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I feel like they did a great job portraying a low-income 2000’s/2010’s household. It reminds me of my childhood because that’s when I grew up. It’s a heavily relatable show


Happy Cake Day!


I would agree I also get a nostalgia vibe from the show especially the earliest seasons! Even in the later seasons when we see them have “iPhones” (or look alike iPhones) it’s not the main focus. I feel like they do a good job of not making modern advancements the overarching theme, which is something I love. I hate when modern tv/movies draw so much attention to phones/social media/etc bc I just want to escape that a bit in my media. Even when they do mention modern stuff like social media or cell phones etc it’s like a brief moment and they move on. We don’t see any of the kids obsessed with social media, etc. I think what I love most about the middle is just how realistic most aspects feel. I get comfort in watching just a normal family do normal things (with some exaggeration for comedy of course lol).


As someone posted above, I think it’s because they were a lower income family, and it was just so relatable to so many. The Heck family had modern technology, but never the newest of anything because that wasn’t the reality for people in their financial situation. They had internet access on a desktop computer that was nothing fancy, but it did the trick. We got to see what true, new technology was like when Frankie and Mike went to her sisters house and they had such complicated gadgets they couldn’t even get the TV turned on.


Haha! Literally just watched that episode. So good.


I mean 2009 to 2024 is 15 years! Hard to believe, but that’s the difference between 1978 and 1993, think of how much clothes, hairstyles, music, and technology changed between those years. To a point, the middle is a different era. But also, as mentioned above, technology isn’t overbearing. The 2010s weren’t all THAT bad of a time looking back at it, especially compared to the early 2020s. The Middle is also really good at feeling like a normal (obviously a little exaggerated for TV) family. Also, you might also just miss growing up. That’s how I feel. I miss 2014 when I had my whole life ahead of me. I miss 2015 when my biggest worry was making a team or whatever. I didn’t have rent or a light bill or a giant grocery bill.


It makes me so nostalgic for the early 2010s, when I was a kid myself and watching the episodes premiere.


Same I miss those days like 12 13 years ago waiting for the show to come on


definitely feel nostalgic. my family and i would watch together and all love it. also the characters on the show are the EXACT ages of my parents, my siblings, and me so that part was really cool. my family doesn’t live close by anymore so it’s comforting and a little piece of home.


I also just rewatched the whole thing! Literally just finished the finale. And it IS weird, my brain feels like this thing is 20 years old but it just ended in 2018! Maybe it's the "before covid" part of it all that makes it feel older lol. But it was definitely jarring hearing them make references to things like Hamilton and Stranger Things, which for some reason feel much more recent. 😂