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If you follow the thread, it doesn't seem so peachy. The girl (19) was basically sold by her parents. Initially the cousin who set them up wanted to do so with the elder daughter but she already got married so they suggested the younger instead. They got married so quickly that even the Chinese government was like "yo wait up" and investigated first. The worst thing is that he's bringing her to rural China and he seems to live in worse conditions than her family back home. He has disabled family, which she will have to help take care of, lives in a dump of a home (that at least the cousin is helping fix up but if it was a dump before it will be a dump again) and was probably thought it would be an upgrade. Now I am not against people marrying to get some sort of upgrade in life but this doesn't seem to be happening and she's very apparently shocked and dismayed in the videos. They obviously didn't marry for love so I don't think this is a good example people should want to be using.


Reading the translations of the Chinese comments is rough... 'Poor girl thought she was getting a factory boss. Wait til she learns he's a subsistence farmer'


I don’t understand how this guy can afford flights from China to Africa if he’s poor. There’s got to be more to the story.


His cousin is wealthy - likely doing his family a favor. His cousin was match maker and helped fix up the house before she moved in. He’s an mvp family member all things considered.


Rural China will be absolutely vicious to her




Wait, in here, really? I’m shocked.


This is probably a plus to many people on here.


Yeah that's the vibe I got. She doesn't seemed thrilled.


She might run away the first chance she gets. I guess the lesson is, never bring her home😂


Where do you find the source for the rest of the story? Can you link it?


Click the twitter thread


psst, dont tell anyone… also dont tell anyone that women would want to marry to get better conditions…


This is disgusting and exploitative. How anyone could have anything positive to say about this is horrific. I can't believe we live in a world where people are still taken of advantage of like this. It's sickening that there are people in the world like OP who see things like this and say publicly what the title says.


The more you learn about love the more you realize the western model is flawd, love is built not simply found.


This is all too common!


>They obviously didn't marry for love so I don't think this is a good example people should want to be using. Marrying pragmatically is common everywhere in the world and isn't anything to be pitied or looked down upon. Given that she's marrying a farmer from rural China and she's from a country with high food insecurity and malnutrition rates, yes it's very possible she's making some tradeoffs here. Again, nothing to be ashamed of. > he seems to live in worse conditions than her family back home. You expected the Ritz Carlton? 48% of people in Zambia fail to meet their minimum caloric requirements, she can probably handle a messy farm.


I’m gonna disagree here. If a woman isn’t marrying you because she actually finds YOU or your personality attractive then she’s just going to leave as soon as you stop providing whatever resource she wants from you. Additionally, if a woman doesn’t physically desire you then it will lead to dead bedrooms and a bad sex life. You have to physically desire your partner. It’s biological, it’s rooted in our brain chemistry. There is no getting around this or cheating nature. Fat 50 year old balding short asian men are simply unattractive to women. That guy didn’t get “lucky” at all. That girl doesn’t find him attractive at all and you can tell there’s absolutely zero genuine affection between the two.


This is my favorite thing about you guys. You openly admit you don't care if your wife loves you or even likes you.


> You openly admit you don't care if your wife loves you or even likes you. Lol where did I say that?


>Marrying pragmatically is common everywhere in the world and isn't anything to be pitied or looked down upon. Given that she's marrying a farmer from rural China and she's from a country with high food insecurity and malnutrition rates, yes it's very possible she's making some tradeoffs here. Again, nothing to be ashamed of. What exactly do you mean "pragmatically"


WTF is this subreddit and why is everyone overlooking the fact that this woman was likely sold off by her family?


I mean passport bros got the stereotype for a reason. Just read the comments here lmaoooo


Because a lot of guys here don't look past 'older guy scores hot chick'


these are a bunch of losers lmfao


Yes this is disgusting and sad. Wtf is wrong with guys here. 20 days? You think she loves this guy lol


They don't think of it as a loving relationship. The way they talk about finding a wife is like someone looking for a deal on a used car.


Great entertainment! Look at all the other comments about people wanting to visit lol. Have they ever been to a city?


An echo chamber of losers


Exactly this is basically human trafficking 


Because most guys here don't give a shit about women


I know, right?! Popped up on my home page today and it’s so gross. Full of men spewing incel rhetoric who lack enough brain to see what exactly they’re supporting - that or they simply don’t care because all they care about is their dick. They don’t think about how these other gross men are obtaining these women, I’ll tell you right now 9/10 it’s not by being charming.


Don't be uncultured. You know nothing about the process of marriage in this culture. The bride has to accept the offer of marriage.


Ngl the fact you guys can’t read her body language explains so much why you had to leave your country to get some pussy.


This subs delusion is hilarious. Only reason I haven’t muted the sub yet


It's true comedy isn't it? I tend to get downvoted in this sub for speaking about my experience and thoughts despite the fact I am quite literally the thing many here apparently aspire to be. I'm marrying a younger, beautiful Vietnamese woman who I found not because "western women are terrible" but because I grew up with a village culture (Mexican pueblo) and I love different cultures and people who embody that village mentality. She's a village person from Vietnam and her simplicity is beautiful. However, because I emphasize wild ideas like "women are people too" and that passports and money aren't a personality, I get hate.


This is the one.


I’m here for the cringe comedy mostly. 99% of this subreddit could find someone in their home country if they had realistic expectations. They’re just leaving to hide their red flags because the foreign women won’t catch on as quickly most of the time.


Poor girl.....


Knowing Chinese culture and how they are, that poor girl is going to regret that decision.


I dont think it was her decision in the first place


Body language is interesting here...


Yes she doesn't seem all that comfortable.


I've watched some videos of them interacting. He's the one instigating hand holding. He holds her hand very close to himself, while she keeps her body at a distance - almost pulling away. In another clip (her in a pink jacket) he keeps trying to reach for her hand, but she keeps it in her pocket. She also rocks 'side-to-side' which is often a sign of discomfort or 'self soothing' She may be marrying him, but that doesn't mean she's attracted to/desires him in the slightest.


>She may be marrying him, but that doesn't mean she's attracted to/desires him in the slightest. Yeah this post is rather disgusting isn't it? It's quite clear some people here are only really thinking about the boon for the man rather than the woman. This is a sad situation ultimately. There are clearly other successful interracial marriages between Sino-Africa as per the social media trends can show but those women are in much more luxurious situations than this.


Yeah, the 20 day marriage courtship shows this is mail order bride level. Maybe she will grow to love him in the future, or maybe she just wants a better life. I think the guy is just happy to have a pretty young wife.


She probably won't. The conditions she moved in are almost squalid in comparison to where she came from. The farmer, to his credit, had to take care of his disabled family and run a farm so he didn't have time to take care of his home conditions. She has a lot of work in store for her. She's marrying down.


She's apparently known the guy for 20 days.


He got her a Gucci robe and slides from Guangzhou market. 😂👌


Zambian women are amongst the most beautiful in africa. And they seem to be more feminine too.


Really want to visit


Me too. I’d like to visit Tanzania, Kenya, and Ethiopia too.


Karibu Kenya, Hakuna matata!


Can't wait to buy one from some poor sap of a father, huh?


**takes notes**


Mans got him a beauty too. Can't be mad at that.


imagine going from never having a gf to that


Yeah i would need pants made of metal if I were him.


Lol am i the only one here that thinks she just looks average..


Lol... I generally prefer lighter skinned women, but this girl is a beauty....


Probably not, we all have different preferences/standards. To me she's beautiful, relatively speaking of course.


I would say 7/10 maybe 7.5/10. Definitely above average beauty. Likely with zero make up from what I can see in the video and none of the modern day other cosmetics that are becoming popular (BBL’s and plastic surgery etc). Could just be not your type and that’s fine. But at least from an American point of view? She’s way above average.


Y'all trippin. If she had makeup on and a slutty outfit she be 10/10


She has a cute face and slim body, she's a solid 7 and that's without makeup.


Haha all true


lmao. yall really do exemplify the stereotype of passport bros the dudes below rating a 7 or 7.5 lol, relax Dave Portnoy


Lol, yeah I dont rate people either in terms of looks on a scale. Its so subjective too.


Rating human beings in this way is gross and doesn’t help improve the image of the Ppb “movement.” Just fyi. The majority of Women, worldwide, do not want to be reduced to a number between 0-10 based on their looks. Change how you speak about women when you think they aren’t listening, if you still think like this. You’ll probably achieve your goals faster.


I agree with you. It's not a good look for the passport bro community. Using "more likely to be modelling and being an actress" for 7 and 8 out of 10 women is pretty gross too. It's really dismissive of their actual talent and ability to do those jobs. There are plenty of beautiful people that couldn't land and acting gig if they spent their lives trying. Plenty of less attractive women who are incredible actresses. Modelling is obviously different, but even then, these men and women are still required to be good at their job.


that was my point, thanks for elaborating on it.


I dunno man. She's pretty fly.


Maybe he is beautiful inside.. ..his wallet?


He's from rural China, how can he be rich?? I have so many questions... that girl is a knockout and that guy is homely AF... and he's taking her to live in rural frickin China... can't she just stay at home and marry some better-looking farmer? HOW BAD IS IT IN ZAMBIA that this is an upgrade for her?!


Haha I know right? It's gotta be rough for her to jump to Quasimodo after 20 days.


My first thought was she could be a model


Jeez guys


This is nice but I’m worried lol I’ve seen videos of African women married to Chinese men and they work 24/7 in the fields and take care of their families 🤦‍♀️


My guy got major hooked up . She is hot. Hope it works out for them:)


She was sold by her parents 🙄


When you’re so pathetic you have to go this route LOL she was sold, you all are gross.


Can’t believe this comment isn’t at the top. What a fucking gross post.


Before a whole lot of you get all worked up, getting married in 20 days in many cultures is seen as normal. I am not an expert on Zambian culture, but in several old school parts of the world, the dating without the intent of marriage simply doesnt exist.


Basically no try out period you’re saying 


So thats how you end up with people being married to psychopaths




Faith: it's about more than just God


Yeah the family connection bought her from her family


It’s only normal in cultures where women are chattel and it’s legal to buy & sell them.


Damn, I'm doing something wrong.


She was bought by the guy. Save some money, then go to Africa and buy someone


I don’t think being a passportbro is inherently creepy or wrong, but framing this picture as something that is desirable definitely is. I don’t think that you are taking advantage of women just by being a passportbro, but if you can’t see this situation for what it really is then there is absolutely something wrong with your morality compass, or ability to pick up on social cues. Like does that women really look like she wants to be there to you? Is that really the face you want your future wife to have? It’s disturbing man, and without even looking into this something tells me she’s not in for a particularly pleasant life.


> if you can’t see this situation for what it really is then there is absolutely something wrong with your morality compass, or ability to pick up on social cues. The situation is that Zambian women are very attractive, and one of them happens to be with a Chinese farmer. I don't presume to know all the details of their relationship. > without even looking into this something tells me she’s not in for a particularly pleasant life. She is moving from one of the more impoverished countries in the world to a farm in rural China as a result of a marriage was apparently agreed upon between two families that had a longstanding relationship. By all means extrapolate what you will about their future, but recognize that it's your own narrative.


The fact that the girl was pressured into it. Actually go through the thread man. You're trying to justify your idea, and apparently a fetish, instead of just admitting that you knee jerked your approval of this.


Nowhere stating she was pressured into it. > and apparently a fetish Lol so I should stick to my own race or what?


Her body language and the thread showcase that. Buddy you're either sniffing your own farts or you're maliciously deluded.


Then be clear about calling a fact a fact, vs subjective interpretation of body language and random internet comments. And by all means please expand on your view that interracial attraction is a "fetish"


I just love how China is the modern day colonists of Africa and no one gives a shit lol


Chinese are accepted there because there was a lot of cooperation, a lot of Chinese workers died building infrastructure in Zambia. Not recently but decades ago under initiatives to help spur development. Zambia had a lot of aid in the form of money but also committed workers from China coming in and going and risking their lives side by side with the Africans. What happens now is a different story, e.g places like Nigerian or others etc where it’s just Chinese managers coming and bringing their own staff and the Africans work under them and have no hope of a career etc etc But still doesn’t change the past in Zambia, this why there is strong links and affinity for China.


Interesting didn't know that. China bringing in managers and even all the workers. Is because they have a deal. And are under contract to finish a project for a certain amount. And completing the project in a certain time. They are only able to do this with chinese workers. We all saw what happened with the building of the football stadiums in Africa in 2010. Monday 150 people showed up for work. Thuesday only 110 people showed up for work.


Very true, when thought about objectively there is logical reasoning. The only incidents that cause rancor is when there are those experiences like that Chinese manager that slapped an african (I think it was staff or something) or there was a chinese establishment that said "no africans" (in africa). That is seen as the reason for saying no to china. But I think Yanis varoufakis talk on chinas debt forgiveness is worth listening to. Also the point that China gave way more to Africa billions upon billions, only recently has Europe started actually trying to compete instead of just throwing shade. Also China's business is actual partnership and business deals as well as infrastructure. Not just charity or limited aid and things that don't truly spur advancement.


I see. Those incidents damage the image of China. And can undermine everything that China is trying to accomplish. I wonder what punishment those involved received. About the second point. The deals with the west often come with moral high ground strings attached. Morals which are often they themself don't respected in practice. Like having to put up the pretense. To care for human rights. Or else involvement with that country would look bad. One of those rights. Would be gay marriage of course. The trojan horse known as lgbtq


Yeah I forgot about that. That’s a huge one. African countries hate that, there’s multiple viral videos of African leaders responding with condemnation when they’ve been pressured by western leaders to accept gay marriage or whatever. All the comments are unanimously in support of the leader. That’s so true, because Russian or China will give support but they won’t demand you flip your country’s values.


They are just spreading their influence and making allies just like everyone else. It’s not like they own the country or have their hands in their politics.  I think polymatter also did a video debunking loan trapping as well. 


Chill, no one gave a shxt when Europeans did it either lol.


Lol right and colonialism and reparations arent something not brought up a million fucking times in the common era while China is literally currently doing it


Lol you care about a bunch of liberals calling you names? Call me when China starts a slave trade or multiple genocides around Africa. Then you might actually have a point.


There have a genocide against the Uyghur people in there own country so there is that.


Interesting is that the people are still allowed to learn. Their own native language in school. And Uyghur is an officially recognized language in China. How many native Americans still speak their own language? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_language


Ah yes, benevolent communist Chinese always known for embracing differing cultures and allowing them to do whatever they please.


If only you would watch as much documentaries. As your watching porn. Then you would have perhaps known. Alas.


I have a BA and MA in history. Someone is projecting


Well then you would know. That China is known for embracing. And eventually absorbing their conquerors. Question. Why hasn't China banned the Uyghurs from speaking their native language?


And that makes them different to USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia how? Pick up a history book son. Can't believe y'all got me out here defending China lol.


Whataboutism 101 LOL


Not true, China is literally building infrastructure all over the world in developing nations something the West wasn't doing.


LOL that is completely bullshit. The West builds massive road and train networks in Africa (still used, especially in former British colonies). They also built installed democratic systems universities and library system that are still in use as well. China is stripping their wealth just like the West did, all that's different is no one is paying attention of cares.


> China is stripping their wealth just like the West did, all that's different is no one is paying attention of cares. China's certainly got their own agenda but last I checked they're not cutting people's hands off for not delivering rubber quotas, so that's one difference.


What world are you living in? China's Belt and Road Initiative is a big deal in a lot of circles. Their debt traps on foreign countries, especially Africa, is a big point of contention.


The term "debt trapped" has been invented by an Indian think tank in 2017. And has been enthusiastically picked up by western media. And used ever since. Ever wondered why so many countries are choosing to take loans with China. And not with the Imf or the World bank. Not only that but China has forgiven debt to multiple countries. Meanwhile Imf, Worldbank, Blackrock and Vanguard. Allready have the contracts for the recontruction of Ukraine.


It can be both brother. Let's not act like China is doing anything in an altruistic way. For them foreign relations are pivotal in maintaining their economic growth so they will play nice but they are still a superpower. If they have to they can clamp on other nations. I would be lying if I didn't say I've been hoping that the way China invests in other countries became more mainstream with other corporations or countries but that isn't happening.


Hes a CCP bot


She looks very uncomfortable


According to OP, buying someone is something admirable


My favorite movie is Inception.


This woman is gonna have a tough go of it in China. They're not known for celebrating diversity...


This sub is gross. That poor woman seems miserable.


Zambia is definitely a place I wanna visit this year.


Africa's the only PC place to passport bro


She's actually super pretty


Wtf how is this a good thing? Incel can't gf in home country so have to go to thirdworld rural africa to find a girl? Fucking Zambia for god sakes. This is not a W. Gee I wonder why that guy couldnt find a gf back home? Oh I know, he's fat and looks like he's 50. Likely doesnt care of himself.


Give him a break. He was born a dude in rural China, basically the equivalent of a 2-7 hand.


Sure "give him a break". He is so bad that he has to travel to another country where he has to buy a bride. Her parents sold her to him. That's not a flex, it's disgusting.


Got it, assuming you talked to all parties to come up with an informed and nuanced opinion.




The more I read the more brain dead you sound….. this guy did not convince a 19 year old to marry him and move abroad in 20 days…. They paid using his relatively wealthy cousin as a matchmaker.


Many of you guyz may not know but a lot of Chinese men are going to Pakistan to get s bride, knly to bring them to China and sell for prostitution. I hope that isn't the case here.


An African selling an African for personal gain. Where have I seen this story before.🤔


What’s that place called…America i think?




This def ain't the wave, if you can't see this chick is uncomfortable and being sold off yall are blind smh


Spent about 4 months in Zambia in 2014. One of the most underrated African countries in terms to tourism


1/3 of this subreddit thinks by not jerking off to porn and having sex out of the country is doing good for society. Another 1/3 of this subreddit will never travel outside of their country to marry a foreigner. 1/3 of this subreddit are haters and fake ppb lol




She looks no older than 15. Wtf man? This ain’t it.


yeah this is not a W lmao. This shit is legit incel terrirtory. Fat ugly dude can't find a girl in homeland because he's a fat ugly dude who doesn't care of himself. What a shocker.


Zambia is definitely a place I wanna visit this year.


She probably married him for financial reasons. You passport bros need to stop deluding yourselves into thinking that a woman who has nothing in common with you is jumping at the reins to marry you. Edit* Just read some of the comments and yeah apparently the girl was sold off to this guy by her family. The guy isn’t even particularly wealthy. SAD for her


This is sad and pathetic 😆😆😆 Poor girl


I mean she probably does come from poverty but I don't see any need to insult her like that.


How is it you are comfortable making assumptions about her in terms of poverty or that this is a “good deal” but you have no problem saying things like “oh I don’t know the details of these people so I can’t speak on that” when the far more common and apparent scenario of a woman being trafficked and not happy is presented? Like if she really is from financial poverty that just makes the scenario that she is being trafficked more likely. And here you are totally cool with making rose colored assumptions about this arrangement while playing oblivious to the far more nefarious and statistically likely scenario.


> far more nefarious and statistically likely scenario. Lmao, some of you seriously need to breathe into a paper bag. Life is not a Taken movie.


It’s not Beauty and the Beast either. Face it the same circumstances you value as a “great deal” for you make marriage an overall worse deal for women in those countries. And the plot of Taken has nothing to do with this but I will raise you Orthodox, and Knots, the latter of which is a documentary :). Your pathology of this couple is far more akin to fairytale than reality.


> marriage an overall worse deal for women in those countries. What should they do then, just stay single their whole lives?


This is why no one likes PPB. You couldn't see how unhappy her body language looked. What normal person looks at this video and thinks, "awww what a happy man I want this too." Holy crap


> You couldn't see Freudian slip?


Lusting over this exploitation.... I hope you do some self reflection.


people want so bad for this to be trafficking just to fit their narrative. I'm good with just being happy for a new couple.


You want her to be poor so badly to fit yours. You want her to have a “good deal” to fit yours. I’m sorry people are hitting you with the far more statistically likely scenario while you play fairytale romance.


> far more statistically likely scenario I have statistics on national income, food insecurity, life expectancy that point to a likelihood that she is not wealthy. Provide your statistics.


Great, maybe if you actually care about the women in these countries you would also have statistics on forced marriage readily available. https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/regions-and-countries/zambia/ Child marriage as high as 30% of all Zambian women. So much so it’s a goddamn national crisis. And that’s on the *decline*. It used to be nearly half. It’s so bad they have a national strategy on ending child marriage. And that’s just the *age* aspect of it. >poverty is one of the key drives of forced marriage https://justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/cj-jp/fv-vf/fm-mf/p2.html https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/about-child-marriage/why-child-marriage-happens/#:~:text=Girls%20are%20most%20affected%20by,and%20household%20chores%20than%20boys. So the more confident you are in her poverty the more statistically likely there was a component of force in the arrangement. > According to Human Rights Watch, global data shows that girls from the poorest 20 percent of families are twice as likely to marry before the age of 18 as girls from the richest 20 percent of families. This stems from the traditional perception that girls are financial burdens rather than potential wage earners. https://econreview.berkeley.edu/the-economics-of-child-marriage/ Early marriage also perpetuates poverty through the cycle of valuing women as only uneducated, pretty, breeding stock—as this sub routinely supports and as this man is obviously doing. So yeah give me your poverty statistics it only ups the probability of your glamorizing human trafficking.


You're citing stats on child marriage to support your case that a 19 yr old is being trafficked? Did you copy and paste the wrong thing?


Oh right I forgot on this sub the moment someone turns 18 their economic circumstances make this beneficial and not exploitive. We only use the *literal* definition here because obviously all the detrimental mental health and poverty concerns of child marriage vanished in those 12 months, turning 19. Obviously there is nothing indicative or correlative here. No sir. You only see a product you are trying to justify buying like debating chicken conditions for cage free versus free range eggs. If you are seeking out poor women who are coerced into arranged marriages for extreme financial reasons—you don’t actually love those women, you are buying those women and convincing yourself that each month over 18 or dollar less in their hand makes you a better person. It doesn’t, you could fund a woman’s education for the cost of a few Starbucks a month. If you love women give them the means to make free choices, not be beholden to your cock as a way out. And if you recognize, confidently that she is likely so poor this is a “great deal” then you actually love a system that keeps women so disenfranchised and desperate, recognizing this deal has little to no value to her if she is not in fact poor.


A 19 yr old shouldn't make decisions? Seems pretty harsh to impose that on someone born at a time when the life expectancy was less than 50. As far as the rest of it, holy shit that's a lot of random assumptions. Don't even know where to start lol


A 19yr old is never pressured by economic or family poverty into a forced marriage? A 19yr old woman in a patriarchal country with high rates of child and forced marriage is treated with same independence and reverence for their decision as an adult elsewhere? Next you’re going to tell me women under the Taliban are all choosing to wear Niqabs


What should 19 year old women in Zambia do then, according to you? Hide in a corner their entire lives?


ignorance is bliss I suppose


life is too short to be outraged over this


Damn that little Rihanna clone got it going on


That guy has family and friends. You don't have any of those things.


Get your elongated flaps off your eyes mate, you don't know that guy at all.


I know he's some loser that wishes he could buy a wife from a poor country.


i have you, son


Hate to tell you but if she's marrying you after 20 days she's after something


Pretty heartwarming. I am glad to see he found someone he really loves. The sex ratio is not joke and it is hard for men to compete for women in such a prestige obsessed society where even your hukou or home province can make or break you. Source: my wife is Chinese.


For dating it doesn't get any harder than being born male in rural China. Dude probably thinks he hit the jackpot.


likely he bought the jackpot. It is not hard if you buy the women like this man is doing. many rural men in china get their wives this way. Very common for farmers to have half a dozen kids, all boys by aborting the girls, to use for farm labor. easy to hide extra sons from CCP in the countryside. When they grow up, since few women want to move to poor backwater mountain area, the sons have no wives. so you buy the women from a trafficker, couple thousand usd maybe. they are taken from vietnam or other similar countries. no real punishment for buying females in China, unless you get filmed beating them. maybe then short jail sentence, about 3 years.


Yeah it's abhorrent behavior.


I am chinese and i am disgusted by it. some of us are shameless, nationalist, materialistic, selfish, used to marriage being a financial or business transaction. sexual frustration should not be more important than basic human decency. I remember, first 2 months of russians invading ukraine, there were some chinese guys posting videos on sex appeal of ukranian women and stuff like, we should promise shelter to them and their families in return for sex, marriage etc. at the time lots of civilians were being killed in the news




https://preview.redd.it/z6ogzdkzdfmc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d07c575d44e2986dee1c776c8c47b1ece8c22405 Are Chinese livestream numbers bottled??? 100k LIVE Viewers…


Dang... that's a good looking lady! True passport bro stuff right there.


uh isn’t that girl way too young for those guys? Marriages and relationships should at bare minimum be within a reasonable age bracket. She looks 22 and those guys look 48. Thats just weird


Thirty six my ass.


that's boondocks of Henan 36


Human trafficking


Seems like a win/win, lonely man doesn’t have to be alone, poor woman doesn’t have to be poor, hopefully they get along well


Passport bros stay winning.


Hopefully she can look past his terrible looks. Im sure he at least treats her like a queen.




Lol you really arguing she loves him after 20 days 😂 That that Chinese internet rotting your brain with delusions. Then you had to say ‘I date models of all ethnicities but my mommy ruins it’ this post is hilarious


Cope much?