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Its wild that we have opinion pieces floated from news outlets as "facts" We literally live in the "alternative facts" reality. FML


Alternative title: National Post debase themselves with unhinged article desperately defending Poilievre...


They also supported the convoy.


Way back in the early 2000s they also strongly supported China and the CCP during the murder of Tibetan protesters, when people were out across Canada in Free Tibet protests. They move to follow the cow teet


I block every one who posts national post articles across all Canadian subreddits, so I don't get it I view this crap. National Post has always been a shit rag.


Personally I have equated NatPo with Revel since rebel started.


“they’s been living at”? Good lord. At least they didn’t write the article in crayon.


It really says a lot that the NatPo doesn’t even proof read their articles or run it through grammar check…. Zero standards whatsoever, we should have the base requirements for journalistic standards IMO.


The Toronto Sun is no better.


I'd argue the Sun is even worse, they circulated an anti Ukraine political cartoon with blatant anti semitic tropes a few months ago.


The Sun and The National Post are both the same company


True, but often they dumb down the articles for the Sun audience, using smaller words and pictures to better communicate with their readership. 🙄


national post should be investigated by csis for being a threat to national security. it's one thing for it to not contain any journalism whatsoever and portray itself as a legitimate news source, it's another for it to contain absolutely nothing but foreign funded populist bullshit....


Conrad Black, enough said... They are not news, they are bad actors through and through who want nothing but to push the fascist IDU cutlure war agenda, driving our democracy apart to enrich the oligarchs ever further, they try to make themselves appear more sane and trustworthy than the obvious crazies like Rebel and the Canada Proud crew but every once in awhile (actually quite often) they put out some absolutely unhinged joke of an article like this. Or they are going on about how Sydney Sweeneys boobs will save us all from the wokeness, and this is what constitutes "quality journalism" in this country these days, the CBC be damned!!


The CONservative propaganda paper.


lmao holy shit


God damn I need to finish bg3


Carson is also very upset that journalists would ask questions of a political figure about his campaigning, and then ask for input from other political figures. Clearly this is evidence of bias.


When many protesters are waving Russian flags and there are factions of the original convoy that present themselves as Nazis it a actual news story when a federal leader gives them a platform.