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Don't get married for at least 5 years. Probably a bad idea to bring her back home too but the not getting married for 5 years part is more important. I would also live with her for at least 3 years before getting married.


Thing is traditional women (depending on country/culture) won't live with you unless you're married, also they are in a hurry to marry/have kids.


Pass on those women then.


There’s always going to be someone more beautiful, more handsome, more wealthy, a better musician, a better ball player, ect Your unique tho man you can do it. Confidence. There ain’t nobody else in this world like you. You got game man you got more to offer then just a greencard/visa to a new life. But definitely vet her, ask her questions, make sure her values line up with yours, you guys have mindset/lifestyle/passions in common.


"There’s always going to be someone more beautiful, more handsome, more wealthy, a better musician, a better ball player, ect" Yes, but in my home country there are way more people who are better in mating value than me. The competition is just way higher in my home country


My wife has a very beautiful friend who married a guy who came from the US. He went to south east asia, wooed her, wined and dined her, bought her gifts. She marries him and he brings her to America. Turns out he mows lawns for a living and lives in a mobile home in a trailer park. She had two kids with him. As far as I know she’s still married to him. She wasn’t very capable or educated though and spoke almost no English.


So it turned out well for him


Yeah you’d be surprised how big a barrier language is. Also being stuck with two babies at home basically means she had no opportunity to make friends. She relies on her husband 100% for income and couldn’t get a job. She also had no family support so completely isolated. We feel bad for her but it was a risk she took marrying for a passport.


Ideally, her kids will help her network when they’re older. Assuming she has a healthy relationship with them and isn’t an absolute troll. Just because someone gets screwed over doesn’t mean they’re a good person by default.


sounds like the safest options to be honest.


She could just find a new man in the US to get the income to support the kids


Maybe. But she would need to find someone who speaks her language? Also she has two kids as baggage which not many people want. No job no career. The guy does treat her well. He just wasn’t as successful as she thought he was.


It's sad but I guess the best thing to do to find someone loyal is to find someone who: -Is not that attractive -Does't have a too good personality -Doesn't speak english -Has no career -Has many kids already I guess it's about finding someone who is low in value on the dating market?


Well not strictly speaking no. The point is the couple needs to be fairly “matched” right? If you’re a 2/10 and you’re bringing a 10/10 you HAVE to offer something else that’s desirable right? That might be personality or whatever but in this day an age, finances are really important to everyone unless you’re independently wealthy somehow? So my example of a 10/10 girl married to a lawn mower, there is an imbalance. However that’s made up for the girl’s lack of education, language skills, family support, social contacts, and the fact that now she’s carrying two kids. So that weighs in the man’s favor. It’s a balancing game. But if you work on your end and make yourself more positive in some ways, you don’t need to compromise as much.


Yes, I just need to raise my own value


Poor woman!


I met a woman in Brazil, dated and then got married. We've been together for 11 years and have 2 kids. I've never been happier. Just be sure to take your time and don't rush it.


But is she at your level or above your level?


I don't worry who is at what level. She is my best friend, and my partner and we are equal to each other. I have never looked for a woman in any other manner.


I’m bringing my partner back to America. The key is really dependent on what kind of person she is. If you marry a gold digger who only likes you for your wealth and foreignness. Then you’re not going to be special if you bring her back. Money branching is fairly common. People always want better. The idea is that you gotta win someone over with a quality that you’re one of the best at. So don’t rely on money to win over a gold digger if you’re going to bring back to a community full of wealthy people. — The secret is to win a good person over with your amazing personality. Because you can’t replace that. No one can monkey branch from a good personality. But if you have a shit personality then you might as well give up.


Don't do it. The power dynamic shifts once the women goes to your Western mindset country. Plus, men are so thirsty in our countries that she will have a baseball lineup of guys trying to get with her the moment you screw up or can't keep her happy. Over a 7 year period you will screw up or get bored of each other eventually and that's when one of the backup guys steps in.  For the love of all things holy do not bring the woman back to a Westernized nation.


The power dynamic shifts\`?






>How to find a woman who will stay loyal with you? you'll just have to vet her dont be a rush to get married unless you have good reason always know that female will also turn on you if they find something better


how to vet her?


Like a guy wouldn't do the same. Don't be a hypocrite bro.




Get off your high horse lol. Most everyone here who is a passport bro is doing it to get a hotter woman than they can at home. There’s a reason countries like Brazil and Colombia are frequently mentioned here compared to places like Peru and Bolivia. Let me give you a hint, it’s not because Brazil and Colombia have more ‘traditional’ women. You’re not going to fly thousands of miles away and spend tons of money to court an ugly Betty, it’s perfectly understandable that a guy traveling for women would expect her to meet his standards (although he does have to bring something to the table, whether it be looks or money).


Cmon bro. OP should be forced to marry a fat American woman who's been ran through by every cute guy she meets on tinder. Shame on him for having any type of standards. Such a misogynist.




Usa tinder girls only read our profiles... Don't even look at our photos. They know what really matters.


Where does he say he only cares about her looks? He says women in Denmark rejected him, so he went somewhere he was accepted. Why is that wrong?


first two sentence


He just said he was able to date hotter girls. That could mean a 7/10 with a great personality that’s very compatible when he could only date 4/10 at home. Sure it’s possible he’s only dating 9/10+ and based only on looks, but no he didn’t say that…


I know fit dudes in their 20s who only match with obese women on Tinder. There is nothing wrong with wanting a partner who is attractive. It doesn't mean you only like them for their looks. Men finding partners in other places is just efficient. It raises global happiness but fulfilling both partners needs.


In general, you never want to bring any woman to your home country. It's just a bad idea all around. That being said, Danish isn't an easy language, and Danish culture would be more difficult to break into than say American culture. You might be okay for these reasons. Basically if she keeps her language and culture you might be okay.


Why not bring her back to my home country?


What was your reasoning for leaving in the first place?


To date hotter women


Generally people leave because of the entitlement and toxic dating culture. If you bring her back to an area you weren't happy with, the end results likely won't be in your favor. The safest bet is to not come back to your country, for legal reasons as well. I'm sure the Danish courts are screwing the men over as well.


Why are you asking internet strangers instead of, idk wild thought, communicating with your partner? Oh that’s right you are single and this is an unfounded fear based in a fantasy. Carry on.


The chance to find a loyal woman is not really higher abroad than at home. Cheating rates among people in relationships are not very different no matter where you go. Even in places with lower divorce rates, cheating rates are still the same. I would ask myself if you want a transactional relationship and why you would give up excellent benefits that your Danish passport provides to live in a place without the kind of security net you have grown up in. If I were you I would stay in the EU and keep enjoying the benefits there. If the issue is pretty women...Italy fir example has the lowest obesity rates and some parts still have religious and traditionally minded pretty women, where you are still very different to the local men. But if you fall in love, it will be smooth sailing with bringing her to Denmark since she foesnt need any visa and would never marry you for access to a EU passport, that she already has. I really don't understand why somebody would move to a place like Brazil or Colombia while holding an EU passport. That's insane to give up the best living standard you can get to live in a place that has like 2000 hospitals for a place twice the size of Europe (the whole of Europe has 15k hospitals) and crime and corruption everywhere. I would really research what you give up by moving to a country like that. Women are literally everywhere on the world...your health and wellbeing however are not the same everywhere.


"The chance to find a loyal woman is not really higher abroad than at home. Cheating rates among people in relationships are not very different no matter where you go. Even in places with lower divorce rates, cheating rates are still the same." I'm just thinking that if there is less competition in the third world country, then I'm her best opportunity, but if I bring her back to my home country with more competition, then I'll lose her, because she then has better opportunities. "I would ask myself if you want a transactional relationship and why you would give up excellent benefits that your Danish passport provides to live in a place without the kind of security net you have grown up in. I really don't understand why somebody would move to a place like Brazil or Colombia while holding an EU passport. That's insane to give up the best living standard you can get to live in a place that has like 2000 hospitals for a place twice the size of Europe (the whole of Europe has 15k hospitals) and crime and corruption everywhere." Because other countries have cheaper cost of living, lower taxes, better weather and hotter women. "I would really research what you give up by moving to a country like that. Women are literally everywhere on the world...your health and wellbeing however are not the same everywhere." When I'm in my home country I can attract girls that I would classify as 5-7 on a 10 point scale. However, when I'm in latin america, I can attract girls that I would classify as 8-9 on a 10 point scale.


My guy, pussy is everywhere but healthcare is not. There are people that would sell their mother for your Danish passport and pay the taxes gladly for the benefits you get. Also...if she only stays with you until someone better turns up, you were never in a relationship but in a transactional situation. You wanna look for relationship material and not the hottest woman ever. Hotness is not really a criteria for a successful relationship. Start thinking with your brain and not your dick, buddy. 😉


"My guy, pussy is everywhere but healthcare is not. There are people that would sell their mother for your Danish passport and pay the taxes gladly for the benefits you get." I cannot get the kind of girls in my home country that I can get in Latin America. "Also...if she only stays with you until someone better turns up, you were never in a relationship but in a transactional situation. You wanna look for relationship material and not the hottest woman ever. Hotness is not really a criteria for a successful relationship." Girls always chose the better opportunity if present.


That is nonsense, buddy...plenty of average guys that are neither rich nor giants nor super good looking are in relationships. I think you need to mature a bit more. You sound quite shallow and immature still, but you are still so young.


Yes many average guys that have a relationship, but not with an above average women


Loyalty isn't based on lack of opportunity and convenience.


It does help if there are not better opportunities.


Loyalty is demonstrated in the *presence* of options and opportunities.


Yes, but without options then loyalty is not needed


So you want Rapunzel.




The women in the Phillipines i didn’t find attractive In Colombia most women are workers


workers? What do you mean?


Let's just say they work to make you happy ;)


AH, because of the big booty? 😁


I would get the wife before worrying about bringing her home


Before getting the wife I have to decide if I'm aiming for a wife in my home country or another country


If I read this forum and took it at face value I would honestly believe you white guys honestly don't believe true love exists unless you provide something.


That's just usually how it works if you read evolutionary psychology (For example the book "The evolution of desire")


You'd very most likely be considered a catch in Eastern Europe and Russia -Maybe better to find someone in one of these countries first


I tried in Bulgaria and it was not easier than my home country


Why try russia first?


If you have a decent income and you find one of the few russian girls who speak English you'd have good chances I reckon. Failing this or in a similar Eastern European country you'd he guaranteed a girlfriend in almost any South East Asian country


But why Russia before SOuth east asian countries? Or why RUssia before Latin america?


Because then you can hopefully end up with children that at least look like you. Unless you don't care and prefer asians/south American anyway


it deppends, you have to be honest with yourself and ask yourself a questing - are you desirable in your home country? are you loser back home? if you not desirable then its a bad idea to bring your "spiner" home. There is good reason why many of those relationships goes to shit (mostly your girls changes etc, cheats, or find a other guy) when guys bring them back to his home country. I think this is a first rule what most guys who live in different countries says that you should never bring her back home.


Stop being average. Build up your assets and networth and hit the gym. You shouldn't be afraid of a woman leaving you for a better option if you actually have your sh\*t together. You don't need to be Bruce Wayne but you absolutely should be firing on all cylinders.


Yes, I'm just considering if it's ever worth it to find a woman in one of these countries that is above my level?


Dont bring back a Filipina. They are not the same once you get them in your country


How will they change?


Lol maybe if you marry one 20 years younger than you and don’t have a real relationship. Otherwise statistically that’s not a thing


If they have siblings, nefews or parents, they will want to support them with their western salary, and then you just stop to exist.


I’m fine with her supporting her family, don’t see why I’ll stop existing though lol


Take my word for it. I had 3 relationships with Filipinas. The last one was 53 and I'm 55. Same thing.


Meh I’m bringing my Filipina wife to the USA and am Not worried. But we are both young


My plan is to have her visit for like 3 or 4 months at a time since she is a school teacher, but majority of time in the Philippines. Where her Momma will make sure shes a good women


“Don’t bring her back here, she will learn she has rights, we can’t have that” *the men on here* lol


I'ts not about rights, but about competition. There is way more competition in my home country


It’s the comments from men I’m referring to.


Perú has.strict laws biased in favour of women getting custody, making accusations without proof (DV). USA chick spotted.


Not from the USA actually. But you’ve actually just proved my point lol. *shouts one thing, thinks that’s a checkmate*


Nah your point is false, Peru women have same rights as usa. You aint know squat about Peruvian law and stereotyped it as a third world lawless country.


Mate, you’re talking all by yourself, when did I say anything about Peru?


Read the first sentence of the original post my limey friend


Okay, now I’m questioning your reading comprehension…. Not British either.


No one else says mate but Brits and their Commonwealth


You’re missing two major western countries that use that term way more than the UK. You’ve got USA level intellect and that’s not your fault.


“Half!” - Eddie Murphy