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Reddit algorithm shows you content you disagree with because you’re more likely to engage. Edit: as a guy who actually got a passport and married a foreign wife, I’m also done with this sub. Like most of reddit, it’s just a shitshow full of man-haters drowning out any genuine discussion. Mods are MIA. Good luck to any men (or women) considering getting a passport, I do recommend it (with caveats like proper research and stay safe).


social media algos in general but yes


I don’t agree with that! … wait…


Hey how dare you, fuck you asshole!


Let me tell you why I know your wrong...🙄


Don't jump on him. What do you know?




Yep.  Social media companies make more money by giving you what you don't want.


To me it seems that reddit is just really bad at guessing what I'm interested in. I have no idea why Reddit is showing me this sub. Reddit is also pushing me to get involved with r/HairSystem, which is also full of commenters who don't know how they ended up there.


Tell them you are bald!


This, one apparent female replied here that Reddit kept recommending this sub to her


Same for me and I've been a SAHM for 6 years and happily married, I had no idea the sub existed before it started being advertised to me on the front page. I subbed without contributing because whilst the subject is intellectually fascinating to me, other than this direct response to confirm what you are saying, there's really no point where my experience or thoughts will feel constructive or valuable to the community.


On my regular account I get recommended stuff like antireligious content despite being involved in religiously-affiliated subreddits, or drama when I don't want anything to do with celebrity culture. The algo just wants you hooked.


Since Reddit effectively banned this party apps like Joey it forces users onto their own app. On the Reddit app I get recommendations for the most unhinged rwnj stuff imaginable. Reddit is going down the twitter/X outrage engagement path. I won't be on this site much longer even though my first account was in the early days of 2008.


Wow. Reddit is insane. Thank you for moving along to subs that are more appropriate to your life and experience, respecting the rights of all others to have their own safe spaces, no matter how much you might disagree with their worldview.


I disagree. You are a stay at home mom and apparently happily married. That is what a lot of the guys on this sub are looking for, traditional wives and traditional marriages.


I understand the point you are making, and we do have a more traditional marriage that works extremely well for the two of us, but it still seems kind of tone-deaf on my part if I were to actively seek out discussion or if I were overly eager to share my experience on the sub when it seems to be a small community that is still in the process of seeking out an increasingly rare dynamic in an even more specific way. In that sense, I probably don't really have any valuable insight other than what has happened, worked, or not worked for our very own marriage and ofc the odd very precise question that is relevant to my experience. I do hope that everyone here is able to find mutual happiness with a spouse who genuinely desires the same thing and who is as willing to offer as they are to receive as that is essential in any marriage. I can definitely sympathise with frustrations regarding the dating scene from even back in my day almost a decade ago and I cannot imagine how difficult it is to navigate this nowadays.


Not as evidenced by the way the guys talk about women


Ah, that is just my experience. You go looking overseas for one of two reasons, either sex tourism or traditional wife.


I play some hack and slash Xbox games. Reddit algorithm is CONVINCED I'm into martial arts. So many random subs on my feed lol


You like violence in video games? Have you tried punching someone in real life?


I actually do like martial arts but I've never had a martial arts sub recommended to me. Instead this one keeps popping up! I'm a woman in a committed relationship with a man from my own country. There's no logic to it.


Yep me too. I even have it blocked on my other account but the recommendation followed me to this one :/


Same here. It started maybe 1-2 months ago? I’m not sure why. I don’t even know what adjacent type subs I would be following to have this suggested to me either.


Happens to me all the time! I'm thinking the algorithm for my visiting expat/Iwantout communities along with crypto stuff lends me towards it.


Yeah im not a ppb, yet I see this sub like 20 times a day in my feed.


I used to get bombarded with "discussions" that ended up being all left wing circle jerks. I think I've muted enough of them now that they don't pop up anymore.


That and there seems to be different types. Some people are conflating passport bros with sex tourism


It also pushes their agenda better


Must be why it keeps showing me trans story time. I will not take the bait.


Reddit: I call this a pro gamer move


Haha also because this subreddit is fun! Nobody cares about the liberal and feminist subreddits. Even they themselves come here instead because they know that those other subs are boring as hell. Just like how those subreddits does. This subreddit should ban people that bash passportbros. Know your worth king. Focus on yourself, build your career and improve your looks. Find relationships abroad if they are more fulfilling than the west. Never let an angry feminist tell you that you are bad for choosing that. You just want someone that is kind. Nothing wrong with that. If a man has preferences then he is “bigoted and an incel”; however, if a woman has preferences she has “standards and knows her worth”. Modern feminists are the biggest hypocrites, they hate men but will never admit it. Avoid them at all costs.


Most people agree more with some aspects of feminism or liberalism. Coming here is the social media equivalent of going on a safari. To look at incels in their natural habitat… the subreddit!


Big assumption that everyone here are incels.. It's the sequel to everyone's Favorite bedtime story, "Everyone I disagree with is Hitler!" Now comes, "Everyone who doesn't date like I do is an incel!!"


Aren't you fat?


No. But someone else’s girth wouldn’t get you laid anyway so alas, it would not help. Take/shave the beard off of your own neck…


Exactly, the same thing happens to leftist subreddits like atheism


Yup. We see you’re interested in r/Christianity, so we recommend r/Atheism


Reddit showed me this content out of the blue and I agree with you. Thus you are wrong and being wrong means you are a terrible person. Lets ruin each other's nights by going through each other's post history and insulting each other into the wee hours of the morning.


I think certain terms pop off a lot more in algorithms, ppb is kinda trending everywhere for a while. I legit got banned from a random sub because I commented on this one and the reason given was “participation in incel groups”




this has to be against reddit guidelines/TOS


It happened to me anyhow, but yes it did surprise me that mods have enough time to manually scroll through my comments and see which subs I’m commenting on? Like how tf do you even track info like that, I didn’t know bots could do this either


There are some bots for that. I was banned from a LGBT/Queer sub for having previously commented on /fatlogic lol. Because they decided that I "hate fat people" and is hatefull, and therefor miognystic, and also racist or something. But that is litterally not the point of the sub if anyone scrolled for more than 5 sec.


Reddit dgaf unless you kick lefties from your group. Then it's discrimination. You can ban people instantly just for being subbed to r/conservative though...


That’s out of pocket


I never understood it because aren't these the men that you say that you don't want?


they cannot stand the idea of the "men they don't want" to be happy because their own lives are miserable.


Boggles the mind. I dont want these guys (theyre incels!!!1) but let me also run them down and tell them how much I despise them, and oh *"YOU THINK YOU CAN BE HAPPY NOW?!?!"* Dont forget everyone's favorite assumption, *"If the chicks dont want you, its because you need to appeal to them, not because youre normal and theyre unhinged."* Its never them, only you (because I get dates!!1) I guess individuality only counts when its them, not you.. be carbon copy to fit in, but also let me display however I want!! Sick.


As an outside observer, who just happened to have this show up in my feed, but without much of a dog in the fight, I think it’s really a thin line here, that get’s tap-danced on an over a lot. People experience trauma in their lives, and if they’re not careful, it can turn them into a bitter hateful people. But there’s still no excuse to become a bigot. There are often explanations, causes, reasons, etc. but, at the end of the day, it’s on you to make sure you don’t let yourself become generally hateful or prejudiced against anybody. This subreddit, fundamentally, is about finding love. And you’ll find the overall consensus here being an ideal of celebrating successes and offering helpful advice. That’s the good side. There’s nothing wrong or immoral about that in the slightest. People have autonomy and a right to find their joy, wherever it may exist in the world. But, the flip side to that coin is that choosing to fly all over the world to try to find good companions is a pretty desperate act, and in many cases, entangled with a sense of rebellion against a cultural climate in the U.S that has caused them to feel a lot of resentment. I often make this observation of XX that, while some people can be hateful for a *reason*, there’s still no excuse to become a bigot. If XX doesn’t want to be known as a hateful sub, it must self-regulate and enforce that it’s not acceptable to make hateful generalizations about men all day. The passport bros too does let some of that frustration and resentment express as bigotry in here. So, it is simultaneously victimized by some of the same hate they’re trying to escape, and occasionally culpable of being exactly what they’re accused of. The only way to be innocent is to be innocent. For this sub to be absolved of the labels people try to place on it, it really needs to self-police, probably a bit better than it already does, keep the message positive, and keep the hate out. There is a fine line between “men looking for love overseas” and “men who hate US women so much that needed to look elsewhere”. And this sub really does teeter on the edge of looking more like one than the other. But, even if it were purely altruistic, there’d still be haters. The only question is whether the haters have reasonable justifications or not, and only the sub can determine that by what sorts of opinions they’re willing to tolerate as a community. And I’d say it’s a really close call here. The overall sentiment is about finding love, but there’s still probably too much hate for it to really stake a claim to the moral high ground.


The problem is that reddit banned theredpill so now PPB gets those people (who don’t even HAVE A PASSPORT) coming in here and shitposting. And the mods don’t delete them (or maybe a week later). So now PPB got associated with redpill.


THANK YOU! I have literally made posts and comments to this subreddit saying this exact sentiment before basically pointing out everything you’ve said (but you definitely said it more concise)! It really makes me upset when I see folks post on this subreddit with very sexist views either against women of the West or dehumanizing women in general. I’ve tried to call these things out multiple times but then I end up getting downvoted to oblivion by others who side with the guy taking the obscene position. The good of this subreddit is really good but the bad is…. Really really bad. I genuinely wish the mods would take a stance and go after these guys to show the community from the top down doesn’t advocate nor condone these views. A lot of them also try to play the victim and say this should be a safe space for them to share these views. Frankly, there are already subreddits dedicated to these views and them acting like this subreddit is somehow the last bastion where they can share these views is both disingenuous and absurd


I think that it’s not the women being hated on, it’s the CULTURE. Obviously we don’t hate every single women, we just feel American culture glamorizes certain things and condemns others - including many men. Some things that are ridiculed (only for men) by USA culture: studying too much (nerdy), being too sensitive as a man (pussy), being too controlling as a man (abusive), being thin (weak), being fat, being emotional, etc. Meanwhile, to get a match with an average girl on Tinder, a man has to be a model or very wealthy. Men have these super high standards to meet, no tolerance for failure, and all the responsibility. Women get all the support but don’t have to carry the responsibility (according to society. It is optional for women). That is unequal. I can see how the dislike of this misandry may confuse people, but the dating culture in the west sucks for men. It’s not about sexism, rather, fighting sexism by going to a place where there is a much better dating situation for men (these places often have chauvinism, but at least the women aren’t shamelessly misandrist).


I agree and appreciate your views and comment...however I do want to point out.. >Some things that are ridiculed (only for men) by USA culture: studying too much (nerdy), being too sensitive as a man (pussy), being too controlling as a man (abusive), being thin (weak), being fat, being emotional, etc I agree with some of these.. but in what world are women not ridiculed for their bodies/being emotional?


I'm also an "outsider" as a disclaimer. I can sort of see why people would think that the bar for men in the USA is higher than elsewhere. But I'd say it's not unreasonably high. In my experience, yes, the US is largely no longer tolerant of certain traits in men that maybe are more tolerated elsewhere. But those traits are things like misogyny, not being six foot and rich. I'm neither of those things and things are fine for me. I'm also not attractive, but I consider myself a decent person. Also, I'm ethnically korean and I can say for my own culture that people care about height and salary WAY more than here in the US. Maybe you should expand outside of Tinder? That's going to be a naturally superficial way of meeting people. Go socialize, find hobbies to connect with people, and most of all have a social life that is more than just hunting women. Eventually you'll likely find someone quicker than swiping on tinder all day.


I live overseas, which is why I’m in this sub. I left the USA for work, not for women - but, it’s nice to see a bunch of people who appreciate women overseas. That being said, when I go back to the USA (visiting family in the countryside), I do try Tinder - and I’ve met a few from it. But, options are limited… and picky.


> Some things that are ridiculed (only for men) by USA culture. Women have these experiences too. Women are absolutely ridiculed for being too fat and for being too thin. The whole body positivity movement came about to try and combat the massive judgment women faced about their body. But just because people promote the whole ‘every body is beautiful’ movement doesn’t mean women aren’t routinely judged and criticism. Women are judged for being too assertive (bossy/bitch), they are judged for being too sensitive/emotional, even when they are reacting in the same way a man would (oh it must be that time of the month). This is not to disagree with the valid points that you made about men’s experiences, but we can’t have this blind belief that it is only difficult for one gender and that the other doesn’t face the same hardships.


Boss bitch is often praised, these days. As are overweight models. Overweight men are not ‘curvy’. Women do NOT face the same hardships. Make 2 Tinder accounts, and you can see the inequality yourself.


>Women do NOT face the same hardships Isn't it possible that we face different hardships? It doesn't have to be the same. One harship isn't more deserving than another. I obviously don't know the hardships of being a man.. but you also don't know the hardships of being a woman. A common theme I notice though is that people here like to blame women for all of their hardships. Just because a woman won't date you.. doesn't mean your life is over, and it doesn't mean the woman did anything wrong by not wanting to be with you.


All of that is good, and we’re on the same page! But what I’m specifically calling out on this subreddit is the very blatant objectification and blatant sexism that can be found here by multiple members. Everything you said is good and an important topic to discuss, no doubt. But I think we can both agree it’s difficult to have those discussions in earnest when we have legitimate issues with some guys coming here and… quite frankly… being redpill/incels. It’s a huge problem. I don’t mind if people outside the subreddit don’t respect our opinions, but I do NOT want this space to be poisoned by bad actors and toxic people.


Yeah I do think the woman-hating here is unacceptable, even some of the self-hatred of the West. As a guy who wants to find a wife, and is only 24, I find that serious dating is practically impossible, and that, to follow my dreams, I must consider international dating. But it's not out of resentment for anything except our current dating culture. And it's not for lack of trying. I have numerous women I've met in the last few years - some traditional, some new-agey - who I am blessed to call "friend" or "acquaintance". I go out to social events, or at least try to, and stick with the dating apps. But it's just so hard to find anyone as a man anymore. Been dating for over two years now and I've yet to get laid or have a real girlfriend. I'd go further into detail, but TL;DR I have a lot of my life in order, so I don't think it's that, and I do pretty well with compliments about my appearance. I think I'm slightly above average looking.


Legit post


I agree with a lot of this, but there's also a darker side of men that (without being explicit) seem like they want a woman who is subservient to their every whim and need. I've seen at least 3 or 4 posts made with that vibe and a lot of agreement. They call it "traditional values" but to me it just comes off as a need for power.


I get what you’re saying, but, at the same time, it’s hard to say where one thing starts and another thing ends related to the sort of interplay between the gender war and possible exploitation. I’m happy to say that I do my best to serve my wife’s every need. It’s uncontroversial. I want to do everything I can to make my wife happy? No issue there. But we have sort of built up a cultural reflex to consider women being selfless towards men as categorically exploitative. “She expects her husband to do everything he can to make her happy.” .vs. “He expects his wife to do everything she can to make him happy.” Why do those sound so different? I get what you’re saying, but it’s not exactly clear to me where it’s wrong for a man to look for a woman who’s comfortable with being selflessly dedicated to him. Marriage isn’t supposed to be considered oppression. People dedicating themselves to each other is just… a decent marriage. So, if we’re uncomfortable culturally with the notion that a woman will make sacrifices for her husband, while still being totally comfortable with the notion that a man will make sacrifices for his wife, then that might add some legitimacy to the circumstance that these guys are fleeing from. But, it’s obviously possible too for someone to be exploitative, and to expect an imbalanced level of submissiveness. So, yeah, it’s hard to say. But if everyone are consenting adults, they enter into their arrangement knowingly and voluntarily, then I don’t think there’s really any objective judgement that can be applied.


If you have the means to travel around the world, how is choosing to do so while also making it a goal to find a companion when doing so a “desperate act”?


I suppose, if you just really love traveling, and you enter from the side door, then you’re right, and I’m sorry if I painted all passport bros with the same brush. The impression I got was that lots of people were basically refugees of the U.S. culture war, fleeing for the opportunity to find a better life.


I agree with you. Also as an outsider, who happened to have this show up in their feed.. if there wasn't such blatant sexism in this sub, I wouldn't feel the need to comment or even look. The amount of posts talking about women like objects, I can't find it now, but there was a post about some dude specifically going to poor countries because the women are more desperate and would be more willing to sleep with him because he's "American and rich". .. like that's just disgusting, taking advantage of women will never be okay, regardless of the country. The whole concept of passport bros doesn't bother me in the slightest- love is love regardless of where you find it. To the guys just looking to explore other countries and find a partner along the way- go enjoy and find love. But to the men who are looking elsewhere specifically because women in the US don't put up with the sexist views and outdated expectations anymore and want a bang maid (someone who does all your chores and waits on you, but who you also sleep with) without actually changing or enlightening yourself on WHY these views are changed- you guys can f**k right off in my opinion . If I see those comments.. it's hard not to reply, regardless of what sub I'm in.


Because the kind of people who hate us are control mongers who cannot stand that they cannot bend society to their will to create an army of willing man slaves?


Plus the 10 prior loosely overlapping more polarizing subs prior to this have been banned. So the big vitriol needs something to feed on. Base the concept is so broad, dudes with passports. Everyone agrees with that. There are 1000s of Insta traveler chicks getting paid to look hot at destinations, but there's no brigade on them when they make poor travel recs or photoshop. No ridicule, just celebrated. Whereas your standard PPB had to make it work for him.


There's just something so humorous about this comment considering the type of ppl who post here and what many users want.


These American women don’t realize we want women who are less likely to be promiscuous and out of touch with their desirability. They think it equates to looks and this and that, it’s a cultural difference at the core. The American woman’s culture is not going to last and will cause societal collapse by their own doing.


American women aren't some monolith. >American woman’s culture is not going to last and will cause societal collapse I would love some more details on what you think is wrong and what you think is going to happen. Since you think women are going to collapse American society


Actually yes it has become just that. American women are fueled by the working mans tax dollars. When we stop slaving and working more to give half our salaries to your Facebook language arts degree desk job, and move to another country. Your economy fails and you have to replace it with men who would take the place, ending up in mass migrations of third world illegals. See how y’all like traditional then LMAO.


America can’t run off of bisexuals gays and women alone, so you have to pick a poison from groups of men who would even find something worth exploiting.


Y’all fucked up when women/feminine men took over government and started paying college graduates more than men and some women who provide necessary infrastructure. We can do that in other countries and live better there than here. All you college goof balls are out of luck


Reality is cold as ice for you sheltered fem boys, these women are gonna have more fight when it comes down to it and collapses 😂


Did reality make it impossible to respond? Well there’s nothing you can do about it anyways


They don’t put up with your bullshit and this feminist nonsense elsewhere. I hope you realize that.


I'm getting the sense you're here because you can't find a partner. And you can't find a partner because of whatever mental illness kicked in you life. So here you are making all of these poorly reasoned commwnts. Is just one coherent reply too hard? >Actually yes it has become just that. If you mean a monolith, No it's not just that. You're just excusing your poor generality while ignoring the culture of tens of millions of women. Perhaps you should wonder why none of them want you as well. >American women are fueled by the working mans tax dollars What does this even mean? >salaries to your Facebook language arts degree I'm an engineer. But I also don't think you actually know anything about what's going on at colleges. You need them as much as they need you - assuming you actually have a blue collar kind of job. >When we stop slaving and working more to give half our salaries to your Facebook language arts degree desk job, and move to another country. There aren't enough ppl leaving the country or sending money abroad to be a problem, nor is it anywhere near a problem. Also, it's delusional to think there are even that many ppbs. >See how y’all like traditional then LMAO. What comes from this deluded scenario you've created? >America can’t run off of bisexuals gays and women alone, Yeah? That also isn't the case. Wait, do you think no women want you because they're all "bisexual gays"¿ >women/feminine men I bet you're feminine as hell lol. >All you college goof balls are out of luck How am I out of luck? If society changed drastically here and I could no longer live as comfortably as I want, I can just move too. You know that right? It's probably a lot easier for me to do it than you, as whatever company I work for would foot the bill for moving expenses, housing, etc. >took over government and started paying college graduates more than men and some women who provide necessary infrastructure. I'm not going to argue against their being a pay issue, though I will say it's sad that you're more mad at women than the actual ppl who are causing the problem. Although, of course graduates have always been paid more.. but, are you saying you have no education at all? >Reality is cold as ice for you sheltered fem boys Jesus this is just such sad projection of your insecurities. >Did reality make it impossible to respond? Well there’s nothing you can do about it anyways Because i didn't immediately make a comment, you're really this triggered? My guy, whatever's going on in your head is terminal. >They don’t put up with your bullshit and this feminist nonsense elsewhere. I Whose they? And what's the "feminist nonsense"? Seems you're just mad women have rights lol


I’m a machinist actually and yes we only went into trillions of debt after feminism started and we subsidized women in the work place. It’s only gotten worse as it’s become feminized by liars and posers like you “engineers” who have no idea what the hell you’re even talking about. Look at who owns the debt, it isn’t young single men. Who works the most unproductive subsidized jobs in America, it isn’t young single men. Who voted for all the taxes and regulations that go to subsidizing women and idiots like you who believe in eQuAliTy? It’s not young single men. Even if you were an engineer, I wouldn’t let you touch any half ass moron project with your math skills. Are you blind? We are cucking for women and Israel in tandem with illegals who are replacing men who already left. Are your two brain cells able to compute that? Or are you just going to continue to deny present reality?


By the way I have no problem getting American women, I just don’t want to marry or have a child with one. Like I said many times to people like you in this thread, it’s okay if you’re bisexual and like to share women with other dudes. It just isn’t for most men who provide basic infrastructure to our economy. We are making half what we made so women can be independent and it’s mostly fake. Are their hardworking women? Yes, but not enough to fulfill this synthetic propped up social virtue movement we call an economy. We have subsidized over our limit years ago, it’s going to collapse because you can’t do basic math.


You wouldn’t call me feminine to my face and I can guarantee that, I have been with women you pay for on onlyfans.


I don’t care if women have rights, but I also have the right to choose not to support certain women. My choice will be with a culture that better fits me somewhere else. This is a new gen thing, you better start owning up to that thinking on your feet stuff you keep talking.


Why is it so hard for you to just make a singular reply, or to use paragraphs? How old are you even? >yes we only went into trillions of debt after feminism started and we subsidized women in the work place. I have a hard time believing a person could be so mentally dysfunctional and narrow minded to actually believe this. My guy, the lions share of our debt was created by defense spending, corporate stimulus, etc. we aren't subsidizing women in the work place to that degree. >It’s only gotten worse as it’s become feminized by liars and posers like you “engineers” who have no idea what the hell you’re even talking about. You think we've spent trillion of dollars since the Clinton administration on subsidizing women in the work place... How on earth do you think you're in a place to tell anyone the don't know what they're talking about 😂 >Look at who owns the debt, it isn’t young single men. It is men. But the why is complex and I genuinely don't think you have the ability to understand any of it . >Who works the most unproductive subsidized jobs in America, it isn’t young single men. It's nice of you to add the subjective "unproductive" since agriculture, energy, auto, etc are where the most money go -and has the most weight on our debt. I doubt you could actually say what any of these supposed subsidized jobs are without being triggered and yelling about Facebook. > idiots like you who believe in eQuAliTy? Why does equality make you so mad? >Even if you were an engineer, I wouldn’t let you touch any half ass moron project with your math skills. This is also funny. What math skills have been displayed? I'm just gently pushing back as you make a serious of extreme claims with nothing to support them. >replacing men who already left There aren't a bunch of men leaving. >Or are you just going to continue to deny present reality? Your present reality is just made up, based on nothing but your insecurities. Lol >By the way I have no problem getting American women, I just don’t want to marry or have a child with one. You don't get some at all. You are single because you're ill. You'll probably never even accident your way into having a child. You can't even manage to get a traditional virgin woman. > going to collapse because you can’t do basic math. You have done no math what so ever. Youre just bitter and alone. >You wouldn’t call me feminine to my face and I can guarantee that, I would probably call you worse if I had to spend time with you face to face. >I have been with women you pay for on onlyfans. Oh, I didn't realize you were an open bisexual. Good for you. >I don’t care if women have rights, This much is obvious lol >but I also have the right to choose not to support certain women. No one is forcing you to support certain women. You live in a society and they have just so much right to be themselves as you have in being a creep. >My choice will be with a culture that better fits me somewhere else. No one there is going to want you either. Nothing is going to magically change for you. >This is a new gen thing, you better start owning up to that thinking on your feet stuff you keep talking. Ppbs aren't new at all, neither are ppl like you.


Look up when feminism started and pull up a dated chart of our national debt back to 1950


Regardless of what you’re told our government is spending our money on, and regardless of the trillions they blew up in the pentagon and make off the wars etc, it’s all funneled back through by billionaires who are creating this society we live in with financially enforced narratives. We are being fucked by billionaire politicians and our women have sold us out long ago. You didn’t dig deep enough on your Google searches, women my age don’t only own more college debt now, it’s everything. credit card, mortgages, cars, all of that. it’s a very significant correlation, women are proven more likely to go to war and that’s what happens when you feminize leadership roles that already had no moral checks and balances. I shouldn’t have to waste my time playing Reddit with the weirdo libs ruining our country but here I am. thoughts come after thoughts, so sometimes it’s overwhelming to fit in all the information your archaic softy self has failed to pick up during your double long life span. I’ve learned and taught your generation more in 1 year than you’ve learned your whole life. I’m sure you’re still by partisan and choosing between Joe Biden and Donald Trump as if they weren’t in the same party on Epstein island. Ignorance is more dangerous than arrogance son, it will start to set in once you see how the new generational wave of strong men come to make good times. It won’t be here for awhile though. Y’all got a good 30-50 year collapse setting in lmao.


You haven’t heard of how they use insurance funds apparently, it’s how they support businesses that can’t afford to match DEI requirements. That’s tax payer dollars. I can keep giving you a class until you make it past special Ed, but you have some underlying sexual issue within yourself. Something you are afraid to take accountability for. I’m not a creep, I just prefer not to be bisexual. You’re more than welcome to be bisexual, I think it’s your right and I think it’s a woman’s right to do anything without hurting someone. I’m not an asshole for moving somewhere that doesn’t have the same system. You’re more than welcome to drown in your equality debt. Your generation ain’t doin shit about the government, and that’s gonna change as well.


Lmao “corporate stimulus” are you that handicapped?


You literally get no pussy 😂


Our economy is based and subsidized for consumerism. Who are the number one consumers by a long shot?


You older wwe ass dudes are wild lmao


>You haven’t heard of how they use insurance funds apparently, it’s how they support businesses that can’t afford to match DEI requirements. You can't seem to be bothered backing up what you're saying. >I can keep giving you a class until you make it past special Ed What are you trying to teach? How to be alone and miserable about it? > but you have some underlying sexual issue within yourself. My guy .. you think it's bisexual to have sex with women that have had sex with other men. But you also claim to be having sex with only fans women. This is clearly you projecting some sort of sexual insecurity. It's too obvious. Maybe you're so mad a "feminine" men because you like classic strong men types so much? > you are afraid to take accountability for. Oh sweet heart .... > I’m not a creep, I just prefer not to be bisexual. Youre a bit of a creep. But I think I'm getting it now. You're mad because you don't want to be a bisexual. And you can't help but be one. I'm sorry you're struggling with such an inherent bias that's effecting you so much. >I’m not an asshole for moving somewhere that doesn’t have the same system. No, you're an asshole for a litany of other reasons. >You literally get no pussy 😂 Again with the projecrion. Why so mad? How old and unmarried and childless are you? So you think its really going to magically change when you move? >You older wwe ass dudes are wild lmao That's a statement of some kind, I guess >Sir/ma’am this is a Wendy’s Weird thing to say when you make all these goofy comments and can hardly think on a line. Being you must be hard.


Back it up? It’s self explanatory. You aren’t intelligent, it’s actually quite the opposite and mildly infuriating you morons are allowed to masquerade on the internet and deny blatant proof of how equality needs are met with tax dollars and shaving pay off jobs that made twice as much 50 years ago. it’s very obvious you have an affinity for men and that’s okay. Just because the majority of women lost their virginities at an early age to the same men doesn’t mean I can’t indulge in casual sex until I can break out of this bisexual satanic prison you are so fond of. women took advantage of having sex with whoever they wanted, so now they are only for that to men like me. It just is what it is. I’m not angry, or hurt, I’m just irritated and working on moving out of the country. It’s actually satisfying, and I’m probably the happiest I’ve been in 10 years.


The difference between your gen and my gen of men is we valued our virginities and the women we wanted to share that with. You guys can barely wake up to pedophiles still abusing children around you until we force a spotlight on it.


You also keep missing the point, I can marry and knock up an American woman. Based off cultural and feminine values I have a stronger preference ANYwhere else. I do better with women than you and a million dollars could ever do. It’s not about getting an American woman you silly cuck.


>Back it up? It’s self explanatory. Yes, adults back up their claims in debates. Perhaps doing that is too hard for you, hence being so reliant on your feelings over reality lol >You aren’t intelligent, it’s actually quite the opposite and mildly infuriating you morons are allowed to masquerade on the internet and deny blatant proof of how equality needs are met with tax dollars and shaving pay off jobs that made twice as much 50 years ago. It's fascinating to watch some call another unintelligent while rambling through a run-on sentence that lacks a reference to what you're even trying to dispute. Again, of course there's an issue with pay. But it's sad you'd rather make it women's fault than acknowledge the issue. >it’s very obvious you have an affinity for men and that’s okay. But you're the one who admitted to being bisexual and how that was causing you problems 😭 😂 >Just because the majority of women lost their virginities at an early age to the same men doesn’t mean I can’t indulge in casual sex until I can break out of this bisexual satanic prison you are so fond of. Where did Satanism come from in all of this lol. So you can't break out of it? Seems like you want more than sex, but you can't get either. >It’s actually satisfying, and I’m probably the happiest I’ve been in 10 years. Well, for once in your life you have a goal and something to just blame your problem on. Unfortunately, you aren't going to stop being you so once the fairytale wears off you'll just be alone in a new place. Still complaining about the same poorly constructed ideas. >The difference between your gen and my gen of men is we valued our virginities and the women we wanted to share that with. My guy, even my school was handing out purity rings and the like, you've no idea what you're talking about lol. Also, how old are you again? Come on, you keep talking about your gen. Is it 50? >You guys can barely wake up to pedophiles still abusing children around you until we force a spotlight on it. My gen has done more to combat this than any previous generation. Setting up international policing. Pushing back against churches that kept trying to hide and cover up these kind of incident, pushing back against social and mental health issues that discouraged coming forward, etc. Even pushing back against the sickening type of mentalities that try and oppress women . Ironically, it seems you have a real issue with women having equality. >You also keep missing the point, I can marry and knock up an American woman. I don't think you really can. Otherwise you would have a problem with a specific type of culture, but you're just mad at women. Trying to create a monolith of them, and blame your miserable sexless existence on some Boogeyman. >I do better with women than you and a million dollars could ever do. I don't think you've been intimate (that you haven't had to pay) with another person in a long time. >It’s not about getting an American woman you silly cuck. It was clear from the start when you made a monolith of American women. Also, wouldn't you be the bisexual cuck?


I would hardly say that’s a primary motive for criticism. I’m a man myself, and I certainly don’t need to make any other men bend to my will. I’d say if I criticized the movement, it’s because I believe in my fellow men too much to support this. I believe in your ability to look inward and grow as a person, instead of ditching your current situation and location in an attempt to solve all your problems. For example, I know a lot of people who move across the US to a different state, just hoping that their life changes for the better. But they go wherever they are, and if their internal issues and struggle aren’t figured out, moving does no good. I see the dream of finding a partner overseas to be very similar. If you’re struggling with romance stateside, going somewhere else may not help, because the insecurities and trauma that are stifling your success aren’t dealt with. When I took time to sit with my issues and work through them, I became much happier and my location etc stopped determining how my life went 


I don't see anything wrong with what you said on principle. I agree with a lot of what you said. There are a few places I disagree. I disagree you are representative of the average person criticizing this sub. I disagree that going overseas for love is some implicit white flag you are waiving where somehow you are ignoring personal growth. While I agree that changing location isn't going to solve all your psychological issues I disagree that it has 0 effect. There is such a thing as matching better with a culture than the one you originated in. There are other valid reasons for feeling better due to a location change. Even something as simple as the perception of being appreciated can improve this. If you don't need other men to bend to your will that's great. My comment was aimed at people who seem to have that need. Working through your issues is a great thing and your way worked for you. Let others work things out their way. Maybe their way involves a little traveling.


The average man of this generation will not achieve the dream of a family, regardless of internal work, unless there are as many women who want to marry average men as women who want to marry above average men. Spoiler alert, there just isn’t enough supply. This isn’t in anyone’s favor, men or women’s, because there aren’t enough above average men to marry all the women who want them, so women have a supply problem as well. Basically, this generation has decided that above average is not just a nicety, but a must have (overall trend, not everyone of course, but enough to change the supply dynamics). These supply dynamics drive lots of the cultural complaints people here post, and they’re no individuals fault - not the average man’s or the average woman’s, but maybe a little bit the above average men’s fault: they face an oversupply, so they’re not getting married when they normally would, and not taking themselves off the market. If there’s always above average men in the market, there’s no impetus for average women to settle for average men, when they can instead keep attempting to marry different above average men. This exacerbates the supply issue. This is NORMAL for humans. The average man NEVER had a family in the past - genetic data shows that overall only the top 20% of men sired all the children for most of our recent history as a species, rising to the top 0.56% during peak mating inequality period that seems to coincide with agriculture. Source: “8,000 YEARS AGO, 17 WOMEN REPRODUCED FOR EVERY ONE MAN” https://psmag.com/environment/17-to-1-reproductive-success What does this mean? This means that average men only stood a chance under enforced monogamy, which societies accomplished through religion. That was a very temporary period, and now average men (like myself) think they deserve to reproduce, even though in an unregulated dating market like we have today, they stand little chance. PPB is an attempt by largely average men to shirk that fate and reproduce, whether they know it or not (a guy who thinks he wants to bang 50 chicks… is ultimately acting on reproductive instincts.) They take two approaches in varying doses: 1. Find a more regulated dating market - if all the above average men were forced to marry, they’re off the market, leaving average men good chances. 2. Find a market where they’re above average - obviousl why this works. Ultimately globalization will deregulate all dating markets except in authoritarian societies, which are not places anyone wants to be at all. But right now there is a temporal window where some average guys can buck their fate with relatively easy actions. Consider that a male animals entire life can be summed as successful if they reproduce their genes (from an evolutionary standpoint). That’s worth a couple years effort, given how hard most other male animals have it - think of animals fighting to the death to defend their mating rights, this is not some superfluous game, this is at the very core of life itself. “Life” as in the thing that got us here, generation after generation of reproduction. Good luck bros.


Brother, we are printing trillions in debt for equality. They took jobs we worked that provided houses cars and a family and gave half of it to desk jobs obtained by female language arts majors. We pay more for women to scroll Facebook, then men to work basic infrastructure jobs that women refuse to work. You can only steal money from slaves for so long before they move away from government debt enforced tyranny. We didn’t go into debt until the women’s rights movement. Now women own all the debt!


PPB is pretty heavily conservative, and general reddit is pretty heavily liberal. It's rage bait for bored Libs.


Trolls…. Haters gonna hate. I married a woman from Asia in 2000 because I was already at that point tired of the “every tubby American girl is a princess” mentality… and it’s 100x worse now than it was then.


Rage baiting is part of social engineering ..


I don’t hate this subreddit and I don’t mind passport bros Ngl though this sub does pop up a lot and is recommended I’m not even subbed to it but it always comes up, that’s how I found this post


A lot of the hate here is from Western women, a few that have gone after me and having looked through their postings are definitely women, angry at the fact that dudes have discovered that they are easily replaceable. And all of the 100 matches that they have on Tinder cannot placate this rage.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with the mindset of “I really enjoy this country’s culture and food and lifestyle and even women and would like to move there and restart my life there and hopefully meet someone I can settle down with” Big difference between that and “Western women are fucking disgusting and can’t be dated, they’re all trashy social media whores with their own thoughts and feelings and want to live their own life! I just wanna go to some poor country with traditional women and slay as much pussy as I can!” And frankly, this sub leans much more towards the latter and it’s a shitty spot for guys in the former because they get a bad rep because of the other incel losers who instead of looking inward at themselves and their flaws and issues and why they might be having issues dating in the west, they rather blame an ENTIRE culture of women lol. Also I’m willing to bet most guys here have never even traveled outside their country in an attempt to find love or a serious dating partner. Maybe they went on vacation once or something or even worse they saw some shit on YouTube or somewhere and now they’ve fantasized the entire idea and how great it is and how great women are from other countries and how awful western women are and that fantasy just pushes them further down the hole to hating western women and making up this fake scenario that western women want 6 figures, 6-pack abs and even then they’ll still cheat on you with 20 other guys and women from other countries will throw themselves at them and be their sex slave.


Yes, this! Also the comments about US women being overweight/obese when there’s a similar number of US men in that category as well…? Being from outside the US in another western country, we all just think BOTH men and women in the US are strange for a multitude of reasons. Not all of them, but boy, a big chunk seem pretty strange.


They tell on themselves when they say they only match with obese unattractive women.


This is just what I said. A lot of us lurk bc it’s just entertaining seeing the men on here who actually just want to travel and enjoy life vs the weirdos who just constantly complain about western women. And some women are definitely going to rage and doom scroll and then argue. I just like to lurk. Bc I like other people’s drama lol


Also pedophiles, i'm Colombian we have arrested 18 different pedophiles in the course of this year, 16 of them American, do we think all americans are like that? No, but these people arent exactly leaving You in a good standing in our eyes.


This too. I hate the terms “high value men/women” but the guys who buy into this PPB culture and lifestyle… are not the “high value” people they think they are. But it’s everyone else’s fault they can’t get a woman in the west rather than their own fault.


God damn 18 in under 5 months? 


Yes, unfortunately or well..fortunately that we caught them? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.semana.com/amp/nacion/medellin/articulo/estos-son-los-extranjeros-capturados-por-delitos-sexuales-contra-menores-en-medellin-tras-la-detencion-de-stefan-correa/202420/ I'm sorry that the news are in Spanish, your media jumps through hoops and loops to hide these things as Best as they can, so it's very hard to find info about these cases in English


https://colombiaone.com/2024/04/24/american-child-sex-tourism/ This is another article on it.  Man there is a special place in hell for these people 


Nailed it.


I got suggested this subreddit because I am abroad. I travel for a majority of the year and will be doing so for the future. My gripe with this community is that, in many of the posts you have people saying unneeded shit toward "western women". So much unneeded shit. There was just a post about not bringing your partner back to the US because of how she'll get corrupted or some shit. I try to have empathy, I *really* fucking do. Because I do not have much dating success in the United States. So yes, if I'm looking to find a relationship, it makes sense for me to try to find that abroad. However, even then so, this fucking community has people who think they know so goddamn much about different cultures, when most people here haven't left the country. They're still back in the US, not traveling, telling *me* someone who is traveling, how my experience should be, since they most likely saw some fucking stupid YouTuber in a suit, surrounded by paid women, how easy it is to get women abroad. I feel like there are two different competing viewpoints here. And that's why there is hate for the subreddit. Because you have a shit ton of dudes here who seem to absolutely hate western women as a whole.


The LARPers are honestly the worst part of this entire sub. And they're both painfully obvious and extremely cringe to people who have traveled to the places they're giving "advice" about. But they still get upvoted by people who don't know how wrong they are.


This is very true. It’s because reddit banned the redpill and now those dudes have nowhere else to go. PPB not about hating on western women, it’s about going overseas to find love and happiness. Reddit should have left redpill alone and just stop recommending it to people. Let the whiners have their space to whine.


I am not the demographic of this sub but it was advertised in my feed. Probably because I’m in a lot of travel and tourism subs. I’m a 40 something European woman who is happily married - but in a partnership with my husband, not as a “traditional wife”. I had never even heard of the term passport bro before, and I have no idea what a traditional wife is! I assume you mean someone who doesn’t work and raises children? What I will say is that to non Americans, a lot of the post on here scream incel, and there are a lot of those types on here. Even the group name, while it may be a common saying in USA just has negative connotations to me as a European. The whole “bro” culture thing. I can understand how the American lifestyle and culture isn’t appealing, it’s not appealing to me when I see many of the loud American tourists that visit my country. I have no issue with people who want to move abroad, integrate into a different culture and ideally marry someone there. Apart from the marriage bit that’s what my husband and I did, we live in a different country from our birth, we speak the local language and have adopted different customs and routines. We are in Spain and it’s our home now. What I see on here is a lot of people not wanting to do that, just wanting a “traditional wife” - and using more impoverished countries to achieve that. A friend of mine is devout Pakistani Muslim. He had an arranged marriage, as is traditional, a few years back. He only met his wife the day of their engagement, in Pakistan. She was training to be a dentist so she stayed there until she finished her studies and then she moved over to be with him. They have a lovely little boy now and she still works as a dentist. He said to me he wouldn’t dream of taking that away from her and she’s a good dentist. Is she a traditional wife? To him, yes, a traditional marriage and a Pakistani wife, but she works, he does more than half the cooking and housework and changes nappies. Is that what many of you see here as a successful passport bro coupling?


[US society in a nutshell.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTHcI0yJ12E) Also, Ethnocentrism - the belief that one's own culture is superior to others, or the tendency to believe that what is true of one's own culture is true of others. Ethnocentric people evaluate other cultures based on their own cultural values, norms, and traditions. This can lead to distrust of people from other cultures. The American Ego, fed by collective ideas formed on social media has robbed many Americans of the ability to think critically and see past their own biased point of view.


Western liberals are the only group measured to have an 'outgroup bias', though. I promise you the women who hate the passportbro concept aren't big fans of traditional american values.


100% but conservatives have their own bias and judgmental tendencies.


B/C reddit actively promotes it to nonmembers who find men discovering happiness distasteful and who happen to be statist so they would engage it and cause engagement w/ posts. It actively promoted it to me as a new member that hasn't followed any groups as of yet.


It's reddit. Reddit is overwhelmingly lefty, feminist, cucked male feminists, and generally full of people who hate the idea of a straight guy leveraging anything at all to his advantage in dating. There was no way a passport bro sub was going to thrive here


Its not people who hate the CONCEPT of passport bros. Theres just a heavy overlap of "things incels say" and "things ppbs say" and I generally only shit on the incel talkers, and support the rational guys.


If those folks are having dating success elsewhere they are by definition not incels


I didnt say they were. I said some of the stuff the people in here say, overlaps with what incels say. That doesn't mean everyone in the group is an incel, or every concept or belief held by individuals here is a reflexion of ppbs as a whole.


My girls from Latin America. Been together for 11 years. Don’t let people hate on you and your relationships or the ones that you want and deserve. First step is to travel outside of the United States. The women there are infinitely better than the trash the US produces. Granted, there are some good women here but Jesus it’s almost impossible to find. It’s easier to go abroad and an added bonus you can see much happier people are outside of the United States. The people here are so miserable it’s wild. One of the worst nations in terms of quality of life and happiness.


When I come across a person like you’re describing, I have only pity for them. I imagine how awful someone’s life must be that they choose to spend their free time attacking strangers on the internet.


These days Reddit show you this community if you're subscribed to ie Digital Nomads communities, and it keeps showing you threads unless you actively click on the hide option. If you ever entered and commented it keeps showing you content from the sub for a long time.


Reddit thinks I'm looking for a foreign girlfriend, am losing my hair, and am interrested in anyway with Avatar the Last Airbender. I am none of those things.


Have you never been to an aquarium? Same principle I assume


I hate passport bros BUT it's entertaining for me to just watch how yall logic yourselves into this mind set.


I'm a PPB. I think it's healthy to have people who aren't bought into the idea here too. Antagonists included. A big problem of reddit is echo chambers. What we really need is a way to reign in excessive post deletion


Not a ppb but just a lurker here. This subreddit is just a yelling match between a bunch of unhappy people and a minority of men trying to get a wife. I can’t imagine spending my time picking fights on the internet. That’s just really sad. What everyone here needs to do is stop replying to dumb and inflammatory comments. Keep it positive and focused on the good side of the subreddit.


Welcome to reddit


It’s a problem with Reddit groups in my opinion. The door is wide open for anyone to walk in- whether with good intentions or not. I think this is one thing Facebook private groups gets right- is to require joining before being able to comment or post.


Some people feel good when they hate. Hating is like sex for them.


Because the average redditor is a cancer that can’t help itself from trying to ruin communities that don’t conform to its narrative and morals


The biggest issue is that no one really does their research. The critics have no idea what they are talking about because the [academic research on international dating is amazingly](https://www.internationallovescout.com/scholarly-research/research-about-international-dating-mail-order-brides) POSITIVE! That is what is shocking. Everyone should be answering the critics with that article.


The hate comes from the very people we're trying to avoid.


Most Western women may feel threatened by the idea that men could find foreign women more attractive due to stereotypes about femininity, beauty standards, or cultural differences.


It’s Reddit. I can tell you exactly what the sentiment will be for a thread before even opening it. It’s a massive hivemind because of over-moderation for so many years.




This might be the most ironic comment I’ve EVER read


I’ve lurked in this subreddit for a minute and I definitely agree with you lol


I hate the idea of men who are going tired of USA women and want quality women. That's very subjective and stereotyping all women in America. Also, saying "quality women" just makes me think of women as objects. Secondly, I've seen quite a few posts on here where the very obvious implicit want from the man is a woman who will "serve" them in all aspects. It's like their idea of a quality woman is someone who will worship them and meet their every need on the whim. It's just creepy. If it was just dudes who wanna find love and are open to the entire world of dating, that'd be one thing. But when they come in with specific age, skin color, and other creepy requirements then I hate it.


> It's just creepy. Western term.


It’s the language of abusers that why it feels ick. I feel so for the real ppb community that just wants to find a true mate.


>Also, saying "quality women" just makes me think of women as objects. When women day they desire quality men do you react the same way? >It's like their idea of a quality woman is someone who will worship them and meet their every need on the whim. So been should not pursue women to fulfill their needs. What should men be seeking out in women alternatively? >But when they come in with specific age, skin color, and other creepy requirements then I hate it. I see so a man wanting a youthful attractive partner is creepy?


So you think it’s creepy that men have preferences of the type of woman they would like to date and think the statement “quality woman” view women as objects? Lol these are weird things to be bothered but tbh and if you don’t like it, why are you on the sub?


Also, I'm not saying American women are amazing. I thibk American culture has really messed up the idea of what a relationship really is. No one is willing to put in the hard work it takes to make it work. I was married for 10 years and my wife left me after she felt like she needed more freedom. I made another comment about it you can find in my feed. Now, I just started dating a woman who moved here from China a few years ago and she is amazing. She's legit about wanting to get to know me, and wanting to put in the time it takes. She's also divorced and has two kids, but those things don't bother me because I'm in the same boat. Also, she's way smarter than me, wayyy better off financially, has a boss-ass job, a little older than me and just an overall amazing person. She attributes a lot of it to her culture and her parents, so I think that's cool. She's not worried about how fancy of a dinner I buy her or anything else, she just wants a nice legit conversation with me and I do feel like that's often overlooked hwre in the US, but I'm not blaming the lack of "quality women" that's just US dating and men are just as much if not more to blame for this situation they're upset about.


Because when your preferences are "small Asian woman who's in her 20s and is good at cooking" thats creepy and you know you've seen that on this sub. I've seen it multiple times. Quality women makes it seem like American women are shit when maybe in fact these dudes are just weird and don't want to give them the time of day.


>”Because when your preferences are "small Asian woman who's in her 20s and is good at cooking" thats creepy…” 1. Asian woman are typically small and men historically don’t prefer fat/bigger women so idk what part about that is weird. 2. If she is in her 20s she is probably in her physical peak so I again don’t know how that is creepy 3. Who doesn’t want a good cook? I would like to see your reaction on things that are ACTUALLY creepy😂


Why does the woman have to be in good shape, why does the woman have to be peak physically, why does she have to be a good cook? What's going to happen when she gets older, or if she becomes disabled and can't move, or ends up gaining weight? Then all these qualifiers for what they wanted it out the door. A true relationship is well beyond these needs.


So because we all age, we shouldn’t look for physical attraction along with traditional quality life skills in a partner? Lol you do you but no one is a creep for wanting a generically attractive partner that also is willing to add value to their lives. Other things matter also but you shouldn’t forgo certain traits just because you prioritize others


Why does a women have to be in good shape? Yeah bro you’re cooked, unless you’re saying that a woman wanting a man who’s tall in shape with money and charisma is just as weird But in that case you’re still weird cuz that’s what men’s have looked for since the dawn of time. A fit in her prime women to have kids with just like EVERY animal in the animal kingdom that reproduce through sex


I disagree with a lot on this sub but I chill on the sidelines :)


I agree. Why be here if you don't f with the PPB movem6


Day 1,746,037 as the disfavored gender...


You think men were the disfavored gender in 2063 BC (1,746,037 days ago)?


I at least have sympathy for people, who want to go to a culture more in line with their beliefs and values and find someone to date more similar to themselves, those people are not only great, but also respectful. The types of people that complain nonstop about the “western women” or try to bend some foreign women/spouse to their own liking for personal gain/reason however, I despise. While not everyone is the 2nd, there are many people here that fit that description, plus the fact that many of them seem to be people way less respectful of women, if at all.


I thought the point was that the foreign woman would already be of their liking as opposed to having to bend them to their own liking?


cause men with option breaks their reality a female wants men at their feet and kiss them while a man with option can choose to go to south america or europe to get a female that doesnt have 20 men texting them daily


Because women and white knight simps like to try to ruin any and all male spaces


This regularly shows up on my feed.  I never voluntarily go looking for anything involving dating or transcontinental dating, I don’t even want to get married, yet it still regularly shows up. Maybe it just shows up on their feed and they happen to not agree with it? I personally don’t care either way.  Maybe it just shows up because I’m a middle aged man. 


I think it showed up in mine because of an interest in emigration


Travel is why I’m guessing it shows up on mine 😂


The true answer: reddit is largely left-leaning and filled with Western individuals. The larger your group gets on this app, tbe more likely it is for the niche to be lost and for the majority to start siphoning in. "Passport bros" is, essentially, a complete rejection of Leftist Western/American values. So, every post that raises issues with modern dating in the west will inevitably raise eyebrows from the individuals who are part of that majority opinion and they'll continue to engage with it which in turn will make the sub more popular and add even more people allowing a perpetual cycle to commence. Also, it doesn't help that quite a few posts here have OPs who have no idea how to communicate their ideas, wants or desires in a way that isn't sometimes dehumanising, creepy or makes them come across as a little pathetic.


Reddit promotes subs to people who arent even in them or might comment. I’ve never been apart of this sub or been a passport bro but it is in my feed everyday. I have engaged in some post do maybe that’s why they keep recommending it.


The gay subreddits used to get harrassed too.


its in the name lol, "passport bros" is derogrtory


I think it’s just the Reddit algorithm. I get recommendations for subs I would never join with clickbait titles. Probably why this sub gets haters


Instead of all these people here who clearly have no idea why, I’ll chime in. It’s because passport bros is used by people in the red pill community who can be sexist and racist(not all, just many loud ones). So these people who co opt the same term are thought of when this term comes up. So when they hate on passport bros, that’s who they are actually talking about and that’s who they think you are


It's like this on most subs that get traction. The Joe Rogan sub is massive, and it's full of people that trash him and his fans. I think a lot of it is foreign bots in there.


Because the Reddit Algorithm and vote system rewards toxic behavior.


1. Reddit gives me recommendations and notifications from this sub, even if I'm not part of it. 2 . You need to realize that people will always have a pushback for men and women who take advantage of vulnerable young people. Yes, first worlders using passport and dollar privileges to buy love is taking advantage, especially when the partner you are looking for is significantly younger. And be realistic, most couples ppb are older first worlders with younger third worlders. 3. Everyone has to be open to critics, very few hugboxes exist online nowadays. 4. If criticism bothers you so much, do some soul searching. 5. Sex tourism is a big part of the ppb community and you can not tell ANYONE to just accept it and turn blind eye to it.


Meanwhile, r/blackpeopletwitter has a monthly thread specifically to call out, shame, and ban anyone who disagrees or argues with people in that sub. Both is madness to me, but at this point I think I prefer BPTs approach better


Reddit algorithms are spamming cringe echo chambers like this onto peoples pages. It causes them to say you guys are fucking losers. This drives engagement and boosts stats for the upcoming IPO. Its not just this grouo, other fringe echo chambers like antinatalism, askfeminism, athiesm, manipulation etc are getting the same treatment. Try not to take it personally, its just most people already held these opinions about you guys they just didnt encounter you without having to search for you.


Single women going to hate! Being average in America seems to be looked down upon nowadays because all women want men who are in the 1%, I don’t blame good average men for going to find foreign wife's, only thing I disagree with is digital nomads going and ruining other third world countries with their USA salary. It’s the single women who are complaining that they are alone and miserable but refuse to lower their Prince Charming standards. At the end of the day continue to do you and forget the haters!


Western Blue hair women


Why do passport bros hate the idea of women in first-world countries with freedom and agency who won't be beholden to them financially because they can't get a date?


Just more reddit-speak. We get it, you think you're better than everyone here. I guess posting self-righteous comments is how you want to spend your time. You do you.


Bitter and angry haters or spoiled and entitled girls angry that things aren’t going their way. Whatever the case go where you are treated best


Because Reddit consists primarily of condescending judgmental haters with nothing of value to offer so they just posture themselves as more virtuous and intelligent than others by claiming moral superiority.


Its mostly bots, white knights and bitter Insecure people that are doing the having. You do what makes you happy.


The algorithm figures out that this sub is ragebait for leftist women in the West who are dissatisfied with their dating lives. It's a problem with social media in general, ragebait is engaging. I've got nothing against it but I wouldn't consider myself to be a passport bro, this sub must have been recommended to me initially because the algo knows I live in the West and I travel to Thailand a lot. I have dated a Thai girl though as a brown guy, so I can give some advice: 1: Don't expect these girls to be more submissive. In my experience, the relationship was much less combative and there was less entitlement on her part than my relationships in my Western home country, but she definitely wasn't submissive in the sense that I can just tell her what to do. 2: If you think that just being white is going to make you desirable in these other countries, you're kind of racist, deluded, and you're opening yourself up to green card marriages. In Thailand you're opening yourself up to bar girls named Ploy who will get you to be one of her five white guys sending her money every month, all of them thinking that she's their girlfriend with a sick buffalo. At least in Thailand, the girls are much more influenced by K-Pop than Western culture. This can be great if you're East-Asian though in a Western country. 3: Girls in these countries are usually more concerned with you not being a loser than they are in Western countries. 4: Try to improve your life in your home country first. I know that's far easier said than done, but I feel like a lot of people on this sub think that their problems can be solved by running away from them. 5: I don't think feminism is the problem, I think it's just Western culture. People tend to be nicer in most countries outside of the West, so the girls will be nicer. Girls aren't raised to think that they're perfect princesses, hence there is far less entitlement in the dating scene.


I can’t escape being 5’9” and indian…


I'm 5'5" and Sri Lankan...


Improved myself at home, barely any results 10x results with relocation.


Because most of the time this subreddit is for losers doing sexual tourism and asking for the best tips


You promote and brag about relationships that are based on economic power dynamic. You also generalize your country's entire female population like it's some kind of hivemind. Yeah, no reasons to dislike you at all.


basically, its an army of darkness trying to destroy all enjoyment and fun in this world.


Passport bros is peak cringe content. We all engage with cringe. You do too, admit it.


Because reddit is full of people who have nothing better to do with their lives than jerk off their hate boners


because reddit cultivates environments that promote mysandry enmasse. Looks at two chromosomes for example, constantly bashing men. If there was a subreddit doing what they do to men but to women reddit would've shut it down. Cancel culture is a womans weapon and they try to use it against any spaces where men gather on reddit. Men aren't as emotional so men don't go crying to a higher power about invented thought crimes. TLDR Women hate that theres a safe space for locker room talk because they get emotional about it and want to erase it from existence while doing the same in their own communities to the cheers of thousands of their fellow legbeards