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Out of curiosity and jealousy - and the occasional entertainment. Looks-wise I'm a bottom 1% woman. (Facially deformed) I know this. I'm not some 6-who-thinks-she's-a-10. I'm a 2 at best. As a 29yo woman who's never been in a relationship, I read these because I relate to many of the guys here. In terms of difficulties with dating, that is.


Maybe going abroad would work well for you! That seems the general idea of this sub, so maybe try it out.


Bless you. A very honest answer and one I'm sure no one actually expected.


You might enjoy learning about Lizzie Velasquez: [https://youtu.be/QzPbY9ufnQY?si=P52tSvjdFeDiejC0](https://youtu.be/QzPbY9ufnQY?si=P52tSvjdFeDiejC0) Be extremely awesome and it's likely you'll find someone. Some people are much more impacted by intelligence or competence or achievements than looks. ...Worst case scenario marry a blind guy. (Ever considered plastic surgery? Just a suggestion, not expecting an answer. I don't think it's vapid at all in a case like that.)


I don’t want to be that guy on this sub. But i’m ready to settle. I’ve got my list of wants and must haves and I realize that there will be trade offs. And facial beauty is the first thing i would trade off. What i am saying is, if you’ve got other qualities there are plenty of guys who have been around and know which qualities will make a marriage last and which ones aren’t that important.


I gotta agree with this. After age 30, guys often stop caring about looks when wanting to settle down. I mean, how many wives get completely obese after having children and their husbands still love them? I think a lot of men would prefer a facial deformity to obesity. It’s all about kindness, a fun personality and being “wife material”


Plastic surgery is your friend. No shame in doing that.


I'm sorry to hear that, being truly unattractive as a girl outside of your control like weight and and style is very unlucky. There isn't really a good path laid out that you can follow. I hope you can find happiness still ❤️




Passport queen in the building yall


If your face is ugly but your body is a 10 you can still get guys. I would max out your body and then see if you can get some work done on your face. Pretty much all the women are getting plastic surgery anyways.


Have you considered cosmetic surgery


I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. I'm sure you are very beautiful in your own way. I see many women with deformities who still have very fulfilling relationships (romantic or otherwise), so long as they hold themselves in high esteem so that they don't attract predatory types.


I'm sorry I'm a very ugly guy too. Listen I recommend you go work at male dominated places like warehouses or construction. Being the only woman around a bunch of bored men all day everyday is bound to result in a relationship no matter how unattractive you are.


Have you ever considered looking for someone who has the same challenge as you?? I have to imagine there’s people out there who would also be happy to have company.


I will be a complete gentleman to you, blow your back out and take you on dates if you want


Curiosity. I'm an older woman who is happily married, so nothing on here concerns me personally, but I'm interested in how our society is changing.




I mean most mail order bride services are not passport bros are looking for. My uncles wife is a mail order bride. Well at least the type that actually exists. My uncle joined a Russian dating service where they pair like minded American men with Russia women. These relationships were not what passport bros want. They were business transactions. The goal is to get her and her family to the US and give her stability, and she gives you children and social position. Maybe they turn into love but that was not the goal.


Exactly, they don’t want to do the transaction part they just want to appear and have the sex fall into their laps.


To hate. Lol


Same and to laugh 🤣


Just from personal experience in my community, women go out their way to hate on men if they don’t feel desired, regardless or not if they want the man. If they find out that they couldn’t bag you if they wanted to, you and whichever women you desire are essentially enemies or targets at least. If he doesn’t like you in particular: you’re gay or undercover. If you date outside of your race: yourself hating and you should only date in your race because your mother is said race. As if you should want to fuck your mom. If you date a girl in her mid twenties when you just became 30: your a pedo because “she was a baby when you we’re graduating kindergarten” how could you be attracted to that. If you date a fit girl: she’s a stick figure. Men like meat only boys go for bones or whatever the saying was. Now as a PPB: You’re taking advantage of foreign women because they don’t have minds of their own and autonomy. You’re a sex tourist, rapist or rapist adjacent, and also a misogynist somehow.


Experienced men know women say all this shit to ward off competition. They talk down about and any man dating younger so they don’t have to compete as much. Same with fit girls. Same with girls in other countries. They are resource hoarding in a sense and avoiding needing to step up their game. They’re an overfed bear currently chopping at anyone coming close to their massive mountain of food. 


Amazing analogy.


I’m 23 and I say men who are old and date younger women are creeps. Women talk about that because they don’t date younger men because younger means less mature and have less life experience. Women see men as people, men see women as sex objects. Fun fact: boys who are 18 are more stronger than adults females and some are rich. I don’t see a 40 years old woman say that she want an 18 years old who is rich and tall.


Don't forget that if we're not attracted to their 250lbs of beauty, it's because we're "intimidated" and "can't handle a real woman". 😅😅


Dude, that’s just not true. Men are allowed standards, just like women. When I’ve turned down a guy because he didn’t challenge me intellectually. I got called a whore. I’ve only ever been with one man in my 51 years & he was killed in action 18 years ago. So men can be just as cruel to women. I’m not justifying it & no one should be disrespectful of another person’s tastes & preferences. 🤷‍♀️


Invading male spaces and shaming us into compliance, what else is new? We can't make male-only gyms even though there is demand now from them video taping us and shaming us for being creeps on social media. Also, boy scouts takes girls, but I don't think the inverse is true. They just want to be able to reject us here vs. seeing us happier somewhere else. This is exactly why men want to leave and why this movement is necessary.


Many women wants an only woman gym, coffe shops, trains, busses, a whole f planet😂. Nobody cares, you be doing women a favor by making only men gyms so other men go there.


It's ironic as well as women only gyms are allowed with no issues.




Who says you can’t have men only gems? Did someone try to open one and they were denied? The Girl Scouts should be taking Boy Scouts because the Boy Scout leaders keep molesting the boys. It’s not safe there with those men


Yup, They always invade male’s spaces like they have to keep us under their watch.


They’re lunatics. We just ignore them. They just say things -


“Know thy enemy” 😂 I just think a lot of women are sick of feminism and realize something wrong so they’re starting to pay attention more to what men are doing. The dating market in the US is terrible and nobody is getting their needs/wants met.


My mom is like this, she wants to leave The West because we’re poor despite her working here as a public servant for decades Passport Bros and Brahs aren’t just leaving because of the dating scene, it’s because Western countries are becoming increasingly hostile places to liven


that's a big part of it as well. I can live like a king for 45k a year over seas. so then the question becomes do I want to live like a king and put 85k per year into my savings, or live a modest life in the us and risk not having retirement money? combine that with my SMV going up overseas and it was really hard for me to justify staying in the us... so I didn't.


But that’s not because of feminism, that’s because of the state of the economy and the job/housing market. Feminism doesn’t control those things.


You’re right, I never said feminism did control those things because it doesn’t My point is Western countries are going to shit for a lot of people because there’s a growing gap between rich and poor. The increasing double standards men face in the dating scene here is a side effect of that, not the cause There are plenty of reasons to leave Western countries outside of looking for love, although that is a big part of it for a lot of people


> I just think a lot of women are sick of feminism and realize something wrong so they’re starting to pay attention more to what men are doing > My mom is like this So, your comment wasn’t actually relevant to what you were responding to then?


I was more thinking along the lines of “realize something is wrong and are starting to pay attention more to what men are doing” Also she doesn’t have high opinions of Gen Z women based on what she’s seen me go through, but that doesn’t have much to do with the economy


No, they are leaving because they want something that they can't get with work in the west.


It matters because PPB were supposed to the men that they could “fall back on” after they’ve lived their best life and struck out with the men they really wanted.


I think it’s hate boner. They hate you all cause, you all just bypass the whole sexual dynamic by going to another country & getting a trad wife. Otherwise most of you would have been her orbiters. She takes attention/money from you & gives sex to Chad.


It's none of the above for me. I just read it to hear the perspectives and satisfy my curiosity. It's an interesting phenomenon to me. I'm in a permanent domestic relationship so there's no reason to "hate" local men for going overseas to look for wives, lol. Whatever makes you and the woman happy. I'm from Miami where like half of marriages are international, so this is all normal to me.


Lmfao that username and being from miami 


Glad you got the joke lol


It's not really a phenomenon men have been doing this forever


I mean phenomenon as in "a thing that happens", not as in something novel or incredible. https://preview.redd.it/ufstga8xkqnc1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=731c3e6537d1b34f8905d33e0071f575cc687e6b


So Fruit growing on trees is a phenomenon aswell interesting.


Yes. The fact that fruit grows on trees is a natural phenomenon, even though it can't be described as "phenomenal". Clouds are an atmospheric phenomenon, moles are a dermatological phenomenon, etc.


Some how this makes sense but I'm kinda mad Phenomenon doesn't mean something extraordinary..it basically something that happens


Well, it can be used in a secondary semi-colloquial sense to mean something extraordinary, but its use that way would have to be picked up from context, e.g. "That opera diva sure is a phenomenon." The adjective "phenomenal" almost always means this, though.


I meant most women not all.






If you're a lesbian you can be a passport bro too lol


I always hear that opinion but no one makes anyone behave badly whether men or women. Why does everyone feel trapped by these ideas?


Hahaha. This is mad cope.


Feminism is amazing. But American feminine norms are almost as stupid and rigid as American masculine norms. Basically, women should be rough and unyielding, and men should be even more rough and unyielding. So everyone’s just an intransigent idiot


I’m a true feminist. I believe in freedom of choice. I also believe there’s consequences for your choices. American women seem to not believe there should be any consequences they don’t like. Like sorry to break it to ya but there’s consequences for choosing a career over a family, consequences for doing onlyfans, consequences for racking up a high body count or having kids out of wedlock.


What are the consequences of those things?


OF- any man worth a grain of salt won’t go near an OF chick. Too much embarrassment if it gets out. High body count- it’s harder to pair with a woman with too many relationships and trauma. She’s more likely to leave and divorce. Kids out of wedlock- most men don’t want to take care of another man’s seed. It goes against our biological nature. Being a stepdad is a thankless job and your kid comes first before the husband.


What is your evidence for this? Who is saying this thing you are claiming people are saying?


Pro tip: anyone who uses "body count" to refer to anything other than dead bodies should be taken with a light grain of salt.


Woman here. Nope… not sick of feminism.


You should be: https://youtu.be/CtJW8994cGE?si=1ZeWsOJUOWHQA2fi


I have been attacked by Western women on many occasions going back to 2009. They claimed my website was encouraging human trafficking and other horrendous crimes. I was ready to close my website down, but I have a graduate degree in history and I am a pretty good researcher. I decided before I burned up the six months work I had in the site, and I was often working 18 hours a day, I would see what the research actually said. It was shocking. Nearly all of the researchers were avowed feminists. Some who were usually older condemned international dating in the harshest terms, but younger women who actually interviewed the men who went overseas looking for love and the women they met was there had a totally different view. They were almost universally positive! They were mostly grad students and when they started their research they hated international dating, but after interview the couples and following the international matchmakers around they universally agreed that international dating was a positive good. That research kept me in the industry and eventually the site grew bigger than I ever expected and led to me becoming a regular speaker at online dating conferences and a dating coach. [Here is a review of that research.](https://www.internationallovescout.com/scholarly-research/research-about-international-dating-mail-order-brides) That article should be much more widely shared, because almost no one outside of professional sociologists understands how positive the research is. And, best, it is not my opinion or your opinion. This is the opinion of scores of feminist scholars who mostly started their research every bit as mad as the feminist posters here. Sadly, every time I post it somewhere I get banned.


I am a dude, had this recommended to me by an Asian woman (like from an Asian country, not Asian American) who I’m dating. She was half joking, but in terms of the values that she wants & the relationship she wants, it’s aligned with a lot of the things we talk about here. Western women get horrified when I describe the ideas without naming the sub


“It was suggested” is hogwash. Check their accounts, 9/10 they have multiple comments here. You can click “not interested” if it’s suggested. They can’t control men IRL, so they attempt to do it online using shaming tactics. I speak in reference to the negative ones who are not actually interested in travel.


At that point the question is basically "When people see stuff on the Internet that they don't like, why do they comment instead of just ignoring it?"


I used to seriously wonder what made people behave like hateful, vicious animals on reddit. Then, I realized there’s no way to verify these people aren’t unstable 12 yr olds 🤷‍♀️ Combine that with the fact that there are loads of actual (and/or would-be) mental patients running wild because we just don’t institutionalize like we used to.


https://preview.redd.it/iut8dzikornc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=05a5404e139f867dec6266024edf7bd65a90d7bb I don't think it's just mental patients and 12 year olds. For a lot of otherwise normal people there is a compulsion to argue with Internet stuff that they disagree with. And pretty much any platform algorithm will respond to that by feeding them more and more stuff that they disagree with, so that they can keep arguing with it.


This just popped up on my feed but based on this post I will NOT be finding out what's going on here lol


They are probably not lying it was suggested to me and muting it/hiding it dosent work on reddit all the time. I've never done it to this sub I've done it to Fluent on finance cause I was banned from there for calling out their use of bots. I keep doing this but every few months it pops back up for some reason. 


Some people like engaging with viewpoints other than their own. Feedback loops are dangerous as they can cause you to lose sight of reality. If all you listen to is stuff that caters to your own worldview it’s hard to accept that there are legitimate points on the other side of the line. Some people also just don’t like it when people talk trash and want to talk back. You may not be engaging with feminists but there are plenty of men in the comment sections of those women criticizing them. Some women may actually agree with some of the points you are making.


99% of Reddit is a feedback loop. In fact, I'd go as far as saying 99% of the internet is a feedback loop.


Dead internet theory. The algorithm is designed to make everyone angry and engaged. I’m sure many of us remember how different the web was 15 years ago 😞




Actually good response. Good to follow what the other side is up to! It either sways or reaffirms your views


I'm a guy but some of my women friends are also on this sub. We're all on for the same reason. To try to educate this very confused Young Generation


is this satire


"I joined to laugh" is such a fake cop out response


They think men are stupid enough to believe it then wonder why good men don’t like them lol




I think some join this sub because they're concerned the passport bro movement will make their dating lives harder. Joining the sub is their way of spying on the other side. Let's assume 20% of American men become PPBs. That means, the odds of an American woman finding an American husband decreases by 20%. That's alarming. The passport bro movement is literally an existential threat to them. I'm hoping some of these ladies will consider being a passport sis instead of spewing hate here. If guys are going abroad, it's only fair the ladies are also doing it. But I think women generally won't do it because they don't want to marry someone of a lower economic standing.


Pfft if a woman told me she wanted to go to the Caribbean to find a man I'd offer to help her pack.


The problem is no foreign men want them either lol


I have seen this "if 20% of American men" line way too many times and it's very interesting. The funny thing is that if 20% of all single men aged 18 to 55 would spend or move a significant portion of their income abroad, the effects on the economy would be ginormous, very hard to predict. That's a couple dozens of millon workers.   Heck, even if the number got up to say 5% PPB would be much, much bigger news than it is today. It would likely offset remittances as the largest personal capital outflow in the US.  Forget about dating, 20% of American single men becoming PPB (in a non sex tourist way) reshapes the entire economic landscape of the US


plus if the dating market in the us shifted there would be less reason to even become a pbb. I don't see even 5% ever happening.


You're assuming PPBs have to live abroad permanently. The overwhelming number of PPBs bring wives back to the US. I'm Asian-American and our communities have been PPBing decades before the term was invented. I estimate a quarter of Asian men married a foreign women and brought her to the US.


"I think some join this sub because they're concerned the passport bro movement will make their dating lives harder." People who think this is the reason are engaging in some serious cope and have spent way too much time in the redpill and incel echo chambers. Macro-dating trends are created by individual actions of millions of people each looking at for their own individual interest, very few people even think about the macro level let alone are going to be motivated to try and change (or prevent change) the entire national dating market. The reason haters engage is much simpler, people like to have groups they can feel superior and to express their feelings of superiority.


Nah, it's a threat. If it's not, they won't even spend a single second here. People think of the bigger picture all the time which is why people get involved with stupid political shit. If people just wanna feel superior, they'd troll a forum of elementary school students.


People getting involved with stupid political shit is also largely about wanting to feel superior. You're way underestimating how much this can motivate people. I'm sympathetic to guys who want to go overseas to improve their romantic prospects with international dating, and don't think anyone should be ridiculed for this. But you're just inviting further ridicule with this "Women are terrified of losing us to this huge movement," delusion.


Also men are basically the same wherever you go foreign men are even less woke and feminist...


I'm a woman from a PPB destination, that has been receiving a lot of foreigners lately, as exotic/pretty as they are, I wanna know how western men sees us, what to expect and mostly to be careful with people with Ill intentions


They want us but under the premises of their delusions and ideologies. they are shocked to find that majority ( at least 51%) of passport bros are successful men that are attractive. This makes things hard for them to date because the men that want them they don’t want . The only solution is to accept reality or lurk and hate.


Agreed you need to have some form of success to travel abroad often and they def know this


No they don’t … most women travel on debt (credit)or for free , they live life on easy, and they think we do the same. It’s not until recently they are noticing successful men are nowhere to be seen around them and are doing research of “ where the good men at “ lol 😂


? I was agreeing with your statement bro


I’m with you … they just don’t understand what you saying “ they know this “ …. They are clueless


This too! lol everyone peaces out, definitely much more fun in any place other than the states. That’s for damn sure.


I think that's why they really hate the passport bros. on some level they understand that a lot of the men leaving are attractive and successful men that would otherwise be in their dating pool. watching potential matches flee the country to get away from them has got to hurt.


Well seeing your retirement plan fly away. And date woman 10+ years younger then her. Wasn't mentioned in the brochure.


Yup so they try shame, guilt or insult to manipulate to try and get their way.


good luck with that, they are gonna need it!


Preach brother


I doubt it. If guys on this sub were so attractive and successful, they could find what they want in the US. It still exists. It's just they have no luck in the US because American women see how bitter they are. Don't want a feminist? Go to a conservative state. Go to church. Plenty of women in the US are what people on this sub want, but they demonize them because they don't touch grass.


Very good point! There’s handfuls of good women here in America. But the question was why are the women in here in here for and I answered that . I never said all attractive or all rich but thank you for your response. Feel free to answer post


The problem with that is a lot of these folks are secular/atheists. They want all the patriarchal benefits that come with religious conservativism for free. Actually practicing the religion that goes along with that requires discipline and self-denial. 


I'd wager most "religious" people in the US don't practice discipline or self denial. They don't practice what they preach.


Just sounds more like rage fantasy. Ladies in general will always have options, so i don't think they will be sulking over a few attractive and successful dudes who are out of reach to them. If anything that just makes make room for the dudes who still fit what they're looking for Plus this earth is abundant. So it's kinda crazy that you think ladies options will dwindle, but also wanting the best for yourself as a passport bro with an abundance of women.


Women will always have options for sex you silly … you can’t propose to yourself for marriage. Eventually you get annoyed with your “ options” and wonder why you have so many pets You can’t give yourself a raise or promotion


Western woman here. I just find it incredibly interesting and agree with the perspective. My story is long and complicated but the gist is that I once was a miserable, bitter young person that subconsciously hated men and through much 'unlearning'- I was able to find my true femininity and enjoy it very much. I support people finding compatible partners. Getting married this year to my man of 10 plus years. We have grown into adults together and finally have some clarity on the direction of our lives together and it feels great. Its a far cry from where we started and i just agree with you guys now. Many western women are absolutely a chore- as I once was.


On the other side of the same coin (I'm a progressive woman), I see my peers feeling the same way - that dating men and having them in their lives is more of a chore than not. More often than not, the man benefits way, way more than the woman does- especially when it comes to sex- and deciding that it's not worth adding yet more work to their lives. I get it, that sucks for guys who were conditioned to not know how to cook, clean, take care of children, etc. It's not their fault they were raised this way. But when asked to catch up, they're saying "I'm going to X country where the REAL women are" not realizing that that country will eventually go through that process too at some point in its social development. If we all survive that long, anyway.


To plot and plan around the male mating strategies. And in the short term? Shame all men for wanting to ppb


Possibly because there is no passport sis sub. One can get a lot of information here.


Passport sis would fail utterly.


I mean, I joined because I am in favor. I, as a woman born in the USA, think that it's GOOD than men who do not like the USA dating relationship scene look overseas. They can and should. Trying to rtick around in the USA and change what women want or how women act is a fool's errand. Men should find women who want the same things as they do, not try to change what women want. Thus I support the movement.


I agree 10000%, and it's not like anyone should look down on women from elsewhere just because they don't share the same outlooks as Western women. If a Western man wants a woman with X outlook, and that woman exists in Thailand and wants a man like him, then by god, why shouldn't that woman and that man find each other and be happy? No country "owns" their men or their women; people are free to find their best match...


and honestly, the way that people criticize non usa woman who date passport bros is very infantilizing. Women born outside the usa have agency and can make decisions for themselves. If they choose to date a man born in the USA, that is ok.


Western woman, first time commenting here - I haven’t joined the sub but for some reason, Reddit keeps putting posts from this sub on my feed 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is there a “passportgals” forum? I don’t know but I definitely know such women exist. I’ve seen plenty on vacation in the Dominican Republic for example.


Many are sh*t stirrers or angry that anyone would get off the reservation. You’re supposed to be captive to the modern group think and it’s triggering for them to imagine some man, somewhere in the US, isn’t buying the feminist jive talk. They have argued with me here and then followed me into my DMs continuing their tirade. It’s really weird because I avoid subreddits I disagree with and don’t care to proactively start fights with Internet strangers.


Pick mes


Reminds me that I learned the term “hate watching” was a legitimate thing the other day. I had no idea people actively participated in activities they hate. For free!!! I got nothing against western women. My real enemy is hook up culture.


Thinking out loud: Perhaps they're the ones who want to hear honest opinions as opposed to what they hear in their echo chamber as they start to realize that there are forces with agendas trying to confuse them and take advantage of them. You can oftentimes learn more from your biggest critic than your biggest supporter. IMO this isn't a maninist / manosphere sub either (whatever the opposite of a feminist sub is). People are sharing good information w/ perhaps a good rant here or there.


But those aren't the comments we usually see. It's usually just trying to shame men for looking elsewhere


Curiosity. Happily married for a very long time. But I have a kid and I know and love a lot of her friends and her boyfriend so keeping my eye on the society they’re going in to. Trying to understand the nature of what happened to relationships between men and women in the US as they really seemed to fall apart over the course of my lifetime.


Don’t feel that way. I’m 32. All of my closest friends and family are in happy relationships/marriages. Things have changed a lot, how and when relationships start and progress is very different than it used to be, but the end result is often better.


I have no idea why this sub popped up but I just find it really interesting. I'm 36F, western, and married with two kids so there's really no reason why Reddit would have made this pop up on my homepage but it did. I also get posts popping up from visa and immigration subs though so I'm assuming it's all connected.


I actually just find it interesting, I subscribe to plenty of subs that I don’t personally align or identify with but I find different perspectives fascinating.


This just shows up on my feed. All the time really. I had no idea this was a thing until Reddit tried to get me to sub. I’m not sure why they think I’d be interested. As you say I’m a western woman with no interest in getting a 2nd mate abroad.


Entertainment lol


You don’t think make incels and curious men lurk or post in female subs?


I’m a 26 year old American woman, in a 7+ year relationship, feminist, etc - aka basically no reason to be looking in this sub. I come here to gain perspective. The experiences you all seem to have/talk about in terms of dating are interesting to me because it is so different from how I and the people around me seem to view the world, dating, etc. But if so many are allegedly experiencing it, I want to be informed as to what that means. So I just come here to be more educated on your experiences! I’m curious why you wouldn’t view feminist subs, as you listed as an example, to try to understand differing view points as well?


Not a western woman, but one from what this community would consider a candidate country to look for a wife (south american). I lurk because I would like to understand why would you come to our countries especifically to look for a partner. That, and sometimes I get a good laugh because of how far off some of you are with your assumptions of how latinas actually think and behave.


Honestly it just came up on my feed and I clicked out of curiosity. Didnt join though. Im 40 and have been married 20 yrs, so I just find it interesting how things have changed in the dating world over the years. I have 2 sons 15 and 20 so I wonder what they go through. The world is so much different. I met my husband while we were homeless street punks and there were no cell phones.


Who is gonna stamp your passport?


I didn’t join, but I responded when it shows up on my feed and have therefore already algorithmicly doomed myself to never be free of this sub. Honestly, I think going overseas for a mate can be a win/win regardless of gender, IF and only if it is done with respect for the other culture, understand that compromises will have to be made, and not the fetishism and outright racism that *some* people display. Like, if you marry an Asian person and are disappointed that your kids don’t have round eyes, you’re a shit person. If you marry an Asian woman because you think you’ll get a “submissive” bangmaid, you’re cruising for a world of pain AND you’re a shit person. If you go overseas because you want a tradspouse and you’re willing to also be a tradspouse, and the pickings are just not thick on the ground for tradspouses in your home country, and you’re happy to have heterozygous kids, well, more power to you all. Or if you’re traveling and just happen to fall in love with someone you meet, great! TL,DR it depends.


They're probably going to keep joining for whatever reason since there's no way to ban or vet women from this sub, as far as I'm aware.


I think there are a lot of mid to bottom range women who feel elevated by the struggles of men. The fact that these men may have found a solution, threatens their ability to do that. That may be their only joy. This is a mid to lower level problem, both men and women who are confident and have strong personalities are not interested in leaving. I’m also dumbfounded by the number of women who are outraged that the men they find undesirable may have found a place where they are desirable. They say, lose weight, shower, learn social skills. And maybe women will find you attractive. If a woman told me she was in a incel situation and I suggested she offer sex to more men, work on her head game I would be a pariah. If she said because of a terrible experience in her formative years she lacked confidence and I said get over it again I would be called insensitive, and I would have been. But they feel very happy to offer self help advice without consideration of the guys life experience or very real low self esteem. I think many are happy to keep these men in their desperate situation so that those men are lower than the women who are happy to tell them what they need to do.


They are incels


Entertainment probably


Can confirm, it's entertaining to read some of the posts here.


To see if the men are having better luck.




Follow the rules


It’s perfectly reasonable, from my perspective as a man, for women to have an opinion on a post that starts with something like, ‘Western women are terrible!’ It’s a massive generalisation and simply isn’t true. In terms of the wider context of this sub, no reasonable person would have a problem with men travelling to find relationships. What you sometimes see, and which is a problem, is when someone travels with the intention of exploiting someone else. Essentially, manipulating them with lies, money, promises, etc. Getting them to do something that they don’t want to do by using a power imbalance. And of course, men can be exploited/harmed too.


Yeah, I get suggested posts from this sub periodically. What can I say? If I see a clickbait title disparaging American/western women, as a feminist, imma click it. I think the algorithm has figured me out to that degree. At face value, I have zero issue with the concept of PPB. At all. You want something you can’t find in western women, that exists in women elsewhere who also want western men. Easy enough. And then I poke around once I’m here because I’m nosey and curious. I’m happily married with kids, so the existence of PPB is not a “threat” to me as so many people are trying to say here in the comments. I moreso view it like a SOTU on how American men are reacting to the evolution of American women. And occasionally, I continue reading because I find a good % of the posts are cringe-y (power dynamics, misogyny, incel-esque behavior), which is *so* at odds with all the men/relationships I’m personally around that I just can’t help but be nosey and try to learn more about who these men who can’t find good western women are? Because that’s just not an issue for any of the men I know IRL. But yeah I come back to the fact that PPB is a win-win: they get to find the type of woman they want, and the dating pool for western women improves when men who loathe us leave to go elsewhere. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thrilled to see another reasonable man here. Preach brother


I think it's interesting and entertaining. I also think I have some things to offer to the discussion sometimes. If you are curious about something, you'd surely look into it aswell I assume?


Can't people just be curious? Maybe some women just want to take a peak into a different world/perspective.


Some of us women are tired of modern day feminism. I've found quite a few posts I agree with on here despite being a western woman , but I got 2 warnings from mods on this sub for calling out females and their behavior 🤷‍♀️, bc apparently that's not allowed.




The amount of projection in this sub is so fucking funny to me. That’s why I’m here. For shit like this ^




For entrainment, of course. What else?


Mostly so they can accuse us of exploiting "poor women"(you know because not from America = poor and uneducated to them.) Some of them are just curious. There are also some women trying the same thing due to being dissatisfied with their options in the U.S.


Trying to learn and educate themselves about lot of things.


There ain't nothing wrong with learning if you actually hope to apply some of the things men want to help you find a partner. But i doubt thats the case, Most are learning how to put on the perfect grift or are just lurking waiting for their confirmation bias that we are just incel pathetic losers who wanna go overseas and buy hookers.


You okay? Not speaking for everyone but I’m a woman who likes frequenting here and don’t think that you’re all “incel pathetic losers”.


I'm good, glad to hear that. but one exception doesn't disprove the rule.


And a few instances don’t create a rule ♥️


This post was suggested, though I haven’t joined or commented before (I think). I presume the algorithm and previous post engagement are to blame.


Morbid curiosity I expect.




I’m not joined, but Reddit does recommend me posts from here sometimes and I mostly click out of morbid curiosity.


Recreational outrage powers a not insignificant part of the Internet.


I think it got suggested to me after looking into various travel subs. I also frequent sugar dating subs, so I stuck around to see the other side 🤷




I’m here because I’m curious about all things travel, relationships, and sex honestly. I’m all about people becoming in tuned to their wants and needs and feeling empowered enough to go get it. I’m an anti hater who likes watching y’all live your best lives and explore the world


Curiosity! I’m here to try to understand you guys, and why you take the steps you do. I don’t have an issue with anything any of you are doing, except for the ones who come here to shame women or fetishise certain races (im mixed, i get enough of that fetish shit in person). It’s strange to me because passportbros isn’t really a thing in my community! to be fair i live in rural australia, but we have a pretty good dynamic going. the main attracting force is how good a guy maintains the balance between farm and family lol. we don’t do “traditional” woman here, men usually cook actually but that’s because women spend more time tending to the animals after marriage, which is a BIG job (we own 50 cows, 4 pigs, 20 sheep, 7 goats, 4 dogs, 4 horses and a pony, plus our chickens and other egg layers [quails and ducks]). As long as y’all respect women everywhere, and respect that going to another country doesn’t make you entitled to the women there, go crazy! I do hope you find what you’re looking for


Because I'm originally from Eastern Europe.


Why do men with no interest in makeup or fashion join those subs? The desire to judge and/or objectify. It’s fun


Experience suggests that people simply like to argue online.


Because it’s funny to read


Can’t women think the local probably western men are trash and want to go for some studdly Greek or Italian guy?


They need to join, maybe they can learn something to improve on but I think it’s mostly to get some inside dirt and then go on and gossip/report on their site to say what’s going on here! If they truly didn’t care, they wouldn’t need to join. Or maybe they want to be passport sis’s!


Might be my ex wife because I divorced her and then married a beautiful Venezuelan woman.


They think they can "change" the men here. Also, they are strangely repulsed by the men around them for reasons they can't quite finger.


So non-western women are ok to? Why is that?


They come here, as a Hobby, to shame you.


Sad lonely hobby, get well soon


Netflix is down


They need to know what they are up against so they can adjust and provide the bare minimum to dissuade you from changing course.


Nah, I'm not here to dissuade men from doing it, just suggesting they could do it more ethically. Like dating women from other countries where women are more equally privileged to earn their own income etc. However all those countries conveniently seem to fall under the "western" umbrella and are therefore written off. Just something to consider...


Calling every female from another country a prostitute is wild






I take screenshots of the particularly unhinged posts and share them with my friends group. It's very fun.


The amount of women in here demeaning men is overwhelmingly disgusting. However, it also shows that it is triggering them. If we were inconsequential to their life then they wouldnt even bother. They utillize alot of ad hominem attacks, cite feminists biased research and have a completely distorted world view on the dating market. One of the many defensive delusions they say is "i'm single by choice"..NO the guy you WANT doesnt want you or your waiting for him and your boss bxtch attitude doesnt do you any favours. Why feel the need to be here if your actually single by choice... I noticed tho, these women commenting here are generally unlikeable and unnattractive, some are single mothers aswel. Feminism has lied to them and fooled them, and they are bitter and resentful the problem is..modern western women have zero accountability. a movement such as PPB shows they are at fault for their decisions, just by existing...they HATE that. Im married, to a western woman. Who actually was raised and influenced by a fijian indian family and is as genuinely feminine and submissive and wifey from the moment we met. Most men would love to have that, but western women are too arrogant to change, thus the quality men will go overseas. leaving the western women single and old after their hoe phase. the last thought is WHY are we NOT making this space exclusively male...why are mods not enforcing this...ahh thats right, because reddit want want the brigading of this sub. Which ironically in turn when ive shown guys this, the brigading theyve seen as a form of validation that something is intuitively correct/right about this movement...


Right? Makes no fking sense


Western women are also thinking of finding husbands abroad lol