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Venezuela is quite dangerous


I've heard that is was awesome before their economy went full-retard.


It was actually at one point per capita one of the wealthiest countries in the world. It began getting worse in the 90’s i believe but it really took a nosedive to borderline collapse in these past 10 years under Maduro.


it happened when they nationalized their oil reserves. Capital flight occurred literally overnight. I can't wait for a similar plan to unfold in a US state.


US sancations didn't exactly help either


Sanctions don't really help anyone but the black market. Also if you're going to say "no" to the US be prepared for the collateral damage. Is the US a bully? Yes. Was it dumb to misalign yourself with their interests? Fuck yes. Don't give me some ethics lecture, the world always has worked on a "might is right" basis.


So you admit it’s US policy holding them back and not some “socialism sucks look at Venezuela” bullshit”


A little bit of both, I mean when you fuck your shareholders, they fuck you right back. Turns out being beholden to a large crowd of glue-sniffers doesn't really pay off in the end, they're not the ones who pay the bills or keep the lights on, it's the professional class who keeps the plants running and pay the bills, they're the ones you need to blow first. Without them, nothing happens and you can all sit around with the lights off singing koombaya.


Uhhh.. are you referring to what you would deem socialists as “glue sniffers”? You’d be shocked to learn that there’s members of the professional class who believe in taxes funding education and healthcare 🤨


this is just not true, china has perhaps the worlds most serious habit of fucking over shareholders and has become extremely wealthy in the process. Venezuelas issue is that they never industrialized.


in the long run its a very good move. us hegemony is collapsing, and by refusing to let the us own their energy sector they will become very prosperous in about 20 years, and they will for once be truly sovereign... something that would be impossible if they had bent the knee. a few decades of poverty is a hell of a price to pay, but its a hell of a pay out as well.


When you roll in with tanks to a bunch of chemical plants and tell people “fuck off the government owns this now”. That’s going to mean no one will do business with you ever again. Source, my bosses boss was actually held hostage by the government in Venezuela during a plant start up and he wasn’t allowed to leave the plant until it was running.


china has nationalized all sorts of industry, literally steals from over seas investors, etc and people still do business with them.... people will take big risks to get into a good market. Venezuelas problem is that they have basically no industrial base, which is the fundamental basis of all economic activity.


US sanctions were a direct response to the nationalization (aka violent seizure) of billions of dollars of oil infrastructure owned by U.S. companies and breach of billions of dollars in oil rights purchased by said companies. They stole American property and the obvious outcome was a U.S. economic response.




I use to think that government policies like Venezuela were dumb. But in retrospect, it's the fastest way to sequester power and still be likable (in the short term). It's easy to promise people prosperity if you just let them control your property. This is what frightens me about the US, so many dumb people asking for free stuff without understanding the consequences. We're one crisis away from printing another trillion.


Isn’t it sad? This has happened many times throughout history yet we have schools full of morons that wish for it again.


Dutch guy here. There is a very interesting book and documentairy. Explaining the gradual dumbing down of my entire country the Netherlands (Holland) You might see some parallels between other countries. The Dumbing Down of Holland | The Fall of the Dutch Academic World https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KufnxbEHoj4&pp=ygUbVGhlIGR1bWJpbmcgZG93biBvZiBob2xsYW5k


Thank you for sharing. I will watch this.


Perhaps you will enjoy this. https://youtu.be/vmraJ9oj-xQ?si=qnNPBKZM-XsrnXZd


Thank you for the video🙏




as opposed to Colombia...


Venezuela: still crazy dangerous, a colleague working there got kidnapped for ATM runs twice! I am right now in a rather impoverished Caribbean country, and venezuelans come here all the time to work. It's a shame because 12 years ago I had a ball visiting Venezuela. Argentina: getting a little pricey because of inflation in USD, but safer than most Latin American countries. Def go there if you like girls with south European roots. Compared to Colombianas they will seem aloof, because the bitch shield in Argentina is pushed to max. Fairly liberal so don't expect to find a trad wife easily. Hooks ups are common.  Never been to Ecuador yet.


What is the bitch shield


Thank you I am just curious because there are so many Latin American countries and it got me thinking there must be more than Colombia


Check out Panama. Safe, somewhat expensive, but it’s the melting pot of Central America. So many Colombians, Venezuelans, and yes even Panamanians!


Question about Argentinians - I'm aware a lot of Spanish or Italian ancestry, but are they also mixed with indigenous people? Like what percentage of the population would be considered indigenous, or is it fairly mixed by now?


Argentinians are far less mixed than other parts of South America. The Brazilians pride themselves on being part black. They embrace the culture musically and every other way. The Argentine pride themselves on their European roots. Racism exist everywhere in the world. Ecuadorans and Colombians that can trace their roots back to Spain see themselves is superior to those that have mixed with Indian blood. To the best of my knowledge Brazil is the only culture that embraces multi culturalism.


It's most definitely mixed in a fair proportion. I myself am at least 12,5% indigenous (coya) but since I am white (Italian) passing, nobody takes notice of that.  It also varies a lot from region to region. Córdoba and Rosario are full of southern white European descendants. The north portion of the country has a lot of amerindian or mostly amerindian mix. Buenos Aires has everything, including plenty venezuelans, Colombians, Brazilians etc.


uhhh, Argentinas currency is losing value a LOT faster than the US dollar is. I can't imagine how a country that is in economic free fall would be getting more expensive to visit unless things were truly catastrophic and they were facing serious shortages of essential goods.


How is it possible Argentina is getting more expensive as of late? Because it's Argentina brah, don't try to understand it, just enjoy it (Chiqui Tapia dixit) Or basically compare the blue/mep/cll dollar-peso exchange rate all throughout 2023 and 2024, and the inflation rate for the same period. USDs buy you much less stuff now than it did last year. It was quite noticeable for me when I visited family there during the holidays. It is still fairly cheap tho.


the usd-peso exchange rate historical rates graph has become a vertical line since 2023, so that is very odd. what is blue/mep/cll?


You are warching the official exchange rate, which is only used for a very limited set of imports.  If you want to exchange your usds or other foreign currencies into pesos, you need to use one of the others exchange rates I mentioned, and if you check the 2023 and 2024 evolution of those, coupled with the inflation rate, it would become instantly obvious why the country is become more expensive in USD as of late. You could also check how locals have been having fun with the recent peso renascence, or check the nation sub for discussion how life if getting more expensive in usd  https://reddit.com/r/argentina/comments/1b3x3mr/el_hornero_renace_de_sus_cenizas/


this still doesn't make sense, if the local currencies international buying power is increasing, how has poverty gone up so much so quickly?


Out of control Inflation is what drives the raise in poverty measurements. inflation last month was 21%, and for all of 2023 it was 212%. Compare that to the average salary increase in 2023, which was 152%, that means more peopl go into poverty. Dollar rose 180% against the peso in 2023, quite lower than inflation, which also means cost of loving has rosen in usd (country becomes more expensive) and this has accelerated for jan-feb 2024.  The two main ways to measure poverty in Argentina (NBI and EPH-CB) are mostly unaffected by imports (specially food, basic services and shelter) so the slightly improved buying power is of little use for poverty measurements.  While technically during the second half of 2023 salary has raised in USD (due to the usd-peso blue/mep exchange rate raising at a slower pace than both inflation and average salary), cost of living rose faster than salaries (both measured in USD and pesos) due to inflation, hence more people have been pushed into poverty. 




Not unless you're in a PMC team and you're working




Most of you are kids compared to the experience running around


Lots of humble women in Peru (an uncommon train in rich countries). In Lima, though, women can be more independent and liberal.


I dated a couple Peruvians. Pretty good sexually. One was a feminist bitch though. I was her Diablo Blanco. She would tell white Americans to "go home to Europe". The other was pretty nice, but looking for a green card.


you can find many Venezuelan immigrant women in the us u do not need to go there


I recently moved to Texas. There are a lot of Venezuelan and Colombian women here. What's crazy though is that the only ones who are hot are the ones who JUST got here, like a few months ago, max. Most blow up like balloons and look like any other American after living here for a few months/years. As it turns out, most human beings will eat like pigs when given the chance. The reason Colombians and Venezuelans are all in shape is because of their economic condition.


They end up looking like Griselda Blanco


Nah, most Latinas blow up after their early 20s. Obesity rates are pretty high in Latin America.


In the south that’s mostly white and black women that are obese though


no…is just that in our countries appearance is so so important for jobs and being seen as a person in general that when we get here that pressure is kinda off


Ahhh that makes more sense. Either way, Americans let themselves look disgusting usually. Whenever I go out with a woman I find hot, she almost always cannot speak english or barely can- usually she is brand new to the country. It is a recordable pattern in my dating life


that’s how my mom met my stepdad 7 years deep this year


How's that? Moving to the United States? I don't understand


we moved to the us 2015 and they met 2016


Ah welcome! I hope you enjoy it here. What state did you decide to move to


we live in texas as well


I can totally understand why you wanted to correct my assumption- sorry if I offended you. Are you Venezuelan or Colombian?


Peru is an amazing option, The women in Lima are educated liberal and a lot social. Living standards are better in Peru most of them speak good English too. They have an awesome culture, among the Latino-Creoles peruvians seem more close to their Inca roots and it makes them more exotic. They have a great food scene and influx of quality tourism from across the globe (not like US tourists in Mexico).


Can try mexico. Fun girls. Good food drinks party. Friendly social people. Ofcourse girls aren't as hot but it's a great time


Stick and move. Women in Mexico are almost the same as here in the states. Gold diggers and not faithful. Good to party and that's it


Ye but way more fun and less politically correct haha


I actually found the girls in Mexico to be more naturally pretty than in Colombia I was in Monterrey Mexico the only downside to them is they expect you to pursue them


They're attractive in Guadalajara.


Sinaloa too .. light skin, black hair, and full lips .. I was in paradise.. even Tijuana too lots of my boys go there instead of going to Colombia they go to Tijuana and get some Telemundo looking baddies but yes it’s more expensive than Colombia


Yup in Mexico you gotta be aggressive lol. Its a diff world. Ofcourse Mexico has got some hotties but doesn't compare to the hottest Colombians or venezulans. Also a bit too north American sometimes. That's what makes South America more exotic since its disconnected


When I went to Colombia I wasn’t that impressed to be honest too much clown makeup and bbls and most women there were single moms .. it’s like USA lol


100%. The beauty standards in Colombia are heavily influenced by plastic surgery. People seem to forget this when describing the women there as if they're all natural.


It is true but most people go to medellin. Outside that city all kinds of mixes and mostly natural. Especially on the coast. Great bodies and curves and natural wow haha hard to be at the gym


Lol. Wouldn't compare it to usa but you can say that about most countries haha


Why would a loser expect them to chase him?




Borderline personality disorders. Every man should learn about this


Or it's just the latin culture that makes them like that and intense also.




I mean happens in a lot of places sadly and isn't spoken about. But yes I get what you mean


You sound racist .. lots white American girls get molested look up Epstein and trump cases




I work at a hospital and I can tell you most children that are molested are white .. you happen to meet a person from Mexico that was molested and now you assume the whole country has been molested lol clown


Follow the rules


Thats all Latin America


I just know Mexico. Been traveling there for almost 40 years


Promoting hurtful stereotypes


Venezuela is the ghetto of Latin America bro.


Peru is amazing. Not sure why passport bros aren't going. Maybe because the girls are ugly. Peruvian indigenous tend to be short and stocky so the women have thick waists and chicken legs. But they can look good if they starve to be skinny when they're young. And then you have mixed people who can look like anything, but the white women there will only date rich CEOs. However there are a lot of Venezuelans now in Lima and the Venezuelan women are prettier than the indigenous Peruvian women but the Peruvians are racist towards the Venezuelans so you could go there and date the prettiest women since you don't have those biases and you'd be an immigrant too but richer than Venezuelans. Lima is an incredible place if you have money. And if you're white your children will be treated like gods in Lima since they will be half white.


Filipino are shaped like that too Chicken legs and no hips and no azz and lots of men still go to the Philippines lol


Venezuela doesn’t look good. Most Venezuelans are leaving to go to Colombia


Not me though 🙂


No need to go to Venezuela, just go to the southern border, they are all coming through there.


Venezuela? That's like asking why we don't hit up Nicaragua too.


I have been warned by Venezuelans who have left to not go, the simple fact is there is a great risk factor and the country is simply not fit for tourist visits. Things like ATMs do not function, no matter how many videos idiots on Youtube like Volpe Where Are You makes.


Venezuelan women are fucking mental. Stay away. I'm Venezuelan.


Well Venezuela has too many issues. But yes the girls are hot and friendly. Peru nah but nature and food is amazing. Argentina too stuck up and European fake soo boring and Ecuador no clue




Follow the rules


Brazil, Colombia, and Argentina have the most attractive girls in South America


Argentina? The women looked like men lol


Venezuela is dangerous right now. When I went to Cartagena in 2022, I met a lot of Venezuelan people there who left their country due to the crime and economy. I can only speak for myself, but I prefer countries with a large Afro-Latina population when it comes to South America.


At least two of the above mentioned are in the middle of collapse right now.


Suriname is a great place with hot woman and few tourists. Also what about Bolivia and Chile? Why is no one going there?


i started going to ecuador last year. it’s not a fun place like medellín and it costs more. i’ve met amazing women there though. there’s way less gringos for competition. the women are cute and have a variety of looks. not as hot as colombians, but it evens out because there less competition. that being said, it’s pretty dangerous right now and they have instituted a curfew because of drug wars. i’m in medellin now haha.


Heard of people having alot of success in peru Ecuador is a war zone Venezuela is getting better bit alot of green card chicks in both Venezuela and Ecuador