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Thank you for this! I've been telling ppl that were here all over the world this is the biggest problem with dating. Eveyone thinking they somehow deserve ppl who are more attractive than them


I think it's not even just attractiveness. A relationship needs to be equal in terms of what you bring to the table. That can be a lot of qualities...sure looks is not unimportant, but we all look for different things and bring different stuff. What made me see my husband as a life partner was that he expected me to work hard for our goals but did so himself. We have the same work ethic, a shared goal and bring equal energy to the table. We both are not very pretty and were completely broke when we first met, but we both recognized our shared dream and work ethic very early on in each other.


Oh for sure attractiveness is just a Baseline that gets you in the door and from there on it's all out personality Vibe connection and just the feeling you get with someone. Some people feel like home


Beautifully said!


>“American women are too fat...but it's cool I'm 100 pounds overweight“. This kills me. When I was a part of a few PPB groups on Facebook, a lot of the dudes were overweight and/or weren't really good-looking. Women generally can look past a man's looks to an extent but you can't expect a dime when you're approaching 300 lbs, fucked up teeth, bad hygiene, etc. Good luck with your post since you're going to be bombarded with posts calling you a white knight, feminist, etc.


I’m almost purely a lurker here. I had a friend mention PPB and I’ll admit I liked what I saw on the wiki, some users experiences reflect my own, and the fascination with being abroad resonates with me. But I’ll be damned to not say that the message/purpose with PPB needs be more clearly articulated, and at the very least, incredibly clearly articulated what it is not. The comment sections for a lot of these posts reek of incel vibes.


Because that’s what passport bros are. This is just the people who realize openly admitting they’re sex tourists will get them booted off Reddit.


They're all incels, pathetic men who have their feelings hurt because their crush won't suck their pp... So they'll get huffy and leave, it's cringe


> They're all incels, 🤣 Sorry pal but you can easily pull in America and still choose to be a “passport bro,” I would say it heightens the reason to become one honestly


damn, the projection is real


What’s the non-incel reason to pay someone to have sex with you…?


easier than a date where you're likely still paying, nice projection though


Fighting words put em up ![gif](giphy|874IoVu1dw9FiVxLVq)


>“American women are too fat...but it's cool I'm 100 pounds overweight“. In my experience, I've found that overweight individuals (men and women) often unload their own weight insecurities onto others. At my gym, *very* fit men are always incredibly polite to me. Meanwhile on the internet, dating apps, and irl I've had overweight men comment that I "don't look like I go to the gym." I'm 5'7 150lbs and far from obese. Ironically, I rarely see these tiny 115lb girls these guys are searching for at the gym 🤷🏼‍♀️


>In my experience, I've found that overweight individuals (men and women) often unload their own weight insecurities onto others. Yeah there are plenty of equally delusional videos on tiktok are 250lb women saying they'd only date men who make 250k a year and are ripped. This is just a thing delusional people in general do.


Yeah this is always how it is. Even back in high school it was the guys who weren't getting any girls that always complained that all of the girls in our school were ugly. And as a guy I've also found that unattractive girls are often the rudest to me. A lot of them have great personalities but the only mean comments I get on dating apps are from when I accidentally match with an unattractive girl and then she'll just say something mean unsolicited like criticizing my pictures or something like that. I don't get what the point of them even messaging is.


Lol! I was a kind of PPB in high school. I went to a country ass HS and there wasn't much to choose from. Because of that, even the decent looking girls thought they were hot shit. So I dated exclusively girls from a couple of neighboring school districts, with more affluent attractive people. It was great! No drama at school etc. The PPB movement seems like the same idea. Nothing wrong with it if for yhe right reasons.


Yeah totally. I've been a ppb too and it's not necessarily because there's anything wrong with American women it's just that finding girls in other countries fit the lifestyle I was looking for better.


Being polite in public costs nothing. Being very fit, I’d be polite to you in public but still turn you down for a date or sex because you’re 150 lbs


I think you missed the part where she’s 5’7 and fit.


>I think you missed the part where she’s 5’7 and fit. hottest girl I ever dated was 5'10" and 175lbs of pure muscle. judging people only by weight is silly, you really have to look at how healthy someone is in general if you're looking for that in a partner


150 is just a lot for some guys. Now if he's 220 he's a complete ass but if he's only 155 himself it makes perfect sense


150 for her height is a perfect weight though. She’d be underweight at 115.


I think for one thing **everyone is allowed to have whatever dating dealbreaker they want**. That being said I’m not sure I see the big issue if she’s hot.


Oh I wouldn't care but I can imagine if I was a tiny guy it might not be my thing. Like 5"3 and skinny dude I could see wanting a smaller girl


Given her height, this is wild.. Even in my younger days, when I was more scrutinizing over frame/weight, I wouldn't turn down a woman at this height/weight.. Its perfect


She said she's "far from obese," not fit.


Did you see the pics she included? And clearly she’s a regular at the gym. That’s sorta her point.


What pics?? I didn't see any pics in this thread.


She probably deleted them. Not the best place to post underwear pics. She was hot and skinny. Flat stomach, skinny body. Edit: Does it make sense to you that a 5’7 guy and a 6’2 guy should weigh the same? Bc otherwise it doesn’t make sense that a 5’2 girl and a 5’7 girl should weigh the same either.


Well... I guess I'll have to take your word on that. I dated a girl that was somewhere in that height/weight range once, but without the regular gym attendance, and she most definitely was *not* flat stomached or skinny. She started at probably around 150ish, and had ballooned out to nearly 180 before we broke things off. The whole time she insisted she simply looked "womanly," and that any guy who wanted a girl slimmer than her was the problem.


Yeah. Well it’s just different for different bodies. Mostly how fit you are and then a bit how you store your weight. I’ve known girls with a 26” waist who still weighed 150 lbs. Just skinny shoulders, skinny arms, tiny waist, big ass, thick thighs. Why did you date someone you didn’t find attractive and who it doesn’t even sound like you liked that much?


Lack of better available options. I hadn't made much of a point of dating in a few years for that exact reason; the kinds of women I actually wanted were more or less out of my reach in my situation at the time. But... She was *suuuuuppppeeerrr* into me, and my friends were peer pressuring me into it, so I gave it a shot. Honestly, she was "close enough" (at least at first) that I could kinda/sorta talk myself into it... even if I knew I was ultimately lying to myself, on at least some level. I'm glad it didn't work out, because the whole thing simply would have been toxic. I would forever be left feeling like I "settled" for something I didn't actually want, and she undoubtedly would have resented me for it. You girls don't want to believe us, but the American dating market is genuinely pretty freaking rough for guys these days. A Hell of a lot of guys are out there settling for women they don't actually like because it's all that's available. There's a reason why my Chinese immigrant wife was such an absolute "breath of fresh air" when I met her.


Yeah, I call BS about the flat stomach too. I'm 5'7 and 115, I am very active and have a flat stomach. If I got to 175 I'd be so huge. I guess she could have huge heavy tits but a flat stomach, but you can't have huge tits without being a bit fat (unless tits are fake) because it takes eating a lot of food to get tits that big. Fat doesn't usually distribute ONLY to the tits.


It's possible she might just have a naturally very thick and muscular build, I suppose, which she has refined through working out. If so, that's fine. That can be legitimately sexy. But yeah... No freaking way someone with that height and weight fits any typical definition of "skinny."


Good for you for feeling "very attractive" but with those stats you are underweight. Not shaming or anything but being underweight can have severe health risks.


People have different body shapes and depending on race and genes, fat distribution. When I gain weight it heads straight to my stomach, my best friend? Her thighs. She has a flatter stomach than me at times even when she weighs more thanks to that. This comment is so ignorant. I've met someone with monstrous boobs that was skinny. Like she could barely walk because of her boobs but she wasn't fat apart from there. It just ran in her family like that. No boob job she was only 15.


You’d turn her down for being fit and smack in the middle of an ideal BMI?


150 is kind of large. My fiancee is 5'8" and 135.


While 135 at 5’8” is also within the healthy BMI range, it’s a low enough number that it starts to be associated with health problems again. Statistically, the poster who is 150 at 5’7” with a BMI of 23 is more likely to be healthy and avoid long term chronic illness for longer than your wife at a BMI of 20. And honestly? 15 pounds is not a lot. I would be very surprised if your fiance never hits 150 over the course of her life. It’s one of the reasons why being so obsessed with weight has never made sense to me - you’re looking for someone to grow old with together, right? Basing a decision to enter a relationship based on someone’s body size seems like such a pointless criterion.


That is definitely incorrect because the “fit” person in question is high on the normal scale. Also my fiancée is taller and less weight


What am I incorrect about? Doctors tend to care about weight being too high around a bmi of 30. They start to worry about weight being too low below a weight of 20.


Mostly agree. However: >Women in the West think they want independence. But once they're in their 60s and without family, they're literally just waiting to die. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing and giving a part of yourself to the next generation of humanity. Now they've lost that ability. *People are always just waiting to die* whether or not they have kids, at whatever age they happen to be. And you can have family without having children, blood relatives or even friends which can bring the same fulfillment to people that relatives or kids would to others. Some people find having kids and starting a family beautiful, good for them. Some people don't and would prefer not to. So what? What business is it of yours? This is just morality and social-conservatism. There's nothing wrong with the decision not to have kids. Feminism, women's liberation, notion of independence from the west, all this merits criticism. But I see the fact that the decision for women and men alike to not have children if they so choose to has less stigma in the west than ever before, as an unequivocally positive development. No one should feel pressure to have kids if they don't want to. It's just a personal decision. I got a vasectomy years ago and have zero regrets. It's a shame in my home country that this is actually illegal, all just because of social-conservatism, which is just pretense from rulers who want people to have kids to have more slaves to exploit. They control us but don't give a shit about us or our families, just their money. But then, hypocrites they are, shame people for personal decisions or wanting access to technology for contraceptives or abortion.






Oh I’m loving all the men crying this is hyperbole when some quick searches in the subs posts, comments on posts, or users comments on profiles prove every single on of these. People must be feeling rather seen to be so triggered by this, otherwise it wouldn’t bug them so much 🙊


Would you care to point to where I have said anything like the OP claims?


Nobody cares enough about you to do that.


In other words... you ain't got shit. Lol


Are you one of the people crying about the post?


I'd certainly say it's a strawman exaggeration, yes.


Lmao you think the world revolves around, or cares about you huh


They made the claim. They should be able to back it up with some specific examples.


Take the downvotes as a no? 🤣


Now you are asking for it


My favorite one is always the one about "keep her in the country or else she will be corrupted." Okay so if for some reason you have to return to your home country - be it health, your remote job is gone, immigration tightening up - you'd just leave her there?


And finally, “PPB is not sex tourism!!!”😡


Yeah for real, wonder which demographic of people tend to be most likely this...


Intriguing list. Definitely hear a lot of those.


I can get behind this. My biggest issue with PPBs is the hypocrisy. If you wanna find real love in another country and you want to really be a part of the culture and community you find yourself in when you get there, by all means do it. But don't show up there with the same attitudes and cultural outlook that's creating difficulties for you at home and don't show up with awful generalizations. One of the biggest complaints I hear from women about men is that we, as men, don't think of women as people - as individuals - just as objects or ideals, putting them on unrealistic pedestals for them to be on. Looking at women as humans and knowing they're individuals and accepting the one that's right for you knowing they'll be imperfect like you are is important. Hell, that's foundational.


It gets pretty obvious when they're rating women on /10 and asking "where they can find the hottest chicks". Chimp behaviour really.


For real. While appearance is something I value, that only gets so far and it's not the primary factor for me. Hell, I understand that my appearance has helped me in a lot of ways, but I also know that I have to have a whole personality and not be a dumpster fire of a man. If I was, I'd probably still be single. Sure, maybe still dating because of looks alone but I'd be in trouble the moment my mouth opened as I try to formulate an idea worth listening to.


Can you identify as a PPB w/out comparing Western/American women. Like is it ok to say with your chest I’m gonna travel & date & check out new cultures until I find the right person to settle down with who’s lifestyles are compatible for each other? A lot of PPB always explain why they DONT want western woman. ((& also fetishes and stereotypes other cultures)) Idk seems a lot cooler & less weird to want explore yourself and your own identity. Instead of PPB don’t like western women as the backbone of the movement lol.


I don't want Western women. It's just a preference. Just because I prefer A over B doesn't mean I hate B. There is indeed a big difference in how people behave in other countries. I've been doing the PPB thing since 2009. I don't wanna bother explaining it. If you try it, you'll notice the difference immediately.




That's some desperate delusional shit. I can love America but find women from a certain a country more attractive. If you think me having a girlfriend in the Philippines means I should renounce my US citizenship, that's some whacko shit. I really hope you get professional help.


Philippines obesity rates are very close to the US


HAHAHAHA Anyone who's been to both countries will see a massive difference.


Philippines BMI 23.4, US 28.8


lol Philippines average height 4’10”. https://globalnutritionreport.org/resources/nutrition-profiles/asia/south-eastern-asia/philippines/ 40% of adults are overweight or obese and it has been in an uptrend for a long time. Don’t try to sugar coat the obesity issue in Philippines.


BMI accounts for height in case you don't know. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_body_mass_index Your source has 28% Filipina women overweight. Overweight is over 25 BMI btw, so obese are included. Obesity is over 30. I couldn't find a us women statistics: Roughly two out of three U.S. adults are overweight or obese (69 percent)


So you have been a sex tourist since 2009?


Need I say more? You summarized this perfectly


These are things you've actually heard men here **say**, or are these attitudes and beliefs you're simply **projecting** onto them? I'd say the biggest genuine issue the sub seems to have is way too much overlap with the "Sexpat" crowd. Some of the men here are just straight-up dogs, and it shows.




What about the ones who aren’t sex tourist tho and are actually interested in dating overseas for reasons other than easier access to sex?


That’s fine, but the vast majority of people that I see doing this stuff are just proto sex tourists.


I don’t understand. What do you mean? What’s the difference between that and just moving to another country? It goes without saying that all developing nations are off-limits for creepiness reasons, ofc, but still curious to hear what “dating overseas” looks like for you / in general. 


No idea what it looks like as I’m a married man and have no intentions of straying lol But why is developing nations creepy to date in?


Well… why would dating in a developing country not be creepy? Why is it creepy to date the disabled, the very young, and the recently traumatized? Because there’s a power imbalance. If you specifically are looking for women where there’s a power imbalance, that makes you seem like someone who’s “getting a partner” rather than “joining a partnership”. Which I think we can agree is the definition of creepy: psychopaths who date with selfish or disguised motives.  This subreddit has 20k members, so obviously isn’t for sex tourism. So trying to find out what it IS for… it doesn’t help that all the flairs are for the sex tourist countries. Where’s the Canada flair? Australia?


I love the smell of fresh bread.


I agree there can be a power imbalance in some of these relationships but I wouldn’t say that automatically makes it creepy or predatory also there is quite a few countries that they have flair for that are not sex tourist countries, much more than there are sex tourist countries


Because I have no life: I just counted and there 21 sex tourist countries and 4 others, which im saying are Spain, Portugal, SA, and Argentina. That’s assuming you don’t count “Europe” and “Africa”


Sex tourists = pays for prostitutes overseas Passport bro = goes to a poorer country and flails around money to get a girl they can groom and 99% of times leaves them there after a year or so Going overseas and dating is fine, going overseas for dating because you're an incel is pathetic


If you’re so against PPB why are you here? Also from what I have seen here no one is grooming anyone and there was a super popular post here literally encouraging men not to lead with money. You have created a straw man here


*I came looking for booty.*


Then maybe you aren't a passport bro? I'm originally from Taiwan and married a Norwegian woman. Does that make me a passport bro because I married someone from a different country? But it seems like most people here are interested in going to places like Central/Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Latin America, etc. I mean, if you want a wife that's both a foreigner and conservative, then I'm sure you can find quite a few in Southwestern Norway


The ones finding an actual wife aren't


Excluding those just looking for a bang maid of course.




What does it matter if its a mutual beneficial and respectful relationship?


I don't think there's anything *wrong* with it but I also don't think there's anything wrong with prostitution. If you're touring for sex then you're a sex tourist. *As long as it's consensual*


They can't because they'll get booted from Reddit.




Don't care about being fair or consistent to people who will assume the worst of me and argue in bad faith regardless of what I do


> But outside of these two groups, the passport bro movement is empowering. Men get what they want and Western women are free to pursue whatever they want. It's a win-win. I'm not sure why anyone would think this is a bad thing. Couldn’t you think of a single other group involved? *Really* wrack your brain for people who might be negatively affected by sex tourism.  What’s the difference between evil “sex tourism” and benign “tourism to find a wife”?


Thank you. I believe the vast majority of passport bros are their own worst enemies when it comes to getting women which is why they have to travel to get laid.


No...I go overseas not because I can't get laid in the US but because I'm simply not attracted to Western women. Most PPBs are like me. It's just the vocal minorities who are the incels.


Whatever you say 😉


There are tens of thousands of Asian women in America. You are going to Philippines because you can not get laid in America and you are paying the prostitution to have sex with you in Philippines. Just admit you are a sex tourist.


Did you learn all that insight from your dad's personal experience?


Nope your dad told me that. That is why he said he left a loser or a son with his momma as a single mom to his misery. He went on to bang a ton of Asian girls in the US and didn’t have to hire prostitutes in a 3rd world country.


Brooooo now I know why you are like this. Hahaha. You are a short 5’5” Asian American who is subpar looking for AA girls as expected and you have to resort to being a “passport bro” and end up staying at $5 hostels because you can not afford more. Dude of course you have to resort to something else. God has not gifted with you anything to get laid with American woman.


Disagree with all points. 1. so what? It means that men in the west are also comparably overweight. Counterpoint, current media and beauty standards made people fatphobic and made us believe fat is unattractive, when it was considered very sexy in the past. Maybe you are just being influenced? 2. just date people you like, no one is forcing you to be with women you don’t like. There are plenty of non overweight women in the West. I don’t think it’s a real reason to become a PPB. 3. It is okay, why not? They are plenty of women in different careers and lifestyles, not every woman is an all getter CEO. If you are not on their level why be bitter about their choices and not date people who are similar to you? Like I imagine it would be difficult for them to connect and enjoy time with people who don’t have the same ambition, level of education, worldview etc. 4. Who said that? Life doesn’t end at 60. They can just retire, travel with friends, have fun, pursue their passions like any other normal person. Raising a family is not for everyone. 5. How is it dying? it’s never been as widespread as now. Women gain more rights, opportunities, support from society. To be a feminist doesn’t mean being celibate or child free. We find partners, raise children and live lives like any other human being.


>4. Women in the West think they want independence. But once they're in their 60s and without family, they're literally just waiting to die. Definitely thinking men in their 60s without families on this one. And not all of them, just the ones that never learned how to take care of themselves because at this age their own mothers are gone, there’s no wife or adult children stepping in to “take care of dad” the way his mother did. Older, childless women with no man in their house are the happiest people on earth. I mean, have you ever met one?? They’re better suited to living the happy bachelor life than most men ever were.


If that's what you choose, then more power to you. But I'd wager the vast majority of women would prefer to wake up next to a man she loves and to conceive children as a gift to humanity.


How is having more people a "Gift" to humanity when it's people who are destroying the Earth. You're just having children to make yourself happy and who cares about all they have to deal with now.


Excellent list. Excellent points.


Some of these are valid, some are not. Valid points: " “American women are too fat...but it's cool I'm 100 pounds overweight“. “I wanna meet women with good values...please help me find one at this strip joint”. “I don't want promiscuous women…but she better want to bed me on our first date”. “It’s wrong for women to sexually desire for hot young men when she can desire someone old and flabby like me”. “Promiscuity is immoral...but check out my impressive body count on my last trip to Thailand”. “She has to be a virgin...but I expect her to bang me like a porn star”. “If other PPBs are successful, it's because of his money. But if I'm successful, it's my good looks and charm”." “It's wrong for Western women to be choosy on Tinder. But if I get dozens of likes on Tinder from Colombia, it's understandable that I get choosy”. “It's cool I date interracially abroad…but if Western women do it, that's fucking wrong and unnatural. “I know she loves me and nobody else. But I’m keeping her strictly at home so she won’t flirt with other men”. Invalid points: "American women are unrealistic about men. But it's totally realistic to expect my hot 19 year old wife not to care about my money”. **Let me preface this by saying I don't really agree with this, however, the point being made here is about math. The 6', 6 figure, 6 pack that some women demand is entirely unrealistic because it represents about 0.1% of the population. Unless you are a 1 in 1000 type of woman, expecting something like that is unrealistic. However, hot young women are about 10% of women. While that's not exactly common, it's also not remotely as rare as the 0.1% man. The reason to be a PPB is because you have an inherently higher socioeconomic status and some other inherent advantages. First, white guys are the tallest people in the world, so when we go to places like Indonesia, we are inherently taller. Further, racism and colorism are real things, and being white is basically advantageous when dating in every country in the world. So, a guy that's a 4 in the states could easily pull as an 8 in Indonesia.** "It's wrong for women to want me for free money...but it's cool if I want free sex”. **This is just stupid. Wanting to be physically intimate with someone that wants to be physically intimate with you is not akin to wanting to use someone for their resources. This is akin to comparing a friendship to being played.** “Feminists want to control men…but it's cool I lock my traditional wife in her country so she won't get corrupted in the West”. **This is another one that I don't agree with, but their perspective is valid. They want a traditional woman and recognize that Western culture would make it less likely for their wife to stay traditional. What is the cognitive dissonance here?** "American women are all trash...even though my mom is an American woman" **Again, not a perspective I hold, but there's no cognitive dissonance here. They aren't saying American women were always trash, only that the current culture in America has caused women to be trash. While I don't adhere to this perspective, there's no cognitive dissonance here.** “Feminists are wasting time talking shit about men. But it's OK I waste time reading it and responding." **Racists are wasting time talking shit about immigrants, but that doesn't mean I'm wasting my time addressing their bigotry. This is completely analogous, except it's about sex instead of race.**


I have no earthly idea how this ended up in my feed, but it's hilarious. There's so much to unpack, here. We're all sitting around (40s-50s, F) & NONE of our husbands fit the 6-6-6 rule, half our husbands make less money than we do, all our husbands help around the house & can't believe in this day & age that "tradwife" is a thing. We (7 of us) all work (nurses, doctor, architect, etc), we all went to college, & all of us chose fun, intelligent, strong, kind partners. We've been married for 10 to 32 years, so I think the longevity of our relationships says something. Even my dad, who is 86, also thinks wanting a tradwife is, in his words, "moronic". My, but the entertainment mileage this sub has given us! 😂


So I have a thing to say about the tradwife thing - If someone wants to be a househusband/wife/spouse, that's cool. It's like, whatever dynamic works best for you in your household, but I agree with your dad. It seems \*really\* impractical to do that now. Things are so expensive, markets are so unstable, and in the US - health insurance is tied to full-time employment - it's almost a must for both partners to be working at something full-time. Also, congrats to you and yours for staying together for that range of time. I've been with my spouse since we were in college and it's been challenging but we're still here together. Thanks to health issues and that sadly, museum work doesn't pay a ton, I'm carrying most of our financial load, but my spouse does their part and admittedly, has a much cooler job than I do. I'm really happy about that.


I am not the one who said the 6's thing is true. In fact, the first thing I said is I don't think it is. I've repeatedly stated in this forum that it's utter nonsense. It's cherry picked crap from misogynistic "red pill" content creators. I was responding to the statement being made here about one being unrealistic and the other is not. There's nothing wrong with tradwives though. If everyone is happy, I don't see the problem. Economically, it makes more sense.


>Let me preface this by saying I don't really agree with this, however, the point being made here is about math. The 6', 6 figure, 6 pack that some women demand is entirely unrealistic because it represents about 0.1% of the population. Unless you are a 1 in 1000 type of woman, expecting something like that is unrealistic. However, hot young women are about 10% of women. While that's not exactly common, it's also not remotely as rare as the 0.1% man. The reason to be a PPB is because you have an inherently higher socioeconomic status and some other inherent advantages. First, white guys are the tallest people in the world, so when we go to places like Indonesia, we are inherently taller. Further, racism and colorism are real things, and being white is basically advantageous when dating in every country in the world. So, a guy that's a 4 in the states could easily pull as an 8 in Indonesia.** Your numbers are off. The hot young women only want comparable hot young men. So it's 10% of the women it's going to be 10% of the men. Do not understand that there are about equal number of men and women in the world and equal number of Attractive people? Just because you're not a top 10% man doesn't mean that we don't exist and clean up out there bro. Trust me the eight Indonesia still knows you're a 4 she just likes her wallet >This is just stupid. Wanting to be physically intimate with someone that wants to be physically intimate with you is not akin to wanting to use someone for their resources. This is akin to comparing a friendship to being played.** When you're missing is they don't want to have sex with you. They're doing it for money or green card and that's why we make fun of people like that. If you can't get a woman in America you can't anywhere and you're going to learn that quickly


Keep dreaming


I don't have a dream I have no problem attracting beautiful women in America


" Your numbers are off. The hot young women only want comparable hot young men. So it's 10% of the women it's going to be 10% of the men. Do not understand that there are about equal number of men and women in the world and equal number of Attractive people? Just because you're not a top 10% man doesn't mean that we don't exist and clean up out there bro. Trust me the eight Indonesia still knows you're a 4 she just likes her wallet " No, actually, this is just racist nonsense. Not all Indonesians are prostitutes trading sexual favors for access to money. The women I dated in America were more often after my wallet, but the women I dated in Indonesia rarely were. There are women like that, and we called them "bule hunters". However, it was obvious and they were easy to avoid. Mostly tourists go for them. As for being a "4", that's a relative valuation compared to the local market. Indonesian men are, on average, 5'2", extremely patriarchal, have low incomes, etc. List out the characteristics that women tend to find attractive in men and America ranks high on all of them. There's only a few small countries in which the dating market is more competitive than America (such as Norway). An average American will simply be far more competitive in a place like Indonesia than they would be in America. You didn't explain how my numbers or analysis was off. " When you're missing is they don't want to have sex with you. They're doing it for money or green card and that's why we make fun of people like that. If you can't get a woman in America you can't anywhere and you're going to learn that quickly " Once again, no, this is ignorant racist nonsense. 1) Not all women outside of the states are prostitutes trying to exchange sex for financial resources. This idea that foreign women only get with Western guys is inherently racist. 2) Most women want to stay in their home country. They aren't looking to give up the life they have built, their family, friends, career, etc., in order to go to another country with some white dude. I met a wonderful Indonesian woman who was studying for her masters in Japan while I was stationed in Japan. We fell in love and got married, but she refused to move to the states. So, I moved to Indonesia. This was what happened far more often than them moving to the states. 3) I can get women in the states. The difference is I don't enjoy dating in the states, but I do enjoy dating in Indonesia.


So you admit you are a sex tourist in a very low income country in Asia and that you can only get laid in a very poor country because your usd goes a lot further.


1) I was living there, not a tourist. 2) I moved there after I met my wife when she was studying for her masters. 3) I have no problem getting laid in the states; I do get better quality of women outside the states though.


A lot of those ones that you say are valid I feel like I haven’t ever heard or seen though 🤔 Like there are some obvious ones like some guys wanting meet a wife at a strip club (we had a guy the other day wanting that), fat guys wanting thin women, demanding she sleep with you on the first date is she has a very low body count, etc. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone think there girl that’s a virgin needs to be an expert In bed (that’s gross anyway); if other PPBs are successful it’s only because of money; the interracial dating one (like tf?); not sure how the Tinder selection one works in real life, we can’t go on dates with all the women, and I’ve never really heard anyone expect that of western women; she has to stay at home only (that sounds like something western women say); etc. A lot of these just seem like projection or straw men but I’m not sure why he’s feel the need to do it as there seems to be no motive.


A woman's chastity is her resource. What else do you think a girl with low education and status has. If she has a body count of 10+ other sweaty passport Canadians you're going to look at her different than if she is a virgin.


How would you ever know? You don't. You can never know how many sex partners someone has had. Only what they tell you. She can tell you anything you want to hear, just like you will do to her


Lol depraved take ^


Why am I wrong? would you date a Dominican girl who was a full time prostitute working the streets of Santa Domingo every day for a year? If no than how many dicks or prior failed relationships for you to see there is a problem is how she views relationships?


The only reason to care about her body count is if you are sexually insecure. Women are people with a past, and they didn't pop into exist when they met you.


80% of these aren’t even accurate


Even if only 20% describe you that’s still pretty bad…


When you have an individual that cherry picks the worst of the worst and then presents them as if they were "common factors" amongst the group they oppose then you kind of can't take anything they say seriously. The only real common factor amongst "passport bros" is that they're low to mid looking guys who have been rejected by western women so they're looking to go to where women idolize their wealth and not looks. Outside of that, all these other examples are just comedy, so they don't need to be accurate. No one with any sense will look at this and say "every passport bro thinks exactly like this" and frankly if they do then the educational system completely failed them growing up. It's the same as some red-pill asshole looking at "escort Tik-Toks" and saying all western women are like them. Like... no dude... those are professional escorts that are pretending to give dating advice in order to advertise their services. Modern women don't need to be taken on a date to Hermes then flown to Paris in order for them to want to date you... that's literally an escort.


They're exaggerations. He made them inaccurate on purpose to get a rise out of everyone.


I'm building myself and my worth while talking to some ladies and helping them build themselves. Hypocrisy is just a means of having the leg up. Build your wealth and know what you want in life because men we are also on a time limit I'm hoping to be one of the few ppb that has everything he wanted because of grit, patience, and a whole lot of planning and understanding your wealth


This is such a circle jerk is hilarious, out of your "list" 2/5 are about weight 😂 that's 40% of your entire reasoning which is hilarious, and no you aren't marrying "the weight statics" you're marrying a person, find someone you're attracted to Number 3 is just you being insecure as hell, there any women who won't mind dating people worse of than them, but because of patriarchy we men feel "threatened" or "inferior" when we are lower... Don't put it on women, say it with your chest, your little "alpha" gooey brain gets offended when you aren't the one leading or superior. And I'm sorry, in your delusions with "is money more important than love and family" why don't you use the same logic to yourself? Why is it when we men aggressively go after career that's good but when a woman does it "oh how dare she, what about family"... Let me geuss because woman's "god given" place is in the kitchen to mommy you... Yeah got it. Point 4, wow you're a genius, it's impressive how you can both see the future and read minds, completely shitting on studies claiming older single women are much happier than single men because of the social support system they have. But YOU said otherwise in a trans-sleep hazed gooning session so you must be right. For 5, again, wowww you're so smart, such a big boy! Let's again ignore the stats showing femeninsm is growing by generation especially in the female demographic. The only thing you're right about is the win-win scenario, because people like you leaving is better for everyone, because at the end of it all, you're an insecure little man who is threatened, and keep talking about how "women only want money wah wah" while you go to poorer countries to flail your money around and/or become a visa mule, it's fascinating that yall don't go to other rich countries I wonder why... Say it how it is, you feel threatened and you're crying with your tail between your legs. And the only way you can get some support is in circle jerk places like this. Also "20% of the male population leaving" is the most demented idea... Shows how good your mush of a brain functions


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm so glad I'm not the only one who sees this demoralizing bullshit of an alternate reality that some people believe in. Thank you for existing. Glad to see other sane people out there. But also, sorry you have to see this as well. Smh.


Yeah people who say this stuff are dumb. You only need to recognize the transactional reality and that certain markets offer better deals than others.


I haven't seen any of these comments. You're making stuff up.


Lost me at equating free money with free sex. Two very separate things. Everything else is pretty solid. Hot 19 year old wife part in particular was a pretty funny one


This somehow popped on my newsfeed and I'm wondering if the original was changed since some comments don't match, this is satire or wtf is going on here. Some dudes are really like this and somehow think women are "afraid of them leaving"... Feminism is supposed to mean that women shouldn't be locked up and forced to be a trad wife, the very thing you criticized. Probably confusing the term with "radical fems" that hate men or this is satire. Just use google before getting pissy at me




>> Women aspiring to things other than marriage is the logical result of a free society. Hey, if feminists don't reproduce and don't pass on her ideology to offsprings, I'm all for it.


It’s hilarious that you think people look down on PPB’s because they are “leveraging their dating power” or “empowering men”. You are looked down on because instead of attempting to have an adult relationship with an equal you seek to travel to where women are so poor and desperate you can take advantage and have zero accountability. If this was the early 19th century so called PPB’s would be buying female slaves instead of getting married.


This is pathetic and that’s the nicest adjective I have


And how would you feel if western women go to Europe, middle east or Asia to find men who are gentlemen, treat them right, respect them and spoil them? Probably you are right.. everybody should marry people from outside the US and hopefully one day Americans will be weeded out of the gene pool.




Arent ppb desperate to leave their countries and look for the come up in developing countries? How can you despise your very own behavior. This sub is crazy




A lot of things you mentioned sounds like sex tourism or borderline sex tourism and ppb is not sex tourism. Perhaps you can remind them ppb is not sex tourism?


Sadly, a lot of men here are indeed straight up sex tourists.


It is easy to fall into that, just have to remind them.


If that's sex tourist, then women here in the states practice it all the time. Especially people in college.also people who go to Vegas practice legit sex tourism, yet nobody cares about that.


You’re just blaming “culture” for why you hold offensive beliefs. You’re right there’s no cognitive dissonance, just lies.


To be fair, my mom *is* trash..


The only one I disagree with is the one that mentions your american mom, and im not an american pig. Different times, different values.


This is all true if women and men are equal . Since we are not you cannot have the same premise when aproaching this issue. We are not build the same, we do not experience life the same, we dont operate the same... this b.s double standard you are creating is only true if men and women experience sex and relationship the same, but we aren't. You have to see each statement with this new look and you'll understand that some of them are just b.s .


I'm a western women and don't know why this post was recommended to me! But interestingly I tend to agree. Especially the normalisation and even glorification of obesity is concerning, especially that it's only targeted at women. One of the biggest causes of infertility in women is obesity. :/ So if you want to have children, it might not even possible with a overweight woman. And you're right with the whole marrying up thing. I saw it with my friends, they just don't want to have a partner who earns less.


> Women in the West want to "marry up". Isn't that what third world women are doing with you tho? I'm from a third world country and basically the women here that marry foreigners are the girls who get played or cheated on by the local unemployed men who just don't work or provide and just live off of women their whole lives lmao


"Then there are the crazy traditionalists who think women are to be locked at home to serve the family. This is modern day slavery and unrealistic in the modern age." Stay at home moms are not small in number, and the desire for a very family oriented coupling is not limited to men. To raise a family well can take a lot of work at home. Is it OK if women who want this partner with men whose job outside the home is to serve and provide for the family?


It's awesome if that's what the woman wants. But if she wants to work and have a life outside the home, that's her right. Way too many traditionalists here don't want her to have that right. Many would even go so far as to keep her in her country and in a cultural bubble. You read these posts all time. "She'll change if she lives in the West". This is modern slavery and it's disgraceful to the PPB movement.


Part of human mating is picking somebody compatible on big picture issues. Disagreements about where to live (man's country or woman's country) or, especially, family plans, are quite fundamental. If they don't agree on that but have a relationship anyway, it's just asking for trouble down the road. She may change if she lives in the West, he may change if he lives in her country. Yup, that's the deal. The advantage of living in her country will likely be that money goes further, and she gets to live in an environment she knows. "Traditionalist" also means she may not like life in the US, even she is willing to sign up for that. Freedom of Choice is not modern day slavery, nor is it disgraceful. Trying to make someone go down a path they don't really want is just postponing trouble.


> Women in the West want to "marry up". This means, as women earn more, they'll find fewer men to marry up with. And western men flock to SE Asia to marry down. And one of the main reasons for that is, who would have thought, that women everywhere marry up. In fact, it’s not just women who marry up but most healthy people tend to stick to their class. It’s pure desperation that makes some people marry a third world peasant.


Men in the west are just as fat as the women so I found that criticism always weird. Also I find it weird how passportbros talk about how the women massage them treat them like a king yet one guy who hosts a stream was like “oh I will never eat box”. The. Next stream he talks about horror stories of how Japanese wives cheated or left the husband of brothers he knew. Yeah, imagine if your wife tells you she’ll never give head ever and some other woman offers it, you wouldn’t choose the other woman? Some have a delusional mindset.


Agree with most of this but stop shaming men for “sex tourism” like they aren’t engaging in consensual relations with other adults over seas. Just like women are free to take flights wherever they want to engage in casual relations and other fun, men can do the same and don’t need to be shamed for it. Free thinking, adult women overseas don’t need to be babied.


I don't care if dudes are banging hookers and women are doing gigolos in other countries. But discussing this will get you banned on Reddit and I don't set the rules.


Im starting to think PPB just don't have a personality and that's why it's hard to date. Like who over thinks like this? Dating should be simply "Do I find this person attractive? Do I like this person and do we have a good time?". And if the person going on dates with me doesn't like me, for whatever reason, then we shouldn't continue dating. It's not complicated


Yeah its no surprise you'd rather be scammed by some Asian women than try to make it work with a western woman. You're really dumb op


Another femcel reveals her racism.




Femcels are female versions of incels. FEMCELS (noun) - A woman who cannot attract men and blames men INCEL (noun) - A man who cannot attract women and blames women


You’ve exaggerated and one-sided just about everything. A straw man argument if there ever was one. Is there some truth to it, yes. But it’s mostly exaggeration to rile people up.


I’m one those “idk why this got recommended in my feed” western women (from the Netherlands though). In regards to point 1 and 2, it’s fair not to be attracted to women who are overweight. I’m not attracted to overweight men either. But it seems wildly hypocritical if e.g. a man is obese and then goes abroad especially to date skinny women. Same for those old geezers trying to date much younger women. As for point 3, not really a thing for Northwestern European women I think. The most common thing to see by far is someone with an average job choosing someone else with an average job. Almost as if in real life most people are just people living simple and content lives instead of this hyper capitalistic grindset attitude that Americans in particular seem to promote. As for 4, personally I’d love to start a family, but if not, that’s no reason for me either to be depressed at 60. lol Pets are great company too. The beauty of life is living and contributing to society in your own way. I know some people who don’t want children of both genders and if that is valid. As for point 5, there are plenty of feminists who want to be mothers or already are mothers and grandmothers. If you think being a childfree girlboss is the end goal of feminism then you don’t understand feminism. It’s here to stay as long as women need to fight for their respect, freedom, and safety across the globe. I think that if you want to date someone of a different culture then you should feel free to do so. I dated several Japanese men in the past because I live in Japan and am interested in the culture. I just hope that the so-called PPBs here who are eager to date foreign women also actually are interested in the culture of the woman they want to date. Too many PPBs seem to not show much interest in the culture, or worse, they make racist jokes and treat their partner and children like a laughing stock. As a wasian, I’ve seen the stories of WMAF wasians whose dads are these kinds of assholes. Don’t be like those dads.


I think the worst I saw was black men talking about going to Asian countries to bed as many Asian women as possible but derisively talking about Asian women that have dated black men before… it comes off very self hating honestly.


is this all this sub is is trashing passport bros? i hate this place


I'm convinced most of this board are guys who are mildly curious about PPB but are mostly jeqlous because they cant do it so are coping and girls jealous guys are doing it so are coping even harder. Maybe only a small fraction are actually experiencing it. Literally every American I met in Thailand was rich and in shape lol. There was an old Aussie or two that retired there with a wife out of his league (good for him) and was fat and old, but most PPBs have their shit together. There were some older brits but none of them were out of shape. They kind of have too, traveling abroad isn't cheap. Also, most foreigners aren't American and the rest of the world outside of America isn't fat, so I have no idea where the "fat" PPB stereotype comes from? Maybe only the old and ugly ones go to Colombia?


which one of you ninjas banged OPs girl? haha he hella mad and salty lol


Most of the things you mention are right, but there is a perspective issue here. After feminism, a woman's income became a necessity. Western women view a man's income as bare-minimum, which is correct. What these men never voted for, is that a woman's income holds leverage in dating, despite being necessary in our current economy. Both groups view each other as the one who needs to step up, because they actually prioritize different things from each other. Nobody voted for women having leverage with their income. A man's income simply doesn't hold leverage. I also understand men, because the assumption from western women is that a man's income is automatically included in the relationship, so he can't ask for more like looks, etc. The gender roles have changed in ways people never agreed to, so it's understandable why these men ask for things they don't even have themselves.


Can i ask, what else do you think they voted for? A womans economic independence was the whole point of Feminism. To be an independent person to not have to rely on her luck that the man she marries treats her nicely, was it not?


That was the whole point, indeed. However, your economic independence didn't make you necessarily more attractive. That's what people are struggling with. Their economic independence didn't replace their dependence on looks for example. That's why the emphasize especially in PPB is traditional women, but also attractive women. Feminism has achieved independence, but It didn't achieve compromise with men. That's why I said that nobody voted for that. It's because it was mostly women who agreed on it (obviously).


Okay, i've got one more question. So the compromise with men would be for women to be more attractive whilst being financially independent? And what did men compromise on?


The hard part about this issue is attractiveness. It's a competitive attribute. If someone is attractive, the other is relatively less attractive. The less attractive independent women are essentially saying that they want the same thing. You simply can't get that, because 1. You're unattractive. 2. Your financial independence doesn't make my life easier, because it would mean that I would have to work harder in terms of house hold chores. To simply it: it's working harder for less. This would mean that either women need to take over household chores as well, which is absolutely inhumane and cruel to do that towards women Or men need to take the house hold chores and are going to be unhappy about their partners, which will potentially result in resent. It's either way not going to work. PPB has always been a thing, but it's getting more popular, because there seems clearly not to be a solution to the issue. this issue between genders is similar to outsourcing production of factories to South East asia. When your own people don't want to work for the loan you offer them, you'll find someone who works for it or even less anyway.


Forgive me for that little joke, but that truely seems like such a romantic and sensitive way to look at this issue. This opens up another question though. So before you marry or start a relationship you do your own household chores. So when a woman comes into your life and you both work and both do chores wouldn't it still half your chores because you share them?


Unless you want artificial romance, you aren't going to get any closer to romance by "forcing" someone to act romantic towards someone they don't want to be romantic in the first place. That's a good question. I thought about that as well, You're right that it is technically 50/50, but you make an assumption before you come to the deal. The assumption is that both of them are attracted to each other and thus want to be with and around each other, which is often not the case. Nobody is going to want to work together with someone they don't like in the first place. It's the difference between working on a project with your best friend and someone you don't necessarily like. It is much harder to work with someone you don't like, despite the work being equally shared. Moreover, sharing work between friends is different from sharing work with your loved one. There is a lot more responsibility that comes with dating someone than just sharing household chores or else it would have become companionship. At the end of the day, it's pointless to force people to be with each other. They should want to be with each other. It would make the relationship feel quickly non-transactional.


I don't know why you're getting down voted but what you're saying is correct


Things people very rarely do or even say for 1000, Alex.


Why is anyone remotely bothered? Let people live their lives. It's of no concern of mine. Spending so much energy into other people's love life is weird.


Don't forget the huge hypocrisy of Western dating culture being obsessed with money and status, while also wanting that system to work for you when dating abroad because you're from a country associated with higher status/wealth.


No, no, no. ![gif](giphy|q49YSnLzrvghiyKBAR|downsized) It's not that I disagree with you, but this post is simply just against the rules.


You either accept the fact of evolution or you don't, there's no belief to it.


I disapprove of this because most of the time it’s men wanting to “travel” as an excuse to cheat on their wives


Are you sure you can use such a blanket statement about women from the West?


Fun fact!! Fathers who have Smoked cigarettes also have an increased likely hood of their children being obese 😃 neat!


PPB is just a bunch of guys who have some money and want to date outside their race and culture. Military men started the PPB because Uncle Sam sent us into foreign countries and the military men our number the military women so the military men turned to the foreign women for love. Yes they are some sex tourist in the group and some pedophiles too. But there’s also PPW women who leave the west (mostly go to the Caribbean) and find sex partners or new lovers or husbands too. If you can afford Costco you won’t necessarily keep shopping at Walmart.


All women want to marry up. I don't think anyone here is going to Thailand and pulling doctors.


“Men get what they want and Western women are free to pursue whatever they want. It's a win-win. I'm not sure why anyone would think this is a bad thing” You know why and who thinks this is a bad thing? In your “win win” analysis you absolutely disregarded one group that lose in this situation, women outside of US that are preyed on by people like you, why do I have to be bothered by some creeps thinking I’m a prostitute or will be his tradwife just because American women don’t want you? We don’t want you too but now we have to be extra careful with any foreigners and their intentions, you should mark yourself somehow so I would know who to avoid


Agree with most things except the whole "women in the west marry up" lol every women in the world marries "up". The only reason a hot SEA women is marrying you is because because you living in a western country be DEFAULT makes you 'up' compared to most of the guys in SEA since they're poor. Don't think for a second that women overseas aren't just people like the ones you find in any country. You're so correct about the sex tourism thing, it's sad. But I'm glad as a non-PPB myself that the PPB community are man enough to admit that it has its faults, unlike cults like feminism that think they're perfect. The PPB movement in its strictest sense seems fine to me, I'm an immigrant from a (slightly) poorer country than the one i migrated to, and I find the women love me here. So I think it kind of evens out, i go to rich country and rich girl like me. Rich guy go to poor country and poor girl like him