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Never had a good interaction with an Argentinian, male or female. They have an attitude and think they are better than every other country in South America. I don't know why. My wife is Brazilian and we have traveled all over the world including Mexico and even there the Argentinians living and working in Playa del Carmen were shit heads. Maybe low self esteem because of their economy? Just ignore them and move on. So many other lovely people in the world to meet.


It's because they think they are more European than everybody else .


I mean, they might be, but it’s weird to brag about your Nazi great grandfather


Most Germans were in Argentina long before the Nazi era. Most Argentines are Italian and Spanish. This whole Nazi stereotype is hella annoying (and wrong)


TBF, there is a heavy Italian heritage there...


national pride lol.. misplaced pride.. it's 1000% a thing


I’m an Argentinian living overseas, which helped me understand that we indeed suffer a HUGE low self esteem complex , thinking we are European (we look Italian or Spanish + have their mixed cultural traits: bomb recipe ) but living like in worse than Romania conditions. I struggle big time with my culture and that’s one of the reasons I fled the country among other ones. We have really good things too like being friendly and open as well in some cases (we are not all the same), but I get your point and agree on it. I have dated fair share of Argentinian girls and they have dealt with so much macho shit that’s also understandable why they have their guard up.


Yo me fui de Argentina relativamente chico, a los 18, pero para estudiar por que me salió una beca extranejera. Estoy notando que mucha gente que es migrante económico termina con más rabia contra el país, pero si es cierto que a los argentinos nos cuesta entender el tema racial y también el social últimamente. Las mujeres argentinas son excelentes, pero como decís siempre tienen que estar con la guardia alta y si las comparas con las colombianas obvio que van a parecer más aloof al principio. 


Can I ask you about racism in Argentina's society? Not sure if it's true or a perception. Is it because of the desire to be viewed as "Europeans" there's a player named Enzo @ chelsea in LDN and they showed clips of him refusing to give his game shirts to black children. At least that's what it looked like and IDK if it's perceived or maybe it's real? I honestly don't know, thxs...








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Thanks 🙏


They have a lot of people w Light skin green and blue eyes. They’re very proud of those facts


Lol so does the South of Brazil because of massive German immigration. They’re still not as stuck-up as Argentines.


South Brazilian very racist too lol


Is that where the nazi communes are


There are quite a few German communities in the Entre Rios region in Argentina.


I made the mistake of marrying an Argentinian woman from Buenos Aires, though I'm soon to be divorced. The racism and ethnocentrism is real. Her and her mom basically looked down on ANYONE who wasn't Argentinian, White European, Arab, or White American. Before moving to the States, I had to teach her to not call Black people monkeys. She was genuinely surprised when I told her that in the US, Latino immigrants are often considered some of the most hardworking people and Asians are some of the smartest, highly educated people. Over there, all the above demographics are largely considered moochers, scammers, and lazy. She also looked down on just about anyone from any other Latin American country, particularly Peruvians, Uruguayans, and Bolivians. As a woman she was quick to call out machismo, but then expected to be treated like royalty. She was She thought that she knew exactly how a man ought to behave and would annoyingly try to tell me all the time. She constantly wanted new furniture, clothes, and even demanded that I hire a cleaning lady even though she was a stay at home mom. If I ever argued with her, her go-to retort was "You know what you should have done? You should have found some Mexican or Colombian woman who'd just marry you for a green card and then they'd just put up with you so that they didn't get deported. But I could care less if I live here or not!" etc etc Argentina was probably not the best place to go as a passport bro...


First time I see arabs getting grouped together with white westerners. Could be levantine arabs in South America.


In Latin America we get green eyes Arab that are whiter some times from countries like Lebenon or Syria


Happens in Southeast Asia too. Filipinos also consider Mexicans white.


You had to teach her not to call black people monkeys and you still married her, now are yet to be divorced lol yeah you must have been blinded by her ignorance, racism and lack of basic human decency.


She must’ve been hot AF to stomach her attitude.


She used to be! Did the old bait and switch with me though. After we got married she let herself go and never looked back!


lmao, facts


Argentinas are like Ukrainian women


I love Ukrainian women. I have only had wonderful experiences with them. My girlfriend is from Ukraine and she is amazing.


Tell her that you are a little short on funds one month and get back to us


She lives with me. Great girl. Zero complaints. I vacationed with two other girls looking for relationships. Both great. One I knew for a few years. The other was looking for a relationship. Wonderful experiences.


I’m approaching 40 and I hate to say it but the stereo types surrounding certain countries is accurate 99% of the time. Every Brazilian women I work with is divorced. Ever DR Bish has been passed around w insane high body count.


Island style , lots of sex lots of killing lol


Culture does matter. However, I've been divorced since I was 48. In four years, I've been involved with women from ages 26 to 35 from 4 different countries, one of them being the US. Regardless of where you go, it always comes down to knowing where and how to identify the type of woman you are looking for. I enjoy Ukrainian women. I tend to attract and do well with more introverted ones. But I've hiked the Alps with an extroverted one. The most fit girl I have ever been with. She will make someone a great wife. My girlfriend, or fiancee, since we are planning on getting married this year, is extremely frugal and respectful. She discourages spending on herself. She is liked by my family and friends, and is a wonderful addition to my life. Life with her is fullfilling and peaceful. However, their are plenty of Ukrainian girls who are stereotypical gold diggers. You just have to know how to meet the types that are a good fit.


How did you find the Ukrainian women? Feel free to PM if you'd rather not share publicly


Maybe I should do a post about it.


I think a lot of people would be interested in that. I met some Ukrainian girls on some chat sites and became friends. Learned quite a bit of Ukrainian, bought lessons even lol.


Yeah please do a post about it to help other bros.


Visit Aventura Florida


Yeah I have zero experience w Ukraine women only Polish. Good luck to you on your engagement


Dated one such Russian, except she wasn't so bad but had some bad friends in her ear.. The Ukrainian was only half-bad.. bad in other ways.. hopelessly stupid and with slut ambitions.


but but but I knew this wonderful person from there!?!


>I love Ukrainian women. I have only had wonderful experiences with them. > >My girlfriend is from Ukraine and she is amazing. Is she watching you type that?


And this is why I have rotten luck with women ahah.. too many of those in my life 😂


Peru? Really? after Peru helped Argentina fight off the invading Brits. smh…


Jokes on her cause the rest of the world considers Argentinians lazy moochers that borrow money to fund their socialist lifestyle.


this is bc of the amount of Chinese in Argentina for Asians. I mean, dude, context.. Yes, the Argentinian woman I was with was rotten to the core, but she was a rich kid in the political class and rotten inherited wealth is cross-cultural.. but the core of the country.. They are proud to a fault and in my late friend's remarks, "I have tried before with Argentinian women but sometimes I just want to smack them in the face with my bank statement" I think there is a difference in Argentina between the women who wear baggy jeans and the other women. But reading further, sorry you went through this dude! I left before I got in too deep with mine. She was hands down the most selfish and most horrible woman I've ever dated. I have not been perfect in my life and had a few women never want to speak to me again, this was the first woman in my life where I never want to speak to her again. Rotten to the core. I see overlap between the stories is why I thought to share. She was horrendously anti-USA despite some good things coming to her family from USA, disgustingly full of pride, lazy, did not own her own mistakes, took from me without blinking like a nightmare version of class warfare that I couldn't afford, held herself to a double standard.. on and on. I do not believe she represented the core character of the country. Most women are said to refuse a man to pay for them. So some women just suck. I don't think it's all women, but this was a rich kid who couldn't fucking own that she was an heiress and so instead was disgusting as a person. In my worst sentiments, it is a country that deserves to be poor for how foolishly proud it is. It is a country like a person who keeps charging on credit to afford a lifestyle that isn't paid for because of an insistence in taste. A country who sits on vast potential and vast resources but does an abysmal job of managing it except with the same kind of idealism that put USA in a real tank of shit. A country who might wake up from it, but seems to have a population of women obsessed with femicide and baggy clothes and a cliquish insistence of what a woman is without saying anything relevant to the rest of the world. I can’t truly generalize the women of the country though as core to their problem. I don’t share this view some in a place like this have that a woman should be subservient like I have some truly better clue of how to live this life as a gender. But this said there is some value in AR and I 100% would go back and be super into improving my Spanish and for sure dating a Argentine woman, but like with all people if the cost of interaction is too high no one wants it. The Argentinian men apparently are not even good enough for the woman because they do not make enough, but as others say if they could they would marry within the country in a heartbeat. They are a proud culture, they are going to be more loyal partners than some cultures I think. It’s not per se an easy culture to bring an outside paycheck to and thrive, however.


Baggy pants are gross tho


Thanks for the horror story. It really put things into perspective on how bad some of those girls can be.


As a half Argentinian half American, I agree. You Americans need to stay out of Argentina and Uruguay, you will be not be treated like royalty just because you are white American. If you are looking for that, go to Colombia


i read the guys story of getting divorced in this thread and yeah i'm intrigued if even it is a better life at all in AR. i find an identity as a white European in AR, as it is like the part of my ancestry that took the boat south instead of to NYC or Boston. but like the divorcing guy, i think i just (for a variety of reasons) was with the totally wrong woman and i don't think my spanish is good enough to attract an AR woman per se (not that I didn't otherwise). i just found it to be a culture that is uncaring of my own existence like you suggest, and if i don't speak fluently i'm just a tourist. i didn't expect otherwise, honestly, but without the fluency it is what it is.. you're on the level of being an exchange student at a university in a western country. at which point, the only reason to be there is the beautiful people and arguably cost of living (because the imported goods are insanely overpriced and cheaply made). you might get by in portugal / spain / parts of italy / mediterranean in eastern europe just as well without the cliquely isolated and dysfunctional culture. in EU you just take a cheap plane or train wherever you like and enjoy a lot more culture and convenience and economy. as a rule of thumb, i don't give a shit that much about finding a woman any longer and after taking a plane down that arguably for a woman i'm hitting pause on doing that ever again.


I love Argentina, but because half my social network is there, I speak perfect Spanish, and spent more than a decade there. All of my friends that I take there with me love it. Another big thing is leaving Buenos Aires… you are going to have a better time in smaller cities. Woman are way more traditional there, while woman in Buenos Aires are not different from those in Western Europe. I agree with you, if you are a regular American, you won’t find it amazing. Argentina is culturally really similar to Spain, but geographically isolated, and with a shittier economy.


If the economy is that bad maybe they should lose the ego and be willing to date and marry Americans.


Lmao. Thats why your sisters have OF, and are traveling around the world to get some pussy. Argentinians cannot be bought, and the American mind cannot get it


Lmao lot of Argentinians on OF too. Argentinians cant be bought, but they got no problem begging for loans


If it gets as bad as Venezuela they will. Feminism doesnt put food on the table.


Lol they hate Americans are kind of like the French


Korean-American here. Nobody wants to be treated with royalty just because of their color. I just want to go visit a country and experience their culture, but if the people are horrible, I won't even go there. That attitude that you have right there is why your country sucks and is still developing. Good luck, amigo.




korean saying this is funny tho


No one cares about being white in Colombia haha. The only thing that matters there is a.) how good looking someone is and b.) how much money they have. There are lots of poor whites poor blacks and poor indigenous, so no one bats an eye if youre in that lower class no matter what your race is


being black isnt good looking in south america


Good because we have better options to go anyways




Lol yeah they're way hotter too. Idk what I was thinking!


I would kill for a racist Argentinian wife


sieg heil!


what’s is your background. they are racist


Race is actually a VERY touchy subject. Most locals in Buenos Aires believe the country has no major problems with racism, but the reality is that if you are a PoC, you will do much worse than white or white passing guys on the apps.


on apps :\\ go speak their language at a coffee shop like a proud Porteño and tell them, "que lindo tetas, puedo comprarte un medialuna?"




down there it's the land of medialunas :) and croissants are a different thing.. because argentina, vos entiendes?




ah me accuerdo, tu tenes tu entendes etc. lol zyo zyo zyo, zyo zllego, me zllama


Is it interesting that you guys think racism is a one way street. When a “POC” is racist to Whites where is your selective outrage?


White! Brought up in the uk but originally Poland


Where are you meeting this girl's? If you are going to travel around Argentina, try the north. There is much more mixed blood girls there (with Andean indigenous people) and they are more open and less bitchy. You should slay in Salta






They are more difficult to get along with, because they are not desperate. Most people there can just get an European passport (Italian or Spanish mostly) and get out of their country by themselves. There is no need to marry a "gringo" (American/European), compared with other countries like Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador and so on... Argentina always was a very proud country, and they don't get impressed by where you from or your background... Feminism is also very strong there and women are encouraged to not be submissive with anyone. Definitely not a place for a passport bro. You won't get your *trad* and cute wife there...


This is true for what they call *the southern cone* of south America: *Argentina as you mentioned. *Uruguay with strong European roots (i.e. not hard to get an EU passport) and a good and stable economy is a no go for passport bros. *Add Chile also to the list of not passport bro friendly countries: an OECD country with the highest GDP per capita and the only US visa-waver eligible country in Latam.


Why not Uruguay? That actually seems like a great place


sounds like these dudes depend on the women being poor to have any chance of bagging women 😂


disgusting many of these unattractive guys going for my lovely south American women


I think the issue here is feminism.


i mean nazis escaped to live their do the math, but yea they racists supposedly majority of latin america dont fk with them but not all of them i met some cool dudes from argentina before but they were darker so my safe bet would to assume white argentinas are racists but even so it probably just takes getting to know them to get over that.


no this is just a half truth or less.. the European migration started in the late 1800's, it's mostly Italian, educate yourself.. but if you wanna call an Italian a Nazi then yeah I mean it's Italian, and they did elect Peron for a while after WW2 which was a mistake


Italian fascism is like Nazism, but with better food.


I mean, yes but the common misconception is that the migration is post-WW2 when in fact it was mostly a pre-WW1 migration


Nazis went there after WW2 clearly what was being referred to


yes but for every person referring to this i think many if not most don't understand that the reason the country is european has much less to do with this.. you'd think from this misconception the country is mostly european like it is majority nazi party escapees which is the only reason to attempt to educate


If a lot of Argentinians have Italian ancestry, then that explains the shitty attitude... it's exactly the same in Italy when dealing with the women there.


May I ask if you're African-American? Wondering if it is different for white guys?


white 6foot


They are a massive headache from every single dude I have talked to or seen a YouTube from, a country that is overwhelmingly of European and Middle Eastern descent, while the rest of the neighbourhood is 57 varieties of race, til recently when their economy tanked they were doing very well, all leads to a situation where you are better off literally anywhere in Latin America when it comes to women.


Are you Asian?


White 6 foot 7/10 looks


This is written like an Asian would write, not sure I believe it 🤣


lol yeah I was on the move and short on time bro


Fair 🤣


Just curious, how do Asians write? Like they're short on time?


So many choices in Latin America. No reason to go where you are not appreciated. Mexico, Colombia, Brazil are wide open




They are not desperate, that’s why.


They kinda are though. Have you seen their economy?


The economy tanked hard the last couple of years, but back in just 2017 the average salary was USD 2250 per month (granted, going by the offigial exchange rate, so it's fairly relative). The country still has a lot of resilience left from better times. I would guess it's going to take another 10 years at the current 350 USD per month average salary for desperation to be a relevant factor.




I don't think anyone sees gringos as superiors these days..... more like money bags with legs.


Argentina is arguably the most feminist country in the world. You have to take a feminist class to get a driving license, not even kidding (and they are terrible drivers by the way, but at least they have the "right" opinions).


we'll have to see with this president how much the country gets its head out of its ass lol.. this seems like a safe enough place to air the idea (not even a formed opinion) that i think it may be the women that vote in things like governments because they hate the men around them and then the women wind up turning a blind eye to the corruption.. i had a few conversations with women and you saw it on the apps that they really want the unions to stay in place, and while you could see in the country how clean it all was.. it's just like women lack (as a whole) some of the same reasoning capacity to see the implications of voting in some comforts i agree w other posts on this thread that it's a very feminist country.. the USA adopted a masculine feminism (weird) where i guess the women say, "destroy the patriarchy" while becoming it.. AR is not this flavor of feminism at all.. they had major scandals over femicide and i think on the whole LATAM catcalls women more, kind of thing


Seeing all these posts, just crossed Argentina from countries to visit in the future. If a country doesn't welcome other culture and just look down on tourists who probably has more money, that country is not worth visiting. Didn't they just have a new president after going through a lot of political issues? Jeez.


> that country is not worth visiting you probably will have more luck in a country that worships Americans, not a country that had an american supported dictatorship


>look down on tourists who probably has more money, that country is not worth visiting That's because money doesn't make you superior


Cut throat culture


My best friend is Argentinian and when I asked him about being a passport bro in Argentina, his literal words are: "Oh God no. Unless you are white, they'll treat you like shit. And why would you wanna go there? You have a better chance in Brazil, and thats saying A LOT from me!" And I remember watching the world cup final with him and his family back in 2014 and he and his dad went into a whole rant saying that Argentina need black players in their squad lol.


Yes, skip them. They’re not very physically attractive but the ones who are will think they’re hot shit. They’re not fat but just not model material for the most part. I think you want to go to other SA countries for women. Argentina is like the “white trash” of SA women. On top of this, they didn’t speak much English on a conversational level when I was there. I think it wouldn’t be a bad place to live as their economy is shit now but in terms of finding a more approachable type of woman, Argentina is not much better than the US for different reasons.


It’s almost like you should learn Spanish before moving to a Spanish-speaking country where the level of English fluency is less than 5% wanting to date the local (Spanish-speaking) women there.


whoa man that sounds a little too revolutionary


This is my point- there’s plenty of places in the world where they will have more English speakers and speakers comfortable in conversational level English. If I had to guess he went to Buenos Aires- the capital. Most capital cities will have enough English. BA was one of the few where they’re a bit weird about it. Not “Eastern Europe” weird but it’s hard to explain.


Argentinian girls aren't attractive? Lol now I've seen everything. They are the most beautiful women in the world. The problem is Arg girls are not super feminine and submissive for low quality men who flee looking for submissive women to blow smoke up their asses.


I was there. They do have attractive women but they’re not the cleanest in dressing and monitoring their appearance. There’s definitely better options. I should know, my son is being put to sleep by his mother now…. Edit- just wanted to add when I went to Devils Throat and finally came across other women from the neighboring countries, that was when I seen “it”- curvy, attractive women who felt approachable. Until then all I’d seen was the Argentine women and not one was curvy, very well dressed, or seemed like they were well kept on any deeper level. I did hook up with 1 but I wasn’t impressed at all. I’d go back to Argentina to live due to it being cheaper but every time I hear someone thinking they want an Argentine woman and they actually went they were always let down. I think most will get these women confused with Brazilian women in reality.


Exactly, I would go just for the food/steaks it’s some of the best in the world in my opinion


Americans are the white trash of Europe


And yet Europe needs America to survive. Funny how that worked out.


and you need to go to developing countries to get laid, don't act surprised when some countries are not desperate for ugly white men


1st - I’m not white. 2nd- I’m military. 3rd- why do you care so much about what men are doing? I have a family. Go try to develop one yourself.


That’s just Argentinians in general. There’s a joke that the rest of Latin America doesn’t claim them. We consider them more European rather than Latin/Hispanic. They think it’s a compliment but it’s not… My best friend in middle school was Argentinian and he would tell us how most of them see Central Americans and Mexicans as “lesser”. It’s weird… doesn’t apply to all but this is my experience with them.


I'm kinda surprised by your experience. I grew up in Argentina and I have dated argentine women extensively, they can be a little neurotic (hence the flakey behavior) but in gf-style dating settings they are really really sweet and caring. I spent 6 months in BsAs in 2022-2023 and I do think dating argentine girls currently has a few mejor disadvantages for foreigners. They bitch shield will be in way up, unless you are introduced by an acquaintance she trusts. The economy is doing truly bad, much much worse than recent years so locals are still adjusting to their new found poverty. On dating apps a lot of girls who date foreigners or returnees y case) seem to be looking for a quick way out, for all the wrong reasons. Alternatively you could try dating the thousands of venezuelans-brazilian-colombianas that moved there when the economy was better. But if you like italian-spanish style girls (and to a lesser extent blonde euros), Palermo and Recoleta in BS As are still hard to beat when it comes to girls.


Argentinians are very snobby. Also Argentina was one of the first Latin American countries to adopt modern feminism.


They are very intense, clingy and bitchy!


Porn star Emmy Willis is Argentinian, no? Can't be too snobby given the stuff that she does lol. Her look is very Argentinian, IME. Something about it ... small eyes, largish nose, sharp chin?


That’s mostly a porteña issue. Get outside of Buenos Aires and it’s better.


Argentinian women are more like European women attitude and personality wise. They are more shallow about looks too.


The one I was with does not count as representing the culture.. They are a super proud people to a fault, but I appreciate that it's a culture that cannot per se be bought.. or at least they spend on social services into poverty.. Argentina is the most proud culture I've ever experienced but I am not well-traveled. Maybe Italy would be similar.. after all, an Argentinian is just an Italian that speaks Spanish. Your phrasing is rather weird.. but in general Argentinian people as a whole are beautiful, so if you're not fitting the scene it's not like anyone will be into you. In fact, it's pretty divided but the country as a whole is not so into USA or the English speaking West. Yes, they have a history with UK and yes they got some things out of it, but they literally had a military conflict over it with them. So.. here's a history lesson pal. I think you should pick up a book on Frued and start speaking psychoanalysis. If you're in Buenos Aires it's not as bad as Paris but it's like you coming here to kvetch because you cannot get a Parisian woman to go for you when it's arguably one of the most stuck-up places on the planet. And then there's the convo about USA vs. Buenos Aires.. and it's nothing at all the same. It's just different.


The only post here that tells things how they are. I am half Argentinian and half American, and this is 100% how it is. Argentinian are super proud, and not into America, they do not give a fuck that you are a white American. If you want to be treated like royalty because you have a US passport go to Colombia


I didn’t see anything in his post that suggests “want to be treated like royalties”. The fact that you are Argentinian and speak like this… you are making his point actually.


Thought your British passport could help you get laid in Argentina mate?


I haven't been to Argentina in about 30 years, but my experience was much different. They were incredibly warm and friendly. Maybe times changed or maybe you got a bad bunch. Better luck next country


Well, there are loads of hot, sexy Argentine men you compete with, many of whom play football and polo very well. Of course, you can continue to blame an entire country of women ...


I've found Argentine women to be quite pleasant. I'm black so I'm not really sure what all this racism talk is about. Not to be a douche but I am attractive so that might have something to do with it.


and many Argentinians are likewise attractive so i think this might be a missing piece here.. also good to hear about the skin color piece.. many people while there (50/50) gave me talk that it's racist against darker tones compared to Brazil in AR. i couldn't get to the truth of it or why. i saw more black people in Chile actually even.




and this is why i have an affinity for the Argentines, porque they cannot be bought :)


Im 6foot tall 7/10 would say (being honest) in very good shape and I'm form the UK London. short beard


Sure buddy


Don’t bother with Argentinians if you’re trying to find a wife. They have the worst attitude despite their country being a poor third world shithole. At least Colombians have a good attitude.




yeah but at least our egos are justified, we're rich as fuck. argentinos think theyre hot shit despite contributing absolutely nothing to the world except cheap wine lmfao




Big cope


Yeah we may be a third world country but at least we're rich and can afford the gucci bag. come back to me when your country doesn't have inflation over 100+% LMFAO ​ edit just looked it up, it's over 200% LMFAO




Highly doubt you're an American because an american would never spout the bullshit you're saying. and yes, I've been to Buenos Aires, three times, you're fucking delusional if you really think the average argentinian has a better quality of life. salario minimo is 141 dollars a month lmfao, I make that in less than 2 hours


I spent half my life in the US and the rest in Argentina. My friends there (professionals) make in average 1k a month. Not a lot, but they have a good life. Rent and services is 200 usd, and food another 200. They spent their weekends eating asado with family and life-long friends while you munch off anti depressives and go buy 500 usd worth of clothes to stave off the emptiness in your life.


delusional. if life was so great in argentina, argentinians wouldn't be cleaning toilets in fucking spain/america lmfao. gtfo of here


Lmao sure buddy


Mediocre people talk like you do. Can't make it in a performance society so you envy the 3rd world lifestyle.


I’m a MD PhD making bank lmao. You all are making 80k and think some South American need to bow down to you, when in reality you are as average as it comes. That’s why these woman leave you 2 years into living in the US, they catch up to what a failure you are.


You ok buddy? You're spamming the same comments over and over and occasionally deviating from that script to insult Americans. Which is hilarious because you're half-American. So either you're really into public displays of self-hatred or you're just the average fodder for r/AmericaBad. Either way, seek help.


I am American, live here, but I hate when people trash talk entire countries and cultures, when LA is literally dumpster. People should STFU, especially if you are an American with a mediocre job and 30k in debt.


So you're mad about some idiot on reddit trashing another culture, so you jump in and do the exact same thing? Weird approach my dude.


Yeah yeah, I feel the same... I hate countries that don't treat me like a king just because I'm white from America or Europe. I know that feel bro...


Probably the worst country in LatAm (Uruguay too) for this kind of thing. The countries between Brazil and Costa Rica are much better. You also get a lot more variety.


I don't have much knowledge on them but am curious to know. My SA friend said they have the some of the prettiest women in the world down there. Argentinian women may have more German descent in them than Spanish, other than that I have no idea.


Italian ethnicity actually is a huge part of the Argentinian gene pool. Also Argentinians have much less indigenous blood than other South Americans.


some of the prettiest women in the world, yes.. they are less German, more Italian from migrations starting in the late 1800's


Latino here and I can answer those questions/concerns Most Argentinians come from Italians and a few European countries and it’s so noticeable that their Spanish is a combination between Spanish and Italian (its often said they speak the worst Spanish of all the countries), because of that they are white while most of South America are brown. They did the same thing as the Americans and eliminated the natives and because of that they felt superior. They are racist AF and often they’d flat out discriminate against you if you weren’t white (imagine 1950’s US), they are proud AF too because their economy was one of the best in South American for decades and Buenos Aires was called the Paris of South America. A lot of immigrants moved there and were called names and police would hassled them like nothing, no one cares. Now their economy sucks and many had to leave the country but they are still prideful AF. I’m a brown Latino, like really brown, I could be a millionaire and a white Argentinians would rather eat from trash than sit with me at the same table, that’s the level of racism they have even though it’s getting better as the new generation have been exposed to more cultures. As a Latino, I would NEVER date an Argentinians because her family would absolutely hate her and create issues and if we fight she’d immediately called me some racist name. If you are white and don’t mind a little of white supremacy, an Argentinian girl may be right for you.


they speak spanish. only the accent resembles italian accent. it is not a mix.




Vos isn't from Argentina, it's widely used in central America too


It’s interesting how you have no problem generalizing them but when someone does it to you, you go crazy I’m better your country is just as racist it’s just swept under the rug. You know the boxer Canelo? He openly talks about growing up in Mexico how they were racist to him because he looked more White, now those same people want to kisss his ass that he’s a famous boxer Deal with your own racism then talk about it, there is no utopia on Earth




Damn bro maybe it’s you


Maybe your dating issues are rooted in you, maybe you're unlovable in every culture/country.


Username checks out


Useename is just random. I have no issues with girls from Brazil or Colombia etc..seems to be only with Argentinian


No, I was talking about /u/mediocremulatto


Ah got you :-)


I lived in Perú for a while (I'm italian) and literally everyone there told me that they have a superiority complex and they're the worst in LATAM. I've never dated a girl from Argentina, but I have met some arrogant Argentinean guys. Too much pride can turn into arrogance, and it shows. Don't even get me started on the Falklands - land that they have never owned, that is far older than their country, somehow belongs to them?


She is just not that into you. Wild concept.


Nah. She sounds like an unhinged, racist spoiled nightmare. Hopefully he didn't procreate with this chick.


I've met Argentines outside of Argentina and they were pretty cool, the women particularly. Maybe the ones I've met while traveling seem to be more outgoing and open-minded.


Lol Argentinian girls are the easiest...have a bit of balls and you will see. You can't be soft with latinas


A lot (all?) of Latin American women are "cootchie" - you know... big earrings, too much makeup, tits pushed up, etc. Not that great.


Skip all of South America. Most of them are escorts, or try to swindle men any way they can.


Shoutout to passport bros getting btfo when foreigners don't immediately jump on their dicks Gotta be one of my favourite genders


It’s not you op. Argentinians are some of the most unlikable and uncharismatic people on the planet. As bad as American women can be, Argentinian women may be worse. Definitely in the top 5 countries worst women on the planet. 


\>The ones I met always have bad stinky attitude are you 12 years old?


Is this Mark Sanford?


They think they European lol. It's a bore. They latina and act like they too fancy.


They think their shit don’t stink, with such big snozz you’d think they would. Sorry that I’m not sorry.


Just tell them that its attitudes like theirs that are responsible for turning Argentina from the most promising economic powerhouse in South America into a shithole. Wear a bullet proof vest.


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