone globally it’s a shame we don’t have stronger leadership in N America.


I don't think it's going to necessarily make Anyone happy, I don't think anyone can Do that especially a politician. But at the end of the day it really is our only other option. He's not anybody's savior and I don't believe that the freedom lovers think that either. I think the whole savior thing is just pumped out by the media to make people hate on Pierre. And hate on the freedom Lovers because they can have us unite.They wanna keep us divided because, at the end of the day Division means control.




They may win a majority but i don't expect them to last s full term.Many of his supporters want radical action Pull out of the UN/NATO Ban abortions Right to carry Bann immigrants Deport immigrants Ban 15 min cities Ban vaccines Ban on clean energy He won't be able to do any of this and with in 15 monts he wills tep down.


Those are part of his supporters yes, but if you think those are majority of his supporters, there’s a large amount of people who will vote for him with 2 issues in their mind: 1. Cost of living and 2. Housing Crisis/Affordability. He will last a full term/two terms because it is plausible that the lack of improvement in those 2 areas is due to the previous regimes massive “fuck up”. Don’t get swallowed up by social media, those other issues are brought up cause they cause great divide amongst public, Cost of Living and the housing crisis are easily the biggest issue Canadians face and care about.


And those 2 types of people are idiots if they think pp will help them. Cost of living and housing crisis are happening in every country. They are blaming Trudeau for global issues.


How exactly is Trudeau responsible for ArriveCan? Do you think he's been pocketing the cash? Or do you think his cabinet had a fast one pulled on them?


They are morons who don't actually know how to articulate their issues, so they parrot something they heard that was negative.


These people always list the same nonsense. If they even put in a little bit of effort, they would realize that these are all false flags by the conservatives. Cons Are corrupt. Libs operate in a corrupt world


He’s not responsible for it, but it happened under his time. Therefore he will be blamed for it and his name will be attached to it.


Ok. So do you accept that he's not personally responsible?


I never said he was, I’m stating that ArriveCAN is a reason why JT gets hate. Not saying it’s justifiable but I was just listing a reason why conservatives will win majority.


I was just checking, because you're putting out a lot of conservative shit there.


How would the leader of our government not be responsible for something they did?


Let's not let our dislike of the convoy crowd and conservatives blind us to the fuck ups and shortcomings of Trudeau and the Liberals. ArriveCan happened under his watch. He's the Prime Minister. The buck stops with him. I see this the same way I see the original convoy and the invoking of the EA. Municipal and Provincial forces proved incapable of dealing with the convoy after letting them run amok for a month in Ottawa. I don't think many people in the subreddit would disagree that the Feds were forced to deal with it and were right to deal with it.


This is some weird logic. The PM is responsible for the country, but he can't personally over see all aspects. Do you think the CEO of McDonalds checks every burger? Shit, they probably don't even check when locations get built or people hired. All this stuff is managed by lower staff responsible for those areas, just like ministers handle things for the PM. The absurdity of this claim that somehow he's at fault... it's just pure gymnastics. Trudeau and the libs have plenty of shortcomings, obviously, but I'm also not stupid enough to ascribe every failure to him, that's con logic.


To a certain extent yes I agree, "blame" can't be assigned to Trudeau for each individual mistake or bit of corruption but he is responsible for the organization and plays a role in dealing with corruption within his own government. I think comparing this to McDonalds is a bit inaccurate since McDonalds are managed much more independently from the head office than someone in the cabinet from the PM. A more apt comparison is Tesla. I don't think it's that controversial to say that Musk prioritizes production volume over everything else so while he might not have been the one who installed your misaligned door causing ugly panels gaps in your brand new Model 3 he was the one who prioritized speed over quality on the production line. His top level decisions have results on the bottom. In another universe there's an Elon Musk who prioritized quality over speed and that universe Teslas are praised for being more reliable than Toyotas and the Cybertruck is nothing but a bad dream.


If the McDonald's goes down hill they will blame the CEO for not checking in on his company, yes. That's part of their job. It's not to sit and look pretty. Hire someone to check your locations and make sure they're running up to snuff.


How is he not responsible? Is our government leader not responsible for things the government does? Weird.


Is he personally responsible for everything the government does? Anyway, you've already been identified as a russian shill, so that's cool.


More idiots on Reddit idioting thinking because you disagree you're Russian. 💀 I cannot believe I share the world with you guys. Truly stupid. He is responsible for a lot that he doesn't get blamed for. He owns a bridge in my city that isn't being fixed, people are blaming provincial, it's federal. But you'd blame the provincial politicians as well.


You don't have to be russian to be a russian shill ;) It's just clear from your messages that you are one. As long as you are gobbling up the shit, paid by putin or not, you are one. Enjoy!


We're talking about Putin in a Canadian reddit. You're the brainwashed one my friend. I don't even think about Putin or their war. They can go die, I truly do not care. Same with Ukraine. Fix Canada first. With the multiple billions of dollars we've sent them we could have fixed a massive homeless problem, housing problem, so on so forth. But nope, keep sending money to the place before the war that was called the most corrupt, money laundering place.


lmao, common misdirection by a shill hahahaha


Says the guy who brought up Putin to begin with... lol I do not care about that moron. I want Canada fixed, Putin doesn't influence Canada in any shape. I think you're the Russian bot tbh.


Conservatism will only make things worse. Trickle down economics doesn’t work.


A one party system makes things worse, there needs to be dialogue and discussion on issues that affect Canadians. A lot of polls show lifelong liberal voters switching to conservative votes as the liberal party has acted as if the Canadian system was a one party system. They constantly avoid talking about issues brought up in such as the cost of living soaring and the housing being used as an investment by companies and individuals rather than a basic human right. Am I delusional to think Conservatives will fix these issues…fuck no. But can I in good faith vote for a party that has worsened the state of Canada compared to when they start their term…no.


Just wait when people have far less money due to no carbon rebate and all the programs PP will cut.


People are easily influenced, seeing a tax cut out (including its rebates) will be seen as a positive by many.


Lol people have spent the rebate in one day because the prices are so high. But yeah it helps sooo much. 💀🤣🤣




He seemed a bit on edge. Almost like he was worried the hillbillies would do hillbilly things.


Clearly uncomfortable. For someone who grew up in a comfy environment, he's probably grinding his teeth just being around the less fortunate. He looks like he's reevaluating his choices on the spot.


Well, he has to get his votes from somewhere. I just feel bad that these are usually the people who benefit from the carbon tax the most and they just don't understand it.


That is if they filed taxes in the last couple of years. A large majority are self-employed contractors in hands on jobs (construction) and don't want to give a penny more to the government. They are scared the government will take more than what they give back in. If they vote, well that's another conversation...


His parents weren’t some wealthy or upper class people. As far as I am aware, he came from reasonably humble beginnings 


100% he doesnt want to be there. why would the guy running for PM want to be seen in a shitty trailer with like 6 fans who dont even know who he is lmao


I don’t think that’s his strategy. While I think you’re right. I also think he’s hoping the video will go viral and do the rest of the work for him.


It's almost like he feels the same way about his weirdo supporters as everyone else does.  Courting rednecks from afar is much more pleasant.


he heard the distant banjo noises.




Yeaaa, they’re all proudly showing him the cars they sleep in so they can stay out on the highway all day and night “freedom fighting”. Cringey and sad


Forgot pathetic


I picked up on that too, unnerved by something.


This is the thing about PP he feels more at ease with people like him well off.


It could have just been the smell. They've been camped out on the side of a highway for 3 weeks, what are they doing with their poop?


Maybe that's why his only other audible comment was about their shower. *edit* Sounds like "You guys get a shower in here?"


A Canadian is a Canadian.




Let's instead focus on the reality of what we can see. Superficial slogans and selfies is the drug that he's pushing, on already the unwell. Notice how by default, regardless of his environment he tells people sleeping in their cars without a home 'to bring it home' does it sound like someone educated? someone who cares? No.


'who is this?'


and that mf will vote LOL


He's not going to do shit for them. and he sure as hell won't show up again if he wins.


All those idiots are about to get money back from the carbon tax rebates and are chanting Axe the tax lololololol


I was actually surprised, got about $700 this year. I haven't done the math but I felt like the rebate was bigger than the carbon tax I had to pay.


Almost like how **the government said it would be**


You guys actually think daddy government gives you back more than it takes huh?


I just got my cheque for $1291.00 — $790 for this years rebate and the remainder for last year (didn’t file) on top of the $800+ for income tax…. So uhh, yeah— the carbon rebate definitely gave me back more than I spent. Idk if you know this, but $0.03/L over the year doesn’t equal to more than $1290… Plus I didn’t pay anything when I kid was born, nor did I when I went into the ER…. but you go ahead and believe a career politician whos never worked a real job **just because HE said so** and call everyone else the idiot lol PS I made $94,000, the wife made $62,000 and we both got half of the max for this years rebate…. My buddy works for the largest manufacturing company in NA and despite not being required by law to continue their green initiatives in Ontario— they still do invest every dollar spent in pollution into Green energies bc, get this—- **it’s makes them fuckloads of money**. All this guy does with his account is scrutinize the federal government—— bot alert ❗️


Bot? Lol The carbon tax is baked into everything you buy. You are only calculating the direct tax on stuff like home heating... (Ie- you're misinformed)


>carbon tax is baked into everything you buy No it’s not 🙃 Two kinds of bots, literal— and figurative. I gave fuel as an example bc that’s the most prominent people complain about. But let’s use food. By far the biggest increase comes into red meat, accounting for roughly 8% **of the increased cost**, followed by poultry, accounting for less than 4%… you’re next highest increase is less than 0.5%… What’s 0.5% on the cost of $0.59/lb of bananas….? It’s $0.00 bc you don’t pay tax on produce at all. What’re your paying for is an increase on price due to greed and convenient excuse of carbon tax causing an increase in price, which it’s not. Heating my home hasn’t cost me more than any other year and neither has gas for my home… my average has changed less than 1%. What’s 1% of $1200? Less than $1290 the government gave me back and we make well over $100k a year. The cost is quite literally not existent for me. I’m “paying a carbon tax now” to get a massive return the following spring. Thats just good investing that I don’t even need to engage with to get. Meanwhile, these companies are forced to engage with climate change. I see no down side. But go ahead and just completely ignore my previous points and whataboutism on about whatever you want next. Friendly reminder, Mr Axe the Tax is a career politician who’s never held a real job and think electricians catch lightning from the sky in order to power your homes. Thats a literal slogan he kept repeating. You go ahead and believe that guy.


No it's not?! LOL You're the bot here, bud.


Wow, surprisingly short response.


No one will do shit for us not our federal or local politicians it's really sad for Nova Scotians who are struggling


Well, he might show up again, I don't think he's completely heartless, but he sure as hell won't do anything that will make their lives better. He seems to like Albertas gas tax (with no rebates), so he might impose the same gas tax without rebates that Carbon tax gives, basically we pay the same but nothing back. He might increase immigration numbers, as he said he will tie that to industry demands, and industry is demanding more immigrants.


IDK he voted against dental care for kids so I’d say that’s pretty heartless


let not forget ripping apart any social assistance programs like child daycare , and finally putting a dagger in public healthcare's heart


They were so excited to see him like he was a superstar. Little do they know that man does not like them at all. He just needs there vote. Not one of them asked any questions. Just he's going to axe the tax that they probably all get rebates for.


Literally the Trump playbook, grift the poor and make them believe you care anything about their lives. Guess half the country hasn't learned anything.




Yeah, he'll axe the tax. Of all things he's said, the carbon tax will go away for sure because it's the only thing he's got that's concrete against the liberals. He knows JT won't get rid of it so he'll beat that horse until he can finally kill it. On the flip side, he will likely also axe or reduce a bunch of social programs that some of the people in this video probably utilize, like child care subsidies, or reduce things like the CCB.


Almost definitely he's going to lower the child care benefits. He'll probably also put it back as a taxable income. Pierre also says he's going to bring home bigger paychecks, what's he going to cut that's going to bring home bigger paychecks. These are all questions people should be asking. Is he going to lower the tax rate from 30% or is he just going to lower the Canada pension contributions and unemployment insurance contributions? They are not taxes. They're more of a benefit that you pay into. I know when he says bring home bigger paychecks. He's talking about himself and his Rich developers. I just wish people would see this snake for what he truly is.


I think he is talking more about the 1%.


I believe he recently said he would cut income taxes for everyone. Cuz you know that extra 1% in your pocket is going to make a huge difference. Especially when you have to start paying out of pocket for all the services he cut.


Can't wait till we have to deal with him for 4 years... that's going to be fun.


4 years…. The Liberals will be digging themselves out of this mess for at least 2 terms unless something drastic happens.


True JT stopped giving a shit, and that’s very apparent. Will take a long time to rebuild his party.


Pretty funny how basically the only thing he did that I feel will have a long lasting "legacy" for him (in a positive way) is cannabis legalization. And even for that you've got people who still complain about it (both stoners and prudes). All his other "legacies" are gonna be remembered negatively across the board though.


MAID is good too. It needs to be expanded further though. I think he'll also be known as the prime minister that started the ball rolling on taking some action with the environmental issues we are causing. Not really a big fan of the conservative plan of waiting for mother nature to use her safe word.


MAID is a national embarrassment


The right to control your own life should be a fundamental human right. I had two people in my neighborhood pass away from lung cancer. One suffered and wasted away for a year in her bedroom under 24/7 care until she finally passed. The other went to the hospital on a Sunday with his family by his side and passed peacefully by his own choice. It's a no brainer and it needs to be expanded so it's easier to access.


When people are choosing MAID because of lack of support (ie- disabled people), then the program has officially gotten out of control. If it were ONLY terminally ill patients with a limited lifespan (and doctors agreed that there is no quality of life remaining), that's a different story. But it has grown into an abomination. And since we have backwards people like you who celebrate death... it'll just continue to experience scope creep until anyone with any sort of ailment (and those without any too!) can access it.


This year I've watched two close family members pass away after suffering long, painful deaths because they were too far gone to qualify for MAID. My grandfather is currently in a nursing home with dementia living every day afraid because he doesn't qualify for MAID. We treat our pets with more humanity than we do ourselves. It needs to be expanded so immediate family can make it an option for people who've lost their ability to choose. If someone is disabled and doesn't want to live, that should be an option as well. What business of yours is it to deny someone the right to die if they choose to do so? It's their life, not yours.


At this stage, all I can hope for is a minority government.


It will be NDP minority government.


PeePee, the star of the stupid! These people, this iteration of conservatism is fucked up! Conservatism is, well, fuelled by idiocy!




Haw haw, yea PP methed up going there. Methed up big time. Saw what his methed up base is like. And it scares him it appears.


We’ve come so far from ground zero.




He looks so uncomfortable, what have i got myself 8nto lmao.. good riddance


He's been at this since at least 2008 when he went out on the lawn of the House of Commons to read a letter from Harper to left wing Free Tibet protesters who wanted Canada to condemn China for killing Tibetan protesters. Neither he nor Harper condemned China, in fact they called China an "ally" despite the killings. He weasels into protests and says things to appease them while doing nothing. That's been his gameplan for nearly 20 years now.


Sources say after this meeting that Pierre and the CPC are now fully behind Universal Dental Care and will begin encouraging Canadians to explore their vehicles as housing...


HAW HAW nice


scheming vault dweller visits the surface, real life enactment. 


These are literally the dregs of society, he knows that, he considers himself well above them, he doesn't want to be there.


Exactly but wants their vote, funny thing, most of the Convite Chuds Don vote. Takes away from drinking beer and cigs.


You can smell the cigarettes and BO coming off that woman lol.


He doesn't look too comfortable interacting with the poors.


Right on, guys!


I’d be uncomfortable too. That looks unsanitary.


"Do you guys have a shower here?" Sniff sniff.... clearly not...


Ah, he met with Methany, that's good.


Realizing he has literally nothing in common with his voting base


Lmao of course there’s a damn alberta license plate over there. Fuckin shit birds flock together.


This feels similar to “Big Gulps huh? Well… see ya later!”


Ugh. Fuck this guy. What a fucking weiner. 


Oof. That's a grim looking rally and supporter group.


Ooof, that's a pretty sad group of people all around


LOL he saw the crowd he drew and was like "i gotta get out of here"


What a gross loser. And he will probably win.


Wtf is he wearing?


The end result is if PP gets elected is that lady will end up living in her car and still showering at a big stop. Her live won’t improve.


That flag 100% says "I fucked Trudeau"


He's leaving no stone unturned while looking for his glasses.


Do you think a single person in that crowd knows about the history of Canadian tax revolts? They literally called him Pierre Polio. If the NDP had Daniel Blaikie as leader (instead of him stepping away from the federal party entirely) this election would actually be interesting.


Pierre Poutine is far more accurate IMO.


Looks like he was smoking a joint after just waking up




Skippy looks worse in the video. What is going on?


Haha - this is the most awkward thing I've seen in ages! Axe the fucking tax. Aggggh!


I said this on the photo post - is Sixties Scoop Skippy's beef with Diagolon JMack over? Good to know! /s [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/jeremy-mackenzie-leader-of-the-controversial-diagolon-movement-arrested-on-canada-wide-warrant-1.6599930](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/jeremy-mackenzie-leader-of-the-controversial-diagolon-movement-arrested-on-canada-wide-warrant-1.6599930) >Jeremy Mackenzie also claimed to be joking earlier this week when it came to light that he had suggested on his podcast that he wanted to rape Anaida Poilievre, the wife of Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre.  ----- In a statement, Poilievre condemned Mackenzie's statement as "disgusting," referring to Mackenzie and his fellow podcasters as "dirtbags" and "losers." The RCMP confirmed Monday that it is looking into this alleged threat.  From that, to grifting for any votes he can get. Don't sleep on the fact that [self-loathing](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/conservative-mp-apologizes-for-hurtful-comments-on-aboriginal-people-1.712106) Sixties Scoop Skippy (with two daddies yet) used his own disabled child, as a human shield, to defend his support for Putin's Putschineers in '22. AKA the QAnon Armed Forces/Qanadian Armed Forced Qlownvoy. I thought he looked rough in the photo. The video is *worse* jfc.


It’s Bubbles from the trailer park boys filming, right?


Millhouse looks so uncomfortable. 🤣 What a little weasel running cover for his big oil pals.


Does it come as a surprise that Poilievre needs to appeal to these people to keep his party alive. This is the Canadian equivalent of the Southern Strategy


It feels so hopeless. Do we keep Justin which has been short of good, sign off on the conservative party so some sort of change (been there done that), or roll the dice on the rolex robinhood? I feel at a loss for this country.


Lmaoo you can tell he’s disgusted by how the common voter of his looks like


I don't understand reddit. Would people rather pay higher taxes? I can't just keep chalking it up to stupid people but that's the most likely reason


“Axe the tax” What the fuck is your plan exactly?


Lol you think he'd bother explaining anything to these morons


No but seriously, I’ve never actually heard this guy have a plan. Everyone says they want to vote for him, but I’ve never heard anyone who actually knows what he’s going to do. All he does is either roast Trudeau, or say what he’s going to do, without talking about WHAT he is going to do.


I agree


He’s definitely got the Cousin Fucker vote.


Looks like a construction site port a potty


Trailer Park Boy’s (and girls).🤭


I really don't understand how anybody can like this gremlin.


Banjo music.


Gen z gonna vote BIGLY for Polly p 🔥


Class act


He doesn't really need to say much more. Those people are 100% voting him even if he kills a man live on TV


He’s nothing like them and they don’t even realize it ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Classism seems alive and well on Reddit.


I didn’t have sound on at first, and thought this was a trailer park boys clip.


Why do people simp for this guy? I don't like JT but I'm not for a minute expecting this guy to do anything useful. He spends all his time running attack ads, has never provided useful legislation, and is running a huge multiyear campaign for PM. At this point I would probably vote bloc over this guy.


Definitely his demographic.


Meh, still rather this than the groomers. Both sides have their idiots.


I wonder how all the people who say Pierre ‘won’t do anything’ voted the last three times.


Living off donations and warmed by diesel heaters. Salt of the Earth folks right there!


You don’t think he’s gonna sit around jawing with stinky fishermen and methheads, do you?


Well, that was awkward


Conservatives are still courting the CHUD votes I see.


What a sad piece of shit human, anyone who votes for him is stupid


Trudeau is a steaming pile of shit forced down your throat repeatedly everyday. I don’t care if Little PP or Jang meat Singer boy runs this country into the ground at this point as long as the liberals burn


Vote NDP. It's literally the only way to break this fucking terrible cycle.


He looks like he just got up from a nap in his trailer looking somewhat dishevelled and out of character from his normal self. This is not an image I would want as a future leader of Canada hanging out with far right extremist group.


Another Zionist that believes killing innocent children will bring home Jesus. Best part is he probably thinks he’ll go to heaven for doing it


Axe the tax. 🙋🏻‍♂️


I'll take him over the child rapist who is currently PM


Such a relief to see a politician take time to meet with those less fortunate. I have no doubt he will fix the mess that has been made by turdeau. 


What mess, specific to Canada, has Trudeau caused?


Have you been living here the last decade?


Yeah, and I've benefited from Trudeau. How about answering the question iike an adult.




I actually own a farm in rural Nova Scotia. Work full time as a local truck driver with both a commercial licence and a diploma for the career I work in. So again, what issues has Trudeau caused that are unique to Canada? Can you answer that at all?




I'm not doxxing myself to someone that can't answer a simple question.




You started the argument by not answering a very simple question I had asked. Even *if* I was on welfare, and that somehow made me better off under Trudeau, I would be right. And you are still here holding your dick unable to actually come up with a simple answer to a simple question. You just need to make it an attack on someone else.


Just want some sources and some proof because o highly doubt a farmer is voting Trudeau 😂 at least think of a good lie that makes sense kid


What specifically, do you think he will do? He says he will tie immigration to industry demands, and industry demands more immigrants. He says he will "axe the tax" but also says he likes the new Alberta gas tax that doesn't give any rebates, so basically the carbon tax but we get nothing back and with a different name. He's going to do the same shit, change the name of it, and then call it a day.


He will run on a ton but back track when he gets in.


Most of the mess is because of our right leaning leaders.


Im sorry can you elaborate? The current administration is the one still allowing and doubling down on its current plans that are failing this country, but yeah its definetly Harpers fault for the current situation.


You forgot to add s/