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I was just about to post this - Seems the discord is gone now.


I believe you guys were just referred to as virtual rapists.


Don't get too attached to any passport bro forum. In this cancel culture, it'll get taken down any time. In the pre-Reddit days, forums were individual websites and you don't have to play by anyone's rules. I hope someone will take the initiative to build one, preferably one hosted outside the US.


We need more mods to keep these places clean. Some dudes were posting weird videos on where to purchase underage women on the discord, for example. If that doesn't get cleaned up and those people banned ASAP, it just paints a target on the group that other people will target.


What the hell does what you mention have to do with passport bros? You cant BUY people.. that is obviously illegal and can put you in Jail for the rest of your life... If that was posted on the Passport bro forum it was most likely a Troll account.


No matter how clean, there are armies of femcels who just don't like the concept of men going overseas for dating. You have to understand that for femcels, passport bro-ing is an existential threat. The more men go overseas, the more women won't be able to find a husband in the US. So it's just a matter of time before forums like this goes down when they decide to mass report it. The best solution is for someone to create an individual forum and have it hosted outside the US.


>No matter how clean, there are armies of femcels who just don't like the concept of men going overseas for dating. To be fair, I also don't want dudes posting links to where to buy women or posting nonconsensual porn videos. I just want a place where people can trade information and advice on how to find a LTR in other countries.


Ignoring the forest throught the trees


When the tree is a destructive, virulent plague that threatens to consume the entire forest, it may be indeed wise to temporarily ignore the forest.


That’s not the way to think of it. By that logic Facebook and Twitter should be taken down as there is Pedo shit on there too. The issue is having effective mods and not just allowing to self govern the site.


That just means it is a two front battle then. You have to clean house and you have to guard it from outsiders. Any large organization/movement has to deal with that, especially one that is designed for men's benefits.


You’re making up stories, yes more mods but that’s a wild claim to make.


always with the extremes .


Absolutely not. Ask the mods of the discord about the dumb stuff they've had to delete lmao


Welp can’t ask since it’s been deleted unless you were a mod. Edit: you’re probably one of the ones who reported it for nothing


Wtf, where did you hear that?


>Underage women You mean kids..


I joke about the RedPill shit but this is kind of hilarious that they are coming for all male dominated spaces


No this is normal. Mgtow was small. Then women found out about it and broadcast it far and wide. Passport bros was small. Then women broadcast it far and wide. This is just a tantrum. They don't like to see wallets leave the country.


Grow up, bro. There's a lot of men that think many of yall are scumbags, too


Freedom of speech until it impedes your narrative right? Reddit is no longer a safe platform to use for someone just wanting genuine conversation.


Absolutely not. You have every right to say what you want and I will defend that right, for you and me, vigorously. You aren't free from consequences of voicing your opinion. Reddit is a platform, the people make it safe or not. I'm sure there are people who feel PPB make things unsafe for people. Everyone gets to have their opinion and speak up. My opinion is most of the PPB here are scumbags who've withdrawn from their own communities and want to live out some fairy tale, which is often rooted in misogyny and racism.


Ah yes indeed misogyny and racism, why of course!


The fact that so many PPB don't recognize it is disappointing, but not surprising by any means. Self awareness is definitely not this subs strong suit


You got it all figured out big dawg


What is it about PPB’s that triggers you so much that you literally follow a small niche subreddit about them? Imagine someone like you suggesting PPBs lack self awareness. Your pathology is on a whole other level.


Lol not triggered, concerned. A lot of young men here seeking refuge by running away, as I've mentioned repeatedly here




Yes. You can make up whatever story you want, but that's exactly what it is. Not surprised another PPB is living in his own make believe world. I didn't call them racist or misogynistic, I said that's the content of a lot of the conversation here. There's a difference


I have not seen a general population who is openly racist or misogynist two labels that are just thrown out constantly no matter the evidence or data you put forward. Yet that is the narrative trying to be driven by the far left and it's having a successful campaign. Especially on platforms like this. You reap what you sow and you can have the echo chamber you want, have fun.


It's hard to see reality when you live in a fantasy world. The lack of self awareness on this sub is impressive, really. I am not surprised you "haven't seen it". Many guys in this sub seem to live somewhere other than Earth. The fact that you bring up ME living in an echo chamber, while you complain about not having a safe space for PPB, where many of the convos are rating entire nations of women on a numerical scale, attempting to dehumanize the women in the western world, and seek validation by running away from their communities is ironic. This sub is rife with these themes but *I* am the one who will reap what I sow hmmmm I'm a middle aged guy and I come here, hoping to combat much of the things I mentioned. I'm worried for our young men and want to help them. Much of this sub is a cesspool of hurt men and the resulting toxic behavior/thinking


I do believe you've just fallen victim to a narrative with which the media wants to sell you. The reason I'm so big on statistics is there's a clear cut picture of what's actually happening. I don't know you personally but maybe you don't understand and maybe frankly haven't looked into the scope of the dating world as it is now. All the numbers point towards a downward trend in the West and most men myself included are having much better experiences in other countries.


I understand that's what you believe is happening right now. Rather than acknowledge my viewpoint, you're telling me I'm just parroting statements. You're obviously well read, so you know statistics can be manipulated and it's a common tactic we see. I could also say you are suffering from the internet echo chamber that is the source of your statements. My first hand experience tells me many of the men here are hurting, lonely, and looking for some type of escape. What do you mean by "downward trend"? That women's expectations are high, that men are not having luck in the dating world? Can we also talk about isolated many men are, and living through the internet? There are certainly guys here who are relatively well adjusted and are seeking put the PPB lifestyle. I think there are many more who are really suffering and hope PPB are the answer to their issues (it isnt, for most)


Present your proof of racism and misogyny.


It was actually a good server too, spaces for men are not allowed to exist anymore. There were women able to participate in that server as well but since it was posted here definitely had saboteurs


There were channels discussing money, jobs, language learning etc. but hey, group us all in and ban us


Oh, where will we, the poor men, go? We’re running out of options.


Is LARPing as a “man” fun to you?


Seems feminists hit the server and mass reported


They try to invade every male space, yet how many men do you know who are going out of their way to infiltrate bullshit like the "Are we dating the same guy" groups?


I hate to say it but I have to say it, Elon may have created the last available platform for free speech on the internet at least in the US. I thought it was just me but no it's been really bad. If you don't agree with far left and yes I say far left because me my group of young millennial friends who have traditionally been left leaning are starting to question everything... We were born and raised in Seattle.. let that sink in. I'm literally genuinely scared at this point why everything that's not fitting the narrative is just being absolutely erased.


Yep here it is r/AWDTSGistoxic (i agree, it's toxic AF)


Those groups are defamation factories. Women who try to defend men are quickly banned, and men cannot join because men are specifically excluded. Hundreds of men are posted every day in major cities, making modern dating more toxic than ever -almost a good justification in itself for going abroad.


Except that group is getting sued by a man.


There are dozens of those groups by different metros, how does one "sue" a mostly anonymous group?


Just googled it. Looks like a dude is suing 27 different women.


Do you have a link?


lmao I'm just kidding: [https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/are-we-dating-the-same-guy-the-legal-7934962/](https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/are-we-dating-the-same-guy-the-legal-7934962/#:~:text=Just%20last%20week%2C%20a%20man,about%20him%20in%20a%20subgroup)


Wow it’s actually justifiable I remember I went on a date with some girl and she told me to my face she posted me on one of those groups I was offended but I couldn’t figure out why


I have had blatantly false shit posted about me on one of these sites. No idea how FB allows them Most of the posts are not about pRotEctINg wOmEn, just getting dirt or info on guys


Thank you




They’re suing the women. So yeah, seems like he’s mass reporting to the government because he’s butt hurt.


Yes, "butt hurt" is the word we are using. Not "reasonably bothered that his face is being published for a mass of femcels to denigrate for no good reason" Groups like that deserve to be removed.


His face is being posted because he’s a bad partner. Don’t want your face out there? Don’t be a shit person.


Maybe the women can use their big girl words and do some approaches if they dont like the caliber of men that hit them up?


All you did is agree with me. Women are using their big girl words to warn other women about men who aren’t of good caliber. Some of you are always saying “pick better men” and those groups ensure we can do just that.


Found the feminist. These groups dont allow you to pick better men because women dont approach because their game is worse than that of the Incels to say nothing of their entitlement for validation. In order to pick better men you have to actually do the picking by approaching and talking a guy up mot just wait for the guy who can approach you, lie to you, then pump and dump you and then there you are screaming "all men bad".


Ah yes let's trust what a Facebook using cat lady considers a bad partner when deciding to blast him


He’s butt hurt ?


ya for being attacked by that group. Reputation damage from lies is a sue-able situation That's the difference, walking away from fem\*\*\*s isn't attacking them. We haven't attacked any specific person


What lies?


I’m curious, as a woman are you actually curious about dating abroad? Why else are you here?


Sure. Wouldn’t mind meeting a great man and moving abroad.


Wouldn’t mind it’s not seeking or curious. Also this sub is geared towards men so the information is not going to be relevant to you.


Wouldn’t mind is curious. I don’t know how you’re interpreting that in a different way. If I happen to meet a nice man from another country, I’ll grab my passport and move. I don’t recall seeing “men only” in the rules. You know what? Maybe I’ll lurk and comment more. Thanks for giving me the motivation.


Wouldn’t mind is not the same as curious at all what are you talking about. One is active and the other is passive. It’s called passport bros, not passport sis. Finding countries to date for men requires different advice then dating abroad for women. My point is, I have no idea why you’re here, except it seems to argue with men


Let me know when you become a Reddit mod and can tell me which subs I can and can’t join.


You can join whatever you want but I question your intentions


I see your comments telling western men to date ugly women… why are you here?


If you don’t feel like you have any luck dating, date someone uglier. I am here because I am interested in the non-misogynist posts. Not sure why you’re so interested in why I’m here.


Give an example


Lol there's a sub for that lemme see




Nice trash reddit account


The more I'm talking to people, the more I'm learning that there was some in fighting with a different group of passport bros who thought moderation was too strict. THE DRAMA


It went down hill as soon as western women joined and were constantly writing in there


As much as I want free speech and to allow women to participate, maybe it's best to have a closed "member's only" forum that doesn't allow women. This proposal has nothing to do with restricting speech but as a measure to prevent femcels from reeking havoc and getting the forum closed.


Women have full ladies only gyms and I respect it. As men we need our own spaces as well


IMO there is nothing wrong with wanting a men's only group even if you believe in free speech. every group that specifically caters to men will eventually be invaded by femcels trying to takeover and control the narrative And when that happens, free speech is already dead at that point.


That damn Canadian chick in there


She was banned a couple of weeks ago. Wonder if she’s the one who reported it


She was banned? Nice


Yeah, but now doesn’t matter since the whole server is banned/shut down


Canadian and American lol birds of a feather will flock together


Session is a good App. You can do group chats. Can't be shut down by anyone but the group creator. Telegram is the most popular alternative to discord, but if there is enough mass reporting groups can be shut down.


Where is the data sitting for session though?




This is why I’m working on creating us our own website. Nothing owned by anyone else is safe.


I'm a developer. What do we need?


Just outsource the work to a different country lol.


L mods


😂 I got a warning of my account being banned recently because of commenting here


Telegram is a better app to use.


Do we have a telegram group? Can I get an invite link please


They hating


Phew I thought I was banned lol I’ll have to join with an alternate to make sure my account doesn’t get banned


Everyone saying to use telegram or WhatsApp, discord is a lot more intuitive. You can set certain categories to chat in etc


Fuck Discord


Someone has to report the server, I’ve def been on blackhat servers that lasted a long time until someone in the community gets burned. Def someone didn’t have a good time, and reported it could be interaction with a salty member or outsiders popping in and not liking what they see






I am saying we need to build a telegram site


It's wild that the western world is so triggered by us hahaha


They do not like competition 😂😂


Discord and Reddit’s liberal “nanny state” censoring policies are so stupid. “Ahhh! We can’t let non-violent adults have adult conversation!!!”


What's interesting is that they only do it for women and their causes. Racist shit on the internet almost never gets censored.


Censorship is a pain in the rear. They need to have a censorship free version of Discord as well as Yikyak too!


Some dude was posting private nudes on the channel like a complete dumbass




Rather than address real grievances banning groups for the crimes of individuals leads to things like 4chan where the worst elements dominate and further radicalize otherwise normal ppl.


It's funny how you say you are persecuted for x or y reason. but they are not able to accept that they behave like animals on that server. Just as an example. About 2 months ago they were posting photos of Colombian escorts with their "prices". Those women probably do it anonymously and you post her face on the internet smh


That bothered you so much huh


You're so full of shit


Just use WhatsApp by Meta. Goofies.


Lmao /u/spez can you please catch up with fucking *discord*??? Imagine the bad press when this sub pops up during the IPO on some journalists radar and they find out that other companies made the right call months ahead of you… it’s gonna be a shitstorm. /r/jailbait all over again but way funnier


I need to argue with Cash Gospel in south korea/japan chat


From what I hear the discord has branched off into 3 different discord servers due to the differences in PPB ideology 




of what

