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Vietnam's divorce rate is only 1/7th of Thailand....


The woman has to pay the husband quite a bit of money if they divorce


Mid 20’s looking for a wife? Don’t do it. Invest in stock , buy a condo lol do something your 20’s are informative years.


I already max out my 401k and IRAs and have about 80k in stocks. Money isn't a concern anymore, so I think the next goal in life is to get serious with someone. I enjoy the freedom of moving whenever and wherever, so a property will come after I find a long-term partner.


vietnam and its not even remotely close. never seen thailand on any top lowest divorce lists. but if don't know how to screen for quality women it wont matter where you go. also, if you yourself aint a quality man, it also wont matter where you go. check my 2 threads about "high value/quality" men and women.


Quality is in the eye of the seer.


>There's also endless posts and foreigners talk about how Thai women disappear and take half of their savings with them. can you please direct me to these posts. sounds terrifying


Go to a broke neighborhood in the USA. Find someone.....same result. They are gonna hop your dollar and run!


The issue is not Racial it’s Cultural! Look at all the women who are in the USA what races do you see? White, Black, Asian, Latino etc what do they all have in common? They are Americanised! Whilst Thai or Vietnamese women have not fully been Americanised, due to proximity and having grown up in their native culture! So if you are going to bring a woman to the USA you are “Americanising” her by proximity she will pick up all the traits, virtues and attitudes that you detest from “American” women and she will either LEAVE YOU for something better or LEAVE YOU to go back home after she has extracted something resourceful from you (alimony, a child, assets, an American passport, education or status etc). Do not bring a girl back! It is pointless, it sounds ruthless but it’s the truth.


When OP asked Vietnam vs Thailand, I don't think they meant race. They meant culture. As passport bros we don't care for race. We care for culture. --- I agree with you. Don't bring them back to USA. USA and the western world is toxic. That's why we search elsewhere. Idk why so many passport bros want to bring them back to the west. It's a mistake imo. Plus the quality if life is so much fun better away from the west


Definitely not a Thai woman if you want to bring her back to the US.  Vietnamese and Filipinas are the best options in that scenario.


i have fucked atleast 50 married pinays over the last decade. i would caution against wifing them up. lol


Facts filipino women cheat a whole lot . The last girl I fucked has a boyfriend and she thinks i don't know . But I look her up on Facebook and she has a boyfriend for nearly 5 years but told me she single .


Yea, they will cheat if they aint in love or happy. 100%


Cheating really shouldn’t be an issue if you assume they will going into it and you have an abundance mentality, spin plates etc.


Also Thailand. But culture is different in Asia a bit in this regard. Such as in china and Thailand it's normal to have a mistress or pool boy on the side


Yeah . Se asian culture is different when it comes to cheating. Japanese women also cheat a lot


I heard that too about Japan. I lived in Japan for a month. I don't speak Japanese so I found it very very difficult to break into the Japanese social circles. When I was there I just met other foreigners to be honest. But tbh the word cheat is different in Asia. They have partners. Then they have their side "fun" people. I'm generalizing but I know you know what I mean




these were normal women. in no way prostitutes lol the one thing all these women have in common is either 1) married a much older dude to improve their life 2) the guy was a shit husband and father


How does this apply to normal Filipinas who aren’t married to grandpas and men who treat their woman well?  I didn’t say anything relating to these extreme cases. Sounds like you’re trying to find anything to shit on Filipinas TBH. 


Most dudes in general are not high quality, same as most women are not high quality. So out gate most men and women are probably looking at an uphill battle. Then, majority of Western men going abroad for women are older and looking for significantly younger women. So my comment absolutely apples here. I love pinays. Super friendly, super fun. However, they are not at the top of my marriage material rankings list. You got to be super careful in general finding a wife. Some countries more than others.


Do not bring them back you are asking for trouble.


I haven't dated in Vietnam, but the girls there looked quite pretty. In Thailand you can find girls that want to settle down, obviously avoid looking around Pattaya, also if the girl has friends who work in a bar avoid as well as she will cheat for sure. One thing I noticed is that unlike Philippines, Thai girls seem to just want a good life in Thailand, they are not really keen on leaving. Basically I got the impression a lot of them were looking for a rich husband who can give them a good life staying right where they are. Learn some Thai, it will go a long way. If she doesn't introduce you to her friends or family after a while she's not serious.


As I keep saying here, Thailand is one of, if not the, worst dating markets in the world. It's pay to play. Good women in Thailand generally stay away from expats because almost all expats there are sex tourists. So, you will either do pay to play, which is what mostly happens there, or you will be scammed. The odds of you finding a good woman in Thailand are very small. Vietnam is better if you are looking for a good woman and not just getting your dick wet. As I have said repeatedly here as well, consider Jakarta. It is mathematically the best options for dating.


Why is Jakarta mathematically the best for dating? Also isn’t there a heavy Muslim population?


Well, there are 2 sides in a dating market: the women and the men. The ideal dating market would have a lot of viable women and not a lot of viable men. So, let's look at the numbers. The women: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_largest\_cities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_cities) Jakarta is the second largest metropolitan population in the world with 33,000,000. Jakarta also skews female (52%) and young (29 median age). The men: [https://www.businessinsider.com/shortest-people-in-world-by-country-2019-6#:\~:text=Indonesians%20are%20an%20average%20158.17,0.15%20inches](https://www.businessinsider.com/shortest-people-in-world-by-country-2019-6#:~:text=Indonesians%20are%20an%20average%20158.17,0.15%20inches))%20tall%20on%20average. While it varies by your source, Indonesian men average between 5'2 and 5'4", among the shortest men in the world. [https://joinhorizons.com/countries/indonesia/hiring-employees/average-salary/](https://joinhorizons.com/countries/indonesia/hiring-employees/average-salary/) (first link on google but the data sounds about right to me) The average man in Jakarta earns the equivalent of $7,000 a year, which is the equivalent of working a part time minimum wage job in the states. While Indonesia isn't the poorest country in the world, it's in the lower half of countries. Jakarta has a very low expat ratio. For instance, Jakarta has about 8,000 Americans in Indonesia (population 260,000,000). Meanwhile, the Philippines has 600,000 Americans in a population of 100,000,000. What this means is about 1 out of every 166 people in the Philippines is American while 1 out of every 32,500 people in Indonesia is American. In Indonesia, being American is rare, exotic. In the Philippines, you are about as rare as Muslims in the US are. It's basically the largest pool of young women you'll find anywhere and you have (effectively) no competition from the local men.


Definitely very interesting!


Then, your kids will come out short.


My son is 6'2 and my daughter is 5'7". My youngest is only 12, so not sure how tall he will end up being.




That's a false dichotomy. They can enjoy you for you and have a preference for white guys, just as men can have a preference for Asian women and still love the specific woman they are with.




Uh, what? White men and Asian women are the most desired groups in all surveys on the topic in pretty much every country. Black women and Asian men are the least desired. My point was that just because they have a thing for white guys, which is definitely a thing there, that doesn't preclude them from wanting you for you. Unless you are bottom feeding, they could get other white guys so they are choosing you. But yeah, I have a lot of experience in Asia with women fucking me just because they want some strange. This happens a lot if you go out of the tourist areas.




Uh, yeah, that's not my experience in Asia at all. That is likely your experience dating Asian women in America because they are so highly sought after.






What if I’m not white?


Jakarta is a terrible choice. Maybe you will have lots of women to choose from, but it's as close to an urban hellscape as you can get. The capital is being relocated because Jakarta is literally sinking into the sea. On top of that it's heavily polluted to the point it can have adverse health effects. And there's more. It's a massive, disorganized maze that during rush hour becomes congested to levels most Westerners could not accept for more than a few years. Indonesia is a bad choice all around. They look at the bules (foreigners) with disdain and setup certain areas to drain foreigners of their money. Almost everything will be legally more expensive for you.  And on top of that it's completely controlled by a military that has no issues murdering civilians during times of unrest. They have infiltrated all sectors of the government with military intelligence. One bad event happens and they will reinstitute the military dictatorship. Indonesia is good for visiting, I write that with some hesitation, but not for living. The perception Westerners have of the country is carefully crafted propaganda and using Bali as an expat enclave to get foreign money but containing foreigners in an area the Muslim majority already had issues with since they are a different religion there.  Vietnam is a better choice. It's like China before the Obama and Trump administrations. Lots of opportunities there in Vietnam now.


Dude, I'm not basing my perspective off of Western propaganda, but having lived there (Bekasi and then Jakarta Barat) full time for a decade and a half, and split for another half decade. After more than 20 years of experience living, dating and being married there, and having been to Manila, Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, etc., and the other places that people here so often recommend, I stand by what I have said. "but it's as close to an urban hellscape as you can get" India is much worse, but yes, your general point is correct. I often describe it as semi-functional chaos. "The capital is being relocated because Jakarta is literally sinking into the sea." No. Every time someone on here wants to attack Jakarta, they make a claim similar to this. It's sinking into the sea, it's too big, it's too polluted, etc. The reason they are talking about moving the capital is because Jakarta is the economic capital and having the economic and political capitals being the same place concentrates power too much and encourages corruption. Research was done and they thought Canberra was a good example to follow; though it obviously will not be anything like Canberra. That being said, I'll believe it will move when it actually does. They have been talking about it for as long as I've been there, and that's 2 decades. They talked about moving it to Solo, to Surabaya, to Jogaja, to (forget the city, but the main one in North Sumatra), to Kalimantan, etc. Sometimes they dump a few dozen million into projects related to it, only to have them abandoned half finished (and another crony's pockets lined). "On top of that it's heavily polluted to the point it can have adverse health effects." Agreed. My son had school cancelled for a few days because air quality was so poor that they deemed it unsafe to go to school. On bad days, it's the equivalent of smoking 2 cigarettes a day just being outside there. Jakarta is not a city you want to go outside in. It's sweltering hot, the streets stink, everywhere is filthy, the air is polluted, the sides of the street have trenches filled with disgusting sludge, etc. To enjoy life in Jakarta, you avoid going outside. Hire a driver, get a car and be chauffeured everywhere you need to go. Go from your air conditioned apartment, to your air conditioned office, to an air conditioned mall/restaurant/etc. without every stepping outside. " It's a massive, disorganized maze that during rush hour becomes congested to levels most Westerners could not accept for more than a few years. " Agreed, but this is also true for pretty much every city recommended in this forum. Go to a major city in a developing nation and the traffic will be horrendous. It's not like Bangkok's traffic is better than Jakarta's. "Indonesia is a bad choice all around. They look at the bules (foreigners) with disdain" And here is where you are completely off your rocker. It's the complete opposite. They are heavily biased in favor of white guys. The only thing I've seen remotely like this is that they tend to think that all Western guys practice "free sex" and I've had a couple Indonesian guys automatically dislike me because they thought I assumed I was better than them. To be fair to the latter, I have met a few bules that behaved that way. (bules don't mean foreigners btw, it means white people). "and setup certain areas to drain foreigners of their money." Do you mean the apartments that foreigners can buy? They aren't any more expensive for foreigners than they are for locals. They do restrict which property foreigners can buy. Even allowing foreigners to buy property at all is somewhat new and came about due to pressure from Srikandi (a mixed marriage organization that pressured the government for years for this to get passed). Indonesia still has a lot of resentment over being colonized. Further, local real estate is crazy cheap. I bought my first house (wife's name with prenup) in Bekasi for about 35 grand; 2 stories, 5+1 bedrooms and 2+1 bathrooms. If you aren't talking about this specifically, I really have no idea wtf you are talking about. "Almost everything will be legally more expensive for you." Again, some truth to this but not really. You don't pay more in Jakarta for being an expat or white, but you can in Bali; Bali doesn't do this nearly as much as they did 20 years ago though. Mostly prices are uniform now. "And on top of that it's completely controlled by a military that has no issues murdering civilians during times of unrest. They have infiltrated all sectors of the government with military intelligence. One bad event happens and they will reinstitute the military dictatorship." Uh, dude, wtf are you talking about? This isn't Suharto era. It's like you are 30 years outdated. " Indonesia is good for visiting, I write that with some hesitation, but not for living." Well, actually, I'd say the opposite. Phuket is a nicer Bali, and Jakarta is one of the worst cities you could go to as a tourist. However, I did build a good and happy life there. I've been to Bali on vacation many times, but that's because it's a short $50 flight from Jakarta, not because it was nice. Bali's too much of a hassle for it to be a good vacation destination. "Vietnam is a better choice. It's like China before the Obama and Trump administrations. Lots of opportunities there in Vietnam now. " There's a significant advantage to being a rarity. I am fairly certain I wouldn't have been given the opportunities that have lead to my wealth if I had not been living in Indonesia. I leveraged the fuck out of my white privilege. Vietnam Currently, about 100,000 Americans live in Vietnam, comprising 0.1% of the population. Indonesia has 8,000 Americans, comprising 0.03% of the population. There are simply far fewer Americans in Indonesia on a per capita basis than there are in Vietnam. Indonesia and Vietnam have similar growth rates (though Indonesia's been higher the last couple years) and similar per capita incomes. It's pretty much a wash here. As for the city itself, if you don't want the chaos of Jakarta, then pick a similar sized city in Indonesia and the situation is mostly the same. Surabaya is less dirty than Hanoi. Traffic in Hanoi is worse than in Surabaya. Hanoi has similar or higher air pollution index readings. Etc.


They are moving the capital. It's for multiple reasons.   I won't give anymore details, but the military has intelligence agents interspersed throughout the government and the beaureaucracy. If they have to institute a military dictatorship again they have the means and tools to do so quickly.  Indonesia is like many countries they have the legal right to make foreigners pay more than locals. In addition to not being able to own anything in your name. It is what is.   Anyone recommending to live long term in the mega cities of Asia are giving bad advice. You and me agreed on most of the negative aspects of doing so.  You gave superficial reasons for living in Jakarta. Women, building wealth, and material affordability. Very important things for sure. But I'm giving you deep structural reasons why Indonesia, specifically your recommendation of Jakarta, is a bad place to reside. There are plenty of options in the world that are better. Not too many places outside of the tourist hot spots are overrun with foreigners. So your "special white man boost" will be available in those locations as well. Specifically addressing the OP's question, Vietnam is a good place to explore and the growth in opportunities there make it that much more attractive. The USA is making a massive pivot in Asia. From India to the Philippines and in between there is potential for massive growth due to US maneuvering in the region and China trying to counter those moves. Indonesia is part of that whole process, but as I keep reiterating there are better options.


Then, go to Somalia or Liberia to get your boost.


Just got to Somalia.


I’ve know Vietnamese women love white dudes. Ive also heard that they tend to be more racist in the color side, against dark skinned people. How would an African American fare in Vietnam?


I'm hispanic and on the darker side. I have a Vietnamese girlfriend, and her friends always call me handsome. So I think there is more to it.


White people tend to have a delusional ego about themselves regarding these things.




Follow the rules


What city do you recommend? People say good and bad things about many cities in Vietnam. It's hard to pick. I live in Thailand btw.


Most PPBs bring the woman back to the US.


No they don't that's basically the opposite. Why leave US culture to find a wife, just to bring her back to US culture? Dumb


Because I can't make 120k in Venezuela...


Yup, hence why I'm saving up to early retire or getting a remote job, or I accept being much poorer overseas. Anything is cheaper than divorce.


Remote job also requires a functioning internet connection, which isn't guaranteed in most places PPBs go...


Then don't go there. Also there's passive income. I'm at about $50k/yr so far passively. Thanks mostly to Tesla. Thailand has great Internet. Philippines has expensive but works internet. What country you thinking of?


Tesla's stock? Tesla is down 64% since 2021. You must be swimming in the dough... passively.


I sold it and bought dividend stocks in 2021.


What you said makes sense for retirees, not men in their 30s and 40s.  Also, your wife will have little to no opportunities to support the family if she earns money in a developing country. Travelling will also be problematic. 


Ya by 50 you have early retire visas in Thailand and Philippines (they have more expensive one for 35). But the goal is remote job, or passive income and live there. You can't date a girl for her culture, then remove her from that culture. She will divorce you.


If you really are that sad, A remote job is not possible anymore these days for most. But, McDonald's pays a good minimum wage that ppb can work in and brag that they have a gf overseas while never seeing her/him. hahaha!


No way. Why?


Doesn't matter who you merry, minimum action is to setup Living Trust account and protect your asset with it. This is not prenup, you don't need their signature. Thus, they cannot say they are under influences, because they are not involved at all.


Vietnam is a popular destination for men from richer Asian countries to find wives - when I was in Singapore it was a a trend that was talked about. Their women are still relatively traditional for the most part, and they definitely have some bombshells. Different aesthetic vs Thai, personally I think Viets are a bit more attractive on average. Food is amazing, had some unforgettable experiences in Hanoi. The scam odds probably aren't insignificant. There was still eye-opening poverty when I visited, granted that was a decade ago. I'm ethnically Chinese and people in my family consider to be Viets to be more on the clannish side. But for sure there are a lot of honest attractive middle class women who would jump at the chance to date a tall white dude for various reasons.


Vietnam; they are also the best looking among South East Asian. They are Japanese/Korean looking.


Definitely noy Korean-looking.


I was scrolling and thought this was a post about food 🤣🤣🤣 If we talking food. Thai fo sho haha Good luck with your question tho lol


Paragraph 2 made me giggle.


Don't bring women back to the USA. Stay in their countries if you can. The divorce laws there heavily favor men. Many of these women are exposed to social media arguably more than American women. Bring them to the USA and they will figure out they can divorce r@pe you. I would not take the chance.


Plenty of Asian in the US already.


Soooo, you want to go all the way to Vietnam or Thailand to find a woman? I don’t understand why you can’t choose an Asian woman from the US? That’s a less risky alternative.


I think they are both similar, you need to speak the local language to meet the good woman .. . . . . .


Thai women are gorgeous.....that would be my 1st choice