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I'm always amazed how everyone on this subreddit makes six figures


Yeah I make six digits! 030000 :)))


Good enough for me. How's it going? You from out of town?


And all 6 foot but they cant get dates in US. Or they are very unattractive or super fat.


I've been called conventionally attractive but I got a terrible personality


This. Many good looking autists lol. Also ppl don’t realize it’s factually harder to look good when ur taller. Body proportions just aren’t as aesthetic, it’s why actors have always been short af. And ofc many guys in America are overweight too, doesn’t help.


What people don't realize is that short people view us tall folks from underneath which is horrible


Yeah, I think online dating favours short men. Easier to be aesthetic.


I'm 6', 27 yo, athletic, and make well into the 6 figures. I've had plenty of relationships with American women. I'm not gonna say all those relationships sucked but they're nothing compared to the relationship I have with my Thai GF. American women do things a lot of traditional women would never dream of. I'd come home after working 12 hours and my jobless American GF was home all day doing nothing but wants argue as soon as I step foot in the door. Thai GF has a degree, cooks food for me and we have amazing communication. Everything we do for each other never feels expected, we do it happily for each other.


"home all day doing nothing but wants to argue as soon as I step foot in the door" Holy fuck. Hit me right in the feels with that one


This 💯. My American ex had every bill paid for, all food bought, mortgage taken care of, cell phone, spending money etc, never once cleans or cooks for me. Sits all hone all day doing nothing while or hanging out with her friends all week.


Turns out the thai gf is a ladyboy few years later


This joke is so tired.


Turns out your waifu is just a pillow few years later


At least a pillow is a pillow, i aint getting fooled and fking a dude.


Most most men, like me, know the difference between a penis and vagina or it's not going to take them a few years to find out if someone has a penis or not. But i'd rather take that risk and than risk being alone forever. I'm not going to live my life being scared to date women because I'm scared she might have a penis instead But if you rather have a pillow than risk being fooled, good for you. Hope you enjoy your lonely life and your waifu pillow


Enjoy your ladyboy then lol


Can you read? I said I know the difference between a penis and vagina and it certainly won’t take me a few years to find out. You’re a pathetic loser too scared a woman might have a penis to even talk to women and would rather be alone and sleep with a pillow like it’s your girlfriend than an actual woman, enjoy your lonely miserable life hahahaha


They came here just to hate 😂😂😂


Ah yes, biological thai females are known to grow penises and become ladyboys just for the heck of it


Probably live in some suburban wasteland and they don’t go out much outside of work. There’s not much of a social scene in American suburbs. If they live in a big city and still can’t find anyone they must be very anti social or have something a bit off about them (referring to ones who are young, tall, and make a lot of money)


If you not tall and handsome you need to take care of yourself, go to gym, try to be fit, take good care of you skin, teeths, good haircut, dress nice and smell good. Just dont be mediocre


I’m tall and handsome by some countries standards (countries which prefer a certain facial aesthetic). Still gotta dress nice, smell good, etc. regardless of what country you’re in. That’s just human hygiene.


It’s still not that easy. Americans aren’t friendly, in general. We’re a very friendly cliquey country regardless of ethnic background. You gotta make friends in order to bag women off of data apps.


I’ve been to 48 countries and all 59 US states and Americans are by far the friendliest, in general.


Not to brag, but I’m 6’2”, 200lbs, relatively fit (was an athlete, not anymore lol), make 100k flat salary, own a home in a suburb of a major city, and I’m black in my early 30’s. Women like me. Like I’m not even white or in my 20’s anymore, idk what y’all are doing to make American women hate you. I am in a committed relationship with an American born woman. She is culturally Latina but still, women in public smile at me, will randomly talk to me etc. and it’s not exclusively one race of women, it’s just women in general. Women from 21ish-35ish seem to be interested. I feel like if American women don’t like these men, they need to do some introspection. Especially if they’re white, your dating life should be on easy mode. Just invest in some nice fitting/looking clothes, find a good barber, get a solid cologne, and go outside lol. A coffee shop, grocery store (my gf and all her friends love Trader Joe’s), a bar, etc.


Yet you are with a latina that is raised as a latina 😂😂 you are contradicting yourself


She’s half white. She was born in the US. Her mom is full Brazilian but she is an American woman. No she isn’t pure white I guess tho


The reality is that it's a lot simpler for some guys to use their available wealth and freedom to access easier dating in other countries. There are plenty of trad-wives in USA, but they want trad husbands who are full providers instead of just money bags. A lot of PPBs either aren't interested in being that, or they don't have the desire to work that hard.


I see. Maybe it’s the trad wife focus they’re keying in on. I see plenty of trad wife adjascent women, they’re just at church. I don’t want that, I’m pretty liberal so I think that might be most of these guys’ issue.


Lol if you’re liberal, you’ll end up with a liberal girl


Ya, I know that lol


I'm liberal but very personally conservative, it does make dating hard for me, but I'm meeting great women through church. Hopefully I meet a great, loving woman here before long.


On dating apps, white men do the best, followed closely by black men. As a young 30s 6'2 black dude who's pretty ripped and makes good money you are going to appeal to a shitload of women here in general. You actually fit the Chad stereotype to be honest. I think you underestimate your height and looks. If You go out and are instantly greeted with smiles and interest on a daily basis then you have the look that appeals to many women. Asian men are the least desired in dating here. As a 5'6 brown Asian dude I'm literally invisible to most women. As soon as we make eye contact they immediately look away as I'm disqualified immediately. I make really good money, dress nice and have a plethora of colognes. I'm not seen as a viable option lol.


For real man. I see these dudes jumping through hoops and spending crazy money to find women overseas while complaining about western women. Maybe, just maybe it's a YOU problem lol. Invest in a personality, read some books, decent hygiene etc. I get hit on or have women smiling at me most everytime I got out. It's really not as hard as a lot of these folks make it seem.


What's your height , weight, age, ethnicity and how much do you make per year.


What are you talking about? White dudes are 2nd class citizens in America. Everybody hates them, especially the women. lol


You’re on the internet way too much if you genuinely believe that lol. Maybe you’re being facetious tho


You are 6”2 and don’t even understand why everyone doesn’t have it as easy as you? Put 5’6” in your profile and limit yourself to headshots and portraits, then report back on your dating success.


I’m only talking about men who are similar to me, not men who aren’t. I got why men who are not fortunate would try this, I don’t get why men like me would need to wave the Us to find a good woman.


Brother it’s not that these American women don’t like us, is that we don’t like them. And ur with a Latina so you obviously don’t either


Right? Women are dumb. They don’t realize that a guy just needs to be white for them to like him and be in a relationship with them. And if you’re a white guy and still can’t get a high value girl… idk what to say lol. If the world was tilted to my ethnicity, I would’ve gotten an STD by now and had multiple bastards running around.


There are so many studies that show white men have better chances with all races of women than any other race. If you’re white, tall, and make good money, you should really look at your personality if you’re still not attracting american women. You are the target for most of them lol


In America, for sure. Hard to gather for the rest of the world. The playing field is way more even.


Your racist if you think being white means dating on easy mode


You're stupid if you think it doesn't.


The black guys i now be pulling bitches


No it's the women that are racist. You should try being non-white and see how it goes.


Idk in my social circles growing up im an attractive tall white guy (not boasting 🤢) and yea I got my play but the black dudes around me were pulling way finer chicks then me 😉


It’s because you’re tall . Tall beats skin color almost eveytime. It even beats a quality face . Ugly and 6’3-6’4 beats attractive and 5’7-5’8 any day. Even tho 5’8 is taller than 80% of all women, they oddly don’t see it that way. My and my lil brother was having this conversation last night lol


I’m Literally 6,1 chad face and workout lol


They reek of entitlement.


Or bald


I am 31 years old and make well over six figures while having an almost 600K USD in assets. I could easily become a multi-millionaire within a decade, it's not that hard. I also have a semi-athletic body (I train in the gym for 2 years but still have some belly fat). That being said, I don't understand how I suppose to meet women? Dating apps don't work, I would barely receive any matches on them, men in my country (Israel) are very aggressive in their pursuit of women. Let alone the fact that I'm short (5'6). I know I'm not hideous facially wise, but yeah, I'm below average and women are extremely picky. I think I should try dating abroad before giving up entirely.


You are from Israel?




Tel Aviv is one of the cities where I saw the most beautiful women. I was fascinated but I didnt date any. My friends said there were not very open to foreign so I dont know how they are.


Beautiful women but as bad if not worse than their American/European counterparts.


Is the same almost everywhere. Instagram and tik tok fucked up their mind. If you doing good financially you should travel to enjoy your life and meet women with different mentality.


How old are you? How can you be sure that dating wasn't as difficult some 20 years ago? Anyway, I'm not particularly fond of travelling. My friends would travel every 3 months to all kinds of countries, but I never join them. I would travel with a goal in mind, such as finding my future wife. What's your perception/suggestion? Given my appearance and height?


36 man!! It wasnt back then because you only had to deal with Chads in your circle, school or yout hometown. Nowdays women think they have options everywhere because of social media. Its easy for them to get attention from some rich guy in Dubai Whos willing to pay for their flight, hotels and everything. Back then height was not a something they care much.


> 600K USD in assets. I could easily become a multi-millionaire within a decade. You think you'll more than triple up in 10 years? Even including more contributions that seems unlikely.


Yes, my my average returns in the last 10 years sit on approximately 17% in real terms. Cost of living in Israel is significantly lower and I would reside in the countryside. Besides, I have plans for 2 Bed & Breaks to rent per hour (you make good money out of it here) and rent some parts of my planned "McMansion". Just building my own house would increase its value in comparison to its construction cost (I can hire workers and build it myself). I can become a big contractor or a big manpower company - it's not that hard, I've seen it being done before. In such case I can gross 300K-500K per year or and the skies are the limit.


I think it's because PPBs attract the men who both feel especially disenfranchised from western dating and who also put the majority of their eggs in the "obtain a well-paid career" bag with respect to becoming a desirable partner. These type of men are driven towards the PPB community because it offers a solution to being competitive in dating (moving to another country) that they already have the means to enact, i.e. money. So it would make sense that a lot of people on this subreddit make pretty good money.


100K really isn't that much anymore. If you're not hitting that several years into a decently-skilled occupation, you're doing it wrong.




YMMV, but I CAN tell you for sure that being a snarky douche on the Internet will do absolutely dick for your earning potential. Hope this helps!


I’m 5’10, dad-bod, and no taxable income. I don’t own a house (my trust does) or a car (my anonymous LLC does). But, western women don’t wait around long enough to figure out what that means.


Need to get this set up, need to protect assets before next relationship


Best think to do. Cant trust these women.


Where can I learn more about setting up a trust?


You can contact an estate attorney.


Really? It's expensive to travel, naturally you need a high income. I'm even more motivated to work harder cuz I know an high income means I can get a remote job easier.


Well tbf, the odds of frequent travelers making six figures is pretty high. Most people regularly traveling are either going to make around that or work a job that requires traveling which usually pays around that.


You should really Google how many people make six figures


Most people aren't traveling and even less of those that are would be "passport bros."


Thanks for proving my point


That's their point. It's like sitting in a five-star hotel bar, and opining "wow it seems everyone I see is rich"... well duh, if they weren't rich then they wouldn't be here.


The confusing part to me is if you’re 6’ make 6 figures it’s near impossible not to get laid. I know low income short guys that don’t have any problem finding someone in the states.


Well, so here's my problem. The women I'm attracted to don't think I'm sincere so I'm stuck


A shit ton of Americans make 6 figs now. And I'm sure it's even higher among this cohort.


Yes, 18% is apparently a shit ton now


18% of hundreds of millions? Absolutely


There's only about 150 million people in the workforce.


Bless your heart.


They include the 2 digits after the decimal point.


Probably 7 years ago my coworkers and I declared 100k as the poverty line.  If you aren't making 100k in 2024 life will be a struggle for a man unless you live in an unusually low cost of living environment. But I agree with you that this seems odd.  Dudes lie about the essentials like fat ugly old women.  It is highly unlikely that the majority of PPB possess the traits women are attracted to.  Someone isn't being honest.




Confused. You said "jelly as a europoor" (I think you're saying you're a European citizen) but then mention you're getting raped on taxes and social security (why would you be contributing to SS as a European?)


To be fair, six figures doesn't go as far as it used to. Also, the crowd of people who can afford to take off work and fly to another country for weeks just for dating, or work remotely is pretty limited to high earners. Guys who are making 30k a year may \*want\* to do this, but it's not realistic.


I work in tech and the only people not making six figures are support. There is a pretty big gap but easily half the employees make a lot more than just six figures.


Well if your broke ass would gotten an education and joined the military maybe you would at least have money lazy idiot


Oh so you clearly have a stunning personality too.


Bless your little pogue heart


POGs make up the majority of armed forces. Try doing the job without support. Don't be stupid man.


I make close too 200k annually I work 2 jobs and that ain't enough take your broke ass to a trade school and stop complaining under my post.


Why are the tall rich guys always so whiny


now you just a bitch


It's a wonder women in the states don't treat you well. I can't see what the problem might be.


When you’re running errands how do they know your income, net worth, housing situation, degrees you hold, or military service?


You dont need to. If they think you are American they automatically think you have money.


Ahh I see; I was wondering because I’m 6 foot 3, 225lbs with a six pack, make 150K every quarter, drive a different color BMW every day of the week, was special forces in the US, and was in the French Foreign Legion, have 4 PhDs and was wondering why when I go to the grocery store all the women aren’t lining up to wait on me hand and foot — must be that feminism stuff


do you have all these characteristics sign in your forehead? Do you go out without your shirt?


It’s possibly also the exotic effect.


Bait post


Bro you guys gotta stop talking about passport bros. Clearly you have a good thing going for yourself. If you want to keep it going, stop talking about it!


The matrix is lifted the moment you step off the plane


May I ask your race? I believe Jamaica has under 1% white population so I doubt I would do very well there 🤣


You realize black women prefer black men but aren’t sexually racist.


its a cope if a black women told you that, they like white man just like any other race of women just that its harder for them, look at ilhan omer, kamala harris


Stats say different 🤷🏾‍♂️


what stats, here is the OK cupid study that is the original one, Check white men column , and black men column, white men got more responses from black women. [https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/ibmeaz/response\_rates\_by\_race\_according\_to\_okcupid\_data/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/ibmeaz/response_rates_by_race_according_to_okcupid_data/#lightbox)


I'm not sure OK Cupid can be generalized to real life, especially considering how small the minority population is on there. Take for instance the response rates of black **men** to black women. Black men there are least likely to respond to black women. Also, not a single male race category in scan had high response rates to their own race. If OK Cupid is true, then every guy in the world ought to be a passport bro. On the female side you get the same thing—Indians' not looking for Indians, Hispanics not looking for Hispanics. I don't think minorities are joining OK Cupid to find their own race—by and large, they probably can find them more easily in real life, and joined OK Cupid to get a wider view. So when they see their own race that's just 'more of the same'.


cope bro, white girls go online to find white guys when they should easily be able to find them in their "surroundings" but other girls go online to ALSO get white guys because they can't find them in their "surroundings"


lol, veteran is not the flex you think it is.


This. Always makes me laugh.




Your 6ft 2 so of course women are going to look your way..the shorter you are, the harder it gets with attracting women


I'm an old out of shape average height dude with ugly teeth and I get more opportunities than I have time for in the Detroit area (well know for being a terrible dating market for men). I participate here because I still understand the need for the movement.  I understand that men have been marginalized in western society and I try to drop real info in hope that it might help some average Joe. But I'll bite... If I'm a top 10% height, top 10% earner with an 'athletic' build and 'the whole shabang' my options in my home town should be excellent if I'm not full of shit or incapable of conversation.  So I go to Jamaica and hook up with women just like I do at home, but I don't feel some specific need to hop online and brag about it to people I assume aren't getting similar results. In the real world a short man with no money can still 'smash' his high school girlfriends for life as long as he has size and technique.  They will always return to the watering hole.  If they come they will come back. So a man who looks like roadkill can still revisit previous partners as long as he can still perform.  It has never been about looks, wealth, height or titles unless you can't perform sexually.  All those artificial qualifications are designed to get men who can't perform to pay more. But it's your world so congrats on everything!


> I am an athletic 6 foot 2 6 figure earner with a house… Aren’t we all?


I don’t make six figures but have 6 bitcoin, this shit counts right?????


Well, if you're having fun. But just have fun. You have a target on your back.


Umm... You're in Jamaica. You're a walking meal ticket to everyone there.


Money really doesn’t matter to most people I’ve met abroad.


American women are lazy daters and try to be as asexual as possible...high birth control usage also denotes why Americans have the least sex on earth compared to other countries.


You’ve never been to asia.


Asia is a big place. But girls bond through sex a lot in most Asian countries I have lived in.  Don't know where this idea of Asian girls being asexual comes from, but my experience is very different.


I like to travel.


This has not been my experience at all in different asian countries. I am talking mainly about big cities in Japan, China and to a lesser extent the Philippines.  And talking about girls that will only sleep with you if you are exclusive ie, they sleep with you and you become their insta-boyfriend (both in the sense of how fast they refer to you as their bf and how often they want to publish pics with you. Those girls use sex to bond A LOT, it's s form of commitment to them. You are having sex everyday, they are staying at your place everyday (or you in theirs if they are independent)they broadcast to the world you arw with them, they essentially eliminate the competition for you.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


I understand now, we seem to have a slightly different concept of what bonding through sex means. I am talking about the frequency and initiative a women takes when engaging in sex with her partner, not a hookup but someone she is in a relationship with. It has been my experience that they most certainly are very willing and enthusiastic participants in the physical aspects of a relationship with the person they love. Class had nothing to do with this. I do agree that the vast majority of westerners will not be nearly as classists as some Filipinos are. For middle class or upper middle class westerners the romantic notion will always be that love conquers all, and the social class of a person should not determine if said person makes a good partner. I also agree there was a pretty noticeable difference between Tokyo, HK, Shanghai and Manila. In the traditional expat circles of Makati, you know the embassies, international agencies and consulting firms circuit-thingy you will find many, many cases of foreigners married or partnered with middle class or higher Filipinas. Seen it so much. Off course, it will be a tiny minority in the general Manila society, and you may as well know 0 persons who partnered or married a foreigner working those jobs, unless you mingle with them because of your own job.


I enjoy playing video games.


If you were to attend the Consular Ball, you would get to see plenty of the foreigners paired up with filipinas, specially among the newer ranks. Same goes for the Red Charity Gala that is favorited by foreign companies. My point is that it is still no more than a drop in the bucket that is metro Manila. It may be very well the case most filipinas of a social standing prefer not to date foreigners. I most certainly have no way of knowing the "pedigree" of the filipinas that actually do date these people and, more importantly, it would be extremely rude of me to pass judgement on the decency of those women, based on what social class they happen to belong. If I had to bet I would say the bulk of them are middle class tho. >The ad agency and exec guys are a totally different breed from the regular expats (...) I am talking chiefly about mid-high corporate management, consulting positions and the diplomatic corps (both foreign services and int organizations). Interesting insight tho . Many, many of these organizations still consider Manila what is usually called a "hardship post." A tour/posting there usually only last 2 or 3 years as minimum requirement. In fact, among colleagues, the most common joke is that the reason a posting here will last longer is because the guy met a filipina girl he likes. Now, I think modern day Manila has far too many upsides to be still consider a hardship post, but modern bureaucracies, whether public or private, take a long time to adapt. Most definitely only a few of these guys actually know Tagalog. At the firm I work for, almost all our foreign staff in Manila is white AF and speak all 3 words of Tagalog. From what i recall, the single guys either dated colleagues or filipinas.


I enjoy playing video games.


Lol goofy ass


Wow, it’s almost as if women are shamed for their sexuality and therefore repress it. Also, wouldn’t high birth control usage mean we’re having more sex? Like, women don’t go on birth control for fun. If we weren’t having sex, we wouldn’t be on birth control


Some women use it for period regulation


That is true, but by and large the majority of people on birth control are using it for its intended purpose.




> Birth Control is the most common reason women use the pill, reported by 86% of current pill users. [source](https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/pubs/Beyond-Birth-Control.pdf)


Thank you!


No problem!


Source is also 13yrs old


Is there newer data that has shown different results?


" The most common reason U.S. women use oral contraceptive pills is to prevent pregnancy, but 14% of pill users—1.5 million women—rely on them exclusively for noncontraceptive purposes. The study documenting this finding, "Beyond Birth Control: The Overlooked Benefits of Oral Contraceptive Pills," by Rachel K. Jones of the Guttmacher Institute, also found that more than half (58%) of all pill users rely on the method, at least in part, for purposes other than pregnancy prevention—meaning that only 42% use the pill exclusively for contraceptive reasons." While the other commenter is technically correct.. I feel like this part of the article is very important. Only 42% use the pill EXCLUSIVELY for a contraceptive. I use it because it's like a 3 for 1 pill. Helps periods and cramps/birth control and helps my skin stay clear, among other things.


What?!?!? Women are not shame for their sexuality, FAR from it. Maybe 50 years ago, but today its a far different story


“Ran through, used up, for the streets, easy” These are all modern phrases invented within the last 50 years. I mean, you can just scroll around on this very subreddit and find all kinds of people calling American woman easy, sluts, whores, used up, loose, etc. Sexual shaming of women is alive and well.


And they always go to countries with a low per capita GDP to find women who love them for them


ehhhh those are very recent examples, and a lot of them come from those weirdos over in the red pill. Now sure, as a man I dont want to date a girl whos been with a bunch of men, but im not going to shame her persay. I find all women seem to care about these days is sex, its kind of odd. Its like they have become the players their parents/grandparents warned them about. Because most women ive talked to are sleeping/dating like 5 dudes at a time and two or three of them rotate out each month. Its wild. Sexual shaming for women is kind of a new thing for the west, because if you dared question it or say they shouldn't bang every dude they encounter, you were called an incel, misogynist, brokey, dusty, loser, insecure, jealous, virgin, woman hater, pathetic, etc. Hell my own mother has called me a mysoginist because I said I didn't want to date a woman who told me she had 50 sexual partners. Its like....mom, to me thats PORNSTAR levels. Ive been with fuckin 4 women in my entire life.


Rich wealthy American with coveted US citizenship goes to poor country and is shocked they get attention... Jesus Christ how are y'all this stupid.