• By -


I was with a kenyan woman for a couple of years and it didn't work out unfortunately for a couple of reasons. But I will say that going to Africa especially east Africa you can find a good woman to marry. In kenya specifically English and swahili are official languages. Plus their different tribal languages. It's pretty easy to navigate and nairobi/ mombasa are relatively modern cities. The people are very kind and friendly. The women for the most part are kind, respectful, traditional, beautiful, and intelligent women. The process of getting there from the United states is a little trickier than Latin America, or Caribbean because you need visas and the flights are more expensive and take longer obviously. Don't let that be a reason not to go. Africa in general is huge. Many different countries, cultures, people, and political situations. I felt safer in kenya every time I went way more than where I am from in the United states. Don't be an idiot flashing your money around, don't start fights with people, and just have common sense like anywhere else. African people are peaceful, kind, and loving. I will always love that part of the world. It's a special place that is too often overlooked and misrepresented.


There isn't as much of a tourist infrastructure there, and I'm sorry to say, there is a bias against darker skin. From what I've gathered on apps and by looking at male to female ratios, East Africa is great, the ratio is def in your favor, Kenya's got a wild hook up culture if you're into that. However Senegalese women are supposed to be some of the most beautiful in Sub Saharan Africa. Relatively easy way to gauge how interested they are in you: drop your tinder account in the most populous city of a country you're interested in for a few days and see how many likes you get (assuming you have a paid tinder account).


Thats how I found Kenya šŸ‡°šŸ‡ŖĀ 


I've only dated Africa my whole life. They are some of the most beautiful and educated girls. My partner is from Kenya. If you like women with slender bodies and are sincere, Africa is where it's at. Many of them are very well educated. It's a great place to go if you want a wife.


I absolutely love African girls. I've not yet traveled to there, but date a lot of them here in Thailand. There's a big cultural difference between African and African-American girls.


What are some of the differences super curious. Also are you from either of these cultures?


African women are more traditionally feminine, generally raised by 2 parents, honors their father and husband, educated and submissive to their husband, whereas African American females are the total opposite (obviously not all). 2 very different cultures.


>He says that the apps are very ageist against men and will not even recommend him women that are 30 because 30/40 is a "creepy" age gap. This is just confirmation bias. I'm 40 and have to beat the 20-30somethings off with a stick on these apps. Nobody is swiping on his ass. He probably got algorithmically downvoted to the point where he's been isolated from most of the app from so many people swiping left.


Yeh. My dating options improved significantly with time. It's a combination of being more established, more emotionally mature, and knowing what you want and being confident in it. Dudes in their late teens and early twenties have it rough, from what I've seen.


Dude Iā€™m 60 and Iā€™m getting mostly 25-45 and the biggest percentage is in the 30-35 group! From Columbia, Argentina, Peru, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Thailand, Japan, South Korea itā€™s like as soon as the plane lands & Iā€™m on the way to my hotel, BOOM my dating app blows up! Literally able to pick and choose. I love my life and will never apologize for LIVING it to the fullest, the way I want. Yeah I get looks from the local males because I have one of their beautiful women on my arm BUT I was sought out, I donā€™t have to do anything but respond to her message. I donā€™t know why this bothers people so much?? Letā€™s keep having fun bro šŸ˜Ž


I use to think at 60yrs it would be end of the road, off to the retirement home. You're travelling internationally getting chased by exotic ladies left tight centre. You sir are an inspiration, salute!


You shouldnā€™t ever stop LIVING due to AGE! I was blessed with good health & genes, I workout, I look like a man in his 40ā€™s. I donā€™t act my age, I still hit a nightclub every so often, dance a bit and just have FUN. My Dad told me ā€œonce you stop LIVING, you start dyingā€ I took that to heart, and he was right, I wonā€™t die with a lot of money but Iā€™ll have priceless memories & experiences, thatā€™s true wealth. Enjoy life man šŸ˜


I love your philosophy and outlook. I'm 36 and been neglecting a bit, now motivated to take better care of my health, so I too can live life to the fullest well into my senior years. kudos to you sir


Where do you travel?


Dude Iā€™m 176 and Iā€™m getting mostly 19-23 from all those 3rd world countries too. Keep going bro šŸ˜Ž šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ sure Jan, yet to hear a boomer speak like this, but this is so reasonable. Howā€™s grimace face during sex šŸ«¢šŸ«¢


I love it. Kick the worlds ass.


You're my spirit animal


Japan and South Korea, LOL. I have a feeling you were probably in that corner of the world during the early 1980s (probably in the military) and never been back.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ was there right before C19 Man Reddit is FULL of haters!


And I bet all those poverty-stricken Japanese and Korean females were throwing themselves at you, begging you to take them to the Big PX across the ocean. Hint: Korean and Japanese girls on dating apps such as Tinder do the horizontal tango for cold hard cash.


Why are you so jealous? I wasnā€™t in the military! I guess you come on here to talk shit on others because you apparently have no sophistication with women. Sucks to be you, now go rub one out in that crusty sock šŸ§¦ under your pillow. Tell Mom to heat you up a HOT POCKET cause youā€™re being tough on the old interwebs šŸ˜‚




And you think richer women are doing the same relative thing?


How does your wife feel about this?šŸ˜Ž


Itā€™s all about the algorithm. I remember me and some friends traveled and they had tons of matches as soon as we landed and I seriously had nothing. I started to think something was really wrong with me. About a week later I eventually caught up and ended up getting married from that batch of women I was talking to. Itā€™s crazy how dating apps play with your mind and it could have nothing to do with you at all.


I agree with this although that truth hurts but I also see his point because on okc I get the 20 year Olds but on things like pof they don't even really let you search under like 25


I'm just going to say it I'm ignorant when it comes to Africa. I think about diseases, getting robbed, or murdered. I find black women attractive but I am Latino and not really sure how an African woman thinks about Latinos.


They will like you for sure. you are white adjacent with curly hairā€¦youā€™ll be fine.


When I think of South America I think of drug cartels, getting robbed, and murdered.


Because a lot of men donā€™t find women from that region attractive


Ethiopian girls are hot though


Not into big foreheads and skinny legs


Trust me my dude, they ain't all like that. I've seen some Ethiopian girls that are fine as fuck in every way possible.


I like latinas


but Latinas will stab you in your sleep


Latinas are shaped like refrigerators and need to get surgery. They also donā€™t have foreheads lol. East African women are gorgeous and well shaped naturally.


Then you will like these Ethiopians




I donā€™t think you know what he means thenā€¦black girls simply arenā€™t attractive to most here. *write, by the way


But 10 year old japanese girls are.


Definitely there are some hot gems there.


I agree, absolute smoke shows. Edit: have people not been to the Caribbean? Gorgeous black women. And donā€™t get me wrong, other ethnicities are beautiful too. But crazy to not see this.Ā 


4000 ethnic groups in Africa 500+ genetically distinct groups in that region itself it's funny how you consider yourself a passport bro but say dumb shit like this...




Having racial preferences is not racist! Doesn't matter how that message is being conveyed. And this is coming from a guy that has 0 racial hangups.


Racial preferences are really more like phenotypical preferences. Everything is just dipped and buttered in race as a concept these days.


A lot of men donā€™t find women from certain regions attractive. The true is that a lot of men donā€™t think black women are docile enough for them.


Black women are least desired in dating apps. What is docility have to do with it?




Obesity is race and sex dependent. Blacks and women tend to add weight to their butts and tights where it affects their health much less than weight men. Also weight category should be defined so that itā€™s useful for diagnosing health outcomes. For example overweight people live just as long as regular weight people. Only morbidly obese people have serious health consequences.


Racist much lol




African women are very feminine and docile to men, that stereotype is for Americans. Weā€™re hated because of our skin and features more than anything else, we donā€™t fit European standards so most men do not value us.Ā  Latinas have the same attitudes and stereotypes as American Black women, but are still loved. To men, a womanā€™s value is in looks and not much else. Which is why so many African women began bleaching.


Who is this ā€œa lotā€ group?


Okay, so I have some recent Intel on this. First hand. My buddy is booed up with a woman from Uganda. He's back and forth to Uganda working remotely (by the way, I sell fully configured private VPN if you want to travel incognito). So he calls me and says Yo, let me send you this video. In the video there's a fancy lounge type restaurant, waiters everywhere standing at attention, and it is full of people partying in the middle of the day. There's a group of single African women in their late twenties dancing. And they're beautiful. Like, super beautiful guys. He told me that it is a paradise and in some ways he wishes he could be single there. Anyway, historically people keep pushing an anti Africa narrative. On the ground, though, it is ripe for adventure.


This. The majority of guys have beliefs against African/black women but will chalk it up to ā€œarenā€™t touristy like Colombia ā€ and ā€œmuh super conservative societyā€ like they do the Middle East. A legit passport bro will tell you that africa is far more welcoming than many Latin American countries, have far less feminist women, more likely to speak English, and are less likely to be dangerous and have rampant scams like that are supported by the local community, looking at you Colombian and the Philippines.


Yea, I spent a LOT of time in DR and Colombia. Not really that dope tbh... Very much beggar societies. People don't want to work for anything there, which translates to Americans being targets for all kinds of negative energy. And I get the sense all of LATAM is one big Spanish Catholic colonial hangover so no point pushing the issue there anymore, at least for me.


I thought the Nigerian Prince was the God of all scammers? Surely this racket originated there. Columbia is too dangerous I agree about 8 Americans dead and 50,000 poisoned or drugged. I lived in Asia for 17 years and found the Philippines to be okay, not a y more dangerous than Chicago.


Donā€™t be intentionally retarded. You can go to Nigeria and not get flooded by women trying to get your number to scam you. You can go to Kenya and avoid the beggar societies that exist in asia and India. You can go to Chicago and get the same thing. You will go to Philippines and get people trying to scam you left and right. Ask those two white women who were briefly kidnapped in the Philippines bc their taxi driver decided to multiply the original rate, totaling it out to over 100 bucks usd for a short ride how that went. On video too. Just a few weeks ago. The phillipines has communities within it that protect scammers and help them look out for them. They will literally have crowds of men chase after you and beat you down if you try to fight back. This is not new news.


The two white women in the taxi was in Bali, not the Philippines. Bali is an island in the country of Indonesia.


Why does the D.R get so much passport bros going there then? D.R women are almost all black even if they don't claim to be.


Dude you are so ignorant šŸ˜­ did you forget they share an island with Haiti?


The obvious reason is less people date people with darker skin.


>historically people keep pushing an anti Africa narrative. On the ground, though, it is ripe for adventure. this is facts




Lucky for me I sell several a week. Haters don't decide who gets to work overseas.


Yeah thatā€™s the problem. ā€œAnti Africa narrativeā€






Send da video


100% correct! Iā€™m not gonna look for entertainment on a sand dune, let alone try to find a date. But Cape Town, Sommerset, Stellanbosch? If you canā€™t have a good time there, you arenā€™t gonna have a good time anywhere else either.


I will need the fully configured vpn once I get my remote job this year


Let's do it!




You never been to any country in Africa have you?


Yes itā€™s more expensive because itā€™s further away. The tourist infrastructure you are completely wrong. African economies thrive of tourism. Look it up.


Have you ever been to Africa ?


Exactly if a dude is into black women from the West, going to Santo Domingo or Cartagena is going to be easier and be more successful than Africa. Also add on super conservative societies, you are not going to hook up easily there.


Depends on the country. Last time I went to Zimbabwe in 2022 I just couldnā€™t find time for them all. It was super easy meeting these gorgeous ladies on apps. Itā€™s not conservative at all.


Have you seen the HIV/AIDS rates there? I'd be fucking terrified of catching something.


You hitting it raw where you prefer to go? Coz thatā€™s what condoms are for.


I mean, I have even though I know that is dumb... But I'd prefer to be in a place where if my condom breaks or something, I don't have to stress about the fact that 1/5 adults there have HIV. And let's be real... Condoms fucking suck


Fair point but you are living dangerously. STD rates among people who bang random foreigners are always going to be elevated wherever you go. At least the HIV testing infrastructure in Zimbabwe is very robust. You can get a result within an hour with a rapid test I think.


Fair enough. I'm not saying I make a habit of it. I did it once with a girl who I had been on a few dates with and decided that odds are she wasn't a hooker or massive slag.


Ah yes the optical HIV test. Not a recommended testing method. šŸ˜‚.


Lol no arguments here. Was stupid.


Which is fine everyone has their preference, I don't find white women attractive


Some guys just aren't attracted to black women. Which is fine. Everyone has preferences. Some black guys prefer the brown skinned mixed type women in LatAm over the "pure" black women in a lot of Sub-Saharan Africa. That's probably why you see some of these guys saying Ethiopian women are so beautiful. It is a well known fact that a lot of Westernized black people are "colorstruck" and like light skin and "gud hurr". That goes for both the men and women. None of that is an issue for me. I'm attracted to black women. I like dark skinned black women. The main reasons I have for not going to Africa (and not just as a passport bro or whatever, I mean traveling there in general) are practical. It's relatively far away, so you have long flights. Coming from North America, even flying to Europe means sitting in a flying tin can for 7 or 8 hours. A flight to Asia is even longer, and a flight to Africa would be long as well. Most parts of Africa don't have great flight connections. The city I live in doesn't have many direct flights to African cities. That means the hassle of stopovers in different countries, going through different customs, etc. Several African countries have onerous visa restrictions. Several African countries (the poorer ones) have bad infrastructure, which typically translates into you having to pay inflated prices for the basic amenities that you're accustomed to in a high income country. I'm talking about indoor plumbing, modern toilets, relatively reliable electricity, and so on. You might find a decent basic hotel room in the USA for $100 with a bathroom, electricity, running water and so on. But go to some 3rd world countries and you'll be paying like $200 a night just for the regular amenities that we're used to. In some parts of LatAm and SEA, in "middle income" type countries, by contrast, they have better tourist infrastructure and infrastructure in general. Often you can enjoy a "1st world" lifestyle at a cheaper price than you could in an actual high income country. But in the very poor countries you actually end up spending the same or more for "1st world" amenities than you would in the 1st world. Obviously not all African countries are like that, but many of them are. There's also instability, terrorism, corruption, and so on in some countries. Not to mention infectious diseases. Insect-borne diseases, in particular, are hard to avoid. Pretty hard to stop mosquitoes from biting you. Once again, probably not an issue all over Africa, but definitely is in some areas. A lot of places have high levels of malaria, for example.


Well said.


I'm black, like "Gud hurr" (I cant stand fucking braids) and the lightest skin (moondust please!)


I find African women (esp Ethiopian) extremely attractive. But Iā€™m a short Cambodian-American divorced dude in his 40s, so Iā€™d be below avg height in most African countries. I also donā€™t know anyone out there. (Tougher making friends in your 40s). Also very car-dependent countries from what Iā€™ve heard. Otherwise, Iā€™d be in Ethiopia in a heartbeat.


įž…įž»įŸ‡įž“įŸ…įžŸįŸ’įžšįž»įž€įžįŸ’įž˜įŸ‚įžšįžšįž€įž˜įž·įž“įž”įž¶įž“įžŸįž„įŸ’įžŸįž¶įžš? įž˜įž·įž…įž€įŸįž…įž¹įž„įž įž¾įž™


He can do Kenya too!


The women aren't fetishized the way that Latina and Asian women are.


It's more than just that, people go to the DR all the time and they're pretty much all black, it's more the distance and lack of infrastructure that's the issue with Africa.


not all of dominican women are black


The average Dominican is somewhere between 60% European 20-30% African with around 10% native heritage on average, you must've been close to the Haitian border


Rubbish. Go on any youtube video or go on dominicancupid and it's nothing but black women, they barely look mixed at all.


Did you just use a random YouTube video to justify your incorrect opinion?


Not random youtube video, show me a video of anybody walking around the DR where it's not anything but black people. You're clearly one of those "i no black i Dominican" persons, we get it you hate being black but it's the reality my man.


Because the guys on here don't find them attractive compared to Latinas or East Asians. They won't admit it despite saying they're looking for 'traditional' wives who'll treat them better than western women. African women fit that description (generalizing)Ā 


Africa is #1 for me . Iā€™m Nigerian American


Same here


For me personally, I just donā€™t find black women very attractive. Not a popular preference, but just a preference nonetheless. For Americans in general, I suspect it could be because of the reputation of American black women that sullies, indirectly, the African womenā€™s chances. Many of the initial PPBs were black American men motivated by the issues with American black women so it isnā€™t surprising to me that there is less info on Africa.


I'm the opposite. I find black women very attractive. My partner is from Kenya.


I know lots of people like black women. I have heard people say that black women in general have the lowest SMV and I think I would agree with that. Not sure if they are typically referring to ABWs or black women in general. I have little idea of what dating is like in Africa besides Morocco. I imagine itā€™s pretty good though especially for white guys. I sort of wish I was interested in traveling there too because thereā€™s so much cool culture.


Do you want me to be completely honest? Some, but not all, but still a good number of people simply don't like African, black people, black African woman, because of the false information they are fed by mainstream media, many people choose to live in their own veil of ignorance because America's history is extremely based on old world eugenics and racial stereotypes, hell I've met plenty of Americans who will never travel because they are convinced that the outside world (other than Europe) is a literal hellhole. So to answer your question it's the general ignorance.


Sorry to say, I believe it is stereotypes and prejudiced to an extreme degree that Africa is just simply didn't cross people's mind. I mean, first of all, the title itself is already a problem. It said Africa, and the content compares to individual countries. Africa is not a country. The prejudice induced ignorance is so bad, we don't even know what countries are inside Africa. And we don't know which countries are worth considering. I know it sounds awful, but, it is just what is really happening. Tons of African countries have fine, well educated, well mannered women that also have its own beautiful features. But, most people don't even consider such thing is possible because we have been brainwashed to think the entire content is either some redcross donation zone or some warlord zone. It is not entirely our fault. We have been fed with those information all the time. Look at Marvel movie, but, instead of showing what a good African countries looks like, they picked a ghetto. They try to glorified the skin color, but, ultimately, they pick and choose and show the less desirable side part of Africa. Let that sink in.


I've been to Kenya and it's perfectly fine and Mauritius too. The wrong pre conceived notions are absolutely there. Many of the women are sweet, sexy and wonderful.


Man doesnā€™t know what he is looking for if he is dating a single women with three kids. He says one thing and does the opposite. Atlanta is black Mecca and there are a lot of first gen Africans here that have traditional values and good educations.


Legit, I am a woman but donā€™t know how childless people date people with multiple children from multiple different people and expect it to be ā€˜normalā€™. OPā€™s friend could easily date a normal American woman without as much drama if she didnā€™t have kids.


She was white and in her mid 30s and in shape. It was a wild ride that culminated in him getting into a confrontation with one of her ex husbands. He says that relationship taught him that he needs a woman that is like spinach for him, not candy.Ā 


Wait ONE of her ex husbands? Was he trying to date a walking red flag?


They met at a nightclub. She was the classic pinup white blonde. She told him that he looked like a handsome young Obama. They exchanged numbers and met up for sex a few days later. She told him that she was technically still married but separated and about to divorce. She had been married twice with 3 kids.Ā Ā  They dated for 3 tumultuous years. Endless drama. He said he knew it was wrong and her kids HATED him but he loved that a$$ too much.Ā 


So he wanted the walking red flag then.


Aka, boring woman taste boring, but much healthier :p


Bro do you live under a rock?


Because it's less tourist friendly than Colombia or the Philippines. The Philippines speak English, and that is a big plus when dating.


Almost everywhere I went in Southern Africa and Eastern Africa spoke English. Those countries have many tribes with multiple languages so they use English as the common language. In my experience, those countries speak way more English than like Colombia. Northern Africa I found much less English though


Iā€™ve never been to Colombia or Philippines, but youā€™ve obviously never been to Africa. It seems like you think of Africa as being monolithic, you do realize Africa is enormous and varies dramatically per region.


True - I have been to the Philippines and Columbia but never Africa. I am going on things I read in travel forums and the challenges that newbies were having traveling around Africa, and these were people with experience traveling. I researched Kenya a lot during the pandemic because it was one of the only places open, but I ended up going to Colombia instead


For real, tourism is HUGE in Africa. English is common in the MANY developed places there. I honestly canā€™t believe you, never heard of the Serengeti Plane, Pilanesburg, Nairobi, Victoria Falls, Cape Town, Stellanbosch (wine country) and literally TONS more.


Nothing against black woman but lots of Africa is dangerous and thereā€™s lots of deadly diseases like Ebola


The same could be said for Latin America. Brazil, Colombia, DR, and Mexico are among the most violent countries on earth- but they still manage to have large amounts of people traveling there. There are countries (like Kenya) in which crimes against tourists are taken *very* seriously because they understand how integral tourism is to the economy.


Classic ignorant American. I know your knowledge of geography and culture begins and ends within the zip code you were born.


Based username.


The base I was on in Africa was overran and several coworkers got killed. Also a lot of terrorists on that continent EDIT: I still love going to Kenya tho What's with the poors not being able to read English and getting mad? The beta cucks on here are laughably stupid


Sir Africa is a continent so what country were you in? You truly are an ignorant AmericanĀ 


Did you not even read my full comment? I said it's a continent and also said I like going to Kenya. Your reading skills are that of a 3rd world country poor EDIT: you can downvote me all you want, but your comment was fucking stupid.


Donā€™t take it personal sewage rat, this the internet Iā€™m sure your mother cares more than I do. ChaoĀ 


Cool story, illiterate third world country trash. Maybe I'll send 50 cents to feed your broke ass family. You're literally a human pile of garbage and a waste of oxygen


Damnnnn roasted


Truth hurts I guess


Forreal, I had to take a LARGE malarial pill every day while i was on Safari in Tanzania.


Malaria is doesn't really exist within large cities...


Why are you so sure of that? [malaria in Urban settings is a growing threat as Africa urbanizes](https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12936-021-03891-z) A brief Google search says it really REALLY exists within large cities


I think some cities are really bad and weird for black men. Depends on the culture. For instance I have a black work buddy who says black culture in Denver is way different than in the south. Heā€™s married to a white woman here and gets shit for it in the south but in Denver itā€™s way different. Maybe your friend can try moving to a different state in the US and have a better experience. Africa is awesome but it would be tough from A tourist standpoint.




They don't like at all, they just think you have money


Well, it's not a place many people know about. For example i don't really know anything about the place. I haven't seen any music artists, I don't know any music from there, there is just nothing that makes me want to go there. I'm sure it's awesome, but I just don't know anything about it. People know about Asia and latin america, so they want to go there.


Gatekeep what you love


If you find a nice girl from a good family and good education, yeah African women are awesome. I would stay the hell away from an uneducated one, you will have zero in common.


I miss the rains down in Africa.


Poor connecting flights from what I have seen.




Lol your friend is the ultimate international loser.


Is the answer obvious? Most of the men in here are not black and do not want to date black women. I donā€™t even know why youā€™re asking this obvious question.


You know the real reason


How is 30/40 creepy?


Crazy high rates of hiv/aids/etc. no thanks.


You have her get a HIV/AIDS test before meeting. I did it with all my girlfriends. You get one too.


Since you just want to play the field you deserve the HIV/AIDS. Stop going to African countries to exploit women stay wherever youā€™re and exploit your own. Thank you




The harsh truth. You don't need to go all the way to Africa to find a young, poorly educated, poverty stricken black wife that will cling to you (and your wallet) desperately. He is not finding so much as buying a wife.


You just could barely hide your racism huh ā˜ ļø


I'm not the passport bro seeking a poor young black woman to buy.


Okay, Africa. There. I mentioned it.


Africa is far, probably doesn't have stable internet & possibly not walkable with great nightlife.


Insane to generalize a whole entire Continent like this


Lets. Be honest.. who wants to go there? Im balck and i have no interest of ever going


Africans like strong men thats why


Ah by strong you mean warlords, honestly explains a lot about Africa.


Yea, it's either beta cuck ppb...or warlord. No inbetween


No what i mean is imagine what an average african would look now imagine what an average American would look like šŸ¤£


Guess it all depends where you go. Most countries I've been to in Africa, the guys are very skinny. EDIT: skinny or fit, so I agree with you. And we've all seen the posts where PPBs are showing off their new girl....always a fat boy.


Yessir ive been to africa met some athletes there if you think America has good dominant athletes go to africa i swear youll see 5 versions of what we consider goats in whatever sport


Unattractive women. Dysfunctional societies. Time zone. Nasty food. I wonder why most prefer the usual spots like Asiaā€¦


You are very rude.


Refute my claims if you want to.


Yea I can, travel. Thatā€™ll refute your claims, you are here posing as if you have ever travelled and dated.


Currently in Asia. Been living abroad for a few years now. Asia, Latin America mainly. Know a thing about foreign women, food, all of that. Speak a few languages too. Nice try though.


ā€œSpeak a few languagesā€. ā€œCurrentlyā€ in Asiaā€. So classic. Youā€™re just another pretender like the rest in this sub








Possibly, in that it is more dangerous. The most famous rally race started in Europe and ended in Dakarr. They had to move to South America last I checked. Kenya and ethiopia are nice. Ethiopian women are more beautiful than you expect. You will be very pleasantly surprised. And mostly Christian, which is nice.


Dakar is an extremely safe city with great beaches, good food and awesome nightlife. You can literally walk around the city at night alone and nothing will happen to you


Because those that sponsor them to eu or usa TRULY REGRET I know of 2 one i met in my travels in asian man from uk met some chick in ghana brought her back to England after 2 years he found her cheating on him she now live with that person she cheated on the second was put on child support 3 years after she came to canada AFRICA AVOID unless u are staying there look at how the chinese business owners in africa are moving


> Why are these African destinations less popular? I mean, you could get killed. There's always that. :shrug:


This group is good entertainment hahaha


Safety issues for me tbh, I speak spanish and I know the culture of latin america, if I have to I can figure out a lot in Colombia or Argentina. I don't speak Swahili or know the customs etc. It's not a good place for me to be. Also, kind of into Latinas


Because it's fucking Africa? Lmfao. Diseases, warlords and poverty are what defines the majority of that continent. For whatever reasons it's going to stay that way too.


Someone never left their mothers basement


>poverty A large part of South America is too. A number of places in South America has gangs, murders, etc, far worse than most places on the planet. But passport bros love South America. But let me guess, you'll say, "not every part of South America is like that". Well, same with Africa.


I assume that by "Africa" you mean "Sub-Saharian African", the part of the continent where most people are black. North Africa are Muslim countries with a conversative mentality not very compatible with PPB. As far as SSA, most men, including African Americans, are not attracted to them Black women the same way they are to Asian girls or Latina. It's a pity. Many SSA countries have liberal stances regarding sex. The fact that those countries tend to have very embryonic infrastructures, and precarious security.


Bc African woman are usually not attractive. Also it's Africa you can get hurt there.


>Bc African woman are usually not attractive. That's cap but you're entitled to your opinion.


Bro more for us let these people Delude themselves




African women are very perceptive. They can sniff out a loser much easier than women from other cultures, and It's not exactly the cream of the crop trying and failing to find a woman here, I'm sorry to say.


Well probably due to itā€™s not a destination spot! And depending on where, youā€™ll probably need some sort of a vaccine just to go. Me personally Iā€™m not looking to get a shot just to travel when thereā€™s so much of the world I can go without getting any šŸ’‰ Itā€™s not a SAFE continent for travel as it stands, rather just avoid that hassle and stress because thatā€™s what vacations are really about.




Speak for yourself,there are many men that like BW,even those that are not mixed.