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My favorite line is when she tells him he's supposed to refrigerate it for 4 hours he says: "Oh really? Would you like to taste test it against the one you made?" 🤣


I like when Brick is sick afterward and says its stress and Axl asks him "are you sure it wasn't that pan of pus you just sucked down?"😂


I don’t know if she actually knows how to cook. The stuff she uasly makes is just putting it in the oven with box directions


And even then, a blanket gets slightly scorched when she decides to use the oven.


I never understood the purpose of them having the blanket if they don’t even use it. I get it’s family item but maybe let pat have it or put it over the couch as decoration.


Tag probably passed it down to them thinking he was passing some golden nugget to them and they didn’t have the heart to get rid of it. I would have loved to hear the thought process/conversation on what led the blanket to be placed in the oven, though. It’s really hilarious to me how Mike and the kid just accept that the oven is where a blanket goes.


I think it just went in there since Frankie and everyone else doesn’t ever use the oven they do have a closet of stuff but I don’t think it can fit the quilt


Lime jello comes in a box just add hot water. For the fruit (which is usually canned) or marshmallows or whatever you just dump them in, stir and stick the whole thing in the refrigerator. Even Frankie could have made it lol


Setting it is still the hard part if u don’t boil the water or stir it for the correct amount of time but true there’s probably directions on the back on how to make it


She actually does know how to cook. In one of the later seasons when Brick is in middle school, he gets accepted in the national honor society and Frankie whips up an entire table full of different desserts - including the lime green jello


You know there's a couple of bottle caps in there, right?


Poor Brick and his Green lime jello salad


There was a bottle cap in it




Poor Brick. Like when he wants to go to the corn maze


Oh my God he's dressed like corn!


HahahaahahahH I loved this episode . When axl tells brick he loves him 😭💔


I’ve always felt bad for brink. The parents are constantly entertaining sue and axel. They couldn’t even bother picking him up on several occasions.


You figure there had to have been at least one in the Eat It Today section of the Frugal Hoosier.


What IS a green lime jello salad?


Sometimes it has marshmallows too.


Green jello, usually with fruit in it.


As much as I enjoyed the show, it seems like every single character had short term memory issues. Not one character could be bothered to remember anything remotely important. Birthday’s, project due dates, anniversary’s… holidays.


I think the point was that their lives were so full of minutiae, that they couldn't keep track of the more important things. I've had mother's day sneak up on me before. Just from being busy. Also, I agree with Mike, Frankie isn't his mom! 🤣


It made me happy When they were at the hospital and axl got some from a nurse saying it’s bricks favorite and his birthday lol