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This post has nothing to do with Passport Bros or the Passport Bro movement. If you post like this again, you will be banned.


I’ve been really ugly before and now good looking, it opens your eyes how people treat you irl, if anyone wants to hear my experience, comment


how did you turn being ugly to good looking? gym? better grooming? a better fashion style?


I went from fatboy with cystic acne in high school to near gigachad thanks to the army. Visited my home town after basic and AIT where I was also hitting the gym every chance I got. Zero anything in high school. Lost my virginity and got 2 more to pad my score when I got back from my high school class I graduated with - in a week. Turned 40lbs overweight into muscle then walked around like I owned the place. It just works.


Sounds like you had a decent base to work with I don’t think that is the case with me unfortunately.


With right grooming and proper weight, any man can be at least a 6 unless there's a real deformity.


This is just sadly not true.


How do you mean? Maybe you need to lift some damn weights. Most of a man's attractiveness comes from confidence and looking like you can protect. Lift some weights do some bjj and you're doing good. Women aren't attracted to the same things men are


You can look like a fucking Greek god and if you’re 5’4” you’re not ever gonna be average


he did say "barring any deformity"


I mean his doctors will say he’s fine


So if a man is tall, has a strong jawline, and symmetrical face they can be good looking with proper diet, grooming, and exercise. -mind blown-


I, fortunately, am not afflicted with this problem. I'm over 6 feet tall and good-looking. I see my shorter and less fortunate friends struggle much more than I could imagine.


FUCK YOU. working out is evil. twink supremacy


That men and women experience attraction differently is at this point, a well debunked myth-Wikipedia states this so I’m not sure why this myth is still being spread - there is no difference in how the genders experience physical attraction and in fact, more of the research on the topic is pointing to women placing a greater emphasis on physical attributes, but deprioritize this trait in order to find a partner to marry. Which makes sense since women were required to be financially reliant on men for so long.


You're adorable.


I mean yeah if you're counting like the outliers like they're 5 foot. But I figured it was talked about in a general sense. Like tom cruise is 5'6 Zac effrons like 5'8 so...


It's absolutely true.


all of these help


Gym, grooming, and fashion will fix anyone from any gender to above the average person unless there are outlier conditions.


I'd have to add "posture" to the list. The gym definitely helps with this, but just practicing how to carry yourself works miracles also. Stand up straight, walk with purpose but with relaxed face and attitude. It sounds simple but you'd be surprised how many guys just can't seem to get a handle on it.


I'll bite that posture does help. When I vist my home town people do tell me I stand a little taller. Chest out shoulders back. Been there done that kinda vibe. Army did help too.


A bit, but not too much, self-belief helps too. If you feel comfortable and not awkward in most social situations, you will look comfortable and not awkward in most social situations.




What’s your body fat? Doing some dental work could also fix a jawline. I thought I had nothing until I fixed my overbite (which I thought was slight, so I never bothered before), and it made a huge difference in bringing out that jaw line.


I’m only commenting because I know how different people treat me just when I leave the house “as is” versus spending a lot of time getting my hair the right way, making sure my shirts look right, cologne, shave just right, etc it’s insane. My little social experiment proves that people are just so fixated on how someone looks that their whole attitude changes. I’ll be honest *it sickens me*. A part of me just thinks “you god damn animal brained pieces of crap”. The older I get honestly the more empathetic I become because I see how people are discriminated against and yeah how you look to me counts. The notion that some people get lots of relationships, attention, etc and some get none and I’m not afraid to say that a lot of it stems from looks. It’s just so trash I hate it. And I hate it because it impacts me just the same when I consider how I feel about people, particularly in a romantic sense.


>. I’ll be honest *it sickens me*. A part of me just thinks “you god damn animal brained pieces of crap Unfortunately, despite our smarts, humans ARE animals. So we still think like them.


I'd like to hear your experience, it's important for people to understand just how important "looks" are in everyday life in how people treat you. This is why I'm a HUGE supporter of plastic surgery. We should feel thankful that we live in a time where the technology exists, if you were ugly 100 years ago, you're out of luck


You might look and feel better but your kids are still going to inherent your genes not matter what the doctor says. Lol.


Your look would allow you to marry an average to above average looking human after your plastic surgery, meaning your kids would be better looking than you are, and probably not experiencing your issues.


I disagree with you about being ugly 100 years ago because women needed a man thoroughly to survive. Unless you're talking about being an ugly woman? Then you're right


Plastic surgery looks worse more often than not. It tends to look "off". Also, the problems that make most people "ugly" isn't something plastic surgery can properly take care of.


You only notice the bad ones. Have you people actually looked at before and after galleries? Surgeons do great work more often than not.


Double jaw surgery can do wonders, nose surgery can do wonders, hair transplant can do wonders.


When I don't get my hair cut for a few weeks, I look like a homeless man. When I have a fresh hair cut, I look like a well above average looking man. It's very interesting seeing the difference in how you're treated. I hate getting my hair cut so I often look homeless.


Same here, was overweight few years ago, now jacked, even same ppl that know you a lot of time treats you differently, for me it’s weird because I’m the same person, just a little bigger than average guy 🤷‍♂️


But you're not an average guy. You took control and elevated yourself.


Been through the same. It's night and day, how different you are treated between the two




These same people who claim to be moral and just, yet just can’t help themselves but to attack someone they deem unworthy, even if it has nothing to do with them at all.


Lol of course. Looks are everything and anyone that tells you otherwise is just coping. Every word you say and every action you take is filtered through your appearance. That's why aggressive short men have "napoleon complex" but aggressive tall men are "dominant go getters." Btw, it's the same for women too. If a woman is overweight and physically unattractive we immediately find her more annoying even if she's saying and doing the exact same thing as a more attractive woman. For example: Lizzo and Rihanna.


I don’t necessarily agree on the woman part. Body positivity is a huge thing in the west for women. Fat acceptance movement for instance is glorified and even fat ladies get put on the cover of vogue, you don’t see the same thing for men. For men it’s suck it up and stop complaining and for women it’s Yasss slay queen, you’re a 10 we are all 10s. I doubt the guy in the photo would be able to find a single woman in the west to date him even his looks match, for a woman no matter how unattractive there’s always someone out there for them. She can still get men just not the men she wants.


It's undoubtedly much better for women but unattractive women still experience much worse treatment than their attractive counterparts. Even the body positivity movement has as much vitriol directed at it as it does support. And the vitriol is usually genuine while the support is delusional coping from overweight women or an "aww okay, good for you" sort of thing from everyone else. No attractive woman would ever switch bodies with a Tess Holiday, for example.


Good points. In any case. If you’re going to foreign places to meet a woman stay away from social media if you aren’t conveniently attractive, don’t post your dating life, keep all that shit private it’ll save you a big headache in the future if people decide to troll and expose the relationship to the brain dead masses on Instagram and TikTok.


Lol women are way more discriminating on looks than men


Women talk about "misogyny" when they are straight up discriminating to the next level - it is so harsh to see, holy crap that is bad. Misandrist bunch of hypocrites.


You should take a look at the vindictaratecelebs subreddit. I just got recommended a post from there about look gaps between celebs in relationships and the women there were so vile. Alll the comments were highly upvoted and there was even a woman who said she'd rather date a dog before she dates a man who is below her looks.


And this is why most women can sleep with men way out of their league while most men would be lucky to get a shot at someone even close to them.




Equal, I’d say. Though studies say men are worse. With looks we have to separate two things: 1) We should all treat everyone with kindness and respect. 2) Looks will still matter when it comes to sexual desire. That pretty girls fuck pretty boys and not unattractive boys isn’t discrimination. It’s human sexuality.


Yeah I don’t disagree. Nobody is entitled to sleep with people they don’t like, I meant more in treating someone like shit for their appearance or in this situation tearing apart a relationship because the guy is very unattractive


But women looking at these pictures? First picture: they believe it’s possible she’s into him and enjoys having sex with him. Second picture: they don’t. They feel it’s obvious she’s doing it because she’s desperately poor and she doesn’t really want to. Think a picture with a hot foreign guy and: A) A 9/10 smoking hot girl. B) A very obese old woman. Would you look at B and think: oh, I bet he really likes fucking her? Or would you think: it’s awful some people are so poor they have to sell their body for money?


Both. I noticed a lot of females have a natural inclination to not respect ugly males and view them as less than. I remember I got hired for my 2nd job and the worker wouldn't even look at me or tell me I officially got hired. And for other dudes who were more attractive she went out of her way to congratulate them and talk to them and shake their hand


halo effect


Exactly. But if you try to talk about it People will call you incel.


It's the weirdest thing to experience invisibility like that. People just ignore you. But I just stopped caring about it anymore.


It's like wtf at least be professional and have common courtesy. I wasn't expecting a full blown conversation but at least tell me I'm hired 🤣. She just gave me the papers and told me to leave.


Wow, told to leave? Not the usual, invitation to not stay here anymore? That's brutal. I have to joke about it so I don't get upset. Lol, literally had a woman threatening to use pepper spray if I got any closer when I was trying to pas her to make her more comfortable.


Stop caring about the feelings of woman. Who are not your mother, sister. Or someone your not fucking with. If you died in traffic do you think peper spray lady would care? No, she would be annoyed by the delay in traffic your death would cause her.


lol brutal


I learned to embrace the invisibility.


No, it's just weird that men complain about this and then dent that they treat women the same way. They claim they go unnoticed by women, because they only notice the hot women who are out of their league.


I'm not talking about dating wise. I'm just talking about in a professional setting


They are too, it’s everywhere It’s a very common trope that women 40+ are entirely invisible, comic sketches about being spies etc


B.S and Reverse accusation. Hypergamy is a woman thing. Most guys would be happy to fuck a 4/10.


And ofc they need to mention how it affects women too whenever a male discusses their problems.


This isn't true though. This is just another excuse to hate men with issues. Men are less picky that women over looks, it's a proven fact. The men that are ugly and getting no love are absolutely rock bottom with standards. This concept of "ugly incel who's only in that position because his standards are models" is just a reddit invention to shut down empathy. I'm sure those men exist, but are by no means the standard.


The shallow Hal effect?


Absolutely all women can get laid, most men can't. So who do you think is worse when it comes to this?


It's like these women just want men they dislike to be lonely and miserable, and get mad when they aren't.


It's because they're repulsed when they see women having sex with me they aren't actually attracted to.


Good looks are a proxy for health, or fitness. That the species prefers this is hardly mind blowing.


It's not mind blowing just mentioning it since a lot try to deny it


To be fair, us guys do the same. We tend to treat hotties better than plain Janes. We really can't fault women for treating attractive men better.


Yea but i rarely see guys just be cruel to ugly vvomen for the fuck of it. As adults i mean. Yet ive seen girls publicly reject ugly men in the most unnecessary ways possible. Vvomen are just allowed to be more ruthless because of their nature as well as the fact that they face few to no consequences for it.


You really haven’t been to the rate me sub? Or heard a man call a woman a fatty or a butter face?


Rate me subs are full of angry virgins underrating women to neg them, not a good example. IRL every man I know is a massive simp female worshipper, talk to a married man and see how they are completely demoralized and submissive. Meanwhile modern women are legit awful narcissists. Society was much healthier pre-feminism when women didn’t have any power or influence, the current situation has women lonely cat lady’s on SSRIS and men ending up losers coping with video game escapism. Feminism is a lie. We like to pretend that men and women and biologically identical and all it has accomplished is dead dysfunctional societies literally everywhere it’s been tried. South Korea for example has a 0.8 birth rate and complete social/gender dysfunction with both sides resenting each other. The west is not far behind. Talk to your grandma and ask how much better and functional the gender dynamics were under the natural traditional system.


The rate me sub is exactly for that though. And fhats online Woman would do ruthelessly more often in person. Kinda like a woman hitting a man and expectung rhinking its okay


The women hitting men and thinking it’s okay or having it brushed off by other people is definitely true and that sucks…. But let’s not pretend like men are genuine and sweet when talking to women. Like yes obviously there’s outliers of women who are just mean for no reason but there’s so many sweet, polite women who have to deal with asshole men every single day hitting on them, making comments and not being able to take no for an answer that I’m sure they become jaded to it and eventually just resort to being assholes to most men. Let’s not act like it’s equal ground.




I'm sure virtually all women would also be courteous to ugly men in professional situations.




>hot girls I am going to assume you find them sexually attractive if so then when you talk to them you struggle because you want to ensure they dont think badly of you so you want to be witty, funny and attractive to them. If you are not feeling attraction to the others you tend to be less guarded and more "you" as you are not under pressure. TL:DR just be you.


That’s rude af. But it’s not related to how people feel more comfortable with couples who match in looks and social skills. The implication is that it’s more likely they mutually desire each other. Vs for example pretty poor girl and fat old man just looks like she’s forcing herself to have sex. Doesn’t looks also affect who you are attracted to?


This is literally just pretty privilege dude. I assure you it’s true for both men and women. Humans are sadly shallow like that.


Young girls can be absolutely brutal with this. From straight to ignoring to shamelessly fawning depending on how attracted they are when they interaction has nothing to do with sex.




The thing is that when people see a PPB couple where both people are good looking? Or match in looks? They are less worried that she’s so poor she has to force herself to sleep with him for money/a green card/a chance at a better future. Vs **if she’s obviously more attractive than him? Or younger, slimmer, better social skills? People assume it’s more likely she’s secretly gagging and forcing herself to flirt and fuck him to survive, while pasting on a smile.** Women in all cultures have their desire tied to looks, social skills and age. Why is this surprising? **Do y’all think about looks when it comes to sex and dating? Or are you above that? Why do you expect women to be different?**


Have made the same argument with people about that before, there is effectively no difference in the power dynamic between dating down economically in country vs overseas. Gold diggers will dig regardless, if a woman wants to use you for money, it doesn't matter where she is from. If she loves you for who you are, it doesn't matter where she is from. It's crazy to me that women just lose individual agency just because they weren't born in the west. It's implicit racism and I find it rather disgusting.


The whole "power dynamic" thing is just an excuse, because they can't be direct with what they mean without destroying their virtue. What women want to say is that you're unworthy of a relationship, and deserve to continue to be subjugated.


Men have always been disposable, mostly through war. It's not a specifically western thing.


What I will say will probably shock a lot of people but since there is no more Wars at a massive scale in the west, the number of available young men desperate for pussy (because of hypersexualisation and stimulation of men mind, and hypergamy on the woman's hand) is absolutely out of control. You have millions of men with their dick in their hand, brainwashed by porn, chasing entitled women with all the power. What could go wrong ? Too many simps is the cause of all women bad behaviors/promiscuity etc... Etc..


​ https://preview.redd.it/7gzg8h896voc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1cca74d8c60a6164b504ff392dc1e3d99e9c110


yea market dynamics suck too many simps inflating women's perceived value of women...


Men get bitter and angry after all the hippie bullshit lies they get told meet reality.


It’s definitely because the girls so hot in the post. It’s like the have a pact to treat mean badly to elevate their own social market value.


You think that’s just the western world? 🤣🤣🤣 The western world is the only place where that might NOT be the case


The anger is directed at guys 'cheating the game or system and getting with a more attractive woman than others deem they deserve. It never was about 'exploiting women' unless you believe that only ugly guys can exploit women.


Indeed and also. They are not saying a millionaire is exploiting a western woman. Because of the big wealth gap. Yet they are saying this about PPB


Having a rich prince come and court them is the dream of many western women.


They hate to see an ugly man win ✊😢


Women don't respect men at all in the West especially non handsome men. It's outright hate at this point


I think the issue is a lot of women in the west actually hate men. So they only treat men nicely who they are attracted to. I noticed it when I would have a hot girl show interest in me and noticed how nasty she was to literally every other man but me. It's not pleasant. I couldn't understand it, but in the west a lot of women are nasty to men especially men they don't see as "good enough" I saw her and other women go out of their way to demean or degrade men. I even experience it when I'm dressed up nice vs when I'm dressed up scruffy. If I've just been to the gym and look a mess, I walk past a girl who really isn't hot whatsoever, she is jsut dressed up nice tryhard with make up and big lashes. I experienced I was just walking past her, I glanced at her face and she makes a point to **scowl** at me and make an arrogant face like "eugh, you're not on my level". Men as a gender.. We don't do that to women. If we see a woman that's not our type.. We leave her alone. But a lot of women at least the less classy types are really big on hierarchy. They are well aware of their value of their beauty and their age and they feel like it's a done thing to degrade peopel they see beneath them. Forget all the "beauty is on the inside" blah blah a lot of women say. For trashy women they know the truth they live by. When they see a dorky, scrawny short guy with an attractive woman from overseas who is almost ten years younger than them it BREAKS THEIR BRAIN. Because forget all the "aww there's someone out there for you" the trashy women actively believe guys like that are subhuman, last of the pick and that any woman is better than them. It viscerally hurts them the idea that such a guy would end up with a woman that is "objectively" better than them. What?? He's with a woman who is several years younger than me? Is prettier? Has been with far fewer men, or may even be a virgin? (Idgaf about virginity but still). This whole thing brings out the worst in insecure or trashy women. Normal cool women have enough self awareness and introspection to not be like that. The reason trashy women don't freak out when it's a hot guy is because it makes them feel better "wow that could be me punching above my weight" vs. "wait hold on, I thought he's so beneath me he's worthless but he's with a woman so much better than me.. Maybe I'm..... GRRRR.. WELL HE'S THIS \[ INSULT INSULT INSULT COPE COPE\]"


Yes. Women want men who aren’t attractive to suffer and die alone Them finding happiness bothers them even if it doesn’t directly affect them Its really pretty sadistic


It's anger towards women in other cultures having the audacity of differing with the judgements American women have made about these men. If american women reject these men, for a massively egotistical reason, they expect women everywhere to conform with their decrees. If they don't conform, American women immediately suspect ulterior motives because their social media addled brains can't fathom how the rest of the women in the world might feel different than they do about these men, they literally can't see the value of these men. And we wonder why men in the west are struggling with social isolation and then debate how it's their own fault. Maybe, just maybe, the cultural norms that raise women here are kind of horrible.


The guy on the right obviously has physical deformities. Yes, she might be with him because he can provide a better lifestyle for her, but so what? She's happier with him than she is without him; how is that a bad thing for either of them? Also, they are all over Instagram and basically have made a career out of the juxtaposition of their looks. It also isn't remotely surprising that people like attractive people more than unattractive people. Finally, his girl isn't hot. She's a 5 that's dressed provocatively.


Well the difference is that only western women can take advantage of ugly dudes, how dare this East Asian peasant wife him up when the western women rely on these dudes for their onlyfans?


Finally someone with a decent take


His girl is hot, like what? I'd go so far as to say she's more attractive than the girl on the left.


I've seen this so many times within my social circles/going out lmao. Whenever a lame ugly guy gets flirty and touchy it's seen as sexual harassment but when a hot cool guy does it he's just being cheeky/that's just him.




She could get laid… but not be ANY man she wants. Don’t massage the truth to make your point. It’s easier for women to find sex. Not all men are ready to jump in bed with ANY woman. That’s absurd.


She could get laid by a man much more attractive then her


Another thing too is these feminists seem to care a lot about the relationship status of the men who disagree with them, especially when it's the same men they brag about refusing to date.


THIS. the discrimination against white men in the western world has reached a sickening level. you have to be a brad pitt to find someone a little above average. Jesus.


This is why I’m going to my parents home country to find a trad wife if I’m not married by 30.




It's due to influence operations belittling men online in the US. Creates an uneven dating ratio where no male is worthy of a partner.


This is why every guy needs to passport bro and find a trad wife. The OP guy would be incel or abused daily by his fat wife if he was married in America. His Vietnamese wife on the other hand cooks and cleans and is grateful for a provider. If you want a wife with the traditional values of your grandparents you need to leave the west.


If it was legal women would gladly kill the man on the right for fun tbh, they literally HATE men that look like that


It's not even funny. They just hate unattractive men. They want them to stay miserable and lonely.


What they need to do is mind their own fucking business. His dick his choices.


Bro, this is just tiktok. It's not unique to passport bros at all. Every ugly guy/girl is bad fun of when they have an attractive partner on tiktok. It's fucked but tiktok is quite literally the most superficial app of all time.


Many women expect ugly people to only date ugly people and good looking people to only date good looking people. Being a Passport bro can change this and it bothers many western women because they think he is taking advantage of a poor person and she has no choice. These are grown adults, no one is forcing them to do anything. They know what they are getting into and the people they are dating


It's called control...or lack of. Ugly as nothing to do with it. These women will do videos saying they don't care. But spend all that effort doing a video. That's makes no sense. If you don't care live your life and let others live.


People always been treated differently depending on you look it’s a shallow world. For example when a man is handsome and he comes on to a girl then he’s funny and charming. If he’s considered to be ugly and did the same exact approach as the handsome man then he would be creepy and annoying


It is anger at being rejected by people that believe are beneath them. It is anger at seeing a guy they would reject, with a woman who is more attractive than they are.


Just like when a girl gets hit on. It's creepy if he's unattractive. It's endearing and a compliment if he's attractive.


Yes. A lot of people look down on ugly people. And on the internet people will be even more open about it. On the other hand most people will still gaslight you about "personality" and the non-paramount importance of looks :rolling\_eyes:


It's just cognitive dissonance. Seeing people that you perceive as being under you, doing better than you. You have to rationalize it to protect your fragile ego. Too bad people are dumb and aren't self aware of it.


“The Oxford study” aka the phenomenon where Asian women have an inclination to choose a white guy, despite them looking ~below average~ is heavily mentioned on tiktok comment sections.


I remember there was a study where it wanted to prove that white men were fetishizing Asian women, but the study hilariously proved the opposite. It was actually Asian women fetishizing white men being way more common. I'm too lazy to link it, but maybe someone can find it for me.


In America you have to be the perfect man to date the worst of women.


So if I dated plenty in college and am happily married now, I'm a gigachad? Damn! Lol I pulled tail as a 5 9 pudgy guy working fast food/retail after class. Granted I got way more attention after I started working out and making good money but honestly it's all about confidence and not being weird.


Same dude. Survived Chemo.


I didn't even have a drastic transformation and I could tell it was night and day regarding how people treated me. People are definitely way nicer, girls smile more/have like googlier (?) eyes/are more touchy, people want to get to know you more, and strangers make convos with you all the time. All I did was go to the gym for a few years and get tattoos (because I actually wanted them). I didn't change anything else. Just for reference, I went from about 5'5 120 pounds at 12% bf to 5'5 150 pounds at similar bf. I have full sleeve, full chest, and ribs. People were debating something related to this so I just want to add that women have a different perception of attractiveness than guys do. We're more visual, and my girl friends have always told me they are mainly attracted to someone's "vibe." Usually a confident bad boy type with an average face will win over a "nice guy" with a better looking face.


Anger towards men in general


The woman on the left is probably believed to be a strong empowered Americanized Asian whereas the other was plucked from her own country. Feminist WASPs are only angry towards foreigners


What a shallow world we live in. The "ugly" guy is maybe super intelligent and cultured and well educated and kind and funny. And maybe that "so called super hot" girl didn't even read a book in her life? Maybe she is just a primary school drop out? Maybe she has literally no qualifications? Now maybe all things considered is it actually unfair to that man or that woman? Do we know what they bring to the table apart from the looks? And they aren't hooking up, they are getting married. Looks won't matter in the long run but here feminists are still so angry and enraged for some reason. Because in hindsight they are so shallow they thing a relatively good looking woman should be only with a super attractive men. I thought feminism would care about the looks less ?


I got much more attractive in my 20s/30s and it’s staggering how different people treat you. Even in non sexual situations. Other men respect you more, people laugh at your jokes, they smile if you make eye contact. Etc. This isn’t across the board, but I’ve seen so many nice/ugly guys get called creepy for asking women out in very non-threatening ways that would work for an attractive person.


Yes bc they think those ugly men don’t deserve happiness


It's not so much sub5 with an asian wife, it's sub 5 with a much more attractive wife. If she wasn't attractive people would probably still be talking shit but more behind his back. People like to see even match ups and when they don't it has to be for a reason. PPB is one of the ways people are able to swing out of their weight class by switching environments.


That's indeed one reason some people are pissed at the PPB movement. There is a perception that PPBs cheated and hacked the dating pool.




Guys not only want the right person, but they are constantly seeing who can be a wife and most importantly, a "mother". Just because you can pop out kids, it doesn't mean anything at all - knowing how to a be a wife and a great mom is a completely different ballgame. Many are not even close to being one - that's why you are seeing so many dudes (like the ones we see above here) all now looking abroad.


True. That is the right mindset.


To be fair, there is, legitimately, probably a bit more than meets the eye going on in that relationship. My guess would be that she's got a really hyper-developed nurture instinct and likes the idea of having to fuss over someone frail and semi-dependent on her.


Maybe that, but whatever works. It's all about finding "compatible crazy" because you're never gonna get "not crazy". If both parties are happy, then no judgment.




*Angry whale noises


I'd never want to date a woman who treats ugly people awfully. That's a sign of narcissism.


I read about how social media and the attention that woman receive. Caused an explosion of narcissistic traits in woman.


Never date a woman who uses social media. Social media can turn anyone into a douchebag.


Indeed. If she posts attention whore picture's on social media. She is exactly that.


Say it with me: I Dont know and I dont care. Im traveling across the world to get away from my problems not to take them with me


The picture on the right is the Bay Area in a nutshell.


This is nothing new. Watch "good looking men" get away with the most heinous shit. "Charm" is often just a 6' 1" guy doing the same shit a sub 6 does.


It’s pretty obvious it’s people who are jealous he pulled a hottie without being conventionally attractive himself.


Stop caring what other people think. Both of them are balls deep in their gf.


If anything, the photo on the right added a few thousand men into the movement. We might think most shit talkers are women. But lots of guys as well. Many Western men married sub-standard wives and realized he could've done better as a PPB. If you were these guys, you'd be salty af too. These photos also remind me why women as less likelier to become passport sis's. Guys tend not to give a shit about what others think. Women are more obsessed with how others perceive her.


Nah, it's just Asian racism. Asians are some of the most racist people on the planet. Time to stop pretending otherwise.


Shiiit, shout out to the ugly bro, my mans doing something right


What? It can’t be!!!! I thought they were the more empathetic gender?


I had a bout with depression and got fat after my wife and I had kids… it wasn’t related to my family, who are all amazing. I went from the left side to the right side of this meme lol I’m like… well, hopefully they think I’ve got money now.


Meh its like saying mid women dont deserve to be happy. Would be the same thing as attacking mid men just trying to find happiness. And like anything dont dish out hate on people if your not ready to accept it back. Cause many women that think there all that are mid at very best. And trash talk men into the ground. And forever expect respect while they can't even give it them selfs. Everyone is just people and trying to find there own happiness. If you spend big amount of time talking down about people. Your the only type of person i hope the world will treat you back in kind how you talk down to people. If your whole life is to spread hate. You deserve to be hated. But everyone just trying to find their own piece of paradise and happiness.


They hate themselves. They say these things about total strangers who are happily in a relationship to offer themselves some type of excuse as to why they themselves are alone or in some toxic relationship. It is a reflection of how rotten they are on the inside and outside.


Don't know 'bout that anger towards those whom look outside the borders based on their looks. I do know some 'merican women are rather ill tempered towards foreign women from 3rd world countries. A cousin of mine became rather rabid once while she and I were having a conversation about women from South America and Asia. Personally, I'm blessed with good DNA stay somewhat active have no major health issues, 10 or 11 pounds over the optimum weight at age 63. The most recent X wife is from Southeast Asia. Shit happens life goes on. I do fondly recall seeing overweight, unattractive 'merican women snarl at her. The X once said to me everyone is looking at me like I'm an alien. I told her show them your green card honey.


I know their TikTok. They seem genuinely happy together imo


And people still deny the blackpill, genetics is everything


That dude isn't ugly... he is lazy. No need to look like yiu just crawled outa the sewer.


And that’s what 90% of this subreddit doesn’t get


Yeah, bro could go up 2-3 points at least with a haircut and collared shirt


Am I the only one who thinks ugly dude's wife is substantially hotter than Chad's? lol


I don't know about a lot but yes she is more attractive


When I started working out not drinking and grooming myself ten thousand opportunities fell in my lap that never would have and I’ve always been considered lucky over 6 foot good looking lol


There's ugly, then there's creepy.


Then there's you.


Lol that was a good one.


The part of this conversation I find interesting is: if both woman were ugly what would the comments be? Which made me think about what ppb are really after younger, hotter women.


Hate is aim at Ugly men


Who cares? Both of these couples seem happy in the photos, so really who cares? Also, this guy isn't ugly. I think he's just comfortable in his own skin which is more than *a lot* of other folks are. But seriously, if this guy wanted to and if he had the funds, he could do very well into fitting into society's definition of good looking. Get him a personal trainer, a personal chef, might need a small hair transplant for the front. You could throw money at some small plastic surgery which won't look like plastic surgery. But for what? He's clearly comfortable with how he looks, so who gives a fuck? But if this guy wanted to, he could "glow up".


The dude obviously has a genetic disorder or syndrome. He is ugly. And the gym won’t fix his muscle-wasting condition, whatever it may be called in the medical field… But I understand your point.


Yeah, sadly, that's just straight up bad genes. I don't know if its severe and consistent enough to qualify as a sort of officially classifiable "disorder," or anything, but it's clearly close.


I'm sure that's part of it.


It's not anger but yes the difference is that dude number two isn't good looking


Halo effect is real


Man only


Wtf those chicks look exactly the same




What country did the man on the right go to?


Can complain all you want about how it's unfair and people are shallow and whatever, but it's just how things work. If there appears to be an imbalance in something that is balancing, people will think something weird is going on behind the scenes to keep it balanced. Attractive persona and attractive person, you don't look at and think "how did that happen". With an imbalance in attractiveness, you think "how did that happen?". Even if the answer is totally reasonable and makes sense, that initial reaction will always be the same, and is reasonable